Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Good job with the shed! :thumbsup And those are very pretty prints and a fish!


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
I have always been pretty bad about keeping in touch with folks after I move from the area. I have noticed though, that as I have gotten older I have tried harder to keep in touch. Especially with the folks who have really been there through my medical issues. I became very close with 2 particular people in Hawai'i through my volunteer work. These 2 came to visit me every day in the hospital (I was there for 16 days the first time) and they came to my house at least twice a week while I was recuperating. I talk to each of them at least twice a week and email nearly every day. I will always treasure their friendship. :love


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I was reading your first post today and got down to the part about me having helped you more than your friends in CT had in they don't make friends up there like they do round here girly! We sure do like ya ;) I like ya so much in fact I might actually get my butt over there some time next year :lol: Well...I didn't make it but once THIS year! Aaaand my FIL stole your sweet taters...seriously, so we may not be all we're cracked up to be anyways :p I have a tater back up plan though so hopefully you'll still get some :D Anyway, YES this is typical TN winter weather!! If ya don't like it this week, don't feel bad...just wait till next week and it'll turn :lol: Looks like you took full advantage of a purty day out! :woot Looks gooooood!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol cindi. its ok on the taters, i figur snooze and loose, my title came in the mail today so i will be heading into selmer on Tuesady if your free ill stop by for a bit. (ill even bring the Dozer Dog :p)

icall them friends...but honestly one can never be so sure if they were more "convenience" frineds they called when they needed a listening ear/shoulder (im good at that) or when they had nothing else to do...

put it this way.
i got a massive staph infection on my face one year...i eneded up in hospital for almost a week (and thankfully it wasnt mrsa) i was at my bfs and had a boil on my chin, i thought it was just a nasty spot and to leave it be...the next morning i woke up and my chin was swolen my face was on fire ive never felt pain like it. i drove myself home because the bf had his kid and dint want to drive all that way and back again (about 45 mins one way) got home and my dad who used to be a nurse said i needed to go get it checked so off to the er. they lanced it took slides packed it and sent me home with codine and antibiotics...(they were seriously worried about lancing it but honestly i didnt feel that lol), i got home updated my facebook letting folks know id spent hours in the er having my face sliced open...and not a peep from the "friends", no "omg are you ok" nothing
the next day it was WORSE so back to the ER...and they admitted me.
now in this time my face was tyring to explode and my BF at the time of a year hadnt called me once to see if eveyrthing was ok...
(probably shoudl have taken that as a warning sign lol)
i ended up in hospital for 6 days, in that time i had my sister put an update on my facebook that i was in hospital, it might be mrsa so no visitors please (mrsa is contageous...) and i had no internet, but put the phone number for the room in case anyone wanted to call...
you guessed calls, no well wishes, no questions from frineds, noone called mum and dad to see how i was doing...
and by noone i mean NOT EVEN MY flowrs no cards, not even a call to see how i was feeling...not even a call to my parents to see ow i was feeling...
and when i finally got out (i spent almost a month on strong painkillers and anitiotics) noone even asked how i was feeling...instead they just thought it was funny that i was constantly slightly spacey from the codine...)
i mean you put "hospital has me under quarentein because it might be MRSA" youd expect some kind of "feel better"
i think i knew form there they were fair weather friends...
and you know what...
that was ok, least i knew i never had to worry about not being in the mood to hang out LOL!

and i dont need that kind of person in my life anymore...
the internet certianly makes communication easier (and belive you mee if they were caling it better be from an ATT phone caus eyour charged to recive lol and its free att to att lol, i dont expect anyone to call me long distance at all...)
theyll get round to a quick hello whenever they get round to it...

in the end, there all stuck in CT working thier butts off and most of them not enjoying life, with big dreams not one of them has made any attempt to go after...
and im here in TN chasing a
least i hae the testicular fortification to go for it :D

in other news, whent back out before it got too dark and ripped some more of the green shingles off the back and front of the shed...gonna ned a crowbar for some of these boards to get a little more leverage on the arkward angles, but i ont think pulling it down is going to take all that long.
dont worry cindi, ive got plenty of stuff for you to attack with sledgehammers and sawsalls lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I already got you more taters...just took a phone call :hu

I don't have many more friends like that..sheeeesh life is wayyyyy too short for it ;) I know what you mean though. Been there, wasted time on them too. Still, if they need anything, they know they can call, and a few actually have, and I went and helped out, but that's just me. I don't let folks walk all over me, but once I have had enough...I back up and let them make the next move. If they don't it doesn't bother me anymore. I used to be such a mushball though and let it hurt my feelings, now, I just go hang out with other folks instead. I gots plenty of friends and love them all dearly. Some are just a little selfish at times :hu Sometimes you just have to learn to accept folks quirks and enjoy them when they are around. I figure if you like something about someone enough, they can be close if they choose, and distant if they choose, but I aint sittin around waitin on em to make up their mind :lol:

I think I woulda called or something though when you were in the hospital...especially the BF..that's just mean :/

I'm gonna have to let my shoulder rest before weilding a sledge now. Tossing taters has broke me down for a couple days. My left shoulder and mid back is pretty much out of whack at the moment. I am trying to work out the kinks though, should be good tomorrow after a good long day of rest. I love Sunday!!!!

Tuesday is good for me sister! I look forward to seeing you and Dozey!!! :love I'll have ya a box of goodies set aside and send ya home with some venison too if you'd like. I just bought a deer from the processor the other day, and we really don't eat much except the ground deer. I have some of the tenderloin promised to the neighbor, but I have enough to share with you too :) Besides, he'll have me a couple more deer before the season is over, so I'll need the freezer space! Hope you're hungry :p


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Wannabefree said:
BarredBuff said:
Cindi, I may have to move to Tenessee too :drool
Are ya here yet? :caf Whatcha waitn on?! :lol:
After the rabbits kindle, the chicks hatch and did I mention that I think the cat we took in is pregnant?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
lol your gonna be busy buff!

Cindi, ive been looking for a reason to try venison aparently you just gave me one LOL!
youll have to give me some cooking pointers lol.

i made the most yummy broiled beef tonight.
i wasnt defrosted in time yesterday so i covered in in salt pepper and garlic covered it and left it in the fridge. then i let it sit counter top for about 45 mins before putting it under the broiler...MMMM yummy. soft, juicy and pink inside... :D

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