Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I have my pjs on and am just chilling as well.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pinky sorry I missed you! I only stayed till 12. I got hungry and tired and niecey was driving me insane :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh its no problem, E wanted to stop at that BBQ spot behind the garage on the corner (it was DELICIOUS! lol) so we stopped to see if youwere around first lol...

made dinner,had a shower and ate cacks aching right now and im tired so i think ill be taking a muscle relaxer before bed and wil probbaly be in bed before 10pm lol.

not sure whats goign on tomorrow, i need to give the babies baths nail clips and trims and redo ears...still no nibbles wihc is a tad frustrating but *shrug* least they are cute lol
but other than that i dont have any plans.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well my todo list this morning was primarily to just get the pupies bathed...
and thats checked off...
zeus goes home tomorrow so i figured id do everyone today as to not stress him more than nessicary tomorrow beofre his journey to his new home.
the other 3 pups still need to find their places in this world but im working on it...just wish people would follow through...
they all look so cute and fluffy now...shame they wont stay that way long.

Penny was the hardest, that lil al does NOT like the clippers OR the ryer...
Lil-Bit hates having a bath
Dot and Zeus both did very well though, and Zeuse was the best behaved out of al of them.

now thats done im snuggling with Dusty and Jasper and a nice hot cup of green tea. does NOT feel like 12pm already but it is..
debating lunch right now...ive got a little peice of meat left from dinner last night that would be a delicious addition to a cheesy omlet or grilled cheese, ive got keilbassa saussage, or i could go wth stuffed frech toast again...decisions decisions...

oh didnt tell you, Blackberry the bunny got out again yesterday...cant say i have any clue as to how long she was out buy found her prawled out in the shade behind the duck house.
shes a trouble maker is that blackberry, as soon as she realized the dogs knew she was loose she bolted back to her hutch and i shut her back in (and wedged the door, which i realy need to fix so will get the stuff on my next trip to lowes) with a peice of wood)
i think this confirms the need to go colony style...mabe colony would also help with the isues im having trying to get them bred because those silly boys are still not interested. *grumbles*


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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brain going Whirrrrr all this mornign as im thinking on future plans.

put my name down on a mailing list for a breeder wh breeds kune kune x guinea hogs...
id prefer purebred kunes, but at $1500-$2000 per pig...HAH...not happening.
so instead this particular breeder has a 3/4 kune 1/4 guinea quad, and some 50/50 sows too.
so im looking probably mid winter to add a pair or trio of kune x guinea piglets to the group.
hes offered me a trio of spots/gingers at a discounted price but its sti a little more than i wanted to be planning for...
so im trying to see if hell give me a discount on a pair...its not like i NEED 3 pigs in my first year, a pair shoudl be more than enough to keep back a barrow or 2 each year for meat.
and i could always keep a gilt and breed her back to her father...wouldnt want to go much deeper in line breeding than that BUT it would be fine for 1 gen.

im also on the waiting list for a spotte blue eyed nigi buckling (and of course ill have to gt him a weather buddy) for spring.

because im planning on the pigs that would mean waiting on the sheep...but thats ok because itll be awhile longer before i can get this place cleared out enough to even think about actual sheep are being put off.
but pigs are definatly MUCH handier, i can use them more in sassting me clearing the land too.

i think im going to hold off on the land clearing currently and instead get a chainsaw, a brush eater (a weed wacker with a serious metal blade) and a good mulcher instead...yes his tractor would be quicker, but theres no reason if i can find a serious duty mulching machine that i cant do this myself. i can hack down the privet section by section, lay it out for the goats to shred the leaves off, then feed as much as possible into the mulcher. then id scatter and busy corn around the area cleaed and let the pigs start to dig up the roots.
my first year while the kune mix pigs are still small i may even buy a butcher barrow, something big and cheap to help with the land clearing, let him dig and root all spring summer and fall and then off to the butcher when hes big enough to make lots of backon and sausge in the winter...
as i clear out the land ill start expanding fencelines so the goats can start clearing through the fallen leaves and such too. and hopefully i can get it done section by section untill i get to tat front which time i can then have someone come in and just do that front acre for me, clear out the brush and trash and "finnish up"
once thats all done ill have someone come in to slectivly log the pines theres also aparently some cedars back there and mabe ill have them take out a couple of the oak trees...not many, i want to see whats left after the brush is gone and how shaded it is and what trees i actually HAVE back there.
i do need to make enough space to plant a pair of chinese chestnut trees (whic grow HUGE but i LOVE roasted chestnuts) so itll realy depend on what the place looks like in terms of clearance...ive got ALOT of pine...nothing big enough to realy beworth money i dont think but its way tooshaded riht now with whas back there that there never ging to grow to real market size. heck if the pine are sim enough for me tohandle myself...ill take the smaller ones out with a chainsaw and hack them up for firewood...

