Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im pretty sure they think they can fly. lol.

Poppy refused lunch today (but took 12 oz for breakfast...) shes so odd! oh well mabe shell be hungry later.
the baby bunnies are much more active, cant wait untill the eyes open...

did the dishes that have been pilling up but then my back realy started twinging...its been fine for the past week or so and now its spasaming again...stupid angry muscle!

have left over chilli for dinner tonight, but cant wait for the end of the oth to hit...cut myself a little too close on the money this month with the unexpecteds from the goaty girls and the extra trips into the city for stuff because the feed store didnt have things...*ugh* but its ok, wil get back on track next month. i need less fencing than i thought, so that helps...just got to be carefull and try and pay a little extra off the credit card this month to make up for what i had to put on it this month.
its a balancing act i guess. ill get there. my gas bill should be next to nothing this month (if not nothing) i dont know if theres a fee just for having the gas on since im not actually using it (in ct theres a "delivery" fee for gas electric and water so even if you havent used any...your still charged for its know for the little leprachaun who comes every night while your sleeping to replenish the reserves hidden under your fee my tush!) so that will help too.
i think my internet bill goes up this or next month (it was a 6 month promo then up after 6 months then up again after aother 6 to the "normal" fee...i need internet so im not too upset by this...
I am however thinking that by october the Satelite will e getting disconected. i dont watch it neer enough to pay $70 a month for it after the promo, especially since i have high speed internet and can watch alot of stuff on netflix, or stream online...
and ive got to find out if theres a pay as you go cellphone that works at my house...if so once the contract is up on my phone, thats going paying for 400 mins right now (the smallest they offer) and i use aproximatly 100...with taxes and fees ontop im paying $40 a month for a phone i use Rarely. so im thinkign a no contract pay as you go type phone would suit me much better...i know the mins are a little more expensive overall...but for as many as i use, shouldnt be a problem.

Just trying to figure out ways to cut costs here and there along the way.

and today someone tied to argue with me that giving her 10lb dog a teaspoon of minced garlic (the equivalent of 2 cloves) is SAFE because garlic is...get this...NOT related to onions...
*blink blink* n-propyldisulfide found in all the allium family causes heinz body anemia if given in too high a dose...the safe dose of garlic for a 10 lb dog is 1/2 a clove, and even then it should only be given 5 out of 10 days...
she says she gives garlic because its safer than topical flea producst because its "natrual" ...
I pointed out Arsenic is natural, does that mean its not poisen!?
i dont like chemicals anymore than the next person but garlic in the kind of dosage shes giving her dog is MUCH mroe dangerous than any of the chemicals found in frontline or advantadge ect...
but its ok...because its NOT related to onions...despite being in the same genus...GAH...
would be a "so dumb its funny" moment if it wasnt for the fact that shes literally poisening her little dog...poisen yourself al you want...but the animal is innocent. step away form the garlic!


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
Pinky, I can so relate to the finance issues! It's boggles the mind how much these companies charge for their services or products. And if you live in rural areas, as so many of us do, they can really stick it to us because we have so few alternatives. I want to get a smartphone, but I refuse to start a new 2 yr contract with Verizon. As soon as the contract is up on J's phone we are switching. Again, the problem is finding a less expensive carrier that offers unlimited data that will work out here in the boonies! :barnie


Jun 27, 2011
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Pinky, make sure your satellite company doesn't hit you for a $200 early disconnect fee!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh there will be an early terination fee, i have to check how muck itll be (i know its more the longer you have left on your contract, the less time on the contract the lower the fee so ill eifnatly be waiting till the 1yr minimum point) but even $200 is cheaper than an entire year at full package price...
it wouldnt be so bad if there was SOMETHING on...but yeah..not so much lol.
I wish i could just build my own package where i got to choose what channels i wanted lol. id choose AMC, SyFy, Chiller, TBS and Food Network...ok well throw in BBCA and HGTV too as i do occasionally find a show worth stealing ideas from and its nice to get a reminder of my home accent once in a while lol. but thats it. right now ive got the very basic package and its mostly sports and news... YICK!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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They would lose WAY too many 'big package' subscribers if they allowed a la cart (sp?) choices. We could do away with 2/3 of the channels we get, but have to get those so we can (OK, so I can) get the channels to watch the races. I am seriously addicted. I watch practice, qualifying, Arca, Nationwide, Cup. I'll even watch sprint cars and Whelan modifieds if I'm jonesin' for a fix :p I need a 12 step program!! :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
pinkfox said:
I am however thinking that by october the Satelite will e getting disconected. i dont watch it neer enough to pay $70 a month for it after the promo, especially since i have high speed internet and can watch alot of stuff on netflix, or stream online...
and ive got to find out if theres a pay as you go cellphone that works at my house...if so once the contract is up on my phone, thats going paying for 400 mins right now (the smallest they offer) and i use aproximatly 100...with taxes and fees ontop im paying $40 a month for a phone i use Rarely. so im thinkign a no contract pay as you go type phone would suit me much better...i know the mins are a little more expensive overall...but for as many as i use, shouldnt be a problem.
I'm sure I'll have a fight on my hands but I would love NOT to bother with a tv once we get the cabin built. As you've stated, most of what we watch you can find on-line anyways.

I've got a Net10, pay as you go cell phone from WalMart. It's nothing fancy but it's cheap (financially) and I can make a call when I need to. I don't use mine much either but I find comfort in it when I'm here by myself, just in case I might have an emergency.

The kids and buns are looking good! I really like the goat shack and figure on doing the same for mine (eventually) and plan on doing the same thing for my Black Runner ducks. I can't see why it wouldn't work for them, can you? :hu I know I'll need a covered run for them but I think your goat shack would work great to house them.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think thes pallet shelters woudl work for almost any animal!
once i ge tmy barn i plan on donating this shelter to my eventual buck (probably spring of 2013 for him)
and i hope to make a few more for piggy shelters for when i get my pigs, i cant see any reason they wouldnt work for ducks, sheep, chickens turkeys or any other critter you can think of, though for smaller critters the pallets need extra boards added between the slats and for flighted birds or birds that can give a jump the gate would have to be made full height to stop them jumping up and out but that wouldnt be hard to do...

today i have plenty to keep me busy.
wednesday is cleaning day...
AND i responded to a free cycle add for free daylillies and it turns out there literally just down the street from me, so im going to go spend my morning digging up free plants :D WOOT.
everyones fed, and settled and fussed with so now its time to get dressed and grab my stash of plastic bags and go dig! she tells me they have "alot" of them...not sure if shes espcting me to just take a few but depending on what the weather does, ill happily take ALL of them. even if it means putting in a bunch of new flower beds today lol.
I also need to clean the house...not quite as fun...but still. lol.

Laters guys!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
:woot for free flowers!!
I got free flowers like that from a friend when we were in the townhouse and FILLED the 2' x 7' box in the front with a variety, then watered the heck out of it with miracle grow, LOL. It looked awesome. I wish I could get a similar look in my front yard, but between the trees and deer that isn't easy.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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The freecycle up here and where I used to live both stink :/ Usually filled with 'I wants'. I would like to find somebody dividing their hostas - I haven't had any of those in almost a decade, and really miss them.

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