Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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would have been nice to actually have them here (or be with them) but skype did its job and made it all work out and things whent as usual...onc edinner was over everyone vanished from the table leaving bizzy chatting to me and mum doing the dishes...with 1 arm *grr* but otherwise lol nothing changes! :p

tomorrow life returns to "normal"
heading into selmer to get my registration sorted, i REALY hope this doesnt cost a small fortune. im expecting $ HOPING itll be less.
gotta stop at the grocery store for milk and some bits to last me through the new years...

i MIGHT have a recliner for my livingroom.
the guys asking $50 and will deliver for $25 so $75 total...gonna see if i can low ball him and try for $60 to include delivery...*fingers crossed* iits only 2 yrs old looks good from the picture ect and i do need some more seating for the livingroom but i cant afford $75 right now, cant realy afford $60 but i NEED extra seating in the livingroom.
Gonna keep scouring craigslist too...
im thinking 2 chairs/recliners woudl work better in the livingroom than a loveseat (a couch wont fit, ive got 70" of space but price being an issue i think itll be a case of whatever i can get to my house the chepaest overall price. lol.

we'll see.
definatly hAVE to get the registration done.
i need to get the rabbit hutches started
i need a new crate for dozer
and i realy want to get my bedroom painted and squared away.

ive been scourning a frineds facebook photos (shes a photgrapher) and ive found a few pictures that id LOVE to have printed off for the livingroom wall (pink orchids)
ive also found some of sunflowers that i want for my kitchen
and some more orchids that im thinking of using as inspiraton for a painting to go in my bedroom along with a couple more of her prints to go on either sid eof my bed.

she has a lovely one i want for the guest bedroom too, and im hoping to get some more of bizzies pictures for in the guest room too :) that rooms going to have a blue and chocolate theme with black and white accents, so the picture of my friends is adoor knoked form florida and its probably copper, in the shape of a dragonfly, its patinad in such a way that the red brown shimmers aroundthe edges and the copper has patina to a beautiful turquoise blue...
got to have bix post her pictures to a photobucket so i can go through them and pick some co-ordinating images from her work too...shes good with a camera.

ohhh sooo much to do.

oh and daddys going to buy me a new dvdplayer as a last minute christmas gift since mine kicked the bucket lol. nothing expensive...but still yay for movies.

ive pretty much decided that once the contract runs out on dish im going to ditch it completly and if netflix is still around go with netflix only trhough the Wii. i just dont watch enough TV to mae it worth $60 a month...
and i think id cancel after my 1 year intro period if it wasnt going to cost me a fortune in early termination fees. and i might even look into it as the cheapy period comes to a close (12 months) if the ETF is less than another year at full price i might just suck it up and pay the fee...i mean in the past 3 days ive watched mabe 3 hours of tv...most of it is stuff i KNOW if availbe on netflix.
i tend to watch how i met your mother, big bang theory, and then ranom movies on syfi and chiller. Ill occasionally watch cake boss or hgtv or BBCA but not even remotly enough to justify $64 and change a month once the fee goes to "normal" charges.

in other news...christmass is almost over, got another skype dinner with the parentals (and the nieghbor) tomorrow for boxing day...
then all quiet untill new years (planning on skyping dinner and the crossove unless i get other new years invites)
then the new year is brining work on this place to get thigns realy moving in limbo right now and i cant have lots to do lots to keep me busy so im gonna hop 2.
first job...getting the 2 currently semi standing sheds down and salvaging as muhc wood as possible to do the raised beds for pring planting and mabe siding the goat hut...there MIGHT eb enough salvagable wood to side a 4x8x4 goat hut, mabe even enough to build the frame work for it from the framing well be pulling out of the shed...will have to see what im left with as we rip that thing to the ground and ive trimed off any rot...

sooo much to many ideas in my head...soo need to grow a forrest full of money trees LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i slept odly quite well last night lol, i guess the stress was getting to me more than i was willing to let myself belive...
climbed in bed at about 11pm and slpet to almost 8 (would have been longer but 3 very squeeky hungry puppies and a Dozer dog decided its time...)

today is boxing day...
a day in britain where the banks are clsoed and people get an extra day off (if they dont have vaca time lol)
its also known as st stephens day, while its meaning is commonly lost, boxing day/st stephens day is a day of giving to those less fortunate than yourself.

