Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, Wa
Pinkfox, I've been there with those similar brain cooties. All I can say is 'positive self talk'. Now really, what is the worst case scenario if this deal falls thru? You will still have your current situation won't you? Maybe there is a better place just waiting for you to find it. That's not to say you won't get this one & probably will. I'm just trying to help you 'temper down' those panic swings.

If your weather is decent today, pack you a healthy lunch and treat yourself to a relaxing day at the park watching kids playing, feeding wild ducks/geese or whatever. Just leave the wallet at home. Spend some time away from home & outside in the fresh air-even if you have to force yourself to go. IT WILL BE ALRIGHT! And DO NOT think about anything that stresses you.

When you are in a normal phase, arm yourself well with it so that when you feel an UP or crash coming you can better handle it. Find something good in your life to hold onto during the swings. It may not always work the first few times, but hold on tighter anyway.

I don't know your spiritual/religious leanings, but if you are Christian then know that He does love YOU, just as YOU are and will sustain YOU thru the storms of life. HE knows the plans HE has for YOU. You can do ALL things thru Christ who strengthens YOU.
If you're not, then find SOMETHING in your life that is a good, solid given no matter what your current swing is & focus every fiber of your being on that.

Best of luck with it all :hugs I know it's hard knowing what's happening but FEELING powerless to stop it. Truth is, you do have the power within you to get you thru it. Just know that you are NOT the only one with this problem, you are and will be okay no matter what happens, and you WILL get thru it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT

I bet those kittens could distract you for a little while!

Too bad you're far from me - you could always distract yourself with those gardening skills at my place! ;) :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks guys,

i knwo ill get thru it...that much i do know for sure, i have to, its one of the reason i have so many critters, they are my "medication"

its just a yicky feeling during...

mum wants to go buy mulch, so that will be helpfull, not only do i get to spend money thats not mine...I also get to go play in the dirt too :p


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
I understand that! Having pets forces a responsibility on me. So I won't just take off. Can't be homeless with two kitties.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
NW Florida
I think you do the right thing posting to strangers.... no judgement here, just come as you are. Need a distraction? We get all wound up to hear about people's gardens, animals, hopes etc.

Get outside. Take your supplements. Be good to you.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
anyone know houses?!

can anyone tell me what im looking at here...


this is the back end of the house, the kitchen is at the far left, the bathroom is in the middle and the bedroom is next to the concrete block "box"

now i thought "well" it makes sense....
but every well house ive see has had some kind of roof...

then i looked in it and saw


now obviously theres SUPPOSED to be something attatched to those pipes...
my initial thought is "the well pump is missing", but im not sure...
what is missing here?! now i looked around and theres nothing for something to attatch to goign into the house from this point just those 2 pipes in the "box" next to the concrete box is padlocked entrance to the crawlspace under the house, but theres no pipes or anything goning under there either (and no holes in the facade to indicate a pipe or tube whent form the concrete box under the house...)
theres no holes in the side of the house either for anything to attatch to...

so whats supposed to be there, what am i missing here?!

honestly of everythin i saw in and around the house thats the only thing that realy concerns me...theres something missing and i dont know what...

is that simply the acess point to the well where the fha guy attatched the compressor to check the plumping was holding pressure?!

the house is well, septic and gas. i didnt see anythign else on the property that could be a well house whihc is why i figured this must be the well, didnt see any signs of a septic (no acess holes, no signage, and no wet spots, the latter being a good thing lol) and i didnt see a propane tank, but it could be natural gas (listing just says gas)

this is the one thign thats stressing me right now...because other than thigns i couldnt see under the house...(because the crawlspace was locked otherwise i would have climbed under there with a flashlight lol) this was the only thing that struck me as odd...


in othernews
things seem to be moving forward...
sent the check for earnest money and faxed over id...
offer is going in tonight...
could be tuesday before i hear anything on the bid...
then well, septic and home inspection...
and hopefully...

still a little all over the place today but mum bought some plants and we picked up mulch and a little time at the nursery made me feel a little better, and playing in the dirt always helps.

we didnt go out last its indian food tonight, and im realy looking forward to that...ive wanted indian food for weeks lol.

but yeah...if anyone has any clue about the above picture...

ive been looking at well pumps and price wise its not going to be a deal breaker, especially if i can get hud to take my first offer
i cant wait for this part to be over...

i just wish i could say "sold" buy the house andmove in and leave all this crazy legal and money stuff aside lol...


