Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well its sunday morning..and you know what that means...
BABBIT pictures
They are officially 2 weeks old today, starting to hop around, explore, nibble on food and are much more interested in their surroundings and whats going on.

Broken Castor #1
this one has a heavy blanket and gorgeous color



Broken Castor #2
LIghter blanket but realy pretty marked head
it also needs an M name as theres a M on its side :)



Black Otter
this one is the smallest in the litter but Feisty! lol its a wiggly one!



Broken Black Otter
adorable with nice balance in the blanket and face, but has a few stray whites on the blanket. cute all the same though :)



im failry certain Piglet as ive nicknemaed this one is a Chinchilla rather than an Opal, the fawn undercoat has gone. this baby is going to be STUNNING and its a big bun.
i MIGHT hold this one back, depends on sex.



Broken Light Chinchilla?!
Not a clue what color this baby is now...
its lighter than the other "grey" baby and doesnt have the black tipping on the body...just on the ears and around the eyes, the rest of the body shows no black tipping.
this one is currently my pick for hold back, again depending on the sex.



and the obligatory group shot


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i must admit im not a self fan...but piglet is realy growing on me...
right now im thinking of keeping back a male and a female (rather than bying another buck) i can breed back the female to bigwig and use the young buck on any female other thn his sister.
right now its a toss up between the broken light chin, broken castor #1 and piglet.
i think the broken light chin is stunning, and that castor has AWESOME color, but theres something about piglet thats just beautiful...gorgeous body on that baby, its going to be a BIG bun!
im definatly holding back one of them if theres a doe in those 3...but i might keep a buck back too lol.
im hoping rowan gives me a nice litter sometime in the next few days too...shes due on the 4th and will be a first timer so im a little worried about her, shes definatly gotten feisiter, and they "should" be all black otters. Rowan is from a litter of black and broken black, Bigwig is from all black otters but as we see from the chins, hes probably carrying for chin too. itll be interesting to say the least. lol

they all did well today despite 90 degrees with just an ice bottle so YAY bunnies!

tomorrow ive got to go back into town, sort out the debit card issue, pick up Dog Food too as we ran out today (so tomorrow morning were going to be very unhappy lol)
Nothing else can get done untill i get the bank issue sorted out.
i hate identity theves i mean realy?! its not like i HAVE any money...and your goign to try and steal what little i do have?! ugh.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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Your bunny's are so cute! wish we were closer I would love to work out a trade for them. I have bourbon red and royal palm turkey's and heritage rir chickens.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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cute! I'm about to post pics of my first litter...we had 8 total but 3 died at about day 10 or so. They are really pretty...I have two girls due to kindle any day now too. Fun isn't it? :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well i took a look this morning, and i THINK i have them sexed, still young though so itll be interesting to see if i still think im right next week and so on.
right now i think...
Black Otter, Broken Black otter and Broken castor #1: Females
Chinchilla, Broken Light Chinchilla and Broken Castor #2: Males.

will check next sunday to see if i still think im right.
If so ive got some descisions to make. do i keep back a doe and a buck or do i just keep back a buck. i do like Broken Castor #1, she would throw most likely Castors no matter what shes bred to.
but either of the chin boys would also throw Castor as the primary.

gah...still got plenty of time yet.

then ontop of al this inner turmoil LOL...
I ran out of dog food last night...and the closest place to get more is in jackson...a 40 minute drive north...*GAH!*
Called everywhere closer this morning and yup either into jackson or off to savannah for it. *grumble*
I HAVE to go into henderson today one way or another as i need to go to the bank to sort out this debit card issue....
so do i continue north and get a bag of food...or do i say screw it and start them on raw today.
Least raw i can stop at the grocery to buy thier food but it does work out more expsnive overall while im not producing enough of my own...
at current cost of grocery store chicken itll cost me close to $80 a month just to feed dozer at his current weight lol

this leaves me with the daunting fact that i need to get my butt in gear and get some actual meat bunnies in here if meat is my goal from the rabbits "extra" rex will be great, but im Hoping to not have enough extras lol.
So right now that means i think i should probably keep back one of the 2 bucks, sell the rest (if i can) and then use some of that money to get a couple of meaty Does and the supplies to build them a tractor each.
I also need to start working on my quail set up and some meaty tractors too (if for nothing else than feeding the dogs.

So much to do! lol.

