Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Shes STILL hanging in there...i swear shes going to esplode!!!! lol

today nded up being a tad nutz, but what a beautiful day for it!
weather was perfect, whent out with E then picked up my new Red Rex buck, hes pretty, needs a good nail clipping and some handling but pretty...hes going to work very nicely with the tri-color pen!

bred my satin angora to E's eng/french angora mix we'll know in about a month if hes old enough to be fertile, he was more than happy to "perform" though lol.

and then i come home and start putting info into my ped tracker only to get the "youve exceeded your free trial information storge space...o now ive got to find a new program with no limits (or cost) to transfere everything into LOL!

tomorrow ive got to go do my kitty sitting duties, then got to work on cages...need to get the angora set up, then move the hutches 2 of them are in (they are ging to be the new baby cages, going to start pulling babies form the colony at about 4 weeks so i can more easily socilize them.
once those are moved ill start working on the rex buck cages/pens (not yet sure if im going to build them a small pen each or if theyll be in cages)
and then once THEY are all set up i can work on the rest of the cages...

ive also GOT to weed whack the eectric fenceline tomorrow morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds like you're busy, busy, busy!

Have your parents figured out what they're doing yet?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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not a clue lol, there definatly NJ bound for the next 5-7 years...but gven the land prices there and taxes its highly doubtful theyl find house and land for the price they want to
ads realy flustered, the house is worth alot les than they own on it according to the 3 quotes they got thanks to a currently junky market..
so thats realy bugging him too.


charing the weed wacker, need to go roudn the enceline...and i need to start working on cages today too...theres a 94% humidity out there right now though, hoping to get the fenceline done before the rain but took the wed wacker out and no power so hve to charge it (its electric) beore i can use it.

so going to work on some math for the angora cages while i wait.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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WOOT! so i managed to get the angora cages built!
still need to figure out some way to get the cages off the ground and put a roof over it, BUT i now have 3 cages to move the angora into which is a big step forward.
its 3 cages together, 2 arox 48x24" and 1 apox 36x24" the big ones for the angora girls, little one for the boy.

right now the plan is to pick up some t-posts, knock em into the ground nice and studry like (probably 6 posts) and then use hooks to suspend the cages via the posts. eventually ill build a wooden frame and pop a roof over the whole thing but for now itll probably be hooking tarps over it to protect from rain.

REALY liking how they came out they are HEAVY, and the holes for the doors were a pain to cut as the big bolt cutters wouldnt fit and i had to use my little cable snips (gonna have some nice blisters from that lol)
but i think these are going to work realy nicely.
gla i built it where i wanted to put it cause theres no chance this thing is being lifted anywhere wihtout a few good strong able bodies to carry it...its HEAVY

next cage job is 2 cages for the rex bucks. need to figure the math for them (im trying to not waste any of the wire i have)
yay progress...

going to go let the dogs out, fill up water bottles and weed whack the fenceline...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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gah some point between bedtime last night and breakfast time this morning two of the baby bunnies escpaed the pen...*grumbles* got 1 back in...but the other one is nowhere to be found and its worse because the one thats nowhere to eb found had a home lined up...realy grumpy now.

thi jut means i have to getmy butt in gear n get these cages finished off. so im going to go put on some pants and off to go buy t-posts and a tarp to get the already built cages off the ground, once the angora are moved ill move the baby bunies into one of those hutches for now. looks like im going to have to pull babbits t about 4 weeks and seperate them out to prevent bunny escapage.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the broken doe bun hasnt come home...:( broke the news to her person nd offered her pick of the current litters or cash back (she paid for my red buck in exchane for the 2 babbits)

i did manage to get the angora bank up on its t-post stand, used more t-posts than i wanted to but its HEAVY...and i think its fairly secure.
angoras are moved in, cleaned out their hutches and moved all the babbits in to a hutch, also moved the litle holland buck into the 2nd hutch so hes got a little more room until his new cage is built.

