Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Glad you've got a doctor who is listening to you and your body, and I hope you get it all sorted quickly :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks guys, im feelig a little better today...i was so worn out from yesterdy with my anxity issues sitting in a crowded wiating room for almost an hour (i was early and then they ran over 3 mins past my apt time) was seriousy draining, i think that was the worst part about it all,
im going to ask tomorrow when i go for my ultrasound about the glucoe test though...
i REALY dont want to do the standard one nd can already tell them my sugar will spike like crazy ill be violently ill for about 2 hours and itll then quicly drop (to veyr low levels before finally leveling back out again) ive been reading tht there is a modified test that just involves eating a carb heavy breakfast or something..that i could do a pack of oatmeal or something...but this thing has 50grams of lucose in it...
i get sick after 15 grams of sugar in a im going to ask and see if anything can be done to avoid this monster...i ended up making myself ill last night because i was tired and didnt read the nutritional info on a "single serving" lasagna i picked up on the way home...i ate 1/2 of it and started feeling woozy and then got sick, and when i read the nutritnet it must have been a high sugar tomato suce because there as 30g sugar in the meal by the time id eaten about 1/2 i was at my limit and tha 1 last bit was neough to cause a sugar dump.

enough of that
was pleaently suprised when i empteid out the wading pool to refil this morning and found a goose egg!
since i clen it out each morningi know it was laid yesterday...aparetly in the water lol.
dang thing is huge...its about 2 1/2 duc eggs worth.
according to some goosey experts ive got 2 girls so im thinking of blowing this seasons eggs out and ecorting them to sell closer to christmas time :)

my litter of 5 i silvers colony is doing well, no signs of nesting from either of the othr 2 girls in that pen or any of the girls in bigwigs pen...but springs comming so...
need to get some hardwe cloth to make the pens baby bunny proof though lol. will need 100ft about 12" high so im thinking of getting the 2ft high and just cutting it in half long ways and just cable tyring the whole thing in place. only needs to cover the bottom 1ft.

was doing chores and got soaked, heavens opend on me just s i was filling the rabbits water bottles, thankfully it waited to pound us with bbsized hail until id finished, i JUST got unde the carport whe it sounded like someone dropped millions of marbles on my roof.

came in, did morning inside chroes and SUPRISE theres 2 parrotlet babies in the next box. wernt expecting eggs to hatch untill weekend so that was a suprise, theres 6 eggs total and 2 have hatched at some point between yesterdy monring and this morning :)
going to try and get a quick picture later, but that pair is MEAN.
wont know what colors they will be untill we start getting feathers...its exciting. got someone who wants a blue and anothe rpersn whos interested in buying the whole clutch..woudl reather sell individually though...worth more that way.

pigwigs are doing great, got to get them weighed in today since i didnt get chnace yesterday.
got home from the dr to find that dozer had pushed though 1 gate and they the other and dozer had led them back to their house (the 24" dog crate whos door is 12x18") and stk his front half in there with them...
got home to find doer 1/2 in thecrte with 2 piglets 1 on his head an the othe rbeing semi used as a pillow.
by the time id put my stuff down and grapped the camer though he was aready out and looking at me like "ummm, you didnt just see that ok?! i was over here the whoooollllleeee time!"
so toay i had to modify the playpen AGAIN...these lil girls re strong and expecting the new configurtion to keep them in for mabe 2-3 days LOL!.i was talking to d on skype and he was talking about the pigs so i took my computer in there nd sat with the babies so he could watch them :D

oh and i got 5 eggs out of my 5 mrs puddleducks today...and 5 hoping this means that spring realy IS going to join us soon...
clocks go forawrd on march 10th and uite frankly unless im exchanigng that hour im loosing for better weather im boycotting the entire thing!
if your going to steal my hour of sleep time, i want it replaced with NICE weather that i cango out and get thigns done in.
tomorrow is suppose to be nice so im going to try and get those 4 planting beds built, got an apointment so will have to work around that and i ned to pick up some stuff in town anyway (feed primarily)
but id like to get those beds done and use some of my more flmsy pallets to build a small compost bin
thurs is back to town, ultrasound and then grocery shopping in the afternoon and friday is that dreaded glucose test...
i may even call my bariatrics dr and have her call my current dr and see if theres a way around this...cause i REALY dont want to make myself ill just to prove a point
but if i have to do it im looking at a completly wated day as itll be lunch time befroe were done at the drs and i doubt ill be feeling well enough to do much at all afterwrds.

weekend ive got to get out to lowes and pick up what i need to wor on the rabbit and pig pens and get that done, as much as piggies in the kitch makes for a cute childrens story...ive got a feeling it will wer itself thin pretty uickly lol.
they are eating well though, i mix whole milk, yogurt and baby rice into a liquidy the end of tomrrow ill als be leaving dry food and some water out for them to pick at (goign to give them a bunny bottle to at least try to keep the mess at a minimum lol) and after thurdasy ill start increasing the yogurt/rice to milk ratio making the baby mush a little thicker.

but today its wet, its rainy its im thinking im going to use this dy to do itterboxes/bird cages and some cleaning around the house...mabe lol

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, I can hardly wait to see some pics of your parrotlet babies! I hope you'll have something in there to show how big (little?) they actually are!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well right now they are smaller than a bumble bee


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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So glad Dozer didn't decide he was hungry for pork! :)

Wow, you've certainly got a lot going on these days....piglets, babbitts, and parrotlets - oh my!

