Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Pink, don't feel too bad about the chainsaw. I was talking to DH tonight, and commented on wanting to get rid of that stupid bush because it attacked me while I mowed, and he said "You could use and DS could use the bow saw - I'll tell you right where it is." When I asked if he didn't trust me with his precious chainsaw, he said he'd feel better if 'he was there to supervise' (read that as, do it himself because he doesn't want me to mess up his saw!) :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yup thats my dad...
"well you could borrow my...i can show you how to use...i can bring the chainsaw next time i come"...LOL.

its not that im careless with tools or anything but ive never used a chainsaw (or similar) and im still his "little" girl.

as a side note...ive decided once i get the goat feild fenced in im going to look for a california red sheep breeder...
i think thats the breed for me...great hand spinning fleace good meat and can be milked, sweet/calm and naturally polled...and there so pretty...

so right now my "plan" for the farm includes:
rabbits: plush lops and standard Rex. (ill have a few mini rex and holland lops but just to forward the plush project)
Ducks: black runners (i think 1/2 a dozen ducks is my max lol, i love the silly quackers but 6 is enough.)
Geese: saddleback poms (there on the critical list, id like to eventually have 4 females and 2 males in the flock.
Pigs: Glostershire Old Spots (there also on the critical list, hoping to have a nice trio, will keep a piglet back for meat each year too...)
Sheep: California Reds (trio)
Goats: Nubians, still working on what else...(id like 4 does and a buck, not yet sure if ill do all nubians, or if ill do nubians to a nigerian or min nubian buck (for mini nubians) or if ill do nubians and lamanchas under a nigi buck...)
Cows: Unsure if this will become a reality on 4 acres, but id LOVE a trio of Dexters
Horses: Would LOVE a Fjord or Dales as a riding "pony" and working small draft horse.
Turkeys: I REALY want Sweetgrass turkeys or narragansets, im thinking a trio would be nice...i could keep a couple of poults for m own freezer (i dont eat much turkey) and i think the poults woudl sell otherwise well
Chickens: i think im going to be joining cindi on the cream legbars (and pssibly rhodebars too)... and mabe speckeld sussex
Guinneas: id love a flock of dozen peid guinnea to just free range (because ill be tractoring the chickens to keep them pure lol)

i know there must be some form of farm animal im forgetting in that list...LOL i think i need more land lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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email sent :)

in other news today started off with death to a chunky black ant who decided to attack my foot.
little monster got me good before i killed him.

i was letting the ducks ut when i felt a pinch followed by a sharp HOT sting and burning sensation. i imediatly kicked my shoe off and there clinging to my foot was a black ant of some kind...
it looked like your common every day little black sugar ant...if said little black sugar ant had been taking mass amounts of wasnt much bigger lenghtwise than most normal household ants, but it was bulky.
he died imediatly but i didnt think to save his body for buggy id (this was about 1/2 an hour ago and im not yet dead so i figure it wasnt anything too high on potency (im allergic to wasp stings and ants are related to wasps so ive been told to be carefull.))
had to finnihs up feeding the bunnies, all the while my foot was burning and got inside to take a closer look to determin if it was actually a bite or a was BOTH...theres a tiny red mark with 2 tiny holes and then a big welt with a single distinct entry point, yup you can actually see the hole form the stinger.
the little bite isnt doing much but the sting site has swelled some (im icing it right now) the burn has gone but now its itchy...

Stupid Bug! i did nothing to him...he climbed in my shoe and attacked me...

anywho, today ive got to run into town, need hay and straw, i think i can get away with 1 more layer of staw in the goat house before im going to have to give it a full clean out lol so that will be a beginning of next month job.
going to stop at wally-word too and pick up a car sponge and car shampo so i can give Arcee a Bath at some point. (bonus points to anyone that knows where her name comes from :p)
and a stop at the libruary so i can print off the low cost neter form so i can get dozer snipped. hes maturing quickly now and he and jasper are starting to butt heads...jasper starts it (and jaspers testicles will be joining Dozers once ive confirmed ruby took this time around...) but Dozer can literally put jasper in his entirety in his mouth and it woudlnt take much for a dominance yelling match to turn into one severly injured or even Dead nekkid dog. hoping removing some hormones from the mix will help quell the occasional arguments...
Dozer will go in hopefully end of june/beginning of july, and then jasper can go in mid august (ruby should have given birth by that point) i would like one more litter out of ruby then she will be spayed...hence waiting for confirmation) ruby will then get spayed once she fully weans the puppies so around october time and i should then have a nice quiet less hormonal home lol.

