Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im the same, ive seen plenty of cars on wet road accidents and since im in no rush to die everyone else can go around me if there so confident...
though today one of those "im in a rush" people with too much confidence sped by me oing about 80...a few minutes later i toodled by to see his very expensive looking car nose first on a rock in a pretty sure hes not buffing THOSE scratches out lol. (didnt look overly serious so im allowed to not be sympathetic lol.)

the neighbor came over and asked if id give him a ride and i told him flat out...when theres a break in the rain yes, but not untill the rain stops...
I dont like playing taxi but he does fill my gas tank up so i cant complain much, but nope, not in the rain...

ice is even worse, forget it if theres even a low posibility of ice on the roads...i stay frightens me. snow i can handle, ice...oh heck no...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Stupid guy got what he was asking for :/ Should have slowed down some. I have no sympathy either for folks who so OBVIOUSLY do it to themselves like that! Crazy!!

I can't blame ya on the ice thing. Last ice storm we got stuck at home for about 3 weeks because the sharp curve before you get here was iced over looooooong after everything else was melted. Next time, I'm salting it myself!! Thankfully we didn't NEED to go anywhere anyway. I am afraid of icy roads myself. Heck, it's just common sense, right?!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, todays plan is to dismantle the small rabbit hutch and turn it into a guinea coop...
wish me luck!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i must say...
I CANT WAIT to finnish this guinea project so i can take a couple weeks off from doing outside projects.
Today has been nothing but problems.

My drill decided it no longer liked changing irections and would only go forward despite me switching it form forward to revers...then when i tried...the stpid thign jammed in the middle and ouldnt work at all...
had to pull the drill apart, found the peice i was lookign for and its stuck...i can flip it from forward to reverse IF i open it up and REALY force the little plastic thing, but otherwise its not budging (i have to use my teeth as its to tiny to get a good grip wiht fingers and i have no finger nails (though honeslty im not sure id want to risk doing ot with finger nails...*ouch* its REALY sticky.
so i ended up putting it in one direction taking 1/2 the hutch bank apart and flipping it to forward and making the floor nd doing all the walls ect..
instead of keep ahving to open it up again i decided id do all revers by hand since there shoulnt be as many of those.

got the frame for the floor almost built, goats come bounding out and destroy it all by diving ferisiously at it like its a trampoline...
redo floor frame, goats insist im doing it wrong and destroy ti again...
LOCK GOATS UP, rebuild the floor frame again and once i was certain it was secure, let the goats back out lol.

managed to get 2 full walls and 2 1/2 walls up, the last of the walls requires an angle cut...
i also need ot hang the human acess door and put both the floor and roof in. dont want to put the floor in untill goat acess is restricted because i KNOW theyll just climb all over it and thats not in the game plan lol.

so the game plan for tomorrow, assuming weather cooperates is to...
1: finnish dismantling the rabbit hutch, i need the wood to finnish the coop.
2: put the wire around the lower area (starter run) so the goats no longer have acess to underneath
3: Make a ramp
4: Add floor
5: Add Roosts
6: cut angles for roof pitch to finnish side walls and attatch
7: put on roof
8: Shingle roof
9: hang human acess door
10: add single strand of electric around the lower area because gots are a P.I.T.A and will probably rub against the whoel thing untill it falls apart...
11: Add layer of shavings

im REALY ecited about step 12!

i wont be able to paint it untill next month as i ran out of paint and the larger run will get done next month...
i swear between the fence and this...were only 2 weeks into the month and im exhausted!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well..structurally the guinea coop is DONE!
i now need to put shingles on the roof and put the wire around the bottom to make the little run so thats the plan for after lunch. im hoping i can get it all done and dusted this evening and then once the goats are locked in for the night im planning on runnign a strand of electric around the whole thing to keep them from trying ti use it like a jungle gym...
assuming i can get it done this afternoon the guineas will be moving out tomorrow *YAY!*
just in time too..there getting to that stage now where there starting to get a little stinky depite regular clean they can barely move in the little cage there in LOL. amazing how fast they grow.

just sitting down to lunch now, grilled cheese with bacon and bbq sauce, OMG soooo good! lol.
i eat more so called "naughty" foods since surgery (ie bacon, cheese, ect) than i ever did before, and my body seems to thank me for it...screw the processed "diet" wants BACON lol.

got a nasty message on another forum im on today...that was fun.
a while back some random user whos never posted anything on said forum messaged me, he has his own "pet forum" and wanted me to join up and write articles for him...

