Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i think ive gfigured out my aug 7th menue at least

Breakfast: Breakfast Bites (eggs scrambled, bacon bits finely diced pepper and onion, mix well pour into mini muffin pans top with a little cheese and bake...) (this will be eaten on the way in the car.)

Snack 1: roasted red pepper hummus with pita and baby carrots

Lunch: orange chicken and quinoa salad with mixed fruit

Snack 2: Bananna and a handfull of cashews (this one will probably be eaten in the car on the way home so it has to be "easy acess" lol)

need to pick up some drinkage options too...

im actualy quite exctied about my healthy choices in terms of meals, tyring to get back "on the wagon" and pay more attnention to not only the calories...but the quality of the calories too.
anywho...just wanted to write that down somewhere so i dont foreget it before tuesday.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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You eat like a bird :p I'm glad you're keeping little Dusty :)

OH I thought of you when I got these :D Quinoa seeds! I'll see how they do around here. You may be getting some organic quinoa sometime in the future.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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WOOOT! i LOVE quinoa but its so expensive...Once i get more space cleared out, if it gows well i think im going to grow a butt load lol.

well this afternoon up to jackson...go to buy the dog food, card i KNOW theres 60 in the account KNOW there is...
tried again...nope...
so i whent to the bank...turns out the gas station i stopped at in town the other day puts a hold up to the gas $30 in gas added a $30 additional hold...yup not even a full tank of gas cost me $60...yeah the additional $30 will be returned but it an take 5 days for the hold to come off according to the bank. thankfully i had $3 left so no overdraft fees but OMG SOOOO annoyed,
thankfully the money for kitten going home paid for a case of cat food, which i was desperate for...but seriously...

in good news, "loki" has gone home, leaving me with just the 2 red boys...

and the red hairless male is named Zeus and will be going home September 25th (deposit will be comming in about 2 weeks, but shes already named him lol...hes going to a home with a good sized hairless girl too so he'll have a playmate.)
it also looks like one of the powederpuff girls has a home lined up too :)

so that just leaves itty bitty nekkid boy and one powderpuff girl :)

but still REALY annoyed about that $30 hold, thats a bag of dog food which now ive got to go all the way back up to jackson for...*GRR*

but yeah...
So im making home made pizza for dinner (sausage and garlic nom)...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I plan on growing it in the greenhouse this fall/winter. It takes 4-6 months to mature, and the cooler the better, so I figure that's my only shot at success with it. That's what I got with my last Amazon GC from Swagbucks :lol: Oh...and some oat seed, I wanna try grains SO BAD this year! So, I am.

That stinks on the gas hold crapola. I have had that same issue, but it makes a HUGE difference when it's your last few bucks :barnie I currently have exactly 99 cents in the bank :/ makes me wanna cry, but I don;t get paid to cry, so I'm not wasting any effort on it :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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nice on the quinoa, thatll be cool in the greenhouse :D plus i know once you remove the seeheads the stalks can be dried like hay/straw and used for bedding/snackage for the piggies!

today...i just having a rough mental health day aparently...i just WANT it to rain, im not talking the little drizzle my little town has been getting (seems like every town around me is getting storms and im stuck in some little vortex) but a serious drenhing COOLING rain, i feel so...well...dry...this past few days. mabe as a brit is NEED rain like most people need evolutionary flaw to keep brits from drowning ourselves thanks to the weather mabe?!
every little thing happy or sad or heck even halfway normal makes me tear up...i find any kind of energy and nothing seems worth it...
yesterdays fiasco with my card getting turned down probably didnt an agoraphobe ANY kind of "social" outing is incredibly difficult, and as someone with severe social anxiety the idea of people noticing me in any way makes me tremble in fear...and to have my card declined in a store full of people, to have them all staring and whispering and making little comments (or sme even grinning like they take pleasure in it) it was, to be honest, as sily as it may sound...a nightmare...i wanted to cry, i dont even know how i managed to put a fake smile on my face and say "oh its no problem i know theres enough in there must be a blnk screw up ill go talk tothem now" to the guy on the register as he tried 3 times to get it to accept...cant tell you how much i just wanted to swipe that card and run out crying...
and i think if it wasnt for the fact that the other woman who works register knows me well enough to say "no, that cant be right, shes here every month and never has issues" i probably would have just found a little spot to curlup and die...
I made it back to the car in one peice and held it together long enough to get to the bank, get the statment and get the kitten on his way home...get my groceries form wallmart all the whilein the midst of a mild anxiety attack....and got back into my car and just broke...
had nightmares about it last night, just couldnt sleep and when i did i kept reliving the eyes boaring into my skull, and of course, at that point it bame even worse in my brain as MORE people were there, and like all anxiety based dreams before the end of the night i was in the store being stared at turned down AND naked...(and noone wants to see that, belive me...)
left me in a real funk today as the thought of having to go back up there in the next few days to actually buy the food is making my skin crawl...