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
The piping may be underground for safety from freezing, which would be a good thing. They could contact the seller to find out.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
that would definatly be a good thing, one of my biggest irrational (or semi rational) fears is having pipes burst, only ever had it happen once, but since

i mean the us builds houses out of sticks...sticks and lots of water dont mi in my brain unless its a boat...

im more concerned about whats supposed to be attatched to those 2 little pipes lol...

side note, depending on what it is i was thinking of putting in some supports and putting a plywood board over it (again depending on what it is and what kind of acess i would need to have to it on a regular basis and putting potted anuals in it to make it look like a big planter
itll also get painted white on the outside eventually to make it blend...its sooo ugly lol.

i also hope the planty type people re going to keep an eye on this because if all goes well and i get the place you can put money that your goning to be getting lots of "anyone know what this shrub is" from around the property, im generally pretty good with plants and theres some that look to be some very undercared for roses dotted about (i plan on getting them all nicey niced) but theres also alot of plants that im completly clueless about and many in some realy random places, so theres potential for alot of what is it and how do i move it kind of posts lol. i hate killing healthy trees and shrubs, but i also want to use as much of my property as possible lol

n other news, mood level increased by 50% im actually quite content now...
ive been craving indian food for about a month but this past week has been BAD, we were supposed to go at the beginning of the week and when it got canceled that seems to be when my mood just started crashing..

hey i dont try to make sense of the trigers i just know to keep track of them LOL.

anywho, tonight we whent for indian...
and no sooner did the first bite hit my tastebuds it was like a sudden weight had been lifted...not 100%, but just like someone had added a winch that was taking most of the load off....

then when i got home a call form my mortgage guy said "hey no problem with the homepath issue, i talked to the underwirter who said based on your file you will have no problem getting funding for anything..." then he pauses for a moment and goes "the underwriters actual words were...shes got such good credit wed probably finance her to buy an elephant if she asked us to.."

so yeah hearing, "hey dont worry about the funding" is definatly some weight off right there too...

see i was pre-approved homepath because the listing agent stated the home was homepath approved...turns out it wasnt realy and i was worried that id have to start from the beginning againon the underwriting.

so i think since i was going to put 5% down anyway and conventional has a better interest rate right now ill go conventional rather than FHA...

ugh, buying a house is soooo stressfull...but even in all the stress sometimes i close my eyes and i can hear those birds and the buzz of the cicadas and that roo in the background and i just see me sat on a porch swing with a glass of iced tea watching the chickens bug hunt...and my brain just goes...see, its all gonna be worth it...

*deep breath*

moral of the story...indian food is the cure to a bipolar swing LOL!
the combination of chicken, cream, coconut, almonds, and spices on a bed of basmati rice and 1/2 a plain naan bread is actually medicine...yummy yummy medicine! (i have chicken korma....)

its kind of funny, we were talking to the family thatowns the resturaunt, we go about twice a year for special occasions and they know us well enough to recognize us...
we were talking about how indian food has become the national dish of england lol.

fish and chips is still clasic of course, but seriously indian food is one of the most popular foods....
probbaly like mexican to americans...its just kind of "normal" lol
and the area we come from, we had an area called rusholme, otherwise known as "the golden (or curry) mile..its literally an entire street thats nothing but indian resturaunts, indian jewelry (i dont know how or why but indian gold sparkles more than normal gold) and the occasionall little clothes store with magnificant saris of jeweled tone silks...

it was knd of funny though, pretty much all came to the conclusion that the brits have curry radar...we gravitate towards good curry shops lol.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Well it's not an irrational fear, since it happens very often. It's just something to take precautions against. Any outside walls, extra insulate pipes against it, etc.

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