i told him when i got chance id head on over and check out the forum, but given my issues, i dont think i can write articles...i explained that i would need a written format to follow, thyed have to tell me what topics theyd want covered AND id need someoen to actually go through and proof read / turn my ramblings into actual readable articles...because i have a seriously hard time turning thoguht into word...
sent me a messae back about it, so i told him, id put some thiught but would need someone to proof read correct ect...would he be willign to do that?!
plus given the time it woudl take id expect compensation $5 per article...(as he is earning revenue off his forum via adds ect...)
then no respeince untill a few weeks back i get a message "when am i going to see my first article?" i ignroed it...the message seemed rude and obnoxious and he still hadnt answered any of my initial questions...
today i get a message "Wheres the articles you PROMISED (bolded) Me..."
i messaged him back as nicely as possible that i promised nothing, he still hadnt adressed my origional questions and im a BUSY person and havent had chance to check out the forum yet..
messages me back that hed quoted the part where i promised him articles (the quote he copied was "but ill definatly try and stop by your forum and join up") and that im unprofessional ect...
I sent a nasty message back then blocked him...
WTF is wrong with people?!
you want to use my knowlege to bring more traffic (aka money) through your site but your not willing to answer some simple questions prior to me agreeing and then claiming i promised...
given my issues id NEVER promise to write articles for ANYONE for any amount of money...i couldnt do my english homework in highschool, no way im promising to do it too much other stuff to worry about.

Odd, odd peopel out there folks...
and people think IM nutz lol.

anyway...its hot (feels like of 102 right now thanks to the humidity) and ive still got a glass of pink lemonade to finniah up and a roof to shingle...
back later.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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entitlement...its a wonderous thing i suppose lol.

in good news...other than a coat of paint on the outside, (which wont happen untill next month along with the larger run addition) the Guinea coop is FINNISHED...

so guess where the keets are going tomorrow!? LOL :celebrate

i could do with adding another bale of shavings inside (theres actually a lip and the inside is all painted (from previous use lol) so im hoping to do a deep litter method, but wont be heading up to jackson untill weekend so itll wait. there is a good 2" or so under the roost bars so it should be fine untill i can get another bale (i actually need 2 as ive got none left for the bunny litterboxes either)

hoping to add a nipple waterer and a small PVC gravitiy feeder next month too...(waterer is more important as they make their water realy messy somehow...
itll be interesting to see how freeked out they become tomorrw about the change...guineas dont seem to like change at all lol.

anyway, im sweaty, and dirty and covered in bits of rocks off the shingles from the roof so its time for a shower...
oh and to decide what im having for dinner...kinda want enchiladas!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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its ridiculously yicky out today.
temp is currently 95 in my backyard with a 65% humidity and a "feels like" of 101, but ill tell you, that 65% humidity feels more like 90%, its STICKY...
yesterday was hotter than this and i was sweaty but ok working outside...theres NO way i could be working out there today, id melt!
infact i am
just came in from icing the bunnies and getting the keets set up in thier new home and im sweating, not even 10 mins out there an im

its probably alot just me though, had to take my muscle relaxant last night and they always leave me feeling off, ick and tired the next supose to take one every 12 hours, but id never function in that case...they make me just ant to sleep...

but i did manage to take the keets down and put them in thier new house. theyve got food and water and were quick to find the roosts lol. i suspect itll be a while before they venture down into the run, but least they are now out of the house and have more space to grow into.
they were starting to look realy dirty and disheveled living in such close quarters so hopefully now theyll start filling out more growing and soon eating lots of bugs!

todays plan is to pretty much be realy lazy...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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What flavor of icing do you use on the buns? :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lemon...always lemon icing :p

did nothing today cause im feeling quite frankly yicky...i think the past week and then some of working my butt off outside caught up with me, my muscle relaxers had me slepy all morning and then about 3pm i started to feel just generally ick.
same feeling i get when i have too much sugar, just sicky feeling a little woozy headed ect.
its not "HOT" today but its been sticky and i think that hasnt helped.

in good news when i checekd on the guineas before bed they were all sat around the door curiously peering out, so i think tomorrow they may get brave and check out the grass :)
im still would like 1 more lavender (that would give me 8 birds and 2 of each color i have right now (2 pearl, 2 peid, 2 white and currently only 1 lavender...)) the coop is big enough for 8 guineas.

tomorrow ive got an errand to run in the morning and then clean up day...

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