next job is building the 2 rex buck cages and the holland cages. going to be doing 2 fr the rex 3 for the holland back to back. to save on wire.

also helped E tattoo 9 baby goats tody so needless ot say im planning on a nice cool shower after evening chores while dinnersin the works :)

oh and im at here and Tempi my 5lbs balck cat bring s a squirrel as big as her home for supper...then proceded to crunch down about 2 ft form me....EWW lol.
theres nothign but a tail left now which binx is haign a blast btting round, i might just bag and freeze it untll i can tan it and turn it into a cat toy lol. hes having a blast! but m goig to hve to take it off him before i let the dogs out as that WILL start a fight.

anywho, time to go get a start on evening chores.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well still no sign of the broken castor baby...i think somehting must have gotten her, she wouldnt have gon that far from the "warren"...
the other babies aresecure in a hutch now.
the new cages held up well overnight so im happy about that and having them over that way made buny chores go easier
will probably spend today working on the next batch of cages. hoping to get the 2 rex bucks cage done and 3 smal holes for hollands.
probably also going to put my smallest rex in with my hollad buck today and see if we can get her bred with first gen mini plush's.

but yeah.
thats the plan.
so off to get some work done while the weather co-operates


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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my hnds hate me and i ran out of cable ties but short of cutting and putting on the doors and getting these cages up onto t-post frame thats 2 rex and 3 holland lop cages done.
the manjority of th work is easy peasy (ie cutting the doors will be no issue i ust dont have cable ties to put them on yet with lol) but cutting the holes for the doors makes for not happy hands, the big bolt cutters cut through this stuff no issues, my small cable cutters (stornger than wire cutters obviosuly) will cut through it...but its work...i was wearing gloves but the blisters i got form doing the 3 angora cages are a little angry with me now if just cut 5 more holes in that monsterous stuff LOL!.

once i pick up the t-posts, a tarp and some more cable ties i can put the rex bucks and my holland buck over with the buns, ill ive silvers colony a month to make sure noones pregnant and then time to start playing match the bunnies. fun stuff :D

got a ine of storms heading out way for tonight, kinda putting it off as long as i can but going to go put eveyone to bed shortly.
not yet sure what dinner is going to be, warm weather comes in and im just not in "food mode" might make a sandwhich lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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crappy morning...out of the 9 nestbox baies i have 4 left, and its my own fault, i have a large rock o the top of the box this nest was in as the hole its partially sunk into isnt as "tight fitting" and when it rains water gets under the box and it floats....the rock prevents that.
well guess who didnt make ure the rock was back on it properly yesterday afternoon after checking the box.
box floated up wind got it and tossed it across the pen at some point in the night. 5 babies acattered about the pen (looked like theyd been trying to get to higher ground) and 4 wet chilled babies. stuck em in my bra while i finnished up, replaced thier nest got em warmed and dry and put the back with some acrlic roving sice the fur nest was decimated. *fingers crossed* they didnt get 2 badly chilled. theres 2 black otters, a broken black and a REW left...all the lost babies were borkes and all just starting to open their eyes. im REALY furstrate with myself right now as it could have been avoided.
i thinking im going to have to make boxes to go inside the boxes an put something heavy INSIDE to prevent this stuff from happening.

the good news is my angora in the new cages with nothing but a tied down tarp did just fine. but still GAH! 5 babies lost, and 5 BEAUTIFUL ones at that. *sigh*
anywho, and theres no saying the remainding 4 will be ok if they got chilled :( ust hoping the dry roving helps enough to get them through. will probably add more later as tems are supposed to get prety low tonight.

going to take all baby bunnies except 3 (eyeball, the one with the ba eye, and nose the mix with a big abscess on her nose and the castor whos sold) to the R&J poultry swap tomorrow...going to take haystack too. hopefully i can come home with some cash from that...
might take whoever is left to crump on sunday...but im hoping noones left.

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