ice-pack on foot has deifnatly helped, the swelling has gone down a feeling its going to be itchy for days though.
Least when skeeters get you you realy dont usually know untill the itch starts...same with ticks...thers a little pinch but its more of a "hey" than an "omg whats burning through my foot!"
this...this was a holy hell, acid on my foot, ow ow get it off moment, FOLLOWED by burning then followed by itching....totally tripple wammy! totally unfair!

anywho. plan is to get into town this morning (just finnishing up breakfast) then this afternoon more weed wacking if the weather coopearates...note to self, pick up kevlar socks so evil ant owies dont happen again!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Fire ant. They suck. Sorry you have a bite/sting/aggravation, and YES it will itch like crazy for days. Slice an onion, and rub a small piece over the sting. It's better to be a bit smelly than have to deal with the itch :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i dunno, didnt look like a fire ant, not red at all and much too "bulky" this one was very shiney black and thick
looked like the body shape of the Forelius ants with 3 distinct "bobbles" to the body (rather than the fireants 2 Bobbles and skinny middle) but the Forelius ant would be too small to be what bit me
my first throught was a fire ant, but the body shape wasnt right even for the hybrid the body shape was just off...size wise though definatly about the same length
i guess it could be though, i cant find much info on biting/stinging ants outside of fire ants...every search i bring up for "ant bite" or "ant sting" comes back with info on fire ants for obvious reasons.
though i am seeing that carpenter ants can give a nasty bite/sting combo and i have seen the odd carpenter ant scurrying round...could have been a youngster i think...

after icing it i used a little after bite (its pretty much pure amonia lol) on it and its not itching right now...*fingers crossed* and suprisingly the swelling seems to have completly gone down.

oh well, should start getting stuff done :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Is Arcee from the movie Toy Story? That's my guess ;)

I get picked on frequently around here, but I always shake out my shoes before putting them on (and shake out my clothes before putting them on, and check the tub before stepping in, etc.). Living in TX taught me to always check - usually for scorpions, but fire ants too. Those ants would climb my clothesline and eat holes in my clothes while they hung out to dry! My sister's washer was outside, and they'd climb in there and start eating her clothes! Vicious, destructive little menaces!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thats what my money is on Deb...a young carpenter ant...
and if thats a carpenter ant sting/bite lord help me if i got a fire ant bite...i have a high pain tolerace, i slept though tattoos and have 2 tats in some of the most painfull places (across theshoulder tendons and on the INSIDE of my ankle/foot), i didnt even flinch (or notice) when i got my belly button peirced ect...but one little ant bite and im hopping around the bunny yard swearing at it! lol.

You are close SSD, the little Car is toy story is RC, but my Arcee is from Transformers, Arcee is the most famous of the Female Autobots, in the cartoons she was always pictured as a pink car (usually a convertable), (though in the newer movies shes the pink motorcycle)...
and one day...i plan on having my sebring painted hot pink :p

anywho, headed out this morning stopped at walmart, got a bucket, sponge, shampoo for my car and some other stuff...
got home, NO SPONGE...dont knwo where it whent, i paid for it...
not driving allthe way back up there for a $2 sponge right now so i did it with my little sponge...
it dirty grey car is now a shiney silver car. though she could at some point do with a good waxing, the car wash stuff i bought is the rainex with wax beads supposedly wash and wax in one, but she hasnt had a good wax since i got ill probably take it to the hand wash place next time i wash her and get her waxed properly (i dont have the energy to hand wax lol)
i picked up a tube of adhesive that im hoping will fix the spot where my soft top is pulling away from the back window...
now shes clean outside, the plan is tomorrow afternoon to try and clean her inside...this involves taking a metric buttload of gourds out of the trunk, and vacuming her out in her entirerty. then polishing her down inside with some armorall to keep the plastic thats the plan for tomorrow afternoon, i figure ive got to vacume the house anyway, so whats a little more vacuming. then weed wacing will resume on thursday.

