Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the freecycle here is usually the same, just got lucky with this one i guess, whent by, took me almost 3 hours, but i literally came home with a car FULL of daylilly, also snagged some iris and daffs in the process, she pointed me at the bed told me "take what you want" i asked "are you sure?!" and she said "its all comming out" so i dug and dug and dug, and literally filled the back seat, the floor in the back, the front passenger seat and the floor infront of the passenger seat LOL.
got some planted already...then stopped for lunch, gonna check my online stuff then go feed the girls before planting some more (itll have cooled down then too :) )
anything i dont need this time around i think im going to divide up into equal sized clumps/bags and see if i can make some cash...yes i knwo they were free but i had to do all the hard work of digging them if i can make some money for my time and energy i will.
She said they were mostly yellows but there were a few orange and pinks in there last year too so we'll have to see what springs up.

Pictures later :D

after ive removed the plants from my car and done some more planting i then have to tidy my house, or at the very least get the trash and birdcages/litterbox and brooder cleaned out for trash day tomorrow...the vacuming can wait if i run short on time, but trash cant lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
my car full of greenery


what you cant see as well is the bags full on the floor along the back and in the front aswell. lol.
I ended up planting over 40 clumps of daylilly, 4 little iris and 2 clumps of some kind of small flowered daff (a narrow leaf veriety)
some of those 40 clumsb whent around the back of the house and side too...but 40 big clumps.

whent from this:

the bed has over to the left pink and orange day lilles (realy sorry looking little sprites but there green and getting stronger lol) a shrub rose of some kind, not entirely sure what kind it is, it was on clearance because it had no itll be a suprise! the only roses they had were yellow, cream edged with pink, orange edged with pink, red and pink, so im expecting one of those colors lol)
then behind the rose theres 2 bleeding hearts that seem to be comming to life (dollar store finds) and 2 astibille, which right now have done nothing...and hosta from the rescued clumps.
along the long part of the be is obviously more hosta, theres tulips and daff bulbs intermingled between them, 2 "salmon" azelea (thee HOT pink lol) 2 peegee hydrangea, 2 pink clematis, and theres 3 ferns, 2 bleeding hears and 2 astebile, though again not seeing much life from the bleeding hearts or astibille yet

now however:

(sorry its not a great picture)
2 clumps of daffs, 4 iris and aproximatly 20 new daylilly have been added to the bed. its starting to look much fuller now which is what i want, im hoping the day lilly will gradually fill in all along the house inbetween the azelea, just got to be carefull they dont choke out the other plants :)
Id Love another clematis or a climbing hydrengea in white to finnish the bed out and eventually cover the front of the house in a blanket of pink white and green blooms. but otherwise, other than some edging and mulch, i think its done :D
i started a new flowerbed in the back of the house and one along the side of the carport too...the daylilly will be the backdrop to some other plants that will ideally be a mixed use bed for cutting and general prettyness.
ive got 2 climbing roses in back behind the rabbit hutches so the daylilly are spaced between those, im thinking id like to place some ecinachea along the back too, i think the pink with the yellow lillies will look cool. on the other side of the deck inbetween the wall and where the steps are going to go i planted another daylilly bed...ill probably add ecinacea to that too (its tall enough to compete ith the daylilly without them strangling eachother. I want a couple of passiflora to grow up the back deck (i love passionflower!) too.
along the edge of the carport concrete i planted more daylilly thats a FULL sun area, and its the general area i plan to put my pond eventually, that side yard is currently the dogs yard but once i get the fence up in back id like to slowly convert the side yard into a more human frinedly cmfy space, its where my firepit currently is and the pecan tree is in the side too. i want to put a flower bed around the base of the pecan tree (but that will need to be raised since the pecan is OLD roots lol) thinking hosta, lilly of the valley, and astebile in that bed with a pasiflora to ramble up the pecan (less agressive than other climber sand will give the tree some interest) then the bed where i put the day lilly (well its not a bed yet bt it will be that im not sure what i plan to do with yet. im thinking butterfly garden :)
eventually that side area will be patio/graveld off to make it a little more formal and to help with drainage and discourage dozer from digging (its all sand/clay)

Oh and i also popped 3 clumps of lilly aroundthe mailbox too!

so ive got 11 clumps left which ive bagged up (theres about 10 plants per bag if whoever wants them diveds them or as is theyd make a good ready set statment...
lets hope someone claims them.

