Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, i know right?! i was certain when i took her i could let her go, i mean i have a tortie...then i saw the white swirlies and was like oooo shes unusual...and then her little personality started shining through and now im not so sure i can say good bye to her shes such a sweet soul, she curls up with the dogs, curls up with the other kittens,i even found her snuggling wiht willow earlier and willow barely snuggles with her own babies lol.

met up with the cream tabby babies new people, nice folks and there super excited (and animal nutty just like me...) there thinking of calling him Loki lol. which works for him because he is a mischevious little spitfire.
so hes DEFINATLY going home in early august.

as for the rest of still entirely unsure as to what im having for dinner,
and the lady who wants the bunny has agreed to give me $50 but only if i deliver to her home...and cant take him untill i told her without a deposit theres NO promises...if somoene closer comes along and can take him before then without me having to seems we have an understanding there at least.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well not sure what today is going to bring

might have a buyer for the bunny locally that would mean i dont have to drive 2 hours one way to deliver (though she did agree to the delivery charge...still id rather not if i dont have to, especially since it means hold him another 2 weeks...) so fingers crossed.
if so it might mean a drive into jackson today or tomorrow i NEED kitty litter, i could do with picking up some meat of some kind (whatevers on sale) to make ruby some "mommy mush" to make sure shes eating enough after the babies come and i still didnt buy shavings for the bunny boxes...(i used straw, but still there going to need doing again come monday so...)

ruby is due tomorrow, this far shes gone at night both times so im expecting either tonight or tomorrow night, shes definatly clingier than usual today, usually shes the kind of dog who likes a snuggle then when its time to sleep shell hop down and go somewhere where shes close enough to see me, but not close enough to be "bothered" today however shes asleep in jaspers usual spot, on the back of my chair with her tush on on my shoulder

this last couple of days are always the hardest, i hate the waiting game and every little noise wakes me up at night to check on her lol so the last 4-5 days of her pregnancy is also sleep deprivation for me lol.

not alot of movement going on in there right ow which is common in the last few days, i think they save up there energy before "the great migration" lol.

right now my gues is tomorrow night, right around 2am, and 3 puppies...
once again the xray came up way too cloudy to get a head not sure why, but the vet seems fairly comoofrtable saying 'theres at least 2"
*DOH* i KNOW theres at least 2, anyone wiht hands and patients can tell you that...(distinct kicking on both horns) but without a clear veiw (and they took 4 slids and like last time it came back cloudy, lots of shadows but "no puppies" (this far ive had xrays with each of her pregnancies and thus far the first vet told me "ts a phantom pregnancy or your dates are REALY off (5 puppies on the exact calculated due clueless about what im doing doc..., 2nd set of xrays..."well im not seeing anything, are you sure shes pregnant?!" once again told i must have my dates wrong of shes "ust gassy" and once again, exact due date, 3 healthy puppies...
so this time i told the vet, "ive got a feeling the pups arnt going to show, but i KNOW she was bred on these dates, i knwo shes due on the 25th, so have fun trying to get a good veiw..." and once again the xray came back cloudy and "empty"
i alwasy xray at 45 days...skeletons are supposed to calcify (show on xray) at 42 days, and after 47 days there is a greater risk to the pups at 45 days the spines and skuls should be pretty visable....nope...
so its a guessing game. i was hoping id be able to afford an ultrasound this time around, less accurate head count over all, BUT a better veiw, but they wanted $200+

anywho. shes definatly more clingy and uncomfortable, i kinda hope she goes tonight shes officialy day 64 at midnight lol. excited if we couldnt tell


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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She'll have 4 at midnight. Two hairless girls, a hairless boy, and a fuzzy girl. That's my guesstimation :D I hope I'm righter than you are :lol:

