Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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rubies tag on an actual ya an idea of size, ruby is 10lbs lol.
i LOVE how bright and happy t turned out...


and little miss pain in the tuckus...

i love how awaesome hers looks against her black coat, noone can ever say "i didnt notice her tag" now LOL.
jasper and willow wouldnt keep still long enough to show theirs off but ill try and get some pics tomorrow of theirs :D

ive got more on the plate too that im realy excited about :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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busy bumblebee today.
got up early becasue i had someone comming to look at jacks "old" cage...
she bought it YAY...i was going to keep it and eventually put a hahns macaw or some greencheek conures in it...but i needed the cash for one and for 2, if i do get the house, theres not enough room in there for jack, the linnies the other cage that matches the linnie cage (will eventually have parrotlets in it) AND another BIG cage...
so ill stil with my 2 smaller cages and jack jack, hes a handfull anyway...and YAY cash.

im broke right now so its a huge help to go towards what will hoepfully be my moving costs.

then whent swimming, did a mile and 15 mins tread down to 199lbs as of this wednesday just past, thats 119lbs gone since sept of starting to feel a little more at ease in a bathingsuit...

then we stoped at the grocery store to pick up some cards for momma, not that we forgot...*rolls eyes* i didnt...but the others did...
looked for a nice potted plant or something and nothing dove out at us...

we are going out for dinner tonight though, Indian food here i come, yum yum yum...
and yes even after surgery i can still enjoy korma and a little bit of rice and naan bread, i just cant eat alot of it LOL.
i a cheap date now!

we did however pick up some verbena and some petunias, for the pots by the garage...then dad decided he wanted something more permient for those pots too so we stopped at the "feed store" (its more like a garden/small hardware/semi pet store, they dont cary much in the ways of lvestock stuff lol) picked up a couple of nice tall phlox.
got back and of cours emy job to get those planted, so i did that, there going to look fabulous all filled out though.

then inside to get crafty and finniah making a costom tag order...

managed to burn myself on the toaster oven when removing tags from said toaser oven...have a nice inch long by 1/2 wide burn on the top of my hand smart! LOL.

took pictures...
ill let the tag recipient post pictures if shed like or she can wait untill they reach her home :D, played with the dogs in the yard for a bit, came inside to find the kittens had somehow escaped their playpen...i blame willow, shes adventure kitty...and were running around having a blast so i havent yet put them back in the play pen...ill have to soo cause ive got some stuff to take care of...but right now they are playing nicely and having fun so more power to them...

this week i have plans to go through some stuff in the garage and plan a small tag sale somehow...were ontop of a big hill with limited parking and theres no onstreet parking below im wondering if one of my neighbors would allow me to use a patch of their lawn either next weekend or the one after...
its mostly junk, but you knwo what they say about one mans trash...
any money from that will go into the "pay for moving" fund too.

so yeah, been a bit of a busy morning...which i like :) quite a bit actually too!


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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I'll post 'em on the kittehs. hee hee! They're great.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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*happy dance*

so milling about outside wiht the dogs and what do i see...more nekkid spots in the flower beds that HAVE to be filled, guess what else im adding to my to do list next week LOL.

i love gardening and alot of places have sales on right now, so hopefully i can find mum some bargains...

i also need mulch this week...if i dont get it done now, itl be summer before i get round to it and ill be hating myself...just got to talke the parents into departing with some cash to do it all...


kittehs is escape artists...
or at least willow is...
i dont know how that tiny little ball of fluff is doing it but every time i sit down shes right behind me squeeking, mouse and leo figured out if they push hard enough they can move the i proped the trashcan against it, problem solved..but pretty sure sprouts wings and flies right out.

Tempi is doing well but i need to get a little weight on her, shes a slim cat as it is, but after 3 days without food shes looking a tad tomorrows trip to buy modpodge will also add a stop at the grocery store too, gonna see if i can pick up some chicken livers, i figure between that and some egg with some cream cheese we should get her back to her slim but Healthy looking self in no time.

insiscion is healing very well though, i doubt there will even be a scar by the time its done....

now just trying to pass the time between now and yummy food time..., mabe a little online window shopping for my potential new home...yes that could be fun lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well indian got canceled, whent for italian instead...

see the plan was to go for indian for my ssters birthday last week...(we always do birthday dinners the weekend after the birthday...)

we were supposed to go last night, but she HAD to go get her new phone...
so we planned to go tonight, would be a nice mommas day thing too :) she knew this was the plan...infact shes the one that created the plan...

sister was working today till 7:30 so we figured home by 7:45 and there by 8:15 not bad...