so hoping i can pull this clearing stuff off mysef. im going to start on the back corner behind where the orchard is going...and get that area sorted, fix the fenceline thats already there when ican get to it (i want to do 4f welded along the entire primeter with a strand of electric ontop.) then ill move from left to right front to back in sections and tht front acre will then be the last area to get sorted.

my neighbor was telling me of a usda program that pays for a pond to be installed on agricultural property? anyone know ANYTHING about this/send me links? id love to put a small pond in.

so yeah big job, but thats what got me thinking about "usefull" and while i like my idea for sheep (i do like to spin :)) the gots and pigs would be MUCH more usefull in helping clear out the property.

this means now im going to be spending my afternoon researching mulchers, brush wackers and chainsaws LOL!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Girl - you are so industrious! (and brave) That's a lot of work you're taking on, but I know if you decide to do it - you will!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, itll definatly be ALOT of work...and ive never use a chain saw before lol... but ithink i can do KNOW i can do it.

in other news, its a real good job i got puppies bathed this morning, Zeus' new mommy decided to play hookig, cut out of work early and hould be here in about 2 1/2 hours lol.
his pack is all set to go, hes nice an clean, just need to re-tape his ears as they are doing the airplane thing right now lol (his ears are a little bit too big for his head right now lol.)

this means that im going to get off the computer and run the vacume round real quick cause dozer killed a sheet of newspaper and theres no newsprint snow on the floor lol.

one puppy heading home, bitter sweet but ill be happy to say goodbye knowing hes going to be spoilt...
3 puppies left...anyone want one?! lol

this also means i can get my tires done and pay dad back *yay*


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well Zeus left for his new home...
she was a realy nice lady and shes going to spoil him rotten...she has a chinese crested mix girl too and there going to be bestest buddies.
i gave him lots of kisses, said my goodbyes and shes promised me LOTS of updates and pictures :D

ive also got a nibble on "lil-bit" the hairless male, so please keep the fingers crossed, shes located in Ohio so it would need to be a weekend trip so shes just trying to figure out the logistics...

had keilbassa and salad for dinner it was yummy.
and tomorrow morning its out with E. again, its good to get out of the house. shes meeting some people to pick up an sell some bunnies and a quick stop at tractor supply, (which is also good because i can pick up those extra fence posts i need to finnish the orchard area and give the duckies some fresh grass acess :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Glad he found a good home, hope the Ohio connection works out as well!

Dinner sounds yummy :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the nice thing about early get your to-do list done alot sooner...
the bad thing is when your todo lists done things get relay quiet lol.

whent out early with E this mornng on a bunny run...we stooped at tsc where ipicked up a new t-post (one of the heavy dute ones) for the post i managed to bend, and some step ins to support the line.
then we stopped a few other places.
got home let the dogs out and worked on the fence...the new corner post is perfect and the step ins did exactly what i needed them to. despite tightening it, because of the span if was just too wobbly, the step ins space them perfectly so i know now in the future a step in ever 8 ft and a heavy duty 5ft t-post on ever gorner, gate and about every 48 ft to distrubute the tension...
im liking the elctric fence though, its so easy to modify that this is definatly working out well...
once i finally get everything cleared out ill re-wire the whole place with new electric strand so im not peicing together used peices for the perimeter ect, and then use the used peices to do cross fencing ect as needed but generally to avoid splicing...sooo much easier than welded wire :D
used the t-post i managed to bend straightend it bac out and used it as a post for the "gate" between the duck pen and the orchard (the gate is currently just the fence cut open on one end so it "swings" lol eventually ill put in an easier to manage gate.

got that done, came in and itwasnt even lunch time yet...
right now im thining food, and dozer must have read my mind...
didnt want to disturb them ruby and saper are behind me, dozer was curled up with his chest and head on my lap and dusty was curled up ontop of him aganst my chest lol.

but he just got up so i think im going to figure out food.

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