Seriously, I hope she has them soon, and they're all healthy so you can catch a few winks :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, i like your guestiamate :D

ruby is currently hiding, its advantage day at my little homestead...
doze, jasper and willow are done, but for whatever reason ANYTHING that means me doing stuff other than making food in the kitchen means shes getting a shes firmly planted herslef UNDER the couch and has no plans to join us for bath time..what she doesnt know is its JUST flea stuff and bath time comes AFTER the pups are born and get their first feeding (she has to have a bath the day after because all the yucky gets into her ugg boots and tail ploom and well, its yucky lol)

its not too bad as the 4ml tube does ruby, jasper and the 2 cats (advantage is interchangable lol) for almost 2 months...this time around itll do ruby, jasper, the 2 cats and all 5 kittens (i never put full dose on the babies)

im keeping an eye for petsmart training class sales, decided since august doesnt have any major projects planned (i need to expand the guinea coop but otherwise nothign exceptional going on...) that it would be a good time for dozer to go to class...
i also need to get him neutered, im going to call around and see what the prices are the low cost program is on funds hold...
im going to call them too and see how long they think itll be before they get more funds (i dont knwo if there soley public funding or if theres any govt finding going on) and then base the next step from there.
i can hold off on jasper but i NEED to get Him and Willow done ASAP.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well spent some time doing some calling around...
if i cant get anythign with snip, i can get doer neutered locally for about $90 and willow spayed locally for about $60...
and thats at 2 seperate clinics, 1 is cheaper for the cat (in selmer) and the other is cheaper for the dog, in Bethel springs...
not TOOO bad...called the snip program to see if they had nay idea how long the wait is...willow and dozer are "imediate" need because she could eaily get prgnant almost immediatly (now i knwo she can...*doh* and she is FIGHTING me now about going out...i have to be carefull watching the door ect...
and dozer for the above started reasons...(im realy hoping no testicles will help him calm down a little...also hes just starting to lift that leg and id rather catch him before he starts actually marking. (right now its less of a leg lift and more of a just lifiting the foot off the floor, but that doesnt take long to change lol)

so keep those fingers crossed i hear back from Snip...which is $30 total, dog or cat of any size...big difference between $60 and $150 lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Hey cindi, i think your going to be right on tonight being the night...shes uncomfortable, her temp is at 98.4 (which she was at 99.8 at 8am, so it droped somewhere between 8am and now...which usually indicates 12-24 hours, assuming it dropped sometime during today
and combined with symptoms, shes uncomfortbale, she "wants to pee but cant" (usually indicative of mild contractions and pressure on the bladder and/or cervix) and shes panting.

No visable contractions yet though and she usually goes at least 1 hour from the start of contractions so if shes going tonight itll be 2-4am i think... shes not realy "nesting" but shes not typically a nester untill alter stages...
but she giving me an uncomfortable look and is going form normal breathing to panting every 30 mins or so with panting lasting about 5 mins...(again usually indicative of early stages of labor)

this means shes either going to go tonight OR shes going to drag this out and itll be friday LOL!

hoping tomorrows first update includes pictures :D

got the snuggle safe (microwave 12 hour heat pad) warming right now and everything else is all set...i take the pups and put them in a warming box when shes in proces with the next because she tends to go quick between babies (10-15 mins "rest" is normal) so she doesnt actually get chance to realy clean/dry them between whihc most would...

i have a feeling tonight is going to be a very LONG night. got the alarm set to go off in 2 hours...lets keep those fingers crossed that she goes active SOON becuase the waking up every 2 hours is a pain in the tuckus lol.

night folks!


or mabe to bed and she started squeeking... active visial contractions started at 11:20...Cindi, she may get you that midnight guess yet :p
sat with her now, but obviously its a waiting game at this point, eveynes getting lined up and the first one always seems to take forever...

countdown is on though, these babies should be here in the next few hours.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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OMG im SOOOO tired...
but we have babies :)

this one definatly went a little ore haywire than her normal pop pop pop done.

