Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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there starting to move and vocalize more too, another week or so and theyll be motoring! lol. (at that point the get moved out of the bedroom and into the playpen into the livingroom which means ive got to clean out the pack and play that dozer spends his "time out" time in... or get a baby gate for my bedroom so i can set up the playpen thats currently being used to block off the
my livingroom isnt big enough for 2 playpens so dozer will have to start going in his crate when im not home....
ahhh puppy juggling LOL.

oh well, ive procrastinated long enough, time to go get dresed and get my tush outside...ive got lots of wood to start trying to salvage and if i dont get started on it...itll sit there forever...
im such a procrastinator...`


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Have fun in the woods! I gotta get over that way to get in some puppy kisses before they get too big! :love And to see Jack Jack :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well just got in so i can have some lunch...
did a bit but it looks like ive done NOTHING...
need a crow bar before i can take care of the rest of the shed thats fallen down, did managed to salvae some larger beams that might be usable once they dry out some...and a few planks that once trimmed up could definalty be used. i also managed to pull out a few shingles and start a pile, there cuurled but not badly stuck together and i think some time in the sun will soften them enough to make them usefull.

theres also a pile of rotten wood thats absolutly useless, im thinking im going to just have to brun that stuff, thats going to grow quite a bit.

theres some pallets that im going to pull apart, i cant haul them through the underbrush in one peice and most are rotten on the underside, but im sure theres some usable planks...
gonna have lunch let food go down and head back out there for another couple hours.

WBF your welcome any time :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so whent back out more to wander around than anything else...
ive discovered my rather effective way of getting through brush...put your head down your arms infront of your face and push was rather effective against all but the thorny things which i simply made course adjustsments to avoid.
after an unsucessfull atempt ar prying some wood off some old pallets, i need a crowbar, but most of them are so rotted on the underside form being sat in the leaves that im not sure there worth trying to salvage that thinking a better choice would be to rip off the rotted wood from the bottom and leave the dry ok top boads attatched to the main stays...not yet sure what id use them for since it seems the "good side" (read side with the planks closest together) is the side thats been put face down on most of them...but im sure i can use them for something

but yeah after that unsucessfull attempt, and a mostly unsucessfull attmept to drag an intact pallet through the brush i decided id A.D.D on it and go explore., so i decided to chec out the section to the back of the property.

the bad news is, the brush is DENSE...that is the area im going to start the goats on as soon as i get them, its brush and thorns untill you reach a little dry creek/run off bed, in some areas its very shallow, in other spots its about 6 ft deep where the water has worn away at the ground, and some realy gool old roots exposed, once you cross the creek, (theres plneyt of low spots to cross) it opens up qite nicely, its heavily TREED, but theres little to no under grown/brush back there, AND theres a fence along the back property line...its old, its rusty and its ugly, but at least i now KNOW where that line is at the very least. i explored a little back there before forcing my way back through the jungle to saftey

theres ALOT of potetnaitl with this land...getting to that potential however is going to take ALOT of work. im sure the goats will clear out alot of the brush fairly quickly once they are old enough to eat it...but im still going to have to go in with some heavy duty pruners and even have someone come in to thin some of the trees out...itll be incredibly dark back there once the leaves come back lol.

once i forced my way back to the clearing i stood there like a lemon trying to figure out where i want things...
i think ive decided where my rabbit pens are going as well as the start for the "orchard".
ive decided im not going to do a huge veggie patch my first year, instead sticking with a small kitchen garden by the back deck for spring consisting of some raised beds, im thinkign 4 at 4x8 and 2 at 4x4 with a 2x2 second teir on top (strawberries in 1, herbs in another), that should give me more than enough veggies to get myself started but not overwhelmed.

ive decided spring will bring goats, chickens, ducks and not adding enything else until the property is much more acessable, because right now i just cant properly visualize where everything will go with all the brush in the way and im not the kind of person to set fences and stuff up only to have to rip everything out later because i prefer a different layout lol.

i also found another fence hidden in the brush, once again rusted with 2 strand barbed wire on top, t-posts, but it just proves that at one point this place had pastures/pens and people to love it...
just pushing my way through the brush, so many CRACKS from dead wood snapping off privets and trees that havent seen any kind of managment in i dont know how long...the 2 little sheds have calenders in them from the 70's, sad to think the last time they were used for much more than junk storage was before i was even born.
speaking of the sheds...the 2 i thought would simply fall over any day seem potentially sturdier in frame than i thought, the floors are rotted out in both and there both missing the back side, but i think there might be some life in them yet.

gonna have to clear thwm out completly, which will be fun since the floor is falling through and a woodchuck has his tunnel complex under them...and hack back the brush at the back, but i think some new plywood and mabe some siding, they Might be salvagable...MIGHT...location wise its where id personally plan to put a coop and it might beeasier to put new floors and siding on the existing structure than it would be to knock them down and build new...
oh they both would need new roofs too.
but first id have to remove about 4 old broken doors, a couch, lots of trash and a toilet from them...LOL!

oh my goodness....soooo much to do.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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What?! Those chickens ,might like that couch! :lol: Goodness, you has alot to do :th


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, im sure they thers a bajillion mice who also REALY like the gonna have the neighbors son drag it out for me and see if theyll haul it off (he has a truck) its been in there for at least a few years minimum *shudder* the doors and the toilet i might be able to do something with...doors = free wood...toilet = possible planter? i know i have at least one more out in the brush so id have a matching pair :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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seating round the fire pit? :p

that could actually work, fill the bowl with potting mix and plant lemon thyme (its very hardy and LIKES to be squished) so youd be sitting on the thyme making it a skeeter free seat :p

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