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Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Congratulations on the weight loss!

I wouldn't worry about your mom's weight loss. When you have a great deal of weight to lose, you always have a week or two in there where nothing happens, or you seem to gain a pound or two. The overall loss and your mom's improved health is the most important part.... aside from adjusting to maintenance after she is at the weight she wants to be.

The softball sounds like you aren't having fun with it. Personally, I would go, play, act like everything is fine, and avoid the political bs, or I'd quit. My dh quit his league because the enjoyment was gone.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
I agree with Kel. Things like that are supposed to be fun. It should be a stress reliever instead of a cause of stress.

It is just in the first games, though. Maybe Ron will get it all worked out.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Ahhhhh, politics. DH quit playing softball too cause of all the politics associated with it. There are always favorites and not necessarily the ones that can play well. It just got to the point where everyone was miserable and we had a few games that we had to forfeit because people just quit coming and we wouldn't have enough to play. Go with your gut!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I was talking to our children's pastor's wife today (on facebook)....the children's pastor plays on the softball team but he was not at the game Sunday because he had a test or something....anyways was talking to her and told her that I was very frustrated with softball and that I might quit. So, now I am waiting to see if she is going to say something to her DH...then see if he says something to Ron. She said that maybe Ron would listen to Jeremy (children's pastor) because he has played/coached baseball before. He would only listen to him because he is a guy!!
I am at peace with my decision now and softball is not really bothering me anymore. My decision is to go to practice this Saturday, go to the game on Sunday the 17th, and if things have not changed I will just walk away. I feel like the power is actually back in my hands just because I am at peace with walking away....therefore 'I' now have play and put up with it or walk away.

I have talked to DH and we are planning on going camping at least 3 times this summer. We only have a tent and are planning on going to the campground that is 25 minutes from here. I have told DH that regardless of other activities going on this summer I want to take at least three weekends and go even if it means missing graduation parties or other people activities that we are invited to.
We did not join a care group this year and I am really enjoying not being comitted to that activity! I feel like on those Sundays we can go out and do a family activity without having to be home to go to care group and once my softball games are over I do not feel like I have to rush back so we can make it to care group. I have also been somewhat disappointed that not one person has contacted us and invited us back to care group. We did not start up with one because I had the baby. No one from last years care group has made contact with us either to see how we are doing. I have been feeling very noncommitted to my church lately because I have been feeling very left out lately. Of course I am not calling all of them and keeping touch with them either so I know it works both ways!

The youth pastor...the boys piano/band teacher... called last week to see if the boys were going to come back to piano. I told him that I just did not want to go back to running the kids to activities 7 days a week like I was before I had the baby (<----key point there) and that anything that DH could not take the kids to in hte evening got dropped! So, I told him that I would bring the boys back to band on Monday but I was not going to be going out on Tuesday to start lessons back up again. Talked to him on Sunday to confirm band practice....showed up to band practice on Monday and NO ONE was there!! UGH! He had a concert he was putting on Monday night and did not tell me that there was no band practice this week. He did not put two and two together that he just talked to me the day before and I said I would bring them and that he had canceled practice. Unorganized people who are in charge of stuff just make me go ERRRR!!

I think I just need some chocolate or a bag of Doritos!!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.

I know what you mean. Sometimes it's nice when your time is really your time. I hate rushing around. I used to be a "people pleaser". Now, I know it's more important to "be at peace" (like you said) about my decisions.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
I almost stayed home from church (because of my whole woe is me attitude). I am glad I went. I got the chance to bless someone!! I dropped DH and the kids off and then I ran to Dollar General to pick up pull I just happened to have my wallet in my back pocket. (I do not carry a purse and generally do not carry cash.) A gentlemen came to our church and needed some gas $$. I just happened to have a gas gift card. I only knew I had it because I had to put gas in DH's car when I used it to go to the softball game on Sunday. There was not very much on ($14) but it will be enough to get the guy to where he is going. He lives about 40 minutes from church and his brother who goes to our church asked him to go to our church to pick something up for him. Well he thought that the church was near his brother's house...who lives 25 minutes from the church. So when he got to where he was going he realized he was not able to make it back. He had no $$ or anything on him. It felt really good to be able to bless him!

Then, my mom called and asked me to stop by her house after church. (Called DH while I was at Dollar General) My brother got me a really nice Victorio Strainer at a garage sale for me!!! He paid a $1 for and then just gave it to me!!! How cool is that!! I have always had to borrow my mom's when I have done my applesauce and stuff.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
I just made some dehydrated onion powder. I did up like 15 small/medium onions. I chopped them up then dehydrated them and then ran them through the food chopper to turn them into powder. It did not even half fill a pint jar. Whoo...did my eyes ever burn when I was chopping up the onions earlier today.
I did two pounds of carrots last week and ended up with one pint full.
My next thing to try is potatoes. I have a 5 pound bag to work with. I am going to try and do them like this:


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
I think when I'm in the "woe is me" stage, I need to go to church more often. So I can snap out of it! :D

I dehydrated potatoes once in the oven. I wasn't too fond of them. But am thinking of giving it a try with the dehydrator this time. Please post how this goes for you.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
Well, I don't think I am going to get the potatoes done today. My mom just called and said there are 50 garage sales in town and lots of them have baby clothes!! She said my two favorite things....garage sale and baby stuff!! I called my MIL and she said she would watch the kiddos for a couple of hours. So I am going garage saling!!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
Went garage saling. I got a couple outfits for the baby. 3 pairs of shorts for the older boys $1 each. A pair of bibs overalls that I want to alter and make an outfit for my BFF for her baby, $2.
My best find of the day was a really nice large book bag that had three large compartments for $3! I am planning on using it for either a first aid kit or a 72 hour bag. It will probably be a combination of both because I usually keep a medium size plastic storage tub in the van with extras in it.
I am very tempted by this:
I would really like two of to keep at the house and one to divide up and put in our 72 hour bags. I figure I need a minimum of 4 bags....1 for the two girls, 2 boys, 2 boys, then DH and I. Then I could put like 4 meals in each bag. I just do not have an extra $75 let alone $150.

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