Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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first offer goes in in the moring, my agent had clients back to back all day today, so didnt get a chance to write the offer, but she got my stff, will write everything up and call me to go over it to make sure weve got all the conditons right first, then it goes in...should hear by monday if it was accepted or if im going to have to resubmit and play the bidding game.

ive got a home inspector lined up...
now im looking for a septic and well inspector to get that part of it lined up so as soon as the offer s accepted *fingers crossed* i can get the inspections done imediatly and things can move forward from there.
im most worried about the well inspection, because thats one thing i didnt know what i was looking for...
the house inspection im expecting to see "missing water heater" on the report as i dont recal seeing a water heater lol, but was planning on putting in an on-demand anyway. but i dont know how much a new pump would be for the well if i had to replace that so that might be a deal breaker, and if the well or septic are shot thats an absolute deal breaker as its a hud home and sold "as is" and i cant afford to replace either of them...

so im just hopign the bid is accepted on the lower side, and that the inspections all come back stating "old but usable" lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ok, i hate being bipolar...

for those unaware, i suffer from a number of mental issues, one of those being relitivly sever rapid cycle bipolar type 2 (or as my doc says, type 3, because im not a true 2 but im not a 1 either as i have extreem Ups and extreem downs (most go one way or another)

i havent had a sever episode in a few months, between loosing weight and meds things started to get under control, then i had to stop the meds (no perscription coverage) but no swings...its been about 5-6 months since my last major swing...
i have mini swings, there not realy life effecting, just occasional blahs followed by occasional WEEEE's, followed by some kind of semi normalcy...definatly dealable...
the ocd and general anxiety doesnt act up as bad on the mini swings either...

well untill right about an hour ago that is...

ive been all over the place this past week about waiting on this pre-approval...then i got word and it send me into a mini upper...i mean why wouldnt it, im pre-approved this is awesome...
then at about 10pm im sat here on the couch watching movies and playing solitair and this wave of yicky washed over starts subtly...i know my cues...which is even worse, you feel it building up and theres nothing you can do to stop it...

i started feeling like i was being watched...then i noticed i was trippling everything (my ocd presents in odd numbers that are products of 3, so 3, 9, 15, so on and so on) i found myself hitting the back button 3 times when i only ment to hit it once, clicking a link 3 times, opening 3 internet windows, checking my email 3 times....ect...
then the paranoia kicked up, lock checking started, so far im at 27 checks on the same locks in about 15 mins...

its even more furstrating because i KNOW im doing it and i cant stop it...
and in the meantime this wash of Horrible, "everything bad that can happen will happen" feeling came washing over me.

UgH! i hate hate hate that feeling, i should be excited...

then im checking facebook (im big into the distraction method) and notice all these posts from my friends about how their having a blast hanging out together ect and it hit me...i havent heard from any of them in months, none of them have returned emails, calls or im's ect...there doing all this stuff together on their part and im sat here, almost 2 hours away and not one of them has tried to talk to me in months...

yup, that confirmed it....definatly hitting a low...

im not typically social, and being "none involved" doesnt usually bother me...its one of the reasons im looking forward to living "in the middle of nowhere" but when the downs set in...i realize that random strangers on forums like this seem to care more than my own so called friends.

i know im not the only one in the world out there with these issues, but sometimes i feel incredibly all alone...

mabe im hedging too much on getting this house...
i know i NEED to do this to be better for myself, to move on with my own life and theres this pressure of what if...what happens if it doesnt work out...what if i screw up...
and then those dang chemicals take it and say "hey brain, lets run with this" and the next thing i know thers a run away choo choo racing round my brain blowing its whistle in a mocking tone.

and i know itll last about a week and then ill either be normal, or bouncing off the walls again depdning on the pattern this one takes.

what this aboslulty does mean however is that i need to make sure i do something tomorrow...i dont know what, but i have to be outside, go somewhere, do something, i dont know what...
but it also means i cant take acess to any money with me...

i tend to go into "buy something that makes you feel good" mode and right now cant afford that...

its so either in the must leave the house or ill explode mode...or the terrified to leave my garden mode...
life is definatly interesting when your an agorophobic escapist lol.

i say it like that but its agoraphobic...but when i get into a nasty swing i get incredibly clustraphobc and have to "run away" or panic mode sets in.


sorry....but thanks for letting me vent...not like i realy gave yall a choice...but still, sometimes its good to get it "on paper"
especially when you cant talk to real life people about it.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Spring is a rough time for brain cooties. Lengthening days yet body depleted of vitamin D... yikes!

That reminds me... a certain loved one is about to be chased down by me bearing fish oil pills and vitamin D supplements....


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you Auntie. I don't remember to take them unless you make me. *looks outside and waits for Auntie to show up*


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I will get to you after I attack the other two right under my nose!



Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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abifae said:
Thank you Auntie. I don't remember to take them unless you make me. *looks outside and waits for Auntie to show up*
Abi! Take your supplements!


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Pinkfox, I would also recommend a super D and A supplement. A and D work synergistically together, and we have found that fermented cod liver oil is tops all around. The bottles last 6 months, so the cost is really defrayed.
We even give it to our cats when I remember too, and give it to any chickens that are needing help. Tiny drops of course :)
The history behind the stuff really pushed my towards taking it, rather then anything synthetic.

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