Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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sometimes it sems liek2 forward and 3 back but i know itll pass. im going to leave the dirt pile where it is for now and hope i ca pick out any seedling that come up as they grow and identify them based on leaf lol....its worth a try i figure.
ive gota little seed tray i can set up in the house somewhere...get a few maters and peppers going...
i think im going to trythe greenhouse plastic one more time...(hoping itll help my pile o dirt turn into salvagable sprouts) but once thats done i tihnk im goingto take the plastic off take the shelving out and plant my peas around it put in a couple little chiars nd use it like an arbor this year.

feeling a little better this morning, think it doesnt hel that im in my february slump...this month always gets winter starts drawing down and spring comes orwad this lst stretch alwys seems so long and drawn out and "stuck"
its the shortest month and yet always feels like the longest...

todays plans involve breaking out the bypass pruners nd woking on some mroe brush i think....need to get hy for the goats and rabits too and i realy need to start thinking about shifting the fence over and movig the duck/goose house (its ready for a full clean out so i figure id rther move it then add fresh bedding than add fresh bedding move it and then add more fresh bedding LOL!.

got feet realy need doing t some poit but since i dont do them stood up (i sit on the gorund and have them lay next to me, they are MUCH more co-opertive that way) i cant do that one without A something to sit on or B dry ground.

rabbit nails however will probbly get done today. they need it and i need to keep busy.

suns shiing so i figure make the most of the day :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I agree with the idea you have Pink, of leaving the pile of dirt and trying to pick out seedlings - kind of a 'when given lemons, make lemonade' plan :thumbsup If your luck runs like mine, those seedlings will do the best of any of them :p

Your idea for turning it into an arbor/seating area sounds great! I bet, once you get everything in place and put all your cool ideas into place, your place is going to look fantastic! Hope you post pictures of everything!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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took a little wander around outside, its actually very nice out right now...
cut some brush for the goats, (i need to epand their area, brush selection is now getting thin)
and stared making plans.

#1 job right now is perimeter fencing...and i want to do welded wire even if it means 1 oll a month untillits done.
the electric will ac as a back up to keep the goats (and evetually pigs) from pushing on the fence, im thinking 3ft welded (unless 4 ft orks out cheapest) but using 5ft posts.
the ill run internally a line of electric at about 8" up to keep the pigs form fence pushing, one at about 24" to keep the goats form fence rubbing and then 1-2 lines of electric above the fenceline to keep anything from even thinking about climbing charger is more thn big enough.
to DO the fencing im going to be using every bt of natural recource i can fine and will need oto attack some areas with pruners (and probably a chainsaw...) to get to where i want the fence to be...ill be attatching the fence to trees in as many spots as posible to save money on t-posts and help relive the strain since i cant afford to have corner posts sunk.
I want it done before next spring!
thats my MAJOR project, if i get nothing else acomplished this year i want that perimeter fence done.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im pretty sur eim done with february...ready for march lol.

uestion...does anyone know if its possible to CUT the hige joint feild fencing lengthways..
in otherwords take a 4ft high by 330ft roll and turn it into 660 ft of 2ft high fencing without it all comming unraveled...
i know i could with welded because...well...its welded, but i know feild fence is "hinged" and not sure if the whole thing would just unravel if i did that...
i dont realy need 4ft tall fence and if i top with electric 2ft tall shoudl be high enough

looking at fencing right now and 330ft of 48" feidl fencing is $129 a roll...100ft of weldd is 59.99 a roll and 100ft of 3ft welded is $54.99 a roll....
if i can cut the feild fence in half and get 660 ft out of each roll, id only need 3 rolls to do the entire property (and id need to find someone with a truck to help me haul each roll home...
ive got about 1900 ft of property line to cover (a little less when you take off for the drievway lol.)
im thinking as long as i cut half way between welds and then hooked the peice back on itself to "lock" it it should work...right?!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I don't think that would work feasibly sis. You'd almost never get the thing to stay together if you go to cutting on it that way. It's be better still to just go ahead and run two strand hot wire instead.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ive got a few spots around here with some already used thats already falling apart, might pull a peice off and try it. im thinking id definaty have to re-tie ech cut peice to keep it allhooked together, but ooking t it it just might work
would take a whileto cut and tie it but it would end up being around $400 as opposed to closer to $800 if i can pull it off (that doesnt include sales which is almost 10% in TN.)

We'll see, right now i cant affod iddly squat lol.
i wish i could get away with just hot wire but i need to be able to let the chickens and ducks out during the dy to forrage forbugs wihtout them getting into the neighbors yards. and they cn just duck under the electric ithout feeling it thanks to those silly feathers lol.

todays already underway, everyoens fed, ducks and geese and bunnies all got some watermellon today (gt one at the store because ive been craving but blac, asis typical of off season fruit it was flavorless... the critters enjoyed it though lol
gots and bunies also get fresh hay...the goats are running low on brush in their current area now so i realy need to expand or we'll be going through alot of hay over these next few weeks.

its chilly and grey, and i knwo were supposed to get ice/rain yuckyness tonight into tomorrow, so im going to pu the plastic back on the greenhouse to protect whats in there and in my pile of hope (the pile of dirt and random seeds lol) but otheriwse itll probably be just a day of cleaning.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the day inda whent haywire...
realied that with my new insurance i should check on drs...guess what noone i used to use is in the new network so spent the morning calling new drs nd getting booked in for various things...
by the time id done that it was lunch time so i washed dishes then set to making lunch..something told me to check the time and it was almost 1pm already...i hd an apointment 20 mins away t 1pm...DOH! rushed to get dressed got down there (in record time lol) and sat through my apt, then stopped at the grocery store. by the time i got home i was staving and it was almost 3:30...had a snack, cleaned litterboxes and did a quick vacume of the back bedroom (kitty litter and birdseed, i realy need to remove the carpet and put wood in there) and took the trash out and it was time to strt dinner...

I swear the day ran away with me.

the good and bad news is they are expecting a wintery mess on the overnight which means im not leaving my house tomorrow which means i can spend the day cleaning
the bad news is..i dun wanna! :p

dinner tonight was sausage peppers garlic and onions in home made tomatoe sauce (last of last years canned batch) with a little basmati rice...
the sausage was spicey (almost too spicey) from a pack a friend gave me, but it came out soo good (im a serious spice WHIMP) that i couldnt not eat it lol. it was nommy even if my mouth was a little burny lol
theres enough in the pan for 2 more servings (mabe 3) and 4 sausages left to do somehting else with...i cant eat them as is...WAY too spicey, thoughts on what i can put them with to tone down the heat a little?!

otherwise not much going on around here
going to hve some skinny cow icecream and putter about onine untill bedtime :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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cook them with some beans or rice to tone down the spicy. If rice, then you can throw some cheese in there as well to tone it down a bit. It's sleeting here...let the games begin :lol:

ETA: i figure your problem with the spice is the acidic tomatoes probably enhanced the spiciness.

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