Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im fairly certin the clumps i have are Yellow daylilly (probably Stella D'oro) no ones claimed them so if you want a few clumps of yellow your more than welcome to them, just let me know so i set them aside, otherwise there going in the ground so they dont

i think the 2 opal baby buns are actually light or blue chinchilla instead. there undercoat is white rather than clue which parent has the chin gene lol. crazy bunny gentics.
sunday is new picture day lol.

today was fairly laid back, got the house cleaned, did some dishes, poppy only took 3oz for lunch, but she took 12 this morning so we'll see what she does tonight...
I swear, i worry too muhc about that little hoppy nut. shes definatly comming aroudn though, today she actually ran to the gate when she saw me comming. lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I'll take them, but I have no clue when I will be able to get over that way at all this week or next. Tomorrow is DD's birthday and she'll have company for a couple days. I have no gas or gas money right now either. :/ Stupid house payment :lol: If I could just quit paying bills....I'd have plenty of money :p I know you are in the same boat too. Maybe you could go aheasd and stick them in the ground and we could swap up here before long when I can get out that way? I'd LOVE to have some yellow ones!! All I have that are really big enough to seperate are the orange ones, but I can spare a BUNCH of Irises! just let me know what you want and i'll dig them up. Were'nt we supposed to do that last time you were here when you got that clump formerly known as a fern?! :lol: Did that thing ever do anything? I hope the chickens didn't destroy it completely.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think poor fern gave up the fight, its not done anything so i gave it a propper burrial...who knows, mabe itll become zombie fern.

I might have someone interested in the day lillies...but ill set back a couple good clumps for you :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Ugh some people.

a facebok frined is getting chickens, shes done some reaserch and found a nice set up on craiglist with a banty roo and som mixed bred standard hens.
she also has a 4 yr old son.

i made sure to comment reguarding not letting her son around the roo until they know it better and even then, never allow the litte man around the roo unspuervised as roos can be quite agressive (even the friendliest roo can have an off day), particularly banties, and they can do a considerable amount of damage.

another person chimes in, this girl aparently 'grew up" on a chicken farm (her fathers and they moves when she was 7) and she comments that "oh hell be fine" and her daddy just sent her in swith the chiceksn, she got pecked a few times but it doesnt hurt much"

So i posted i wasnt talking about the pecking (cause lets face it there chickens they peck EVERYTHING its to be expected) but that i was instead commenting on the SPURS roosters have and posted a picso that the op could see what spurs look like on a banty roo.

so the other person comes back with "those are like razors! but ya know, learning how to grab em before they can do damage is fun"

my responce was "yeah unless your a small child and catch a spurr to the face, i know a 6yr old who lost an eye to a banty rooster spurr" (i actually do not a pretty sight)

her responce
*shrugs* he's got plenty of time to learn

so let me get this straight were going to just brush off the potential damage an agressive roo can do and assum the kid will just learn.
hes 4yrs old.

Even better she has a kid of her own about the same age and sees nothing wrong with teaching a child to grab at an animal with potential 2 inch long bone razors built into its legs...

the origioanl poster isnt the kind of gal to follow the "he'll learn" technique when it comes to possible actual danger..., but still
just baffles the mind...i dont have a kid and stil dont think "hell learn" is a good idea when it comes to living breathing potentially dangerous animals.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sheesh, my kid was almost 12 when we got ours CHICKS and we had many many discussions on what not to do, and how to handle the birds. We learned together. And I NEVER let my 4 yr old(at the time) niece out with the birds unsupervised. Still don't and she's 8 now. Some people are just dumb. :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i know right, im just imagining the post if this 4 yr old got a spurr to the face...doesnt take much when your that little...12-13 mabe...but 4?!
this girl whos shrugging off the dangers of roo spurrs is a very much "if you did it...i did it before you and better" kinda gal...
when i was telling people i was buying a property to turn into a farm i got the earfull from mis "i grew up on a farm" (untill i was 7 :rolleyes: ) telling me this that and the other, what i can and cant do, and NEED to do (aparently i need to fence my entire property with barbed wire to keep the goats know because goats arnt going to challenge 3 strand of and "you cant do it all on your own...your crazy ect...
according to her i cant have pigs because im a girl and woudlnt know how to handle them...and i cant have goats because i dont want to buy a milking machine and its "too hard" to hand i should just stick to chickens and some rabbits because those are "easy for girls" *blink blink*
My tuckus lady...
and to be quite honest, some of my rabbits are harder to handle than a goat...

