Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I absolutely love my kitchenaid! Hubs got it for me at a slammin black friday sale many moons ago.

My DS#2's birthday is this coming Wednesday, and husbands is the Wednesday after. DS was due on his Dad's birthday, but Dr & husband vetoed it and took him a week early. They said it was so I wouldn't be in the hospital on Christmas, but I think the Dr didn't want to be!

Hope your Mom is fine.

I agree with Denim Deb - more pictures, please! :D


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Carpet in a kitchen??? That's about as intelligent as carpet in a bathroom....:p

Sounds like everything is plugging along....we are getting DS fish for xmas...she has decided on guppies when I told her she could only have 1 googly eyed goldfish but like 10 guppies in the same sized tank :lol: When you are 4, more is better!

She is super excited and she has said that she wants to put the tank in the living room so everyone can see HER fish.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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will be getting new pictures today :) need them for their new mommies and daddies anyway and i havent gotten any new dozer pics in over a week a picture slacker lol.

weighed everyone in today...
dozer is now offially 11.3lbs, not bad for 9 weeks and a rough start

the 3 puppies are all right around the 2lb mark, 1 an ounce under 1 right on and one an ounce over...i like to see the weights so close together too as it means everyones getting fully fed...i dont like seeing a true runt in the litter (more than a few ounces behind the siblings) so these guys are nicely on track to be in the 7-9lb range full grown.

the deposit for the hairless female is also on its way so both girls officially have homes lined up, just need a good one for the little boy.
the puff female is goign all the way to massachusets...
the hairless female is going to Illinois to live with another crestie...her momma has a house in il and a hous in FL so shes going to fly in to Nash from her florida home on her way back to IL, shell fly in, ill meet her at the airport, then shell fly out from there in cabin.
the puff girl will also be flying in cabin as her daddy is doing the same but hes going to drive to te house to come pick her up rather than me making the airport trip twice.
not looking forward to that drive, but i might try and convince dad to come out that day so i can pick him up from the airport while im there lol.

everyone got their dewormer today (and will be repeated tomorrow and saturday, then again in 2 weeks and then again 2 weeks after that)
and the microchips arrived, 1 for each of the crestie pups, 1 for dozer and 1 for each of the cats...and ill admit, i totally forgot how big those needles are...
its a 12 guage unit (the chip is right around the size of a large grain of rice so you can get a general idea of how wide the needle is if it has to fit a grain of rice through it lol...
tempi was up first, shes such a mush kitty that despite not wanting to behave she always does so i didnt realy expect much issue from her and i was right, she let me position her and other than a quick dig down with the claws onto the counter top at insertion (its a big needle lol) she did great. puring up a storm after the fact too.
did willow next, expected some resistance from her, shes not quite as mellow as Tempi, and she did offer a bit of a jump at insertion, but once again did very well...
then Dozer...dozer was the one i was expecting to give me a bit of an issue...but ill be honest, he did better than the cats! he didnt even flintch or aknowledge that i just stuck a large guage needle in his, i was epexting a flinch minimum but nope, hes tough lol.

the 3 cresties wont get done untill just before they go to thier new homes. (around 9-10 weeks old)

im not bothered about jasper and ruby not being chipped, they are never out alone and only offleash in a securly fenced yard....but the cats, frequently attempt outdoor excursions and dozer, well the hope is that eventually i can take dozer all over the property (and everywhere else) with me, so hes much more at risk of excape/getting lost
and the cresties...well its just one of those little extras i like to send each puppy home with, its such peice of mind, 1 less expense for the puppy owner (i can get the chips and do them myself for about 1/2 the price the vet charges for it...and i register myself as the secondary contact so should anything happen, i get a call too! and should the dog end up in a shelter situation...i always have backup as a way of pulling...NONE of my babies are to go to a shelter so it makes it much easier to provide proof so i can pull shoudl the worst happen.

so yeah at least thats done

dozer is due for his next round of shots next week (so i figure doing the chip this morning gives the area chance to feel better again lol)

pups dont get their shots untill 8 weeks old at the earliest.

