Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oo ill take em!!! i love tommy-ate-ers and sweet potatoes oooooo yummy yum yum.
do they grow well down here, cant grow em well in CT lol?

yeah doc said if it happens again he wants to see me in person, but right now isnt too worried...

ive been dreaming up all the yummy things i want in my kitchen garden in the new year :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Unless it's strictly tropical, it grows pretty well here at some point in the season. I had bushels of tomatoes last year. Sweet taters grow really well here too. There aren't many limitations to the gardening here. :D

Just stay healthy woman! Sounds like you have a decent doctor :thumbsup

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Wish I could find a doctor like that. I've told doctors what's wrong w/me B4 only to have them not want to listen. Then, after they're done their examination, they'll tell me you have such and such-which is what I told them I had! :he


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and then it was sooo tired!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well good morning to the last day of 2011...

2011 brought me lots of ups and downs...
there were highs and lows and times when i just wanted to give up on it all i was so frustrated...
BUT we got through it and along that bumpy road i found myself purchasing a house...and start to make that house a home...
i foudn myself responsible for 5 little new lives 3 of whihc i had a hand in bringing into the world, seeing their first breaths, and 2 i can enjoy the knowledge of taking from a bad situation nd giving them both a life they deserve.
2011 brought new friends and started the clearing process of some old ones
and with all this i continue to learn that every moment is fleeting make the most of each.

i hope 2012 continues to pull me forward in the right direction.

i dont make resolutions...but i do have some goals for 2012...

pay the credit card i can start at zero again
finnish the inside of the house so i can truly claim it as MINE
make some serious progress outside (this years "farm" goals include a small kitchen garden, 2 goats, 3-4 rabbits, 1/2 a doz chickens and 1/2 a doz guinneas. plus at least 1 batch of meaties for the freezer.)
continue to improve my health. i think i need to focus on removing some more of the carbs form my diet, and get my butt to that zumba class :)
and hopefully this year, invest in a small truck.

i have no plans for tonight beyond a drink and some family skype time...

today, since i didnt do anythign yesterday im going outside to give another go at removing some of the boards from the shed.
tomorrow hopefully get the trim in the bedroom started
monday ive got some thigns to take care of in Henderson (some grocery shopping and my gas bill to pay lol)
and Tuesday its into Selmer to get my car registered and a stop at Cindis :D
wednesday is budget watch (do all my math) and cleaning day...

and who knows...mabe on thursday ill go get the wood for the rabbit hutches.
if budget allows Dozer will be starting puppy kindergarten this month too.
hes smart...and hell fly through class, i think it woudl be good for both of us :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Do you hear at all from any of your "friends" in CT, or did they drop you when you moved?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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theyve pretty much forgotten me for the most part...
my self proclaimed best frined #1 added me to skype at my request, and tlaked to me once via voice and once via instant 3 that time she has no returned an email, or phone call (she has the same cell provider so its free to call). i told her she NEEDS to call me if she wants to talk ect because she never has the same schedual each week so i have no idea when shes at work or not...but she hasnt bothered beyond those 2 times...
she did however leave a message on my facebook page about how much she misses me...(yet she cant call me back or drop me an email or something?!)

my self proclaimed best frined #2 who was seriously trying to guilt me into not doing this (tears and everything) has talked to me on skype once, she too has the same cellphone provider i do, and hasnt once bothered returning my calls, shes also currently unemployed and spends most of her time online...still never bothers...
the one time we did talk on skype she got a call from the guy shes seeing told me she had to go and i havent heard from her since.

ive had a few facebook comments form some folks from back home, but usually just general comments on links i post ect...

of all my frineds only 1 has made any real effort, and shes a friend who i wasnt all that close to before hand up untill a few months before planing the move when we started talking more frequently...she tends to skype me every 2 weeks or so to say hi and such...she has a crazy work schedual so we have to set up skype dates...
but if were being completly honest with ourselves shes the only one i consider worth my time at this point.

i have a couple of aquaintences who do contact me and who are keeping track of my journey, people i wasnt that close to prior to moving but over the past 3 months i fel closer to any of them than i do the people i called friends...thee aquaintences being the ones who read my facebook comment on thigns im actulaly doing with a form of real interest ect...
people get busy with thier own lives...they got busy with theres long before i moved...i only ever saw them once a month and then id have to drive an hour to them rather than the other way round...and id rarely talk to them in the "in between" time.