8 rolls sister, i call her turns out she didnt go to work today...called out...and she was hanging out with friends...WTF? so im like, umm wernt we supposed to go out for dinner tonight?
her responce...
:eek:h yeah"

in the mean time were all hungry, we havent eaten dinner because we were supposed to be going out, so none of us had eaten since about midday...

so i have her talk to mum and shes like "oh we'll go another day"

so i tell dad, he ws upset, were all hungry and were all looking forward to indian...

so now of course i had to figure out dinner...
getting stuff out of the freezer and im told "were going out without her..." so we whent to a lovely italian resturaunt down the street that weve been going to for years, love it there and they give you enough food to feed 4 people in 1 for me that means ive got enough food to last almsot 2 weeks LOL.

the owners son knows us well and last time we were there he was telling me his father was thinking about the gastic bypass...
well today we go in and he comes over and lets us know his father whent through with it and has lost 32lbs in a week and a half! grats to him, men lose it alot faster than women but dont tend to loose for as long, so its awesome he made that kind of progress in his first we chatted for a while...

food was delicious as usual though i did eat too fast, whihc led to a lovely rock in the tummy feeling...thats what i get though for waiting untill i was that hungry to eat, i knew as soon as felt the rock that id eaten entirely too fast...i should have had a light snack of soething around 5pm...

so were going to go for indian food one night in the week for her birthday...
but at least tonight wasnt a wash...

mum loved her cards :)

beyond all that im tired and just letting the kittens have a good run around before bedtime.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, aparently my playpen is only rated for kittens up to 7 weeks of age, at which point they sprout wings and simply fly out...

i figured since its vertical metal bars id be able to keep them "locked in" till 8 weeks...
yeah, i was wrong...
little willow figured out how to get out, then when i blocked that exit she firugred a new way out...and then when i pulled the gat away form the cabinate to remove that exit point she simply grew wings...
seriously, i have NO idea how she does it...

so i rearranged things last night to see if i could block the only exit point i could figure out...
well this morning both willow and mouse were free...

so today the playpen got foleded back up and will be put away tomorrow and the babies have free range, the boys go hom on friday or saturday so it wont be so bad at that point, but right now LOL...
there not to bad realy, and momma is doing a very good job of keeping them inline...she ignores them unless they get too rowdy, or if i cant find one ill aske her where her babies are and shell round them up for me, mostly though if they are not running round like crazy they are curled up neer the dogs.

picked up sealant for the tags this aftenoon, and i picked up a few more plants for the garden...should be enough to finnish the bed by the patio, still need a few more for the "big bed" and a few for along the garage/walkway...should have some multi colored daylilly comming soon which will fill in many of the gaps, mum loves day lilly but we only have yellow right now so im hoping to get ahlold of some pinks and purples., then the rest will be mostly ground cover for the nekkid spots.
gonna try and get mum to buy a couple bags of mulch this week too so i can finnish that.

if it wasnt obvious im trying to keep myself very busy lol. it could be another week before i hear about a pre-qual letter and its driving me sooo antsy.

ive been working on my "lists" i know have a good idea of all the critters i want, including some on the "one day mabe" list that adds a mini jersey cow, a norwegian fjord and satin angora rabbits...
but goats, and chickens will be the first on the list once i get settled in lol.

sooo many ideas!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If you get a fjord, I want to see pics! I go past one most days on my way to the farm. I did a double take the first time I saw it. I thought at first it was a halflinger, then I saw the mane.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the first time i saw one it floated past me along a wooded path, the owner had clipped the mane all cool it with a pattern and the guy riding it was a very large ...

my first throught was, is that horse floating, followed by thats a big guy, followed by, OOOOO cool!

i got talking to him and it turned out it was a fjord, ever since then ive wanted one...
or a vanner, my cousin has a gypsy vanner, but theres no way i could afford one here in the states...a fjord however.
i love the gaits, and i love the easy handlable size, and the fact that they make realy good all around harm horses, this guy (named Kudtz) was also trained to pull, single and team, he pulled a plow, gave lessons, and lived with the goats, kept them in place aparently lol.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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Day 1 of meds. LOL. Amira is too smart. She saw me fill the little syringe and hid. *rolls eyes* thanks for tipping off Pudding you neener.

So I shut the door on Amira in the bedroom and rounded up Pudding for meds. Then they got fed.

She slept on my bed as usual last night so she isn't that upset about it. And she's sitting right behind my chair now LOL. I'll have to be careful to sit with her and pet her at least twice as often as I'm sitting with her to medicate her LOL. Not that this is difficult, since she is a snuggly cat, but since she won't come to me now....

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