first puppy joined us at 1:29am, quick, clean and easy on the delivery and is a very pretty little Chocolate Tri-Color Powderpuff. 5.9oz

second puppy came15 mins at 1:44am...unfortunatly i knew something was wrong imediatly as the placental fluid was DARK GREEN...ruby wanted nothing to do with this one, so i poped the sack and hoped for the best....unfortunatly he was DOA. while he looked fully developed his skeleton hadnt properly calcified, his belly was badly bruised (filled with blood) his face was yellow and his skin was peeling.
i dont knwo WHY he passed, but he was gong long before he even entered the birth canal for his skin to do that :( he was a BIG Black Hairless boy at 8oz!!!

third puppy came again, nice and quick, another pretty little chocolate tri powderpuff girl. 6.1oz

then came #4 at 2:20am, a VERY ice little Tri-Colored Hairy Hairless male, hes going to look alot like Jasper when grown probably about the same size too...4.7oz

and then at 2:58 #5 joined the world, a cute hairless chocolate Tri male...and at 6.2oz, the biggest of the buch

and then all whent quiet...and i gave the abdomen a good feel around and was SURE i felt something i waited, and waited...4am rolls around and nothing then she starts panting again...up to 2 hours between puppies is normal so i wasnt worried...
so i waited and waited...5:30 rolls around, still nohting so another feel around...still sure i could feel i waited...6am shes still panting so i gave her a shot of Oxy...6:30 she passed a placenta...waited...nothing else. took her out at 7am as she was still panting, she PEED like a racehorse and then wanted back in something feirce, but i walked her around a bit to get anythign left moving...7:30...nothing else so i picked her up stood her and had a REALY good feel around...couldnt feel the lump i was feeling earlier so it was either that placenta or a full bladder i was feeling (and by full i mean it was HARD lol i was sure it was a head) panting seemed to have stopped for the most part too so i figure shes done and go to bed...
8:15 the mail man arrives to deliver the mail, dozer and jasper start having a hissy fit and WONT settle 30 mins after getting in bed i got out of bed, took them out and got eveyone outside sorted, came in got rubies pen clean (shell get a quick bath a little later) got eveyrone inside fed and sorted and am just now having my breakfast.
I AM going to try and take a little nap later...but right now im tired to the point of too tired to is going to be FUN...

im upset we lost one, and im a little upset there were no Hairless females in the bunch too...but hey, least momma and the 4 survivors are now settled and i can somewhat return to a regular sleep schedual now...

today is clean up the house needs it, but i wont be doing it untill later...right now im just NOT up for it lol.

as a side note, heard back from the Spay/neuter program, they have no clue when funds will be avalabel and there not taking names for any kind of waiting list (because if they did theyd never be able to re-open funds her suggestion was to "watch the page" and essentially as soon as i see funds available send in the aplication and hope im the first one in....
kinda crazy that theres only 1 low cost program in the entirety of west tn...

i think vets should have to donate 1 day per year of thier choosing to providing spay/neuter AT COST...(they donate time and the surgery station, and you pay actual cost of anesthesia, sutures, pain meds ect...) if ever vet in the country donated 1 day a year...theres be a whole lot less homeless pets.
theres not enough low cost spay/neuter and as a vet tech i can tell you, theres NO reason a neuter should cost close to $200 (yes thats what some of the quotes im getting have been...they must think im stupid..i KNOW what a neuiter costs, and takes all of 15 mins assuming theres no complications.

gonna go check email and all that fun stuff and then probbaly pull up a pillow and try to get a couple of hours to see me through the rest of today. itll be an EARLY night tonight!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Congrats! They are so tiny! Sorry to hear one didn't make it :hugs

I am confused by the cost of spay/neuter myself. About 11 years ago, when we got our old dog, Blue, fixed, it cost $45. We took him to a regular vet, no special deal or anything. When we took Miss Kitty in, it was $112, but we figured OK, she's female, they kept her overnight, etc. Rocky went in 2 years ago, and it was $125! A 275% increase over less than a decade??? I was very upset - they want pets to be spay/neutered, but they keep jacking up the price year after year?!

Get some rest! Sounds like you've earned it :)

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