Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I love the floor idea Pink! We debated painting the kitchen floor at one of our old houses, until I could make up my mind what I wanted and we could save up the money for it, but ended up going with 19 cent, cheapy-ugly vinyl tile because the floor was concrete and very bumpy!

I have seen pictures on the web where people have painted 'rugs' right onto their floor, or painted a piece of drop cloth and used it like a rug (both things I KNOW you could do, looking at the chair and mailbox you painted. The lady that painted on the floor masked off her spot, then went to town! It ended up looking like a picture on her floor!!

From personal experience, in case I misunderstood what you meant, when I painted the hardware at our last house (it was brass :sick and I wanted black), I had to use spray paint, then sealer. I just spray painted first, and it all started to scratch off, so I redid it and sealed it, and it held up great.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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HQueen...what a Good probably have to cut the carpet around the fridge move it over then sand/prep and paint that area then put it back do the same for the stove put it back then rip up the rest of the carpet down, BUT that could definatly work.

and yup ss, im planning on doing a sparypaint then a couple of coats of clear
unless i can find cabinate hardware i like for cheap but there sooo expensive!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Thats why I spray painted mine! There was a style I fell in love with (still am, truth be told, but have 3 or 4 times as many cabinets here, so it ain't happening :p ) but everywhere I checked, they cost between $6 and $8 a piece!! :th


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yup was looking online and couldnt belive the prices, insanity.

i think ive decided if im going to be bainting the floor and upper cabinates white i want a splash of color in the no i have to figure out how to do "copper" without the price of cooper sheeting.
had the idea of using pennies (would cost me about $42 in pennies to do the entire are i want...less if i space them further apart) plus the glue and the grout and a sealant becuse i woudlnt want it eventually going black/green and yucky lol
looked it up and someone else has already done it

but how cool does that look?!

copper paint makes a little more sense but its quite expensive, trying to figure out how much id need to cover the area...theres only about 30sqft to cover.
valspar makes a metal glaze/patina paint which over a copper colored paint could work and should cost aroudn about $20 to do. (plus tax and brushes) so thats going to be the method i take. ill also be spraying the pulls in a high gloss white then painting the centers with the same copper)
and will bring the copper onto the floor in the border which im thinking a border of 6" green diamonds with 2" copper dimonds between them.

accents will be sunflower and Rooster themed so bright sunshiney yellow and red

i think the dark green countertop will work fine with the color scheme especially after the cabinates have been lightend up some right now it just looks dingy.

a nice new door, and mabe a new funcitoning window and some linnens in white with red and yellow accents, a pot rack to hang my red pots and pans i think itll look pretty dang...well pretty LOL.

in other news...poppy actually took 3 1/2-4oz from the bottle at lucnh time feeding...she was reluctant and it was slow going but its 1 more feeding and 3 more ounces she wasnt taking before...if i could get her up to 2 x 9oz and a few oz in the afternoon id be happy...she shoudl ideally be on 3 12-16oz bottles right now...
were getting there...shes slowly starting to trust me and enjoy my company a little i think. at least she doesnt panic and freek out when i try to touch her now lol

made some realy redneck looking pean teepees out of privvet brnaches today...who cares what they look like as long as they do the job right?! and once there covered in peas noone will see the branches anyway lol.

and dinner tonight is baked chicken with cornbread stuffing and sweet potatoe.

i nuke 1/2 a sweet potatoe in the microwave for about 3 1/2-4 mins, then scoop out all the innards carefully, mix those with butter salt and pepper and mush well before shoving it back into its skin. then i dust a little salt and brown sugar ontop and gently press it down. that gets set aside because it only needs about 10 mins in the oven to finnish it off.
the chicken (i like chicken thigh) i peel back the skin season (for me that means salt pepper and slightly crazy amounts of garlic...) then put the skin "back on and secure on the end and back with toothpicks (to make a pocket) in this pocket i shove simple stovetop sutffing wich i play with and add stuff too so its generally got extra garlic, salt, chives ect in it) make sure the skin is well secured as itl shrunk as its cooking and you want to keep the stuffing in there if possible)
into the oven for whatever temp and time is right for your meat minus about 10 mins...
when it goes ding put your sweet potatoe in there and turn it bac on for another 10 mins or so...the chicken jusices should be clear and the sugar on the sweet tater caramelizes and gives it a lslight crispness :D

I had it last night and it was i decided to do it again tonight. :D

got ground beef out for tomorrow...who knows what that will turn into :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today is serious slow-mo day...just no drive to do anything...

