Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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he is sure cute though with those big ole ears!
did you manage to get your piggies?!

well headed to the flea market this morning with Dozer, didnt take the bunnies because i got an email someone wants them...we'll see, if not ill be taking them up there next weekend.
Did come home wiht a new/temporary addition.
lady was giving away free kittens, she got rid of allbut 2 and decided it was time to leave and left the kittens with Cindis family set up so hopefully they could be gone tomorrow if not today...
young lady took one kitten...the other howver wasnt looking all too hot when i decided it was time to was hot, she was looking i couldnt leave her out there so home she came. ut her in a box, and about 3 mins into the journey home she escapd, climbed into the seat with dozer, curled up next to his belly and fell asleep...

size wises shes about the same size as my 4 week olds...weight wise shes smaller (shes a skinny kitten and not in a "wormy" skinny way but in an "ive not been fed enough" skinny, theres no pot belly, ect just skinny (though she will be dewormed)
however, developmentally, shes about 6 weeks, her eyes have already turned gold (kittens will usally hav blue eyes untill about the 6 week mark (sometimes a little longer) they dont START to turn from blue untill 4 weeks, and dont hit "mature color" untill 6+ weeks, shes also more stable on her feet and agile/fast, the 4 weeks old are realy ust starting to find their feet and are still super clumsy...
she also loves toys, somehting the 4 wk old kittens are still learning (they enoy a peice of string and pouncing on eachother but are still learning the joys of a jingle ball ect.
so id say shes about 6 weeks old and just REALY underfed...i wouldnt say emacited, she does have a little bit of fat cover on her and doesnt lok quite like a walking skeleton, BUT shes DEFINATLY malnourished/underweight
shes realy cute though, short haird Torbie (tortoiseshell with classic tabby swirls on her sides....odly though those tbaby swirls that are USUALLY black...are white, not white patches..but white swirls, looks like someone bleached some of her black markings and left the others alone.
realy kinda cool...
im not yet sure if shell be staying or if im ging to rehome her....i was origionally planning on keeping one of willows litter but we'll see, either way gotta get her fattend up some. brought her in and the first thign she did was bury her head in some food, she was HUNGRY...shes now passed out on the arm of the chair, not even phased by the bird or the dogs. im pretty sure the people meant well, shes obviously been handled alot ect...and her ears and eyes are clean and no signs of fleas either! but shes definatly undersized and skinny.
Ive called her Dusty...for now at least, as when i first saw her i thought she was just realy dusty lol.
i do have a few people interested in willows tortie girl, so i think if one of them takes wilows girl and the other ones are still interested i might see if one of them wants i dont realy NEED another kitty, and if i were getting another kitty i think id be saving for my javanese or Cornish rex.

the rest of the day has no plans...was going to pick up shavings and i plum forgot, i think the bunnies litterboxes can wait untill monday.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I left shortly after you did. I just could NOT handle the heat any longer. I sold the rest of the melons to my cousin. I had a dozen left, that way she can make a bit of cash off of them as well. May as well, as much as they help me especially! I'm beat :lol: I had to feed the animals when I got home. DH hadn't had time yet, so they all got mushy melons. DD took two to the hog. I'll get around to getting my other pigs soon. Goob never did show up out there, but given his health issues I wasn't really holding him to it anyway. He can't handle the heat very well, and he is heavy anyway, so..I will call him and try to arrange for pick up myself sometime early next week.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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once that sun burnt off the cloud cover it started getting hot quick and dozer was starting to get antsy so i knew it was time lol...

glad you decided to call it a day, was way too hot to be fussing out there :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sorry you guys had the heat today. We had cooler temps, plus it was cloudy and breezy so it felt nice out.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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it wasnt too bad this morning with the cloud cover and a bit of a breeze, but right around 11:30 that sun burnt off the clouds and the breeze vannished and suddenly OH BOY! lol.

in other news...Ruby has colostrum commig in on her back 2 nipples, nothing on the other 7 (yes she has 9 lol) but yeah...shes due wednesday, started taking temp yesterday...but im getting excited.
already got 2 people on the waiting list, and i dont think this is going to be a large litter...shes a small girl as is and shes not "huge", ive got my bets on 2-3 pups right now...kinda hoping there all hairless females because aparenty thats what EVERYONE wants lol.