in none doggy related news.
heard from mum last night, shes doing OK...this one was a smaller tear but is much more painfull, she was warned about this, typically with rotator cuff injuries the more it hurt BEFORE surgery the easier the recovery will be, the other one hurt her, ALOT and by day 2 she was off all pain meds (cause she hated how they make her feel and she wasnt in enough pain to warrent it so shed take a couple extra strength tylanol before bed and call it good lol...)
this one however didnt hurt much, more just a dull ache when she tried to do certain things...yup, this one is sore...
they also had to cut the bicep, it was badly frayed and close to snapping on her like the other one did, the problem with it snapping on its own...1 is the pain when it goes and 2, the tendons and ligaments become so badly frayed that should it need to be repaird later it cant be..
so this one was badly damaged enough to warrent cutting it so its a clean sight and then at a later date they can go in and reattatch it, which they cant do with the other side unfortunatly.
shes been out of work since march, wont be able to go back to work for a MINIMUM of 8 months (probbaly closer to another 12 months)...(and may never be able to go back into that line of work) but doesnt qualify for temp disability untill shes been out of work for a year...
so now ive told her to apply for unemployment as her job "let her go" when she told them she now had to have the other rotator cuff done...
theyve told her she can reapply once shes all healed up...but still. the problem for unemployment is you have to be capable and willing to were not sure if they will qualify her...*ugh*
she pays her dues, she should qualify for some kind of assistance while shes unable to work...
but at least shes doing ok.

little sister however...
she just started a new job, shift supervisor at spencers...she was workign at goodwill btu after alot of drama and not getting paid for hours worked and manager issues and being told shed get trained for supervisor then getting brushed off she whent for this spot...
shes been there 3 days (and is already alone in the store supervising others, lol they didnt even show her where the light switches were, just kinda tossed her in at the deep end lol)
well yesterday the UPPER managment wanted her to move a shelving unit that was in te window she has a back issue as well...
the display is aprocximatly 15ft tall and heavy steel slatwall...
well it fell on her...yup...luckily she was not alone in the store and this is the mall so others saw everything happening and the empoyee in the store and an empoyee from the booth just outside came running to her rescue, it took 3 large men to lift the thing off her. 2 good sized eggs o
n her head a busted lip and a bruised arm later, added with a major migrane...
accident report was filed, and she put in a formal complant with the upper manager after her direct manager told her this isnt the first time this particular shelving unit has fallen on someone...
her email to the guy who told her to do it whent along the lines of "you know that shelving unit you told me to move...well it fell on me...THANKS..." lol.
she has all the info/workers comp claim stuff and said if her head was still pounding this morning shed go to the ER to get checked over...
dad usd to be a nurse and said he didnt think she had a concussion, pupils responding normally, no dizzyness ect, but she had a headache and obviosuly very sore.
her direct manager apologized, and told her to take today off...

i yelled at her, lol, told her as shift supervisor it is now her job to supervise OTHER people doing stupid stuff like that and to never ever put herself in that position again...shes not she-hulk, wrestling with a 15ft tall unit is NOT in the job description and the unit will ALWAYS win!

she said shed drop me a meassage later today and let me know how shes doing.

other than that, today is planned to be a slow and lazy day...bird cages need doing because i thought yesterday was tuesday and didnt do them because i do them on wednesday...yup i feel like an idiot lol, litterbox needs doing too...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Good deal on the microchips :)

Glad your mom is feeling somewhat better, and hope the pain is tolerable soon. will be praying for her.

I'll also pray for your sisters head, that the headache will go away, and she'll THINK to get someone else to at least HELP mext time :lol: Poor girl! I sure hope she's okay! Keep us posted please!

Can't wait for pup pics :caf


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well pup pics were demanded...

Powderpuff male


Powderpuff Female


Hairless Female
"Squeeker" (Faith)
(Pending deposit)


aww puppy kisses


LOVED this shot :p

and of course the Dozer Dog




and a realy cute pic of Dozer saying Hi to "squeeker" he LOVES the babies and tries to be realy gentle with them, just have to watch his paws lol

oh and this is my sisters christmas gift...
shes OBSESSED with octopus...especially blue ring octopus, and she wants to learn how to hand i made her this little wool bowl (the tentacles of the octopus will hold a line of yarn to keep things "tidy" when shes kntting with it ect...) and a matching drop spindle. (im actually quite pleased with the spindle, its got a great weight and sins real nice.)





Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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AAAAWWWW :love And, Dozer looks sooo grown up in those pics.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Wow...Dozer has grown SO much! I almost can't believe he's that big, and he already looks like he's filling out a bit from those pics. That is gonna be a massive doggie! He looks good :thumbsup

The little hairless is soooo cute! I love all the pups, but the hairless girl is just adorable :love I love her little wrinkles and freckles :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, aint she cute?! ill be honest, if it wasnt for the fact that 1: she was claimed before she was born and 2: doxer joined the family...shed SOOO be staying.

ive already decided that ill be adding a hairless female to the pack...when however is another matter lol, its gotta take backseat to getting the homstead set up lol...
goats, chickens rabbits quail THEN nekkid dog lol.

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