Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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todays one of those days when im asking mysel why the heck i even bother.

parotlets were all sold
notice th "were" part

one woman was taking 2, messaged on the 18th of aril everything was great let her know as soon as they are ready to come home blach blah
messaged her on the 22th with pictures and update let her know theyd probaby be ready this weekend comming...
messaged her the 28th, girls are refusing formular theyll be ready to go home on the responce...
messaged her 29th, hey, havent herd from you, ust wonderin if everythings ok and i your still taking these 2 girls, please let me know asap...
then to mesage her last night and "acebook cant find user" after some digging it turns out the person has blocked me...

all she had to do was send a message "hey somehtings come up cant take em" and no issues...but instead she ignores me for a week then flat out blocks me completly...


then the yellow boy...also WAS on hold...womans been going on since the bird was puled, "if you have a yellow one its mine" and "im taking the yellow one" weve been mesaging once a week or 6 weeks (and she HAD my adress fomr day one)...then on monday she asks me to send pictue and the dreaeded "where are you again".
resent the adress with pictures...
guess what, NO ESPONCE...shes been onine many a time, shes activly posting on facbook groups and cant even be arsed to say "sorry its too far"

so now ive got 3 "sold" parrotlet babies who all need to be put bakc up for sale in the mean time im going to have to contact other people whod shown interest and exlpain to them that babies are still available...

it reflects badly on me..i mean people are now going to be wonering "well they were sold,what hapend" and "what did she do to amke that person block her" and "whats wrong with the brids that 2 people backed out"

its comon deacency people! its not like thee people just contacted me yesteray, these folks have had holds on thes birs since they were 2-3 weeks old! they are almost 9 weeks old...


then i spent this morning playing catch me if you can with a 3 week old baby bunny (who IS pre-sold) i never even considered that a bunny just opening its eyes woudl climb 18" to squeeze out of a gap just because it could...
ive got a big old oak tree next to the rabbit pen, and its hollow inside and down one of the large roots (and lord knows where else it could be some realy cool mae uner there but its much too small for a human of any sie to get into...but a 3 week old bunny...
she got in there and every time i tried to gt her shed run back in.
i finally caught her at about 3pm...she came out, probably tosee where momma was and i manaaged to sneak over and put some fecing over the hole in the tree, then spent abouter 30 mins chaing her round in circles around the rabbit pen untill she tried to gt in the tree paniced when she couldnt and squished herslef in the next small ark space she could...under a rock that ust happent to have a gap just large enough to cover her head so i managed to grab her butt and get her...Og i was ready to scream.
her, her moma and her siblings are currently in a cage...
im going to have to eithe rput up climb guards, or, seperate momma and litters out once they get to the "hey lets go on adventures age" (about 2 weeks) into individual baby proof pens...mabe i could make a sort of cage that just attatches onto the front of the nest box .

i need my septic sorted out and that guy also hasnt gotten back to me about giving me a quote...and alli want to do right now is scream and cry and hit something...
so i think tonight i need to zen out, be a pagan, light a small beltain fire in the fire pit and do a little spring ritual
im going tobe asking for some inner peace, guiadnace and a money tree!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds like you had a rough day. :hugs At least when RU's bunnies got out, there were 2 of us to work on catching them.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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People are soooo rude sometimes. I don't think most of 'em even realize what a big favor you're doing them when you hold an animal for them. They need a good :smack !


Jun 27, 2011
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So how is today going? Hopefully a darn sight better! And how was the Spring ritual?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ummm yeah...what he said...LMAO!

things are looking a little better, i think the b12 is realy just throwing me off and effecting my mood and not in the usual bi-polar type way.

looks like the yellow parrotlet is going home on sunday so thats something positive. now if i could just sell some more of these rabbits (ive got 2 babies and 1 adult that i realy want to sell, and 2 babies who re tentitive pending transport right now)
i bred my chocolate tri mini rex to my holland lop on the 1st for first gen mini plush...itll take a while to lock in the rex coat and lop ears but hey i can have fun trying.
also bred my small standard tri doe to my new red buck that day.

So sunday ill expose my castor doe to the red buck and thatll be that pen hopefully all bred.

the other pen had silverin up until i finished that last batch of cages so i gotta give it a couple more weeks to see if he bred anyone before i move him out. then those girls will be exposed, the broken black to silver, the meaty mix is one i want to sell, and then my opal im thinking of pairing with my e-lop buck for f1 velveteens...shes hard to get bred, even whe shes ready she "tucks".

