Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thankfully the hiccups whent away cause id definatly manage to get more water everywhere its not supposed to be lol.
i think i just ate my oatmeal too fast this morning lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had the hiccups 2x last week. Each time, I used a spoonful of sugar and they went right away.

And WBF, it's not that easy to swallow like that.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
lol i can imagine...
last thiese were "minor annoyance" hiccups rather than the "oh my god it hurts" kind lol. gotta love ransom diaphram contractions...i used to get hiccups alot when we were comming closer to a concert or show ( was a singer) from the extra breathing practice wed go diaphram would regularly protest at some of those lol.

well i spent this afternoon being semi constructive...
broke out the green paint and touched up a few missed spots in the livingroom, i also put some in various spots in the kitchen and i think its going to work...i SHOULD have enough leftover green to do the kitchen too! WOOT.
right now the plan is paint the walls in the same green as the livingroom then do a faux subway tile (white) backsplash using painters tape spackle and a gloss white paint. ill do a "picture peice" over the stove to bring in the colors from the inspiration...
doing a faux tile should save me a fortune and i think the glossy white "tile" against the green and gold should look realy nice..
im also going to redo the cabinate handles (going to paint them in a high gloss white too)
I want to try and make a narrow kitchen cart too, counter top height but only about 24" deep on wheels itll store in the space behind the backdoor, act as a small pantry/storage unit and if i need extra counter space i can wheel it on out. ill put some kind of choppable top on it either try and find a cutting board that will fit it or ill tile it so i can actually use it as a proper work surface. extra storage is always good in a kitchen with only 7ft of cabinate space. :D

i also want to see if i can find (or make) something to fit next to the fridge where i currently have my trashcan and vacume cleaner to hide those away too. i could always put the vacume cleaner in the guest closet if i cant get somehting that will fit both...but i definatly want to hide the trashcan...
and i want a big chalkboard in the kitchen too :)

i also got the halway trim done. a 2nd coat on the outer side of the bathroom door, the bathroom trim and 1 coat on the inside of the bathroom door, and a little bit of the gest bedroom trim and 2 coats of paint on that door...its amazing the differnce simply changing the trim makes...but it also makes it painfull obvious that whoeve rdid the paint was a cheapo and did a quick rough job...
thatll get changed :D
im probably going to need another 1/2 gal of semi gloss to finnish the trim in the spare bedroom and my bedroom (which i didnt get started on yet) and then 1 gallon of wall color for each room shoudl be plenty with leftoers for touchups...
im not going to bother painting the bathroom walls untill i have a better idea of how and when im going to get that room done. that room needs the most "bits" the pannel board needs to come out and it may need new wetboard in there behind the shower theres some soft spots that make me seriously think its literlaly just studs behind there....not sure what ill be replacing it with yet, either tile or pannel board, tile worries me because of cost and i dont know what kind of shifting the house does, theres a couple of cracks in the liingroom aboe the window and im going to consult the daddy on that and see what he the end itll be the most cost effectie option for the win.
ie already got the anity picked out if i dont find anythign cheaper...
the bathroom is going to be a blue chocolate and white theme, blue on the walls, white trim woodwork and any tile/shower surround. (if i go tle id like to put a decoratie tile runner in a choclate)
i plan on putting in a frosted glass door for the shower too instead of a shower curtain, make the room feel bigger and brighter...
thats my "expensive" room...
but getting rid of that blue grey trim has already made a difference.

made turkey chili for dinner, and some cornbread mini muffins to go with it. so im going to go eat...tonight is "the walking dead" night...
im hoping someone kills shane already, i hate that character, hes such an egotystical and slightly frightening douche! lol
(if you watch the show youll understand LOL!)

so yeah....FOOOOD


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
Kudos to you Pinky! I hate to paint! Your color schemes sound nice. I like blue with brown too! And I like your idea for the kitchen backsplash. Take lots of pics!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
yeah where's the pics?! :D
On my thread. Oh wait. You wanted the pics of Pinky's projects. Never mind. :hide

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've been in your journal. You just don't read it! :rant :smack

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