Dozer also has a new collar...the one he had was getting too small and at only 1/2 an inch wide it was dissapearing under his neck wrinkles (hes part bulldog and part corso, they BOTH have alot of loose skin in the neck area lol) and it was causing an indent in the neck/fur decpite being loose enough. so i upgraded him today to a more proper bulldog width of 1 1/2", length wise it shoudl also fit him for the rest of his life. and width wise,the extra 1" on the wirth should help it sit more comfortbaly on the neck rather than tuck inder the skin which i personally Know can be uncomfrtable.
now i need a new name tag for him.

also only aother 25 swag bucks away from ordering the new clipper blade for my dog clippers and ruby can get a long over due haircut. i think she also deserves a brand new collar at some point, especially after having to look like a lamb for the last couple of months (i had someone come to look at bunnies thinking she was a baby sheep LOL) the blades cost almost $25 but the last one lasted me 2 years so...overall its worth it...

i also bougth a watermellon from a guy selling on the side of the road...ive been craving watermellon since mum and dad came out but couldnt fit one in the fridge (and wasnt paying the "pre cut" prices for a small tub) now theres a good sized watermellon sitting in my fridge along with some sirlon that was on sale. i think tonights dinner is going to be savory watermellon and sirlon with a small side salad.

savory watermellon is watermellon with fresh cracked pepper and parmesan cheese...yes it sounds well and turly uttlerly GROSS but omg its delicious...some friends of my parents put some out for us at a bbq they had befor ei left and i got brave enough and tried it and was incredibly pleasantly suprised. the slight saltyness of the parm cheese the gentle kick of the pepper and the sweet freshness of the melon odly enough work well together!

i also put banannas, grapes, avacado, some icecream, and other "not usually on my shopping list goodies" in the fridge because my food buget is a little easier going this month thanks to mum and dad putting some food in the fridge. ive got about $13 left for the months food which shold cover milk untill the end of the month AND mabe a pack of on sale meat of some kind :D

got hay and straw too...yay for getting things whent to get lol. still bugged by the factthat theres a big ole sponge sitting somewhere in walmart. i think it probably fell out in the parking lot, i had cart from the garden center and she packed the bags all lopsided :(

anywho...4:30, going to check facebook, and scour craigslist and then mabe ill change spray myself in anti bug stuff and try and get a little more weed whacking done lol...little by little right?!

as a side note...dozer got in trouble for chasing burdock (one of the geese today) burdock did however quickly decide runnin was not helping and promptly just lay down and waited for me to come rescue him. Dozer and jasper both got a good yelling at (because goosey ran they both thought "hey fun")
I just picked him up and took him back to the quacker yard while i finnished washing my car and couldnt supervise. Dandelion was not happy about burdock being on the "Wrong" side of the fence so i then had to go pick her up and put her back in too because panic in waterfowl measn run into whichever corner is furthest away from where i need to be lol.
the dogs have been good with the birds, i just thinkg they got overly excited...but unless i can supervise i dont want them alone with the waterfowl...

but yeah, thats been my day today. tomorrow is clean up...clean the house...clean the car...and if i dont run out of daytime hours id like to paint the last of the kitchen cabinates (the one above the fridge). thursday im kinda hoping to put a second coat of paint in the kitchen (Make use of the neighbors ladder while i still have it...:D) and then i can return his ladder and get through some more "path clearing" outside...
and in the mean time i need to figure out what i want to do in terms of a backsplash for the kitchen. i need somehting behind the stove and then theres a small area on either side of the fridge. part of me wants to go RED since the floor is now balck and white and the cabinates are white and the hardwares black...but i think all red would be too much so im thinking of doing somehting in a high gloss white with red accents or something...
I want to have the kitchen finnished by the end of july :D. bedrooms i want to get done aug/september and then in the fall i can focus on the bathroom which is going to be a multi-faceted job. infact if mum and dad havent re-located before then and dad comes out in september, i think the bathroom will be the focus job for that trip...(i need his help taking out the sink and putting in a vanity :D)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well it looks like ive got the rest of rowans litter sold. (or at the very minimum ive got the 2 girls sold) i was going to keep 1 girl but the money is more important and i have blackberry due in the next few days too...
but she wants delivery to about 2 hours away...told her id deliver BUT i needed prepayment for milage +$ shes supposedly sending me a check for $40 tomorrow as a delivery fee. shes not yet sure if she wants the 2 girls or all 3 babies...part of me hopes just the 2 girls because ive got another interested party looking for a house bunny too...

but yay..i dont mind doing the drive as long as im getting gas plus a little for it.

this means i can get my little broken blue holland lop doe at the end of the month + an extra bag of food :)

but yeah.
im kinda craving

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