dozer cant understand why hes not allowed to chew on dusty...she does after all keep runnig over to him and wanting him to play chase...he realy has NO idea how big he
i have made a desicion that if hes not calmed down by 1 yr old (and after going through a basic ob class) im nixing my idea to turn him into my service dog...sme dogs just arnt built for it and while hes an ANGEL at home, hes currently just too unfocused in public to even consider it.
he'll be 1 yr i october, im hoping i can get him into a beginners OB next month, petsmart has a "if not satisfied take it again" policy which im thinking dozer might need lol..and obviously mentally hes still going to be a puppy untillhes about 2 yrs old...but i need more focus out of him to start his early training outside the home and if thebasic class doesnt help with his focus, i dont think hell b cut out for which case i WILL be persuing getting a dog btter suited for the task come spring time and Dozer will justbe a spoilt rotten house monster, expected to look big and scary, bark at strange things in the night and hopefully pull a small cart ect.

in this case i think though ill be looking at adopting a large breed adult dog whos past the puppy stage and already has a little training under its belt and a calm focused personality.
we'll see though, a couple of classes under his belt and he could suprise me...but right now, despite how wel behaved he is here at home hes just too unfocused out in public to even consider it. hes sooo happy to say hello to EVERYONE...and unfortunatly, obviousy, for a service dog, they kind of need to be completly uninterested in people around them and focused on their handler.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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gah...people annoy me!

1: i didnt take the bunnies to the flea market yesterday because i had someone who was taking both today...
last night she emailed me to tell me shed looked at cage prices and couldnt spend that much...
so i sent her some more affordable alternatives
she sends me an email back that shes got this outside cage but hes going to be an inside bunny so shell trade me...
i already told her i dont have ANY cages
so then it turns into "ill trade you the outside cage for the bunny... i need the cash...secoundly you said you wanted both?!

nope now she only wants 1...but shell let me know for sure in the morning...

this morning get an email, thats shes "not sure"
then about 3 minutes later another asking if i can meet her in in the city this afternoon...she lives in the city so wants delivery...

so i sent her an email back...
ill be happy to deliver to such and such a place any timeafter noon, BUT...
my car gets 18-20 to the gallon, the meeting spot is 30 mins and 30 miles one way, an gas is currently right around $3.25 again...
so i will need an additional $5 in cash, for gas money. i will also need a meeting time, and a cellphone number (so i can call every 2 minutes shoudl she not show, though i didnt tel her that lol)

no email back yet...we'll see.

2: given that right now theres a high influx of kittens for FREE on craigslist...
i decided id put willows litter up NOW so i could get a waiting list together...
they are not free and cant go home untill early august so i figured this way id have time to search around, repost ect so im not scrambling later...
well i had some overwhelming interest so started taking 1/2 down a a deposit (im asking $20 to cover shots and stuff)
the little crem male got a deposit on him no problem...
this morning i get an email from one person id been talking to...she wants to put a deposit down...BUT DOESNT TELL ME WHICH KITTEN she wants..*DOH* email her back asking WHICH one...
got anohter email form a guy looking for a baby for his little girl...yes he wants to put down a deposit too...but again, doesnt tell me which one...(and ive asked both twice now...) want to send a deposit and let me TELL you which one your getting?! is that what this is!? they both ahve picutres of the 3 remainding kittens...all they have to say is girl or one of the boys (i havent advertised little dusty yet so theres only 1 girl and 2 boys to choose form and the 2 boys are almost identical in everyway...)

GAH! your more than welcome to send me random money, but tell me what the money is for or your gonna get nothing...

Why do people assume i can read minds...via an email?!

would be very happy if i can get 2 kitten deposits and a bunny sold today...(ould have been even hapier with 3 kitten deposits and 2 bunnies, but right now ill take what i can get.

i also need to find some place i can print off 2 things locally (in my travesl) as ive got 1/4 a tank of gas to last me till Aug 3rd but i need to get at least 1 o these thigns printed and mailed out...WHY didnt i bring the damned printer when i moved?!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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finally got a respnce back from the lady wanting a bunny, my goodnes that was difficult, but meeting her at 5:30 at walmart and shes paying the extra $5 for gas.
shes decided she wants the black one so that just leaves the broekn castor male with a floppy ear.
Going to grab a bag of shavings while im up that direction, even if its just a small bale from walmart, i know ill end up paying more doing it that way but the hutches need to be done and 1 small bale will save me gas AND give me another week or so...
but yeah...

i swear, i need a vehicle powered by bunny poop...or a horse...i guess tecnhically a horse could be bunny poop powered, use the bunny poop to fertilize the fieidls to grow the gass to make the hay lol. but it woudl take a whole lot longer to get anywhere on a horse...

still waiting on kitten person 1 and 2, and now have a kitten person 3 with a "i want one" but not telling me which...*doh*

oh well

little dusty kitten is settling in a little too nicely, though i will say she made litter training and starting weaning on willows kittens very, she walked in, used the kitten box, then whent to the food bowl...and tada, now all the kittens are using the litterbox and are much more curious in the food bowl lol.
my next worry though is her teaching them how to scale the baby gate LOL.

but yeah, so gonna head out shortly...
then tomorrow its clean the bunny hutches...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Congrats on all the kittens getting homes! So, you're keeping Dusty?