its just the way life goes i think...
prior to announcing i was moving id talked about this for years...and nooen seemed to listen because they all said "you never told us" and "wow this is so sudden" ect...
neer moving everyone told me "you cant go" "well miss you"
at moving i was told "well talk all the time..."

almost 3 months later...not one of them has made im pretty much doen putting in the effort on my part to keep things together in terms of friendships...
the people that call me back, skype me ect wil continue to hear form me...
the rest ive put my part in...if they eventually get round to calling back, responding to an email ect....thats great...if big loss.
ill make new frineds...ive already got 1 whos done more for me in my first few months her than most of my frineds in ct have done in years *Cough* cindi *Cough* LOL.

in other news...whent out this morning and started pulling some boards off one of the most of 1 side done...gonna go out and try and pull some off the back too...
cant do tooo much though as im honestly not sure whats actually holding the thing up lol and dont want the whole thing toppling on me because i removed one too many boards...the entire structure is rotten, some of the beams holding it together might be salvagable,but most are rotted, im not quite sure how the roof is still on there, most of the back has caved in almsot completly.
once i get most of the boards off it wont take much to just push the whole thing i want to get the metal off the roof removed BEFORE that point so it doesnt come donw on someone and cut them, its rusty and ive no desire to pay for tetnus shots...
the structure is also NOT stable enough in my opinion to lean a ladder against so either someone else can risk it or i need to borrow an aframe type ladder to et up there. or i need to continue removing boards untill its got very little strutural support left and then have somene with a truck just pull it down from a safe distance. (yup it raly is so badly rotten that a truck and a chainn should have the thing on the ground lol.
the good news is many of the boards that have been used as walls look to be SEMI salvagable..wouldnt be able to use them for anythign truly structural or needing to be secure as they are all split cracked and slightly rotten in some way shape or form...
but i do think i should be able to get my spring garden beds built out of them with a little bit of trimming, should get a couple years out of them before the rot completly thorough.

and as another side note...
if this is a normal TN SOOO happy right now. its glorious out there, blue skys gentle breeze sun is shining, perfect work weather...
so far this winter has made me a very happy "wannabe redneck" (as one of my so called fiends called me lol)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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this is what i did today

the entire thing was covred in gren shingles so those got ripped off (and crumbled as they came off) and i started pulling off the wall boards. as you can see, inside holds a lovely collection of junk...ive left the corner boards on right now because im fairly certain that they are structurally important right now lol.
if the weather cooperates tomorrow im going to try and pull some more off the back and then the front.
this is only 1 part of it, on the other side behind this one theres a second shed about the same size sharing that back (intact) theres plenty to do...

i thin once i get the majority of the boards off all sides of this structure one good tug from something with horsepower will bring it to the ground.
this needs ot be gone because i want to put the chicken coop there, in the summer its shaded by a HUGE old oak (you can see behind it) in the winter though its in full sun.

im planning on replacing that entire thing with an 8x16 structure which will be divided down the middle, 1/2 as my first chicken coop, the othe half will be dividied in half again with 1/2 as a guinnea coop and 1/2 for storage.
there will be windows and pop doors along the back facing out, the doors will go on the same side there are now, and i plan to add windows to the side thats currently facing the camera theres plenty of light on the chicken side and enough on the guinnea side too. im planning on building a 4x8 room inside with solid walls for storage for the chicken and guinnea feed a few hay bales and shavings, but the unit will other wise be divided in half with a hardware cloth wall to keep airflow and light well distributed.
all walls inside will be none structural so i can easily take them down when i want to expand the coop. (eventually the guinnes will get their own house closer to the center of the property back in the wooded area (im hoping a central location for thier house will keep them more likely to stay on the property lol) and the larger coop will be all chickens :)

ive still got a little daylight left so im gonna boot up and get back out there for 1/2 an hour...but i dont have much sunlight left...

oh and heres the 3 prints my sister got setup for me for christmas...and one of my bettas Kai. in my bedroom.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I know years ago I lost contact w/a good friend when she moved. I just didn't have the time (nor the money) to call her long distance, and I didn't have the time to sit down and write her. This was when I was in college. I had an hour drive both ways to school. I was a full time student, and had 2 children, a husband and a house all needing my attention. I barely had time to do the studying I needed for school! I've always regretted losing contact w/her. If I have a friend move now though, I don't think that will happen. W/the internet, it's much easier to keep in touch.

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