Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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pinkfox said:
seating round the fire pit? :p

that could actually work, fill the bowl with potting mix and plant lemon thyme (its very hardy and LIKES to be squished) so youd be sitting on the thyme making it a skeeter free seat :p
Wait what? Skeeters don't like thyme? I need to get me some more growing then!

I dunno about them mice chickens eat them Pinky. They'll get rid of the mouse issue for you.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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speficically lemon thyme, it only works when you agitate it so it gives out the lemon scent, which is why it works great in planted benches, by front doors and in the cracks of walkways/between pavers, everytime its disturbed it left out the lemon scent and the skeeters HATE it.
lemon balm works the same way but it grows too tall to use as a seat or in walkways.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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pinkfox said:
speficically lemon thyme, it only works when you agitate it so it gives out the lemon scent, which is why it works great in planted benches, by front doors and in the cracks of walkways/between pavers, everytime its disturbed it left out the lemon scent and the skeeters HATE it.
lemon balm works the same way but it grows too tall to use as a seat or in walkways.
How difficult is it to propagate?


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Wannabefree said:
pinkfox said:
speficically lemon thyme, it only works when you agitate it so it gives out the lemon scent, which is why it works great in planted benches, by front doors and in the cracks of walkways/between pavers, everytime its disturbed it left out the lemon scent and the skeeters HATE it.
lemon balm works the same way but it grows too tall to use as a seat or in walkways.
How difficult is it to propagate?
Not to difficult we did some a while back from seed I believe.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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once its in it spreads pretty dang fast.
it likes to be in sun, and it doesnt like wet feet, and it doesnt like too much muss and fuss, prefers to just be left alone to do its thing.
iv never tried to grow from seed, im told they tend to hybridize so you have to be carefull about getting a cross bred that doesnt have the lemon scent.
ive always done by division, and i tend to plant small plugs every 6" if i want it to form a good carpet
tends to be fairly shallow rooted (at least the lemon thyme is) i usually prep 4-6" down for plugs. every so often youll get a die out spot, simply cut that patch out take a plug from a healthy spot and replace, itll fill out quite quickly.

i don tknow about this zone, in ct it didnt need any real tlc or pruning beyond taking whatever you want for use, but im told in hot climates it can get woody so should be regularly pruned if it starts to get a little tall (its normally 6-10" tall and i like to keep it at 6-8" ive found it flowers better and stays thicker as a carpet at that height.

i LOVE thyme, the flowers have a slight lemony and minty flavor and and are realy pretty in salads or on cakes (fully edible, but have the best flavor when just opening from bud), it goes well with pretty much any meat, and its considered both an antiseptic and a perservative.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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wow...its realy raining hard right now!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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wow, its getting rather quiet around here :(
im not willing to give up just yet though, way too much information in old threads that i havent been through yet LOL.

in other news, it raining...alot...
but i have managed to clean the bedroom, and livingoom, semi straighten the bathroom and kitchen (still got to put dishes away) and sweeped with my electric sweeper (i REALY need an actual vacume though) and mopped.
i guess rainy days are good for that at least.

have to go into town tomorrow, selling my palm pixi phone and supposed to meet up with its buyer in jackson (according to ATT if my sim goes back into a smart poen they will know and the data plan ill be automatically re-added. im not sure if this is true so im going to do a little more checking, but last thing i need to do is get into more arguments with ATT at this point so...
i also need to pick up some DE, after the flea incident im going to just DE the entire house since i have no desire to flea bomb and couldnt without removing EVERY animal from the house first (kinda hard)
and gravel for the fish tank.
(i also need milk lol)
and sculpy so i can get a start on my sisters christmas gift.

i also need to go into selmer at some point next week for the library to print off some stuff so this is going to be a kinda busy week. bills of course are also due out this comming week and money not due in untill the following so...this part of the month sucks realy, everything gets put on total hold lol.
i still havent recived my gas or water bill though which im sure is a direct result of the holiday but odd...
kind need them if im going to pay them lol.

otherwise nothing special going on around here, got to put the dishes away and seperate the leftover turkey into freezer bags for the freezer, i think after tonight ill be all turkeyed out for a little while lol.

ahh rainy day...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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kinda neglected here a bit this past little while and quite honestly i dont have a good reason for it other than being sied tracked...
so lets see what has happend since my last update.

Still battling fleas...i think im going to loose my mind if i dont get this under control soon, the Friponil is about as usefull as hosing them in tap water, so frontline and generic frontline are out...
debating between K9 Advantix and Advantage
i keep going back and forth between the 2 but i think i might try the Advantage 2, i can get a good deal on it, its safe for the cats and gets good reveiws...
either way i need these little mosters out and figure if i keep the fenced area for the dogs sprayed for ticks and allow the guinneas and chickens (planned for spring) to free range ticks shouldnt be too much of a problem...

