Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Aw, Abi, once my Indy is home and healed, you come out here for some major Golden :love He will play or just sit and put his head on your shoulder for hugs and loves...

We went to our food co-op today and there was a couple sitting on the bench outside with a beautiful white standard poodle. This particular thread was on my mind as DS walked right up to the woman and asked if it was okay to pet the dog! I had my hand ready to grab his collar and yank him back if he didn't ask. I forgot how well he's been trained! The answer was Of course!! He's here to be socialized! They were a young couple with no kids and were happy to have a calm child for the dog to spend a little time with. The dog was a doll, sniffing DS hands and standing still to be petted.
Hope Kai is healing well and being nice and calm.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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thanks SD and yep Kai is doing great.

yesterday, tho, she had a breakdown while the big dogs and i were doing chores. i came in and she had disemboweled on of the blankets. sheesh!

its going to be a long 10 - 14 days. the vet said no running or jumping, but do you think we could take her down to the local park for long walk? or just white knuckle it? she has a lot of wiggles from sleeping so much. normally we run her until she drops.

she's a good sleeper and doesnt screw around all nite. i cant stand to sleep in the same room as Titan - ear flapping, paw licking, tags jingling...and of course... big dog toots. Kai doesnt so that - whew!

today on the agenda is to solve the problem of musical house cats...by moving the creepy meats outside to the hen house. i'll be glad to get half of my basement back AND get the stink outside. sheesh!

also on the task list is to do the fencing for the new pigz. and we need to disassemble and rebuild the Hog Hut - heaven knows we got our moneys worth (cost = free). but its looking a little ragged.

AL - i loved hearing about your new friends!

we had a funny dog story yesterday. the Good Neighbors knew i was emotionally strained (from worrying about kai who is fine and i'm the only one who is upset) so they brought me some snacks. i was in the process of bringing Sunny up to be milked when i saw them walking over so i turned and walked to the gate.....

and we chatted...

then the mom said... hey! what Sunny doing....

and there was the goat practically yelling "HEY DONT FORGET TO MILK THE GOAT" with the dog dancing all around her trying to herd her to.... they didnt know where they were supposed to herd her so there was a lot of Fear Uncertainty and Doubt

and then a wild eyed goat when Sunny realized she was out manned and out gunned by the dogs who were determined to herd her somewhere.

so i got to show off my hard workin' farm dogs and called the boys off and told them to stand on the property line (over there *points*) and wait for me.

poor Sunny still standing there... "what about the goat!? did you forget about the goat!?"

so the neighbors laughed but inside i felt a little bad. their dogs dont even come when called. on Tuesday their dogs didnt come back in the morning and i had watch for them. actually Ti watched for them. when their dogs showed up Ti gave a 'one bark woof' and i knew they were back so i tromped over and put their dogs in their barn as instructed.


i got some snacks, remembered about the goat, ran the wiggles out of the big dogs...and then came in to find the puppy had run amok.

a lot happens here - even on a slow day.

happy saturday!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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I would think a nice walk would be fine for Kai. Our last dog was a wolf hybrid foisted on us by a 'friend' who ended up with a litter of puppies - and if I recall correctly, she scaled a fence just a few days after her surgery :rolleyes: There was no keeping that dog down. I really liked her, she was great in the house, but as soon as she got outside her wild instinct took over. We found a place to live that was better suited for her.
Anyway, yeah - take her out for awhile. I know you can control her so it'll be fine.

Enjoying the nice weather? I've been picking weeds for the goats and meaties. The goat's production has gone down some and I'm digging thistle when I find it. Hope it helps. I need to get them out to the fencerow for some munching time.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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i was just tellign someone that i was cutting that stupid wild rose for the goats - it really helped production. i've also been pulling thistles - those goaties just loved 'em.



Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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No, no, no! No walks for Kai. If you had a hysterectomy yesterday, do you think TBM would say, lets go for a long walk today? This is where DRUGS are good.

My goaties thought the peonies the prior owner planted were just the yummiest. And they also prefer the iris she planted over ANYTHING else in the whole forest.

Your neighbors dogs have a good life too. There are levels of "good" from a dogs perspective, but fed, warm, owned is always good. Many dogs would trade places with them I'm sure.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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thanks SD! i have a call into the vet - i dont even know her weight right now... you advice helps a lot. i got her a new bone at the feed store and we'll try loading it up with wet food.

and yep the neighbors dogs are very well loved... just a little dopey. their golden has had so many health problem... he's got 'hot spots' again. they shaved him and now he looks extra goosey.

*turns and looks*


oh golly its gonna be a long day......


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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If she is around 60-80 pounds she can have 50 mg benadryl. I would guess she is in that bracket. Most people have a little of that at home and it works good esp the first dose or two.

I'm sure they weighed her yesterday.

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