Have a good one!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
lol, he loves baby critters, he just doesnt realize that at his size he suished them if he lys on them LOL!

so todays going to be a tad nutz...
im tired and my heads been aching since last night, i slept pretty well i think but whent to bed with a heaace an still have it...migranes re normal for me but niggling long lasting headaches are not so im hoping this isnt signs im getting sick just in time for the nicer weather.

mornign chores revealed 6 eggs form the ducks (i only have 5 girls lol, so im assuming ne layed yesterday after check and i ddit catch it)
the 5 babbits in the next box are doing well and starting to fur up. 4 whites and one whos going to be very pretty, think its going to be a siamese sable.
came in and checked the nest box for the p-lets and chick #3 ws hatching (hed already hatched but his butt was stil in shell) theres 3 more eggs to go and im hoping for 100% hatch rate.
going to try for a picture later there only the size of bumblebees right now and mommy is VERY protective so its hard getting a good shot with smething for size comparison.

ive got my thyroid ultrasound in a lil while then itll be off grocery shopping this afternoon, so im going to do a quick scour of the sales adds and make a little list.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I usually don't mention typos, but you have been making a lot more lately it seems and some of your posts are difficult to read. You think maybe you are having some sort of seizures or something again? I know they say mini stroke victims will text garbled messages, and while your is coherent, they seem to get worse with typos when you are feeling ill. Sorry, don't mean to offend or be nitpicky, but I just noticed that when you feel bad, your posts are different with more spelling errors and such :hu Don't know if you just don't pay as much attention when you feel ill and don't fix them because you feel bad, or if something else might be going on. You did say you have a bad headache...just tryin to help :hugs I hope you get feeling better sis, I'm kinda worried about ya. :(

I gotta do grocery shopping today too. These guys are becoming professional food disposals now that weather is getting gradually warmer(and then cold and then warm again) :lol: I got a lot of errands myself, and need to get on them!!!

I hope your day gets better! :hugs :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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could be sis, and its something ill be bringing up with him.
im bout 2 weeks overdue for a b12 shot, and the sublinuals even though i tke them daily do little to nothing but untill i find out whats going on (hes trying to get my insurance to cover) i cant fford the shots right now...)
i do feel tired, all around worn out, my eyes and head generally ache and my memory (though never very good) is worse than usual.
and my concentration and motivaton, forget it, im also realy tempermental lately, silly thigns are realy bugging me left right and center and i get realy frustrated.
i wake up form 8 hours of sleep and feel like i never whent to bed.

dont know if this is some kind of new development in the seiures, B12 related, thyroid related (though the ultrasound tech while technically nto allowed to say anythinghinted that it looked fine) the winter yucks (my bipolar is nutz this time of year) or just me comming down with some kind of yucky bug.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well whatever is going on I hope they find it, fix it, and get you back to feeling human again! I know you haven't felt well for a pretty long time, and just look at what all you have accomplished...imagine you at your best!! :) I dare say I'd have a hard time keeping up with ya girlie ;) *sigh* It's always something aint it :/ Just holler if ya need anything sis, I'm just a phone call, and 30ish miles away :lol: :hugs

Oh, btw, if you find you're going to be close around Selmer or Crump the next couple of days yell at meh. We're getting a truck in the morning, and if you need/want i can hold you some stuff back to help out on the grocery bill, and you can squirrel some cash away to maybe get a B12 shot in the near future to help you feel up to par. I'm in the same boat with insurance...cept I don't have ANY, so I know how it can be sometimes. Might mention to E about the truck as well. I always forget her way out there in the boonies :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
if theres extra id LOVE some groceries, will never turn down free food especially if its semi healthy free food...
ill tell ya wndering round the grocery store today was depressing,i spent my monthly grocery budget in just 2 shops and still didnt get everything i needed...managed to get yoruts and cheese and butter (you knwo....the important things) and milk...but still. its insanity.
all the more reason to get my energy levels back to where they were in the summer and get thigns moving around here so i dont have to buy so much...expecially since its ALL junk! even the fresh produce is junk!

got home to 2pigs on an adventure, dont knwo if i forgot to shut their pen propery when i left or if they hd little assistance from a bulldozer on the outside...but no piggies....
panic sets in and i ask dozer....
wheres those pig=wigs?
and into the living room he runs looking ver proud of himself, and out pop 2 pig heads from under the chair, dont know if theyd gone under there to xplore or just hading from mosnter dog...but still lol. sneaky critters. im ust glad they were safe, i rrealy worry with his occasional outbursts...

im also feeling a little YUCK right now so thats alway fun.

ohbut i do have a little good news...
i was terrified i was going to get extreely ill with the glucose test. so we are doing a modified version instead, i go first thing in the morning, then (and i mean early they want me there t 8) for asting blood sugar, then i get to g have a "normal" breakfast, i told em what my normal breakfast was and they go...umm we mean CARB food would probably work...
Me=blink blink lol. so it looks like ill probably end up at jacks for sausage and egg on a buiscuit or soemthing...
then well do the 1, 2 nd 3 hour blood after breakfast so instead of drinking that yuck i get to eat a naughty breakfast, which is still not going to help me ith the yuck feeling, but better than downing 50g of sugar and passing out! lol

that means however a very early morning, have to be out of the house for 7:35ish, which means i need to be up around 6, the pigs feeding scheual is going to be a tad topsy turvy (though i realy dont think they care as long as thy get fed every 5-6 hours or so)

got groceries, came home put groceries away thoguht where the hell did all my money go as the fridge still looks bare conpared...and realized im RELY hoping my garden does well this year.

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