either way, dozer is proving hes got potential as my psych dog if we can get him through the public acess problems..
usually hes happy to go sprawl out anywhere, he'll chase the cats, lay by the bedroom gate (ac breeze lol)
today hes my footstool, hes under my legs, every so often he'll get up, give me a lick and then back under my legs...
definatly "clingy" which is realy not like him.
i think when i finally get the courage to go back up there (probably this afternoon as i realy need shavings and i dont think ive got enough food to last to monday) ill take him with me...if nothign else, hes a distraction for everyone else...

but enough of that, oh woe is me, bull...
just proves i need to get my butt back to the psych and go from there...

not much going on here, there saying storms will be popping up all afternoon...hoping some of those will clear the air a bit...
got to get dog food and shavings, oh and food for jack jack...but otherwise shouldnt have too many owies on the regular lots fo yummy fresh stuff yesterday, and blew almost 1/2 my monthly food budget...yup so much for "eating healthy" no wonder obesitiy is such a problem...barely covered the bottom of my car and it cost $50...all i got was ome grapes, banannas, strawberries lettuce ect...and all were on sale too! woman infront of me had her cart loaded with break, pasta, snack cakes ect, i mean she couldnt haveput anythign else in her cart, no coupons either and it came to just a little over $100...WTF?! you TRY to eat healthier and it costs a small fortune, and they wonder why people on food stamps tend to buy junk food and heavy carb items...rice, beans, pasta, snack cakes...thats what food stamp amounts are based want a diet heavy in fresh produce, ow in carbs and grains...yeah...not so much with the budget frinedly.
anywho...thankfully ive got some "back stock" in the pantry fridge and freezer so food budget shouldnt be too bad, and at least i can enjoy fresh yummy good stuff at the beginning of the month even if i have to resort to rice and beans by the last 2 weeks lol.

crazy crazy food based world we live know if humans didnt have to eat to survive...we'd probably be rich :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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If we didn't have to eat to survive it'd just give them another excuse to tax us more.

I can hook you up with some frozen Nectarines and other frozen fruits next time you visit, or next time I make it out your way, whichever happens first. I got your back on the grocery thing sis! I have more tomato plants for Fall crop if you want to plant some more. I started them at the right times, you're welcome to however many you can handle. I'm planting about 50ish. I have 26 planted in those black totes so they can be moved into the greenhouse when it gets too cool outdoors for them. Maybe I can squeeze several extra weeks out of them that way. :D I'll always share with ya Pinky my dear friend :) Oh, and I have more peppers and cabbages too if you want. I plan on starting some brussel sprouts and broccoli as well, and God willing i'll have enough turnips and greens for a small army this Fall. You're welcome to some of those too. May as well grow what we can while we can...I can't do anything else right lately :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thats deifnatly too true, will definatly take you up on some of those maters, have been thinking i should try an get some more in but have no luck starting my own seeds without the additional light and figured it was too late now to direct sew.
hoping to have a much bigger garden next year and be a little more ontop of things...that whole "learning experience" part of life lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yeah, it's about 3 weeks late for direct seedign tomatoes, but not for some things. I think you can still do squash and cukes. I'd have to check my alendar again, but I think I'm correct on that.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oo yes please check on the squash, ive seen a bunch of conflicting info and id love to put in some butternuts and mabe spaghetti if theres time...and acorn :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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This is THE VERY LAST WEEK to plant summer squashes and expect to get anything before frost hits, so I'd say if ya got it plant it tomorrow. :D I'll reserve a small space in the greenhouse just in cases ;)

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