so today ill be dropping off a small donation of dog and cat food and some fleace blankets to the animal shelter. its not much but its something that means alot to me. especially during a season when the good folks are often busy thinking about good will twoard men rather than the animals and this is a time when they often need the most help.

i also have to check to make sure everywheres open for buisness today so i can go get my registration sorted and get TN plates on my car...and pick up milk which i go through all too quickly lol.
but first going to enjoy a hot cup of green tea and my bowl of oatmeal.

in other news...puppies got their first taste of kibble today at about 6 weeks old (the hairless girl is JUST starting to break in teeth lol, they always come in late thats why i tend to keep the hairless an extra week or 2.
there eating soft food no issues, butthe dry...
omg it was funny, they dove at the bowl and food domnaince behaviour too place, first the male put his paw in the bowl as he ate, grumbling at the others, dixie then pushed him out of the way for her hare...then in DIVES little hope, right into the middle of the bowl where she lay ontop of it paws splayed out nomming and growing at the others like a tazmanian devil.
Ive only ever seen her that enthusiastic about being picked up LOL!
i have about 2 1/2 weeks before Dixie goes home, hoping the male (who for some reason ive taken to calling Tucker) will follow quickly behind and little hope will be going home closer to the end of Jan. again want to maksure those teeth come in and her person needs to arrange travel too so we dont have an exact date on her yet.
Its always bitter sweet, and i love them, but its always nice to say good bye to one thats going to a home where they will be apreciated...(and i dont have to clean up after them anymore LOL!)

its 9am and i havent seen the mial man yet...i hope that flea stuff comes today or tomorrow, this is not seeing as many adults but im seeing more flea dirt on the dogs...UGH!
Will respray the house once ive got the flea stuff on them


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i fel silly, aparently all govt agencies are closed today.
glad i called before heading out LOL.
so today will be a lazy day of nothing...
and tomorrow will be a trip into selmer...
ive got enough milk to see me through tomorrow lol.

so...the question then becomes...what to do with today...
the answer...
i dont know yet LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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why is t that when you enquire about things on the likes of craigslist people cant READ...

i replied to an add about some chairs...
i dont know where the chairs are located exactly as theres no location on the add...
so in my reply i ask about delivery and put "i would need delivery to zip code...*insert zip here*"

why doi always get emails back "how far is that from *insert town* new to the area i have no clue...secondly its called google maps, you have my zip code, just type in yours to mine and tada itll tell you...
so instead of getting a responce of "hey sorry but thats too far" i get "where is that?!" and no idea if theyd even be willing...*sigh* is it REALY that hard when i INCLUDE my zipcode in the reply...just do a quick search and we get toskip an entire step on the email section of this! *gah* this has happend a few times now and quite honestly i feel like just trashing te emails when that happens..obviously if you cant run a quick map search on my zip you dont want the same that bad.

am i the only one that finds that annoying?
i include my zip speciicually so we can skip the "well where are you" emails...
*shakes head*

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I hate the CL ads that have a zip, but no town posted. I'm sorry, I don't know all the zip codes around here, and I don't really feel like taking the time to find out where you're located-unless it's something that I want really, really, badly. But, I don't want to respond to an ad, then find out it would take me an hour to get there.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that bothers me too...worse though are the ones with NO indication of where they are..
least if theres a zip i can google map it, ive got good internet speeds so it takes but a second to get a general idea of location, but many have no town, no nothing so i always unclude my zip so they can do the "hard" work...and they never do...
kinda think many expect everyoen to be psychic...
asuming "if i pist to this areas craigslist theyll automatically know exactly what town im in LOL!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
People around here will post, SJ for South Jersey. South Jersey coves quite a large area, from all the way down at the end of Cape May up to around Trenton, which is quite a distance away. I'll also see this on a horse board I'm on, they'll post that they're looking for a place to ride in exchange for work, or they have room for a boarder-but don't list where they are.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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please keep fingers crossed, just emailed someone on craiglist with a 42" crate for $30! its exactly the size i was looking for and the price is right...just waiting for an email back to figure out if im running up there tonight or going hoping shes willing to hold it untill tomorrow morning so i can go get everything done in 1 trip rather than out 2 days in a row, but for a $30 crate ill go out tonight if i have to lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I know the feeling. I was so glad that the guy who had the stock tank I bought was willing to wait a few days, otherwise I would have been taking a trip to that area 2xs in a short period of time. But, if he had said get it then or he'd sell it to someone else, I would have gone right up. (I was the first to answer the ad, and he had several after!)

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