Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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there vibram 5 fingers...i kinda want a pair but i worry that the sole isnt thick enough to give me enough padding,i have realy sensitive feet...
i used to be a between the toe freek, i still cant wear regular flip flops but i hate socks in general, but when i tried to socks it was like more yucky bits between my toes, no more seam along my toes driving me crazy, no more socks squishing my toes together (my toes like to spread lol) no more between the toe sweat or gunk...and so much warmer...but they HAVE to fit right...if there too small or too big forget it they have to fit just a glove...for your feets! (im the same way WITH gloves, i hate wearing them so they HAVE to fit perfectly, to the point ive thought about getting custom made gloves lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well good morning SS folks...
woke up to a crisp morning and beautiful blue skys but felt like id spent the night running lol, my leg aches and i think im more tired than when i whent to bed...gotta love those outabody running sessions :p

anywho. dozer decided not to mae his bed into snow again last night so im hopign the night on a towel taught him a valuable lesson about destroying thins that are soft and squishy...

got up this morning, got everyone fed and settled and cleand the bunnyhutches, cam in and sorted everyone inside and rehung all jack jacks toys..there isnt a single clasp on this plannet capable of NOT being figured out by a parrot, these are those ones with the center peice that twist..yeah he figured those out in no it becomes part of his "enrichment" i hang the toys, then we see how long it tkes him to get bored enough to simply start undooing the clips and dropping them to the floor...
just finnished breakfast and am nuggling with the babies, and by babies i mean Dozer is somehow curled up next to me, jasper is acros my shoudlers and dusty is on my lap infront of the laptop. thankfully ruby is more than happy sprawled on her back across the loveseat or this chair would be rather...crowded.

we were going to work on the she today but my demo assistant leads this crazy life where shes always on the go helping out lots of people while rying to do all the stuff she needs to do too, so thats been postponed for now.
so instead im goin to get dresed, load my car with my vacume, mow and electric sweeper and head off to the house im house sitting...its owners should be arriving mid next week and have offered me a little extra to go battle the dust bunnies and freshen it up for when they arrive...
theres alot of dust bunnies so this could be a epic battle so ill have to stop at the dollar store prior for additional weaponry. (ie paper towles, trash bags ect.)
after that its a run down to selmer, need some bits to send home with the puppies, need milk and some light groceries, and need to stop at the library to make a copy...
i also need to add a post office stop in all that crazyness.

but right now critter gravity is in effect so i not going anywhere untill breakfast has settled lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds to me like you need to fire that lazy assistant. :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im just getting to sit down again.
headed off into town, got what i needed then headed off to the house to clean...the house itself wasnt bad, mostly ust dusty and cobwebs, but the kitchen and the mudroom ewwww...the kitchn had to be scrubbed, the fridge was moldy and evenwith scrubbing and lysol and blach i couldnt get all the yuck out BUT themold is gone and its certainly usable again now...
the mud room well it was primairly styrafoam beads and dryer lint everywhere so it looked worse than it ened up being but i wish id had a dust mask, started sneezing about 1 minute into starting that room and didnt stop for about 15 mins after id done LOL!
there must have abeen a mouse at one point...but im pretty sure its either REALY clean or dead, theyd left a huge box of laundry detergent in the lower cabinate next to some mouse bait, the corner of the box had been chewed, there wa laundry detergent all over the cabinate and mousy feet prints through it LOL! he couldnt have chewe th box corner off the size of ole he did without geting a good belly full of laundry detergant.
but yeah got the plac looking nice enough to actually want to be in, mopped vacumed ect so i hope they like.
now im tired though between cleaing yesterday and cleaning today my back is a little angry so after dinner itll be time for a hot shower on the pulse setting right on my lower back...

the only thing i needed to et done and didnt was the post office so ill have to walk acorss in the morning and get that one, theyd shut by the time i got home.

tonights dinner...chilli cheese dog i think :D wallmart had some cheddar brats on "buy now or they go off" clearance, read the packet there good for another week so im not too worried lol. and ive dog chilli left so yeah thats the plan.

and on that note ive got email to check lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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having an Ugh/Down/frustrated kind of day today...

Managed to get my bills to the post office, also managed to cut my 14ft x 14ft peice o fbird netting into 14ft x 2ft stripps to form the lower portio of the orchard fence (to keep the ducks an geese form ducking under and getting into the less secure areas of the property...once i get perimeter fencing all secure theyll be alowed to free range, but untill then...not happening, not with the neighbors dog...

but other than that ive had no drive or desire to do anything.
posted the puppy add in various places, posted the add for the 2 rabbits in various nibbles yet but hopefully over the weekend....*fingers crossed*
this is my last litter for the pups, ill be getting ruby and jasper spay/neutered ASAP...

i dunno, just feeling stuck again...
and this part of the puppy journey always whipes me constantly cleaning up doop and pee and while playing with puppies is nice i start getting too attatched at this age and it starts getting painfull to think about them going home (this is why i always havea waiting list, but this litters waitinglist must have exploded with poop becaue 39 out of 0 names all backed out or ropped off the face of the planet...


i took out a chunk of red meat for dinner tonight. planning on pan searing with a little butter and garlic then putting that along with whats left of the baby potatoes (will par boil first then toss in salt pepper and butter) into the oven to finnish through. red meat always cheers me up.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
wish you could have come over here sis. We did chops, steaks, chicken, and burgers on the grill tonight. I hope you get your pups sold, and some responses on them soon :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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wow carnivore feast at your place not seeing any roast pig on the list assuming you havent found her yet?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Yep we had meat beans and bread. Still no sign of the evil 4 legged troll though :hu


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
today been a long day...fairly goo but long.
was up early to accompany E to a rabbitshow in lawrenceburg. this one had rex, funnily enough the guy i bought blackeberry and bigwig from and a woman id like to eventually buy a broken blue or borken opal doe from were both showing...
managed to chat to the judge in between classes, nice guy but no nonsence...the kind of judge to say WHY he wasnt placing a bunny which is in my opinion is awesome as i think you get breeder blind when its your own bunnies and its nice to have someone say "well hes laking here" and "shes got too much here" still a 2 hour one way drive for not much is a little...i dunno...i did get to talking to someone about tri0color rex though...plenty of tri minis but no tri standards...*drool* lol its not showable but what a fun project that could be lol.

ive no interest in going much tfurther with the rabbits right now though,

on the way home we stopped in crump but cindi had already gone off to o more wiht her day lol. so we grabbed some lunch and headed home.
once back to my house i let the dogs out to pee and started on sectioning off the new duck area...unfortunatly when trying to get a middle wire to that "just tight enough" stage my t-post bent, and because of how uneven the ground is, i couldnt get thelines tight enough to keep the bottom line from skirting on the high spot wihtout bending the post further and thus making the other lines sag.
so i got everything wired up then disconected the new fence from the existing electric so that the sagging areas wouldnt short out the rest of the fence.

im heading into jackson on tuesday anyway so im going to pick up a T-Post to replace the bent one, and some step ins to make up for the uneven ground.
the good news is now the lines are up itll mostly just be a case of pooping in the step ins unhooking the bent t-post replacing that and then re-hooking up the wires and itll be all set.

just got in, having a drink then itll be back out to get everyone fed and put to bed...after that itll be time to get dinner on and then (while dinner is cooking) im going to have a hot shower, then put on my pjs enjoy my food and chill out for the night.

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