Dozer is growing like a weed, need to weigh him tomorrow (was going to do it toay but he gets his second round of dewormer tomorrow so i need a up to date accurate weight on him anyway so. other than the fleas hes doing well...took him into jackson the other day with me a i had to go to tractor supply, and he had a blast, EVERYONE loved him and he loved everyone...except the slidingdoogs, aparently they are made of evil and want to eat him, they made him jump but he did work through the intial scares lol
the groomer at petsmart even took the grinder to his nails for me for free :D (i think she mabe expected them to need clipping, but as i handed him over she have nice nails! lol
i keep ontop of clipping his nails but they get sharp quick rather than long lol. so she dremmeld the tips for me and he did REALY well with that :D
he frightend a 6 month old english mastif and met a realy skinny rescued pitbull and did great with both of those adventures lol...hes still not great in the car though,the drive to jackson was filled wiht squeeking...the drive home, with snoring LOL!

housebreaking is going...if im on the ball no accidents, we go out every 2 hours and as soon as he wakes form naps and were good...
hes not yet telling me he needs to go out unless hes in my lap (he starts squeeking) when on the floor though he still gets sidetracked and doesnt tell me he needs to go...
goign to have momma send me my pup bells for the back door and see if i can teach him that since general telling me isnt working...mabe he'll take to bells easier?
i do have to keep reminding myself though, even though ive had him for almost a month now...he is still a baby, hes only 8 weeks not failing at potty traiing just forgetting his age lol.

speaking of ages...
the crestie pups are 4 weeks old today.
the Powderpuff female is officially on hold (her deposit arrived yesterday) and will be going home jan 12-13th, her new daddy will be flying in to TN from MASS, driving to come pick her up then driving back and flying her home in the cabin with him LOL...i move all the way to TN and sell my pups back to new england LOL!
the hairless female has a very interested party (interested since birth) and is offically "pending deposit" just waiting for that deposit if its not sorted by monday i do have someone else interested in her...
so that leaves the powderpuff male looking or a good home...not bad considering i slacked big time with getting a waitinglist for this litter.
they are also growing like weeds, offered them puppy mush this morning for the first time, theyll lick it off my fingers but arnt willing to try the bowl yet...will offer at least 2 more times today, no rush to wean them, but there at the age where they need to learn how so thatll be some messy fun lol.
will be weighing them tomorrow also for their first deworming, and will be deworming ruby at the same time, my fecals always come back negative but best to be safe than sorry.

i got my fishtank filled too, and then whent and bought some zebra danios for it...that was a week ago...
i have NO idea where the danios whent but there not in the tank anymore...i can only assume the filter got them...or the cat..but there only a tiny acess panel at the back neer the filter...either way, its got water in it and looking pretty, mums shipping me the pots and some plants from my old tank so thatll finnish the tank out with plenty of hiding spaces and ill re-attempt fish...levels are all looking good and i keep feeidng the its just a case of letting it cycle.
makes me happy though to see it together.

things in the house are going, the livingroom painted makes me happy, need a couple of chairs or a loveseat in here now just to finnish up (and have enough seating for when people come visit)

otherwise, not much to report.

mum had surgery yesterday for her other rotator cuff, so waiting for an update about that, i know she did fine, but nooens been on skype.

whent to the dr myself on Monday, they did labs...B12 is still on the low side but not low enough to warrent shots aparently (211-912 is "normal and im at 221) but he wants to re-check in 3 months to make sure it stays that way.
got my deppo shot too so thats good for 3 months...
couldnt adress the back issues at this visit so im going to call and make another apointment for that, i need something stronger than tylanol for the pain and cant take aleve because its an
but otherwise that whent well.

i picked up my christmas gift form the parents on monday too (i cant use it untill christmas, but they wanted to make sure i got it in time so had it shipped to the local the proud owner of a kitchenaid mixer (there planning on buying the attatchments for other events lol, id love the meat grinder with the sausage stuffer and the pasta one...
this one didnt come with the dough hook or wire whisk either so id love those :p

I also know what my brithday gift is...
its a vacume cleaner, a shark navigator "professional"...
i realy need a vacume cleaner and knew if i didnt ask for one as a gift, id have to buy myself a much cheaper one and cheap dont typically thats due to arrive next monday...
my Birthday is on Wednesday of next week :D
ill be 27...*blink blink* whered this year go?!

im not expecting any other gifts, but if i end up with suprise planing on getting the rabbit pens sorted...i want at least 1 pen and 1 hutch/arc before srping so i can get the meaties started.

this month the goal is to pay a chunk off the credit card, and either get the bedroom or kitchen sorted...
ill be replacing the floor i still cant get over the a kitchen...and the back door in the kitchen, so i need dads help with those so which room comes first will depend on when my dad comes to visit.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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KitchenAide? I am jealous!!! I want one of those SOOOOOO badly :p Can't afford it at the moment though.

Good deal on the pups! Sounds like Dozer is doing well :) That's GREAT!

You have gotten alot accomplished in a little time there :woot Congrats on everything!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like some really nice gifts! Do we get to see some update pics? And, how have the cats taken to the move?

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