Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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this one on the walls is "olympic one" its a newer release in the olympic line and a paint and primer in one...
i do NOT think it would cover in 1 coat over a darker color... but anythign light tan through white or probably most pastel colors it woudl probaly cover in 1 walls are "off white" and it covers 1 coat no problem...

for the trim i whent with the olympic "fast hide" (cheapest in their line) plus a coat of rimer...even with the primaer its 2 coats to cover the blue grey ut i think its more of how deep the color is than the actual paint
if i run out before ive finnished all the trim though ill probably try a can of the onlymic one in semi gloss white and see how that does on the dark trim...

but for the walls, im REALY liking the olympic one and will be using that for the rest of the rooms too, goes on nice and smooth and as long as you load the roller right it does cover in 1 coat...(ive found a few roller miss spots around the livingroom so i just hit em with a bit of paint on the brush when i notice them and it blends right in no problems. :), im better with a brush than a roller, but the roller is so much faster lol.
and even better is this one is 100% acrylic and low VOC...very important to me because im sensitive to paint fumes (epileptic) and im HIGHLY allergic to latex but acrylic doesnt seem to cause me any of the issues...
(i swear, i dont work for them)

origioanlly i choose this one because it was the best "in one" i could afford...and was worried it wouldnt cover as well as thier top line "in one" but im realy pleased with it, especially for the price...
the sheet says 1 can can cover up to 400sqft and id agree, my house is a little under 800 sqft and my livginroom and kitchen take up most of that space and ive got a bit left so im quite happy with it :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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pinkfox said:
this one on the walls is "olympic one" its a newer release in the olympic line and a paint and primer in one...
i do NOT think it would cover in 1 coat over a darker color... but anythign light tan through white or probably most pastel colors it woudl probaly cover in 1 walls are "off white" and it covers 1 coat no problem...

for the trim i whent with the olympic "fast hide" (cheapest in their line) plus a coat of rimer...even with the primaer its 2 coats to cover the blue grey ut i think its more of how deep the color is than the actual paint
if i run out before ive finnished all the trim though ill probably try a can of the onlymic one in semi gloss white and see how that does on the dark trim...

but for the walls, im REALY liking the olympic one and will be using that for the rest of the rooms too, goes on nice and smooth and as long as you load the roller right it does cover in 1 coat...(ive found a few roller miss spots around the livingroom so i just hit em with a bit of paint on the brush when i notice them and it blends right in no problems. :), im better with a brush than a roller, but the roller is so much faster lol.
and even better is this one is 100% acrylic and low VOC...very important to me because im sensitive to paint fumes (epileptic) and im HIGHLY allergic to latex but acrylic doesnt seem to cause me any of the issues...
(i swear, i dont work for them)

origioanlly i choose this one because it was the best "in one" i could afford...and was worried it wouldnt cover as well as thier top line "in one" but im realy pleased with it, especially for the price...
the sheet says 1 can can cover up to 400sqft and id agree, my house is a little under 800 sqft and my livginroom and kitchen take up most of that space and ive got a bit left so im quite happy with it :D
I'd drop some hints at their website - because you sell it, baby (or foxy!) ;)

Definitely gonna try a paint + primer next time, definitely. (which links my brain to 'I'm an excellent driver.' Man, my brain is flipping tonight :p )


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today is quite nice outside so im planning on sending at least part of the day outside...i realy shoudl try and get that final scrap raised bed built (its going to be a strawberry bed) and whatever scrap is left moved and tidy up that back area a bit (rake ect)
i need to take a trip to the bank as the deposit from the other person going in on the duck order arrived (she paid 1/2 up front and will pay the rest on pick up :) ) so gotta run that up and stop in the post office and just let them know im expecting the duckies anyday between tomorrow and friday (usualy takes 1-2 days but can take up to 3) so they know and are expecting them and will hopefully call me when they arrive so i can wander across for them :)
it is nice being able to see the post office form my livingroom window lol.

then later this afternoon i can hopefully get the bathroom trim and that door completly painted and touchups in the kitchen.
you know...if i dont get super side tracked again that it lol.

so on that note, going to go finnish up my internet routein and then get started on everythign else...
Think ill tackle the bank first :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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bank visit check, spent $6 at the grocery store on sammich meats and
stopped at the post office and put my "my ducks are comming please dont let them sit in the backroom" note in...scary part is...i walked in there and she knew who i was..ive been in a few times but still, a service worker who knows her clients by name, but SMALL town LOL. so there going to call me as soon as my box arrives *woot*
came home, ate outside, its GORGEOUS out!
then tackled that scrap wood project...i now have my strawberry bed, a 3x3 with a 1x1 raised for 10 strawberry plants.
i plan on doing more plants than that but thats all the scrap wood i had left for the box, planning on getting some deck rail boxes and doing more in those, they should overwinter fine in the raised bed and planter boxes if i mulch (and wrap any deck boxes) for the winter to keep them from freezing through.
next year if they do well in the rasied box ill build a couple more just like it
so for this year, assuming i can get the dirt to fill them all, i have 1 3x3 strawbery bed, 2 beds at 7x2 and 2 beds at 7x4
i think that should be enough to see me personally through this year, and we can expand as money allows.

taking a break, having a drink then going to tackle the little bit of touchups in the kitchen.

tomorrow is cleaning day, so will tackle some back yard clean up and mabe some trim painting tomorrow...

the dogs spent the entire time out in the yard while i worked on the raised bed so im hoping this means dozer will sleep for a while LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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now im frustrated...
the ducky order was supposed to ship out today...they were short on khakis so now its been rescheualed to MARCH 5TH WTF? why should I have to get bumped to the back of the line?! so now ive got to wait another 2 weeks, im realy annoyed as its not just me waiting on these duckies either,and the money from the extras is bill money... :rant

why me?!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Crapit! MY ducks delayed it!? :hit Sorry Pinky :hide I has you some stuff in my freezer, and the money for my duckies :hide SO sorry my order messed it up

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