*shrugs* as long as the info i put up is recived and heeded i dont care, i just hope she never decided to go "buying a farm" knwo...cause shes the expert. is soggy and wet and rainy, and its going to be MUGGY later (all this rain and then heading up to a high in the 80's this afternoon) judging by whats on the radr right now itll be rain for a little while, then scattered showers this afernoon...
oh well, least the veggies are getting a god watering :) i expect the peas to grow another 6 inches over night, they seem to have spurts and grow like crazy when it rains then stop completly when its dry lol.

the goats are NOT happy about this rain situation lol.
but poppy did take 12 oz last night and then again this morning...looks like its just the afternoon meal shes not too interested in, so thats fine by me, at least shes readily accepting the milk now! and no runny poop this morning so YAY!

the babbits are doing well and Rowan is supposd to be due in a week if her breding took, this will be her first time so im not expecting much but shes definatly feistier than she was a couple weeks ago. before shes only thump and bit at the dust pan when i was cleaning her cage, now shell give me a good dive (and a nip if im not paying attention), so im hoping this is a sight that the hormones are kicking in and shell be a good first time mommy.

otherwise, not much going on around here today, thinking ill do a little painting this afternoon on those pots. gonna set aside some of the day lilly for WBF and give the rest a good drink, theyre supposed to go home tomorrow morning and yeah, thats about it today.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well had a truly lazy...well semi lazy day. watered the bagged day lillies, someones supposed to be comming for them tomorrow, then got an email just that they cant make it tomorrow and itll be sunday afternoon before they cna get out here...
I dont know if these poor things are going to last till sunday in plastic i sent an email back stating i wasnt sure, being that these are esentilaly bare root (Only the dirt they were dug from no extra/not potted) i wasnt sure what kind of condition they woudl be in by sunday. if they want them and are willing to come on sunday and take them for the agreed price no matter how bedraggled they look then fine, ill hold till sunday. if not i have a couple other people interested.
i mean if there willing to pay me the cash even if they look a little blah (theyll pick up with a good soaking before planting but still) then fine i dont mind holding onto them the extra day...
but if there going to come on sunday (or even better not come at all) and then refuse to pay because they dont look prime anymore id be so pissy!
so we'll see what i get back in the next email.

i dusted the duck house and mini pen with DE and gave it a fresh layer of shavings, ducks are MESSY, cant wait untill i get the back fence up so i can leave the pen open and let them run around in the grass.

girls doing well today, poppy took her morning 12oz and took 12oz this afternoon. either shes enjoying the bottle more or not having the extra greenery out today due to rain she hasnt filled up...they did eat alot more grain though today (and spilled some, im going to have to put in hooks so i can cpli the feed buckets of the floor so they cant kick them around) but i filled their feed with the normal 4 cups, (they seem to be eating about 3cups a day right now...) and when i whent down to feed at 3 theyd eaten almost 4 cups of food. i was told at this age grain and hay should be free choice and 3 cups a day each is "normal" in bad weather at this age with some eating more...but theyve never eaten more than 3 1/2 cups in a full day before lol.
Even so, poppy took the 12oz like a champ...she seems to be realizing what the bottle is, but still not that milk comes out of the end lol.

then i came in, did dishes...and made dinner.
turkey quinoa meatloaf with roasted red baby potatoes in a chive and butter sauce :D NOMM
i love turkey quinoa meatloaf.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
pinkfox said:
*shrugs* as long as the info i put up is recived and heeded i dont care, i just hope she never decided to go "buying a farm" knwo...cause shes the expert.
Heh, most often those "experts" rarely put the effort into actually physically BEING an expert!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Dang it!

gto a call today form the bank, suspicious activity on my card, called them back and sure enough, someone somewhere in Missouri charges $6.11 to my debit card. since i havent bought anything online reacently nor have i been to missouri...well...ever, yup, card has been completly shut down, no debit card.
the account is safe and active, i can pay via check if i need anything, but some places dont even accept check anymore...(gas stations particularly)
have to go to the bank on Monday, let them know whats going on and do whatever i need to to get a new card, whihc as we know can take up to 2 weeks. *DOH!*

you KNOW that was a tester charge, charge a little here and then a little more there and then WHAM your account is empty.
Kudos to my banks fraud department for catching it immediatly though...

but still.

My tv payment was declined (luckily not due untill the 4th) so i whent ahead and sorted that out, changed my car insurance payment to come directly out of checking rather than via the card too...
still need to do that for my cellphone and mortgage payments...
yup, just what i needed to start April off right LOL.

in other news, sold the daylilly, yay, set back one bag for WBF, gonna have to put it in the ground though untill we can arrange to meet up since i wont be putting gas in my car untill this is all straightend out. so ill do that tomorrow (too hot out right now. lol.)

its 85 degrees and i had to give bluebell an ice bottle, the others are lay normally and seem to be doing fine, but bluebell was panting (im sure having her babies curled up all around her wasnt helping either. going to check on her again in 1/2 hour to make sure shes doing ok
think im going to try and pick up some cheap tiles for them too, bluebell ill start giving an ice bottle on days its getting above 80, since the others seem fine right now the rest will probably go 85 with no issues. thinking if i can throw a marble tile or soething similar in the cages thats bene in the freezer for a little while ontop of the frozen bottles we should be ok.
the hutches are only getting sun in the late afternoon 3-5 so its not too bad.

otherwise, nothing special going on.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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is watching doomsday preppers...i can honestly say im NOT a, at least not like these guys
I want to "be prepared" for pretty much anything i need to be prepared for, some food stockpilled, how to ptorect myself, being self sufficient, but i cant imagine being as obessive as some of these folks...
it consumes every ounce of their lives...
I cant imagine spending every waking moment worried about "the end" i mean if your so worried about preparing for a possible horrible future...when are you thinking about actually enjoying life. prepped or not you may not survive these big prep...prep all you want...but dont forget to actually LIVE in the meantime too!
Especially families with kids...

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