In other news, neighbor came over this morning, askied if i had anyone to mow the lawn (back feild and all) yet i said not right now, looking to try and find me a CHEAP used mower so i can get it done...he tells me hell do it twice a month for $50...good deal but ill be honest, i dont have $50 a month to give the i told him, id have to see what the budget says, im on a limited income and ive got $3 to my name right now...
So he smiles says he understands then says, well i might try and get some mowed for you anyway before it gets too long...
I told him i wasnt too worried about it since its pretty much all clover and itll only grow so tall...(its floweirng right now so its about max height at 6-8" deep and i actually like how it looks)
well aparently hes realy bored and has decided to mow at least some of the property anyway cause hes out there right now...
*shrugs* not gonna stop him, hes not gotthe grass bag on the back so ill probably just leave the cuttings for a few days, let the sun dry everything and then rake it up store it loose as clover hay.

oh well i have to get my tucky to the bank and get this sorted out...Laters folks!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well stopped atthe bank, new card should be here in 5-7 days...whent over all the other transactions and theres nothing else odd on the account beyond that 1 charge so i think we caught it in time thank goodness.

decided today was not a good day to drive all the way up to jackson for a bag of dog food so stopped at piggly boguht a bag of rice and a "sell today" pack of chicken, and boiled everything up with some peas, carrots and a little garlic. just waiting on it to cool so they can have lunch which im sure theyll be happy about as they keep going to the bowl standing there and then staring at me as if to say "WELL?! why is it not magically refilling itself human?!"

i did get an email from someone intereste in buying 2 ive sent her an email back looking for more info in terms of what shes after.

think ive decided im just going to keep 1 female back from this breeding.
and keep my eyes peeled for a meaty doe, either a cali or a NZ specifically for meaty babies...

i realized, while not ideal i DO have a back up buck in my mini rex thistle...hes smaller but if i got desperate i could easily use him over Opal and keep the biggest buck in the litter back as a back up buck for the standards.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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We had an issue with our bank debit card years ago - along with about 10 other people at our bank - found out it was an inside job!:ep I hate checks, don't like to carry cash, so it felt like they severed my arm until the new cards came! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah i hate carrying cash...if i have cash in my pocket, i spend it...least on the card i write everything down so im less likley to spend that extra $5 thats left in my pocket lol.

well the goaty girls are not happy, there 7 weeks old and ive decided to cut the down to 2 bottles a day at the suggestion of a few local folks. (others say wait for 8 weeks, others say wait for 10 and others say do it at 6...there both eating well so ive decided nows a good time...ill keep them on 2 bottles a day now untill about 10 weeks old, then vut back to one until there 12 weeks and hopefully have them weaned at 12 weeks which is ideal time aparently. (though some comletly wean at 8 and others at 10...)

so theres having a very very strong worded discussion across my back yard trying to remind me im very late with thier lunch LOL.

I have decided however that ill close them up earlier tonight sunset is around 7:15 tonight so i figure ill head out there at about 7:30-8pm and give them bedtime bottle and close them in for the night (i usually go down at 9 to close them in and give bedtime bottle and its PITCH black by then, even with the little security light set up.
least this way im not trapsing through the dark at 9pm at night and there not OUT at 9pm either.

i think ive also figured out a way to make doing this floor easier...
gotta get all the supplies together first and then pick up that as seen on tv ez moves seeing good reviews for everything but trying to lift a car with the thing (suprise suprise lol) so i figur its worth a try, if it doesnt work i can always return it...but if it makes sliding the fridge out of the way while i get the floor done...WOOT for easyness.
Im also putting some thought into possibly moving the kitchen around...we'll have to see, i realy would prefer to put my fridge where my stove is now...position wise it would help make the room feel alot bigger and help let some more light in the room...then put the stove where the fridge is, which being lower wouldnt be as large visually and let the light from the back door right past into the rest of the room. i have power in both locations as the apliances are already there...however it would mean removing the hood...which is NOT vented to the outside, and removing the cabinates that are currently over the stove.
since the hood is not currently vented it realy doesnt do much more than add light since anything it sucks up just gets spat right back into the room...
Id have to cap off and put a patch over where the electric goes to the fan currently, and then set the fan aside for possible re-instalation later (though id much prefer a combi microwave/fan to free up even more space) the cabinates over the stove could be put back up above the stove and mabe an under cabinate light added to replace the hood as a temporary fix and the cabinate above the fridge currently could be used elsewhere as right now, above the fridge, i literally cant even get to it WITH a step stool LOL.

so...worth it you think to completly loose the sove hood for now (i checked and theres no carbon filter inside either so its not like its cleaning as it recirculates instead it just sucks up and spits it back out again lol.

the plan for the EVENTUAL long term IS to move the fridge to where the stove is now and the stove to the fridge and put in more cabinates alng that id essneitlaly just be doing that wihtout the adding cabinates part (since i cant afford those just yet lol)

i have this vision in my brain...mabe ill try drawing it out :D

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