and yeah, while all this was going on the neighbor mowed my front lawn...YAY! (i dont own a lawnmower yet so thats a big help LOL)

and now im sitting, going to have a drink then get the birdcages and litterbox done and straighten up a little before dinner.
im doing tilapia with rice in some kind of sauce (im thinking mushroom for some reason) with carrots done in a little bit of brown sugar :) NOM.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I saw that post on freecycle and thought of you, but then forgot to PM you yesterday :rolleyes: But hey, lookjs like ya got them anyway ;) :lol: They look good! That bed will be FULL next Spring! I don't blame ya for trying to make a buck off of them! Good thinking IMO!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol no probs WBF, i get the daily digest. im just suprised nooneelese tried to get in there before me lol.

cherio, me too, the flowers are just so pretty and they are so easy to grow and cover so nicely but i also love that there fully edible, everything about the plant is edible but ive only had the flowers (they were stuffed with a creamy cheese garlic and chive mixture and then battered and fried, YUM!)
and edible perneials is always a good thing as a "just in case" lol.
if i dont get any interest on the bagged clumbs by the end of tomorrow ill probably plant them...whats the worse that can happen, they grow and i have to divide them and sell them next year at the flea market...oh the horror LOL.

unfortunatly however todays digging has left my back REALY unhappy and a hot shower didnt help much so im going to take a painkiller and muscle relaxer and go to bed!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I just emailed a friend and am going to get some daffs and iris from her, and give her a few of my unusual varieties after everything is done blooming this summer. I'm excited to get more, they seem to be the only thing that does well against both the weedtrees and the deer.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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daffs and irises are another of my faves,
theres alot of verieties of beareded iris id LOVE to get my hands on...sooo many ptetty colors!
I think the ones i saved are just standard purple
my mum has some inher garden that look like milky coffee and yellow, never seen any others that color its odd, she also has the standard purples and some varigateds with lavender colored flowers.
I do want to fill in any open spots with iris so im now keeping my eyes open for people dividing iris lol...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I actually have some fairly unusual varieties of both.
I have "double daffodils" which have a thick flower that doesn't have the traditional flat petals around the cup. They are funky looking and a lot of fun. Nice yellow-yellow color, if that makes any sense :p
I also have the mini irises in yellow and purple, which I ADORE. I'd love to get more of them, but I'll just keep dividing what I have. I learned recently that they don't bloom off of the old growth anyway, so I need to keep dividing them to keep the blooms thick. My friend has the regular yellow ones, I think, so I'll be able to add those to the yard, and give her a few of the minis and probably some of the double daffs, too. I have some day lilies, but the deer like to eat them when they are little (though I think they've missed them this year, amazingly! They sure didn't miss my azaleas!!! :somad ) The minis grow just about as tall as the regulars, they just have tiny flowers which are so beautiful.
Have fun with all your planting! I love it when they get really established and everything gets nice and thick!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today shouldbe a fairly simple kinda day.
got to pay my electric bill and run acorss to the post office to send the cable bill out
and today i need to clean, got the birdcages and litterbox done last night before trash had to go out but my back was having no more of anything by the time id finnished that so today i need to tidy round, vacume, mop...the usual "housey" type stuff.

gonna dump out the duck brooder box give it a scrub with some amonia and then let it sit out in the sun all day to "bake" the runners are more than happy outside and unless i see a huge weather shift comming im not worried baout them being out there now. :)

the goaty girls are doing well, poppy took a full 12 oz this morning, so were definatly making progress, gotta watch her the next few days though as i did notice a little bit of runny poop.
ther both 6 weeks old now and about 1/2 way to weaning. so dont want any setbacks now.
2 more weeks on 3 bottles, then ill be cutting back to 2 bottles at 8 weeks of age, and then down to 1 bottle a day at 10 weeks and hopefully off bottles by 12 weeks. which is right around the time when the parents are supposed to be comming to visit.

its almost april Folks...
not much on the plans for april beyond the fence and the kitchen floor...

oh and baby buns are starting to open their eyes *squee*
im not yet sure if im going t be buying the opal buck in April...shes decided she wants more money and its almost 2 hours to the pick up im going to keep an eye on this litter and will either keep back a buck and a doe, or keep back just a buck and keep my eyes peeled for a cali or NZ doe on craigslist.
Rowan is on "the list" as potential to be replaced, that doe has Attitude and is messy (shes the only one who refuses to use a litterbox) so im going to try and get a few litters out of her while i grow out a few does and then once ive got a replacment for her sell her on as a breeding doe to someone with a wire floor system...shes just too messy for my set up lol. procrastinating and need to get my house cleaned lol.
i just dun wanna.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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DD helped clean the house today here :D She wants company over for her birthday, so the rule is, your company=your job. Of course, I helped, but she worked her tail off too! It's nice to not have to do it myself sometimes :cool:

I'd soooo trade ya for some colors other than orange and peach on the day lillies! I have the purple bearded Irises too. Mom has some other colors but I can't remember what they are :hu

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