Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Power Conserver
Feb 9, 2012
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Everytime I have something to do outside like build cages, catch chickens, move a big bunch of rabbits around or house my new goats yesterday, it's 100 degrees minimum without fail. On the 85 days we get I just sit inside like "Wish I had something to get done outside before it got hot". I have asthma so when I get in the heat I get dizzy and weak and blah. It's so frustrating to see others just trucking along and have your butt dragging like you could keel over any minute. Can't wait for Fall!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thats me too, i can handle the heat but when you add humidity to it...i cant get anything done...10 mins and im melting.
spring and fall, those are my seasons :)

todays update isnt a fancy one...
the pups are 4 days old and doing well
the girls are trucking along in terms of weight, they have both gained 4+ oz over the past 4 days...
the 2 little boys, not so fast with the weight gain at only right around 2oz in 4 days, the biggest puppy is having the slowest gain, BUT they are gaining so theres no worries...and there certainly strong and healthy and have nice round bellies.
ive temporarily named the choclate HL male Copper, the tri male is lil-bit (cause hes so tiny compared to his siblings lol) one girl is Penny and the other is Pudding (shes overtaken the choclate boy and is now the biggest by almost a full ounce...
so right now im thinking lilbit is going to be about 6 lbs, Copper im expecting to be around 10lbs, Penny about 9lbs and Pudding probably around 11lbs...
Copper is also starting to get his freckles in lol.

this morning i moved the fence that was dividing the main yard from the bunny/duck yard...i made it so the ducks have a smaller area by there house that...once i get the orchard started out i can gate off that section and gate into the orchard and either allow them in the back yard OR allow them in the orchard.
its also opends up the back yard a bit and i think with a little bt of moving around, tuding up ect the layout will be much nicer this way.
im going to move the 2 big planter boxes into the rabbitry area on the next cooler/les humid day we get (there emtpy right now but ill have to move the frames then carry the "dirt" over shovel full by shovel full lol. (i dont have a wheel barrow)
going to refill them (and fill them more) and then plant them up with lettuce and spinach for fall for the bunnies just got to figure out where i want them as they will be perminent "bunny boxes" which will get planted each season specifically for the rabbits.
id like to put a little seating area over there too so that when people come to meet thier new bun we can sit, chat about questions ect...or so i can just sit otu there in general, that area fairly shaded so it would be a nice spot to sit during the day and enjoy lunch or do some crafting.
definatly going to be looking for wire cages to adjust the rabbutry set up too... the rest of that zone once the new cages get sorted and places will get planted up with flower beds (chicken wire fenced off to stop the ducks and geese getting to them) and some gravel pathways put in to try and jus tmake it look tidier over there...its so messy right now. any spots i leave green are going to be seeded with clover in the fall, id much rather have a clover lawn even if i have to reseed a few times a year.

ahh all the big plans swimming through my head.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Glad the pups are gaining and everyone is doing well!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so last nights sleep was better...still not great...but better...
today has been lazy, it keeps wanting to rain but nothing actually hitting us...i kinda want rain right now...not sure why...(but thats probably why its not lol

just finnished lunch...
and now trying to figure out what im doing this afternoon.
probably once more...not much LOL.

my energy levels are floored right now...and im wondering if my B-levels are low again...if im not feeling better by weds going to give the dr a call and see what he thinks.
im also having some sore skin spots he needs to document too...going to be starting the discussion of skin surgery can take 2 years for approval which sucks, but id rather that than deal witht he issues im having right now (sore/raw spots, potential for infection ect...)
being seeing all these adds for thee skin firming wraps lately too
have an ingredient list off the one thats currently realy popular and i htink its somethign i cna recreate fairly eaisly at im going to look into geting the herbals...some mask clay and some cotton and making my own wraps...

cant wait for early fall either, going to start taking dozer to various parks a few times a week, wrestling with him will be good for my physical fitness and itll be good for his training. lol.
going to invest in a service dog vest, and "in training"patches so hopefully thatll keep the "oh hes lovely its ok he if jumps on me" people at bay...and others will avoid him simly because...
the goal will be to walk 3 miles twice a i just need to find places to go to walk...
id like to go to chikasaw once a week theres a few nice trails in that park that would be good "starter trails" (1-1.5 miles) and they connect to eachother so i could eaily add a trail here and there to lengthen the walk untill i hit a full 3 mile walk...and then somewhere a little closer once a week...

im going to pick up the zumba game for the wii, and im going to start doing my wii fit and my fitness pal "games" i need to stop being a lazy butt, ive lost 200lbs so far, and ive still got a little ways to go, alot of toning to do under the sag (wont helpe the sag but will help the healing once i get it removed) and ive got a Hopefully LOGN life ahed of me to keep it off.