E disbudded the baby goats for me thats done and now little man can realy start looking for a home (hell be ready as a bottle baby in about a week...)

puppies are doing great, hoping to set up the pack and play in the livingroom this weekend and get them move out of the bedroom (itll also give em more space and socilization) there getting those little feet uner them and realy moving around now so more space is a good thing.
infact depending on what this afternoon does i may do that today.
i made a run to 1 feed store this moring, picked up 12 my feed, got to do the run to the other this afternoon to pick up the rest...
also picked up dog and cat food while i was down there so that parts done at least.

its supposed to rain...

got a busy weekend comming a dog training seminar tomorrow morning (unless it gets canceled due to rain) will be going with my deaf friend as her interpreter....and probably taking dozer as a demo dummy...
then we come home, drop off dozer get the livestock sorted change if i need to and pick up my contribution to a going away party and then back out again...gonnabe busy.

sunday ive got osmeone comming for yellow parrotlet boy...

and then next week i need to work on building a small run for the cochin chicks (they need to go out) getting the duckgoose coop sorted/cleaned and moved, and getting more bunny cages built.

thus far today ive already been into town and made the bae for the cheesecake bites for the party.
there cooling now and thenits ust a cae of decoration

so now im going to have lunch. unload the 200lbs + of critter food orm my car then run to town and pick up ore food and a can of rediewhip since i wont have time to make fresh whipped cream tomorrow lol.

the chesecakes are chocolate covered strawberry: chcoolate cookie crumb base, a dollop od strawberry jam in the cheesecake, and will be topped with chocolate cookie crumbs and a dipped strawberry
turtle: chocolate cookie crumb base, caramel ontop, a pecan and chocolate drizle
nilla: vanilla cookie crumb base, willbe topped with a nilla wafer and whipped cream...
theres 11 people comming and 21 "bites" (there actually almost the sie of a small muffin so not realy that hopefully thatll be enough...
anyway, i need food!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Interesting post you got there, Pink! Hope that doesn't become a habit with that fella!

Those cheesecake bites sound absolutely scruptious!

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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Hey Pink you might try taking non refundable deposits from people when they want you to hold a critter for them. It helps weed out the folks that just want to window shop and they don't waste your time. Serious buyers won't have any kind of problem with it. If the person has a change of heart then you keep the money and it can be used to try other advertising.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i actually do that with puppies and was going to do it with the birds, but i dont take deposits until im sure they are healthy and doing well so or the little birds thats 4 weeks...and then next i knew with ruby having pups and lilly and everything going on 4 weeks flew by and there ready to go home and i never got any deposits...
i should have and i will on the next clutch.

itll be time to take dpeosits on the pups this week comming too...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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holy heck im tired...
yesterday was a long one.
had the dog trainign seminar, ride was an hour late with no notice or anything, i was running a little late so didnt make breakfast, got chroes done got dressedand was ready...i knew i hd a good 15 mins as tradition states add 15 mins to any time ride says lol) but it was an HOUR...i COULD in that time have had breakfast, but not wanting to rush or waste it i didnt...
so yeah...

the training seminar was great, WISH id taken dozer, the woman that runsthe seminar was pisssed when she found out i was told i couldnt take him...(i wasnt paying i was going as the interpreter for my deaf frined...and we were told her time was "too valuable" ad that someone not paying couldnt take thier dog) the class was on dog group dynamic, play behaviour ect...
there wernt nearly enough dogs of different personality types or the GROUP part, and since of the dogs lived togeter it was kinda a quite "play" session (no actual play lol)

there probably going to do another one in about a month which wil be a 2 part class, 1 for anxiety dogs and how to handle/reirect and one for the group dynamic re-do...
ill be taking BOTH my boys...
jaspers perect for the anxieyt session and dozer for th group play since he is a rough active player who will play with anything and anyone no matter what the distraction lol.

after that was the going away party. cheesecakes ot good reviews but i ended up bringing some home...they are now frozen so i dont over indulge lol

it wa midnight before i got home and i woke to ruby squeeking at 7am...*grumbles* lol.

in GOOD news, im $100 closer to my septic pump out, and little yellow parrotlet boy whent home...
and now im waiting on someone who might be taking little 1 eye blind bunny boy home... *fingers crossed*

need ot keep the momentum going. lol.

but ill be honest, once these people come and leave im going to have lunch nd mabe take a nap lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
and then little 1 eye blind bunny whent home! hes got a little girl to spoil him rotten :)

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