Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well whent up to crump/savannah this morning with E. who needed to go to crump for goats milk soap and wanted to go to TSC with her coupon..., so i tagged along, after doing some math, TSC has the 4-health food on sale in their largest bags at 35lbs for $25. .71/lb
my usual (diamond naturals) which is The EXACT same formular as the 4-health just in diferent bags (and just so happens to also be costcos "kirkland" ) i usually pay .70/lb for
so i figured since i didnt have to drive all the way up there (an extra $8 in gas) it worked out cheaper to spend the extra penny per lb on the food at TSC than go all the way back up to jackson for the same food in a different bag.

put 1 bag on my regular budget and a 2nd bag on my credit card, that gives me 70lbs of dog food, should last me 2 months, but with the pups ill probably get 1 1/2 months out of it as the pups will start the weaning process the last week of august... (i go a 40lb bag each month usually with a little left over...)
didnt save me much, but it did save me about $4 when you take into account the gas i didnt spend getting there :D yay.
also picke up some cans of the wet food (i like to use it for the weaning process) and 1 fine and 1 flake shavings. the flake is for the guinea coop, and the fine is for the bunny boxes. will be nice to get those CLEANED out and not in a half hearted i dont have the money to buy shavings kind of way...
so YAY...

bunny boxes and guinea coop are on the plan for tomorrow afternoon probbaly. need to put fresh bedding in with the goats too...this should be the last "top up" before i do a deep clean at the end of september in time to rebed for winter. im doing "deep litter" with them and the ducks/geese and seems to be workign well. will need a few bales of straw in september though to do a full clean out on the quacker shacks and goat shack. when i do the deep clean im going to reinforce the wals on the goat shack (and mabe even turn it now ive fenced in the big pasture for them...we'll see, i dont want to have to remove the roof so itll depend on if i can turn it on my own without pulling it all apart lol. need some metal L braces just to give it a little more support on the corners but im impressed, its still standing lol.

so yeah.

other than another case of cat food, i SHOULD be good on critter feed for the rest of the month. bills are set aside just gotta get through the month with $30 (id have more but the spay/neuter andtrip is a big chunk of my usually available funds, but since it NEEDS to be done...ill manage.

now if i could only get the 2 orange kittens into new homes before monday...that would be nice lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, it might have worked, got an email from a lady who might take them both *fingers crossed*.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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it DID work! thanks cindi, your good luck vibes worked!
the 2 red tabby boys have gone home, TOGETHER with 2 young girls to spoil them rotten! WOOT!
dust now officially has a collar which means shes staying, and it looks like 3 of the 4 crestie pups will be getting deposits in the next couple of weeks!
keep those fingers crossed for the cresties.

Weighed dusty and unless theres a magical way to put 1/2 a lb on a ktiten in 2 days she wont be going in with willow and Dozer to be spayed.
going to do everything in my power to kep her as an indoor only kitty untill shes been spayed...*fingers crossed*

so yeah, the money from the kittens bought a case of cat food, a collar for dusty and what was left whent in the gas tank. yay for 1/2 a tank fo gas that idnt come out of my bank account LOL.
gas prices are going back up which makes me an unhappy foxy...
thoughts of eventually trading in my car for a more "farm friendly" behicle are shroued by "but how am i gong to run a beast like a truck when i can barely afford to put gas in a car that gets 20/21 to the gal...
so a small draft hors and a hot pink buggy is definatly on the wish list lol.
a little slower going but probbaly cheaper to run :p

and yeah, thats about all i got right now.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I'm glad it worked for somebody :p

That's great you got both of them a home in one whack!!! :woot

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, I'm not sure, but I think your smaller trucks, like a Ford Ranger get about that mileage. And, since you don't have a horse for now, that would probably be all you'd need. You'd be able to haul quite a bit of hay or feed in it. Move up to a mid size, like a Dakota, and you might be able to haul a horse if you can find a used Brenderup trailer for sale.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thats whati was thinking, and when its time to get a horse trailer i can always get one with independant breaks so as long as my tow capacity is high enough i should be ok...

well today was STICKY...hung out with E. this morning, whent to get her a wheelbarrow form TSC and she treated me to lunch, which was awesome...
got home and was going to get soem stuff done but the humidity was killer, the air just felt so heavy and even the breee was HOT.

so i was lazy, and to be honest im not feeling too hot, and im going to call the doc tomorrow to see if he thinks i need my blood tested...i think my B's are low...would explain alot.

anywho...when tto put everyone to bed an decied to just get over myself, took the weed wacker and did the fenceline an walked the perimeter and made sure it was clear. suprisingly only a few little twigs had been washed up in the past rains so no major problems.
i think i sweated away 5lbs lol.

got back in the house though and thats when my "cal the doc" was prompted. dozer started bothering me, like leaning on me...hes a leaner but not usually when im stood up, but he kept leaning on me and nudging my hand. i was thirsty so i got a glass of water and was going to take a sip when i got realy dizzy and literlaly had to use him to keep my balace, he just stod there while i leant on him and helped me get to the chair ...
as i was drinking i noticed my hands were shaking.
dont know if my blood sugar dropped, if id just done too much, if i was dehydrated of if it was a mini seizure...
sat for about 1/2 an hour then felt ok to make dinner...Feeling ok right now, but my ankles are itching like the blazes again (like that night i ended up scratching the heck out of my leg)
add ot that my energy has been low the last few days, and my skin on my hands has been ealy dry and my mood low...i definatly think its gotta be a combiation of heat/humiity, dehydration and B levels, sent my bloodpressure wacky cause fluids and food and im feeling ok again...

made sausage with a salad for dinner and fruit salad for desert


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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careful sis! Glad the Dozey dog was there to help!!! Kiss him for me for taking care of you while I can't! :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im feeling better now ive eaten and sat and drank, ALOT (48floz in the past hour lol) im sooooo going to nee to pee during the night.
i think i just took on too muhc doing that weed wacking, but it had to be done...i need to be sure to do it once a week
ive got to do the bunny boxes tomorrow, but il take it easy, going to try and get it done first thing in the morning when i go out to feed and hopefully itll be cool enough

thats the side of Dozey i wish i could show the outside world, here at home hes so intune and attentive...but take him out in public and its like hes being mind controled by an ADHD squirrel on speed!
here at home hes quickly picking up on behaviour that can easily be shaped into what i need...but out in public...if i can just get him focused well be all good lol. need doggy ridalin...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pshhhhh Dozey will be just FINE! He'll get out of the teenager stage before my two legged animal does!!!! ;) :lol:

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