Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i like doing it, though id need a new set of clippers if doing it mroe often...though i do get nervous clipping other peoples dogs, if theydont give me a picture sometimes it shard to visualize what they want...
my biggest issue is my back, it was something i looked into as a career path but after a few weeks working the grooming at the dog daycare it became very aparent that id need all the expensive equiptment, primarily a tub with a door and ramp for larger breeds baths and a fully adjustable height grooming table so i wouldnt have to bend or lift much...even then i dont know how many dogs id be able to do in a day.

Today i got the cav done, then trimmed ruby and jasper and did everyones nails and my back said Ok..enough... so i think mabe 4 dogs a day IF i had the right set up...
it is something im considering persuing though as things settle down, putting a seperate building on the property hooking up to power and water, set up with a couple of crates a proper tub and a deacent table and taking a couple people a week, id probably still try and focus on small breeds though
right now i have to bath in the bathtub whihc with my back i end up sitting in the tub WITH the dog LOL.

the good news is though despite my back other than giving my 3 baths (which is relitivly quick) everyons trimmed/clipped nails dremeled combed/brushed out ect so thats done at least.
and the neighbor needed a ride into town (so i ened up going anyway) but he put $10 in the gas tank in exchange which should get me through till the 25th at least which helps too :)

and dozer proved he knows what lay down means...but that he needs enough motivation to listen LOL.
i REALY hope i can afford to put him through a basic obedience class next month, i think we need somehting focused to get him in tune.

not a bad day in all.
its a snuggle with the dogs kind of night, fall is in the air and im loving it :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hear ya on bathing dogs and the back. I tried setting up a table in the tub once when we still had dogs so I didn't have to bend down to wash them. It didn't work very well. :/


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You wuz busy today! I wish I had gotten as much accomplished as you did... I can understand about the whole back issue - especially if you're bending over the bathtub. In a fantasy world it seems like it would be a fun job to 'play' with dogs all day - but in reality - grooming really is very hard work.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah,its a shame because i do enjoy it and have been told im pretty good at it lol.

so far today ive...

fied dozers bed...he managed to tear a hole in it...which he promptly made a larger hole, then disovered stuffing makes fun snow...
so i took his bed out and all he had to sleep on was a towel (because thats all i had ahndy...woke up this monring and hes not even lay ON the towel, hses imply got it draped over his head...hes sucha doof...
so pulled all the stufifng out, refluffed the fiber fill sewed it back up...

then ruby and jasper were shivering so that prompted them running to their "closet"and begging for clothes (no realy...they dance) so pjs for them then i relized if THEY are cold the puppies will be too...
so i sacrificed a pair of bootsocks in order t make them some cozy sweaters. everyone seems to be sleeping quite cozily.
i had to close my windows....while its LOVELY outside, the house IS chilly, i dont get any sun thoguth the front of the house so once it gets cold it tends to stay cold, so i closed the windows and it sems to be more comfortable again.

then i relized, its going to get colder over the next few weeks so i took my size 2 x footie pajamas turned them inside out and pinned them so i can take my 2x's down to a medium...
why not just toss them and buy new warm pjs you ask?
because 1: there FOOTY pajamas..., 2: there PINK footy pajamas, 3: there PINK Footy pajamas WITH SKULLS all over them! LOL.
though i do plan to try and buy some more pairs of footy pajamas untill i can find some these will be resized and continued to be worn untill they are no longer wearable LOL!
these ones are joe-boxer brand so im going to be keeping an eye on k-mart for more.
i also want slippers and a fuzzy bathrobe lol.

then lunch...
and now i REALY need to stop procrastinating and get this house cleaned again.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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:lol: If I see any pink footy pjs around, I'll let you know.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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YAY! and toe socks, im obessed with toe socks have been for YEARS! lol.

today was fairly productive...after my last update i got all the dishes washed, the house clean, the bird cages and litterboxes done, the house smells pretty and looks better too :D
i have some left over chilli ill be doing up for dinner, im unsure yet if i want it on taters or with rice...there should be neough for 2 servings so i might do taters tonight and rice tomorrow. ive got some of those baby blue taters left that need using up add some cheese and some greek yogurt instead of sour cream and it should be yummy :)
then tomorrow ill make rice to go with the other portion :D

i do still need to put the dishes away and take the trash to the street
and i need to give the babies thier shots this evening too. (i hate that part lol)

hoping the rest of the week continues to be productive, possible working on the shed tomorrow, got some sewing and laundry that need to get done, got to make a trip into selmer at some point. Saturday im out with E. going to a rabbit show...trying to see if its oing to be worth gettingmore involved in these things. if theres no other standard rex being shown at events ill have to take at least 5 rabbits to each show...but id ALWAYS bring home all the ribbons for the breed LOL!

ETA: shots done, dinner eaten, just need to take the trash curbsie before bed and i can consider this a day well done :D
to my joy puppies did REALY wel with the shots, not a flinch or a squeek infact youd never have nown i was giving them a vacine. i prefer subQ for puppy vac and back of the neck, i always pre-warm the vacine before use so its room temperature so i think that helps, but this time just whent smoother than usual for whatever reason *happy dance*

ate the last of my purple taters with my chilli for dinner...
going to make myself a no-pudge brownie in a little while for a wellearnt desert (its a brownie mix no artifical ingredient or junk, and instead of mixing it with oil and milk and eggs and suck you mix it with yogurt...and they have directions on how to make a single serving. suprisingly yummy :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had a pair of toe socks years ago that I loved. I patched them the best I could so I could wear them after the feet pretty much wore out. And I know my daughter used to like em to.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I hate ANYTHING between my toes. I won't even wear flip flops....they make me cringe. :hu

Ya'll should try the shoes they make with the toe thingies...I forget what those are called...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Maybe toe shoes or barefoot shoes? I've seen them advertised, but didn't think they looked very comfortable.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
They are called by a brand name...seems like only one company makes them, maybe patented, copyrights :hu I dunno. Anyway, I have heard they are very VERY comfortable if you like that kind of thing.

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