September will also start Dozers "training" i figure neuter the end of the first week of august, 2 weeks minimum to heal that puts us in september, so this month is a "spend nothing beyond needs" month so that i can pay for dozers class next month.
im going to double check that we can "repeat" if im not completly satisfied (and ill probbaly take advantage of that even if he is doing well...)

so yeah...time to hit the refresh button on life and get it back in first gear. even ifits just 30-60 mins on the wii fit each day, something to get moving...i cant keep getting away with "not today i dont feel like it."

so on that note...i think im going to finnish checking things online, turn on the wii and get this booty moving.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I miss my Wii and Wii Fit :( Sounds like fun sis! :D Don't overdo it!!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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pretty cool light show going on out my front window right now...
storm comming our way, doesnt look anything major and no serious rain accumulation according to the weather, but its still a worthy light show :)

and im going to be very soon, im so tired...

tomorrow i need to hit the feed store and probably up to jackson in the evening to hang out with the little "special interest" group :)
itll be good to have some social time.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the storm aparently did some damage around us...and yet, was barely anything for me...we got a cool light show, barely any thunder though and some rain...enough to make a puddle in the driveway lol...but nothign crazy...other towns, power out, trees down so much.
not that im quite happy with "sleepy" weather patterns.

this morning has been pretty slepey itself, started my day off with 1/2 hour of yoga and both jasper and dozer puking (duck

ive got to go to the co-op this afternoon to pick up food for the quackers...dont need goat and rabbit food yet but i may pick up a bag of both just to have it.
i was an idiot last night and forgot to cover the hay, so now thats wet...goin to let it sun and then asses the damage...(about 1/4 a square bale :( )

tonight im supposed to be hanging out with the group i found, trying to decide if i go up to jackson early, then eat and put everyone to bed when i get home (itll be dark, i have my headlamp but now the goats have a larger a little antsy)
or if i wait, and just go up there after ive put everyone to bed...
I need cat food (again) so thats a walmart stop, and if i go up early i can stop by TSC and get the shavings while im in that direction...

Im going to need to go back up to jackson next week though either way for dog food and its like...ehh...what do i do?! can i wait till next monday to do the jackson run and get everything and just go up there tonight to be social, or do i get some stuff now and some stuff next week and put everyone to bed in the dark?!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well todays...going...its clean up day...
got up this morning whent to the co-op and picked up 200lbs of feed (100lbs of grower for the birds, im hoping to have them all on layer once these 2 bags are gone) 50lbs rabbit and 50lbs goat, depending on how much money i actually end up spending on the 7th (i guestimated on the gas for the car) im going to try and pick up another bag of rabbit and another bag of goat before the end of the month (i shoudlnt NEED it, but i figure having it takes a little pressure off if i run short somewhere ect)

I still need to get 2 bales of shavings and a bale of hay, i should be ok for straw though :) and thatsme set for the outside critters for the month...
grocery list needs to get done tonight as ive got to head up to jackson tomorrow for cat foood so i figure ill do my grocery shop tomorrow.
im also dropping off one of the kittens, and the tortie girl whent home today...
so that just leaves me with dusty and the 2 red tabby boys to find homes for...and to be honest...i think Dusty is staying.
im watching her weight and realy hoping she hits 2lbs before the 7th so i can see if they can squeeze her in for me when i take willow and dozer and at least i won thave to worry about her later, but right now shes still itsy bitsy (1 3/4 lb) and they wont spay anything under 2lbs...

dishes done for the most part, back bedroom cleaned (thats always the "big job"
now to get back to laundry to go away, my bedroom to straighten, and the livingroom and kitchen to do...
i hate cleaning, but its always so satisfing when its done :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I spent the day cleaning too, and am taking a break for a couple hours to catch up here and on my blog. Other than that, nothing going on here today.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i love the after clean feling, but i wish i had a little army of robots to do it for me LOL.

for whatever reason today im having "issues" i wanted to sit down, plan the menues plan my shopping list heck out the circulas ect...but i just aparently CANNOT focus right now...i know i need to force myself to, but my plan to do my big shop today i think has been shot down...think ill just add the "need it" things to todays list and just get those while im up in jackson.
sending a kitten home this evening which might be part of it, they cant meet untill 6pm so i know i cant go up there and do my big show because kitten would be in the car all day (NOT happening) so mabe thats whats thrown me off.

Dusty is staying, im not yet sure if her name will remain "dusty" im also thinking gypsy and jade...but lets face it, dusty was the name that popped into my head so thats probably going to be her forever name...

so i just have the 2 red tabby boys to find homes for...*fingers crossed* that happens asap.

so yeah...0 motivation right now...i know i need milk, cat and dog food and going to figure out what i want to take with me on the memphis trip and get the stuff needed for that...since thats on tuesday and i dont want to be rushing around if i dont have to...
I know i need breackfast, lunch and 2 snacks, will be putting food in the crockpot for when i get home which should be about my normal dinner time...(i should be home by 7pm ish...)
so yeah need to actually clear my head and figure that out.

i think my get up and go left without me!

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