Poppy took 6 oz this morning, hoping to get another 6 oz in her for lunch lolw, hey..its progress lol.

baby buns are doing well...but otherwise ive done NOTHIGN today so far.
gonna get my tush in gear soon and feed the girls then do some dishes...but for the most part i think this afternoon will continue to be the day i do nothing.

i did have a dream last night about my "bird house" (chicken coop)
so i drew it out on paper and in paint...
it should work perfectly for what i want to do but at 16x16 not sure if it would be cost do-able. lol

im thinking it would need 20 sheets of ply just for the walls and roof, and about 50 studs to build the walls... and another 25 or so for the roof.
thats not including the floor (which would ideally be concrete) but if going wood theres another 8 sheet of ply and another aprox 50 pressure treated studs plus the blocks to set it on to level it out...
id probably need about $1500 to build the dang thing lol. (not bad if you consider buying one woudl cost about 3 times that much but still...
think im going to end up with a "compound" of small sheds for the birds im planning. I want 24 chickens total in 2 flocks (1 pure brown leghorns and 1 will be a mix of ees, speckeld sussex and whatever else catches my eye under an EE roo (i love easer egger roosters lol)
i want a trio of turkey...
i want 12 guinea
i want a space dedicated to brooders
and i want at least 5 breeding groups of cortinux quail...

I figure the quail can share the "brooder house" (which will also be feed storage)
the guineas and turkeys could probably co-exist in one house
and then the 2 flocks of chickens in another house thats been divided

lol...i feel like the crazy critter lady already!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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More poppy progress!

She took 6oz at her lunch time bottle! thus far ive been able to forcer her to take 3-4 oz at most for lunchtime and only this past couple of days...well today...6 oz! thats ontop of 6oz for breakfast this morning...thats more than shes been taking in an entire day some days!
we'll win this fight yet!
hoping to get another 6-9oz into her tonight before bed *fingers crossed* id be SOO happy if i could get her up to 3 9oz bottles a day right now...even happier if i could get her to her full 3 12oz bottles...but id settle for 9 lol.

and after talking with some ducky people, given the current weahter pattern they all say i can start leaving the ducks out at night without a heat source as long as temps arnt going to fall under 40 degrees starting at 3 as of monday, they are being evicted, ill put a clean box back in the guest room just incase we get a nice or 2 when the weather is set to drop under 40...but they are so much happier outside, and thier house/run is MUCH bigger than the current brooder itll be a much nicer "brooder" and once the fence goes up in the beginning of april they can spend their day running around the yard too WOOT!
i mean i knwo duckligns are messy, but these guys take the cake lol

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm surprised they're not eating the cake. :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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nawh, more likely to just poop on it and stomp it into a wet soggy mess lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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poppy took 9oz for supper and probably would have taken more if id had it! :weee :ya :celebrate

were making progress...if we can repeat this tomorrow il consider her won
she still wont take it willingly...i hae to kinda tuck her under my arm (at which point she will start buttingand mouthing me as if searching for milk) then i still have to lift her head and put the bottle to her lips and hold it there for a few seoncds before shell suckle...and she slow compared to lilly, and shes a dribler, shes definalty not got the "latch" that lilly has (which is fun since lily would eat till she pops so tries to take it from poppies mouth so i have to play a little contortionist to hold lilly back and pet her while holding poppy and feeding her lol.)
BUT...its HUGE progress...gone from mabe 6-8oz a day to 21oz today! she should be on 36oz right now, so were getting there!
Just gotta watch she doest get an upset tummy now.
theyve got free acess to baking soda, minerals, grain, hay, and water.
i have notice poppys belly feels a little bit harder than lillies but poop seems normal, wondering if shes just gassier than lilly. 2 more days on the sulmet for the cocci treatment/prevent
will probably dose with ivomec when i pick up a bottle next month (need it for the dogs anyway) and that will kill any other intestinal parisites too (the sulmet is prety much only for cocci)

from then on in moping to do a monthly herbal dewormer rather than chemicals.

but much happier tonight after poppy took 9oz! WOOT!

oh and i finally got those plant pots base coated Did 1 white and 2 black, theyll all get sunflowers and pink daisies to stay in the kitchen once its done...i was initially thinking herbs but the kitchen doesnt get alot of light so im thinking low light house plants (ivy ect) will look nice


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sweet!!! Sounds like progress :D Blackjack can now jump the gate like a gazelle :rolleyes: I didn't get to the flea market today on account of cooties :sick Guess i gotta deal with him another week. DH doesn't want to see him go anyway :p

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