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Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Busy, Busy, Busy....good news on the lab results, but lets those littles run you ragged! Would love to see recent pics of the jewelry you make too!
Merry Christmas! Tina/tfpets


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I don't plan on making any more jewerly until after Christmas but if I do I will post it. I know my mom wants me to make her a couple of sets but she wants some stone looking beads which I do not have.
My favorite jewelry is DD's the set I made to go with her Giraffe set and then the bracelet that is the strawberry shortcake colors, and her pumpkin bracelet (can't remember if I ever posted her pumpkin bracelet.)
I still need to post DD's finished peppermint outfit too!
I need to make DD a gingerbread bracelet though.
I wanted to get DD a Poinsettia outfit done for Christmas but so far I have not found the ambition to get it done! Maybe I can get it done by Wed evening but I know that I am not getting it done by tomorrow and you can't really wear Poinsettia stuff to much after Christmas. I still have some penguin fabric that I want to make for the month of January for her too. But, again totally lacking ambition! Once I have the baby I will be full of energy again!!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Ugh! My battery is dead on the laptop and the cord is broke so I will not be back on until I get a new one....catch up on everything then.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I know what you mean with the laptop!!! Ours just burnt out too. The guy at Circuit City told my DH that we were getting ready to start a fire...Yikes!

I'm glad to hear that your tests came back good and that you seem to have more energy than all of us put together right now. Just don't overdo it...please!

Good luck with the shopping...I am going to brave Walmart tomorrow myself...the kids want a John Deere Gator so they can help daddy "haul stuff" around the yard. My granny went in for half of it with me so hopefully we'll get one...crazy, I had to start hiding all the sale papers at my house too...even my 1 yr old is pestering me.

How hard is the homeschooling? We live in a horrible county and I have been thinking about doing it if we can't move to a better one with a good school system. I just have my 3, soon to be 4, yr old and my 1, soon to be 2, yr old. I can't imagine how you do it with all your children at different ages and subjects and levels and stuff. How did you decide that was what you wanted to do?

Sorry to pick your brain so much...just mulling it over... :D



Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
I should not have clicked on that link for the resin necklace. DH is gonna kill me if I buy one more jewelry making item. Oh well, as long as he kills me after I make something maybe it will be worth it. LOL
In leiu of flowers please make dontations to your favorite charity.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I borrowed 13 yo's school computer!! I was going thru to much withdrawl!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Lori, I LOVE 'homeschooling'. My children used to be in public school for 4 years. This is our fourth year homeschooling. We actually do a public charter school. The school pays for everything...internet, computers, $75 per kid per year for sports, all of the curriculum etc. They have a couple of curriculum choices to choose from and then I teach it the kiddos take the tests and then we mail them into be graded and then sent back to us. 13 yo is completely on his own. All of his stuff is on the computer. He has regular hardback books but all of his tests are taken directly on the computer and he gets instant grades...except for essays they have a teacher just for grading essays. I have 9 and 11 yo in the same grade...fourth...they are pretty much to the point that they can do it on their own except for History and writing/essay assignments. My 6 yo is in first grade and I pay my mom to homeschool him. So, all is all I have a great system that works for me. The kids are much happier than when they were in public school. The older three boys can also run the WHOLE household!!! Cooking, cleaning, laundry, mowing....haven't quite got the chainsawing down as you can see from my blog LOL!...chickens, ect. This coming summer I want to do raised garden beds and I think I am going to give each of them their own bed that they have to maintain.
With homeschooling there is time for band, piano, Royal Rangers, Tae Kwon Do, swimming (most years...just did not sign up this year) without feeling like we are running all the time.
We do not have to deal with the drama that goes with public school...other kids, mouthiness, teachers, the bus, ect!
We can get school done in just a few short hours....which normally that time would have been taken up by the 45 minutes each way bus ride back and forth to school, library, gym, music, lunch, ect...all non schoolwork related activities. Plus, they do not have to get up at 6AM to catch the bus at 7 AM and then go until they drop at night after evening last night...we went to see a play at another church about 45 minutes away "The gospel according to Scrooge". It was a two and half hour play. We got home at 11PM...getting up at 6 AM this morning would have been a killer since we got up at 6:30 yesterday to be at church early for their Christmas play that they were in.
The play that we went to last night was definetly Broadway quality!!! There was around 50 actors in the play...full dress costumes and everything! It was AWESOME!! And it was FREE so that makes it even better!! My older three boys loved it. After an hour and a half my 3 and 6 yo had had enough sitting but, they were still behaved just wiggly.

If they did away with the public charter school I would do traditional homeschooling and buy the curriculum myself before I would ever send them back to the public school and we have a small town decent school.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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2dream said:
I should not have clicked on that link for the resin necklace. DH is gonna kill me if I buy one more jewelry making item. Oh well, as long as he kills me after I make something maybe it will be worth it. LOL
In leiu of flowers please make dontations to your favorite charity.
If I get the resin jewelry making down I would love to trade for some rabbit hides!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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The boys are ecstatic right now because they are getting to wrap their gifts that they got for each other. They did 3, 6 yo's and DH's. Now, 9 and 11 yo are wrapping their gifts for 13 yo! I think they get more excited about buying gifts, wrapping, and passing them out for each other than they do about actually getting their own gifts.
God forbid if you delay in taking one of the kids out to buy for another one!!! You do not hear the end of it until they get to go shopping because I try to take them each individually. My mom took 6 yo today....thought the kid was going to go bonkers because he was the last one to go!! DH took them all out shopping for me. I told my mom to only have 6 yo spend $2-$3 each at Dollar General for him to buy for his 4 siblings and then DH....they just buy toys and then something small for DH. My mistake was giving her $20 instead of $15!! Now she says I owe her .98 because they went over the $20!
I gave MIL $$ for DD to buy for 11 yo today because he was the last one she had to buy for because the Holiday shoppe at church did not have enough boy items for her to get him something. I sent a $10 bill with her! But, she is usually a stickler for rules so I am thinking most of my change should actually come back from her!

Charlie and the Chocolate factory is on tonight. I don't think I have ever seen this movie and I made the mistake of telling the boys that it is on after Shrek the Halls so now we are watching both of them tonight!

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