I has a printer, but it's out of ink :/ Stupid ink is expensive too!

I FINALLY sold the very last of the watermelons i had here. :D Someone pulled in and got the last ones off the stand a bit ago, and left the correct cash in the can :woot


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i MIGHT keep
im not entirely sure yet, shes uber cute, has already figured out the household (how to avoid dozer when hes all crazy, ect) and is very VERY sweet...
but i dont nessicairly NEED another if someone comes along wanting the lh tortie girl after she gets a deposit ill see if theyd like her

and 100% agree on the ink issue. ill probably end up going down to Selmer libruary tomorrow morning and using their printer...

in other news..easy come, easy go...
black otter bunny boy has a good home, very nice girl, college student reacently lost her previous $20 into the pocket...canned cat food and 1/2 a tank of gas later...$20 OUT of the pocket LOL. but ive got enough cat food to last me to the end of the month now and 1/2 a tank of gas SHOULD see me through the end of the month IF im carefull...(and if the neighbor needs a ride anywhere in the next few days he WILL be given no choice but to put some gas in...(he usually does so...)

least its one less baby bunny in the hutch.
On the bunny front i think in spring im probbaly ging to start moving everyone into wire cages, Im going through 2-3 bales of shavings a month in litterboxes (at $5 a bale IF i go up to tractor supply (an extra $10 in gas)
and whenever it rains they get so dirty...
obvisouly id have to protect them from the rain in wire cages (so the wood of the current hutches woudl be re-used to make a shelter to hang the wire cages under...)
there just destroying the wood, most of the lino i used over the floor has been chewed through already and there just messy.
and if i do decide to show, i need CLEAN feet which is almost impossible with litterboxes.
id probably end up placing somehting solid in the cages for them to lay/sit/stand on, but least all id have to do would be rake out behind the hutches once in a while.
i could probably bag up the poop and sell it too if its not mixed with shavings...

So im going to have to start doing some math, figure out if it woudl be cheaper to buy cages pre-made or if it would be cheaper to buy the wire by the roll and make them...
the biggest problem with the rolls of wire is the weight for shipping costs...
i know i want 36 or 48 longs for the girls and 30's minimum for the boys.
so thats the potential plan. and i want a total of 10-12 cages, 8 for the breeders and 2-4 for growouts/sales.
its money, but i think on the small scale its worth it...HOWVER right now its tentative based on fall and winter sales...

Might have a deposit comming for the tortie female...another one of those "hey will you go the extra mile" situations, they want her deliveing again back in the city and they want her 2 days before iw as origionally going to let her go (the day shell be getting her vaccines, and i usually keep them a couple days after that to make sure theres no reaction) i explained the issue with the vaccine, and told them i can deliver to the city but this is the deal and this is how much i need for gas to do it...
so...We'll see how that one goes.
they want the LH tortie girl and ive got liek 4 other people interested in her so if they want to be a pita i dont NEED them to take her lol...

enchilada bake for dinner tonight, think im going to defrost some ricei froze and mix the chicken sauce and rice rather than with the tortilla....just to make it a little different lol.
and then chill out to milkdess interwebs and whatever might be on TV...but first...time to go put everyone to bed.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I agree on the bunnies. We tried the solid floors too, just too much hassle and wayyyyy too messy! Maybe you could slowly phase everyone into the wire cages and just build a bit at a time. I built the ones with wood, out of pallet wood and made wire floors. My bunnies seem to do really well on those.

We had buffalo chicken with homemade sauce, and corn for dinner. It was soooo gooood!!! :D I had to make DH eat his corn :lol: He was laughing at me. I told him no more chicken till that corn is gone :old and he just looked at me. Then he said in a really serious voice..."but I have to have another piece of chicken to wash it down with" and DD busted out laughing....sounded like something she'd say :p Now at least I know where she gets it from ;) I am seriously trying to cut down on some of our meat consumption in this house! DH can eat 4 or 5 pieces of chicken or 3 or 4 pork chops at a time...and it drives the grocery bill THROUGH THE ROOF! They're killin me...bunch of carnivores :lol:

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