Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Oh my goodness what a BEAUTIFUL day.

for soe reason the guineas have decided to send the day "at home" (i usually dont see them at all during the day)
i finnished the orchard fence so now the duck/goose area is closed off from the dogs with a temporary gate, and the guineas are in there, they took a paddle in the duck pool then all layed around in the dirt and are now "talking" to themselves and preening.

im currently sat on the back deck watching and listening to them happily peep away.

he ducks and geese whent out into their new area, promptly ran around like crazy (as much as they could in 8" grass lol) nibbled on a bunch of dried weedy seed heads for a bit them promptly returned to the shade to have a drink and a nap lol.

the sun is shining the sky is blue, and im enjoying the sounds around me, even if there is the occasional annoying fly and rumble of a truck or pasing car sounds, its just absolutly lovely today. even more so sitting here like this reminds me why i took this crazy risk in the first place.
im sat here (wireless internet...never leave me again lol) with a glass of pink lemonade, the sound of cricket and guineas chattering away, the smell of a bruning wood pile somewhere in the distance, the dogs are happily chilling out and sunbathing...
*takes deep breath*
im pretty sure days like this is what life feels like!

I look around and often get a little overwhelmbed by the shere volume of what needs to be done around this place to make my vision a reality...but then days like this come along and i take a step back and sethat ive come so far and will get there eventually. now i just need to hold onto thi feeling for theoff days.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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as of right now, as long as they dont back out...Lil-Bit the hairless male goes home on wednesday to a childless couple over neer memphis...hes going to be so spoilt :D

that just leaves the fluffy gals :D

time to go feed everyone soon, then feed myself. im thinking its a steak and salad kind of night...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Congrats Pink! I know that it might tug at your heart strings to let the little ones go, but it'll sure help with the purse strings, huh?!!

You're right - it has been a beautiful day and I need to remember those things after the whine-fest I just posted on my journal....geeze.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, I know what you mean about all that needs to get done and getting overwhelmed. I feel the same way at times. But then, I'll sit back and see what I've accomplished and feel much better. I remind myself that w/it done, I don't have to do it again.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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One foot in front of the other, one day at a time, and it's amazing how things come together. You're making great progress no matter how overwhelming it can seem at times, or even all the time. Glad you are finding good homes for the little ones, I'm sure the money is a big help right now. Don't push yourself too hard, and remember we're all here supporting you!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well its not realy any "profit" by the time i run the math through between pee pads, extra food, vaccines, flea and heartworm protection and dewormer i have about $1000 into each litter (thats also dividing the cost of the pra-pcrd tests for both parents, and the ofa certs on both between 4 litters) ill be lucky to get $1200 total after everyone goes home so about a $200 "profit" lol
but i also agree with the philosiphy that if your making a profit breeding dogs your cutting corners somewhere...
livestock is a little different i think...
but having the money thats gone OUT on the litter comming back in is realy helpfull, dads getting paid back, new tires for the car, a new house for the goats and hopefully my fruit trees will all come out of what comes back. im hoping there will be a little left after that to put a little extra off my credit card.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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pinkfox said:
Oh my goodness what a BEAUTIFUL day.

for soe reason the guineas have decided to send the day "at home" (i usually dont see them at all during the day)
i finnished the orchard fence so now the duck/goose area is closed off from the dogs with a temporary gate, and the guineas are in there, they took a paddle in the duck pool then all layed around in the dirt and are now "talking" to themselves and preening.

im currently sat on the back deck watching and listening to them happily peep away.

he ducks and geese whent out into their new area, promptly ran around like crazy (as much as they could in 8" grass lol) nibbled on a bunch of dried weedy seed heads for a bit them promptly returned to the shade to have a drink and a nap lol.

the sun is shining the sky is blue, and im enjoying the sounds around me, even if there is the occasional annoying fly and rumble of a truck or pasing car sounds, its just absolutly lovely today. even more so sitting here like this reminds me why i took this crazy risk in the first place.
im sat here (wireless internet...never leave me again lol) with a glass of pink lemonade, the sound of cricket and guineas chattering away, the smell of a bruning wood pile somewhere in the distance, the dogs are happily chilling out and sunbathing...
*takes deep breath*
im pretty sure days like this is what life feels like!

I look around and often get a little overwhelmbed by the shere volume of what needs to be done around this place to make my vision a reality...but then days like this come along and i take a step back and sethat ive come so far and will get there eventually. now i just need to hold onto thi feeling for theoff days.
I love days like that! Fills me up :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
definatly feels like it refilled the "happy tank" a little.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
10 am and alls well lol.
im goiing out this evening and the people im going with are going to pick me up so i dont have to worry about gas or my front blad tire and my back slow leaking tire...the good news is my other back tire looks ust fine LOL
going to top by a few tire places tomorrow and see what i can get in terms of used tires...ive got to go into town anyay to put money in the bank so i can take money back out of the bank to pay people lol. but yeah.

so thismorning, since these folks are nice enough to come pick me up (and theyve been talking about comming by one day to see the critters :)) ill make the place a little nicer for their visit.
so i did the bunny hutches before breakfast! puppy pen is scrubbed again (even when your ontop of the tpoop all day theres till the odd bit you miss that they anage to find and smear all over the place lol.

going to tidy around a little today too, nothing spectacular, just enough to make it look a little less like a procrastingting slob lives here (its realy not "dirty" so much as i still have lot sof little bits and bobs that dont havehomes yet as i dot have enough shelving ect...
that and dozer even finds 1 peice of paper and manages to make it look like a pape factory explodedall over the floor...hes magical that way lol.

once the house is somewhat tidied i have to go pay with the bird netting again. i didnt think the ducks were going to figure out the wire...well they have and theres a few spots high enough off the ground that they can duck under so i was hoping to get away with not having to put the bird netting around the entire thing...and instead not so much with the working out that way. its only temporary, once i get working on the perimeter fence theyll pretty much be fre-range on the property...i just dont ant them going beyond the property lines. there dumb enough to get themselves squished or eaten.

speaking of dump...ive decided guinea keets ae NOT dumb, but instead have a hive mind...when there all together the mind works as one, keeps them unified they can tell time, navigate ect...
BUT if you spilt up the group or make them panic the connection is lot and the hive mind is then dividd between them making them incredibly stupid...(like the fact that as a group they can jump onto my roof form the ground...but in a panic they cant even figure out how to jump over a 4ft fence! *DOH*)

but yeah, so got plenty to keep my busy thi morning, think im going to clean first, then go do some tinkering with the bird netting, then shower and hopefully be dry dressed and redy to go when they get here around 4:15...
the duck and geese and guineas if theyre home intime will get locked in early (getting the ducks into their house in the dark is damned neer impossible, aparently in the ark im not lnger the glorious bringer of food but instead the evil shadow monstr that wants to kill them) the goats arnt as difficult, they know my voice so i dont mind leaving them loose untill i get home.

so yeah thats todays plan.

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