Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
So glad to hear that.

I'm about ready to go to bed myself. I'm still tired! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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me too, i was worried tht he was going to end up in the meat pen...extra does can at least earn ther keep...extra buck...not so much.
the da was realy nice, was asking questions about the farm an gave me alittle extra for my time...he has 4 acres himself and wants to get some chickens :)
told em anytime!

im definatly exhausted, i eed to make dinner and im just not even remotly feeling the energy to do
ive got some cooked chicken (i also need to put some chicken thighs into the oven that i defrosted cause theywouldnt fit in the freezer, need to cok em before they go rank.)
so im trying to decide wht to do with the chicken...if i want pasta or
this is one of those ights where i think...hmm, wish i had some redi-meals or something lol.

its rainy its damp, thankully its not as cold tonight...and this rains supposed to eb in for tomrrow too.

probably going to spend tomorrow building my grocery list...
got more rabbit cages to get built once i get a nice day and do need to do a grocery shop so this weks probaby going to be kinda all over the place...
also gotta set up the x-pen in the goat barn so i can start seperating the babies form momma at nights so i actually get soem milk out of her in the mornings, especially now there stronger and bigger and active, they are drinking more
and while im thinking about milk, i realy should put on a crokpot of goatsmilk for yogurt too...

ok,im off to prep yummies!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm in the process of getting a bunch of redi meals in the freezer. So far, I have mostly soups, but that's OK. I'm not much on sandwiches, so I'll eat soup even in the summer.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeha once the weathers warmer its alot easier i generlaly eat meat with salad...but its cold and damp so i used the coocked chicken i had alreadymade up made up a packet of cheese and broccoli stovetop rice, added some extra broccoli and warmed the chicekn through and mixed it all together.
actually very yummy witht he adition fo a few extra seasonings.

in other news...

Ive been stressed the past few days..
tempi my black kitty dissapeared almost 2 weks ago. its not unusual for her to vanish for 3 nights, but by night 4 shes usually finnished adventuring and home for supper...
its been almost 2 weeks and ive been fretting, ive been asking around, had her picture up on local posts and at the post office, she is microchipped and has a collar and name tag on (and i use normal puppy collars not break aways, yes theres the safety debate but ive found if fitted correctly they work perectly.
its been 2 weeks

suddently tongith dozer starts wiggling and squeeking at the window...he doesnt like neighborhood cats and he barks at the neighbors (even though not agressivly...)
nect thing i hear is the loudest YOWLING ever...not a meow, not a cry but a "let me in now!" screach...i opend the front door to see wtf it was and tempi botls in like her tial is on fire.

shes lost a little weight, but looks very clean...too clean for a kitty thats been on the lamb for 2 weeks in the rain and dirt...shes ripped out a few front claws and has dry white paint in a few others and it lookes like someone TRIED to cut them... shes also issing some fur aroud her nose, not in a cat fight kinda way but in a friction kinda way.
cant say for sure where shes been... but someoes tried to clip her nails (got 2 of them that are efinatly not "i snagged it" short) an from the fristio "burns on her face and the paint under her claws, ive got a feeling someone got a VERY clawed up doorframe in their house or shed...given the time frame and the way she camehome as if something was after thinking someones tried to "rescue" her form her wayward obviously terrible life as an "outdoor kitty" and shes pretty much told em where to shove it.
she also smels a little like cigarette smoke...not heavily...but enough to have been somewhere in relation to smokers.

she was HUNGRY, she downed 1/2 a can of wet food and about 1/2 a cup of dry then whent for the dog bowl too!
but when she had her run in with the shelter trap way back when they said shed refuse to eat and screamed and clawed antried to shove her head throough everything for the entire 3 days they had if she has been captured i oubt shes eaten...
she purred like a demon the entire time she ate and then imdiatly whent to her spot on the bed and passed out.

see tempi is an indoor outdoor cat for good reason...shes 5lb full grown...has a voice tht can be heard 3 miles away through concrete, ok thats a bit or an exageration...but not by much lol) i tried to keep her as an indoor cat...i tried HARD, she destroyed 3 doors and 4 door frames, screamed for 2 weeks straight, reused to eat and atacked everythign that moved that wasnt me (and not in a playfull manner)
she was born to be a hunter, and most nights shes home by 10pm for bed
i worry about her every time he goes out (same with the others) but i know theres NO way i could maintain my sanity or hers if i tried to force her to be a strictly indoor cat...i think some cats can be perety happy that way...and some...well it woudlbe more humane to put her to sleep than try to confine her to the house
i realy do belive someones tried to "save her" and either she finally found an escape or they finally got sick of her behaviour and kicked her out

I dont think its any of the imediate neighbors, infact a few of them have asked if i got rid of her or if somehting happend because "weve got mice again" im constantly being told by the immediate neighbors about how they havent had mice in thier house since i moved in, and the past week theyve been almost complaiing that they havent seen the "little black one that gets all the mice"

it buggs me to think that someoe woud do that...i mean theres more than enough NEEDY feral/strays around here that REALY do need a good meal, and a kind hand, and warm bed, plenty of kittens advertised FREE eery ay on craigslist...and instead someone feels the need to trap and obviously well taken care of cat and try to keep it as their whos clearly id'd (shes still wearing her collar and her chip tag but not her name tag), well fed, and lean shiney coated?!
perhaps they herd how good a mouser he is and had a pest problem (thoughtempi eats her catches most of the time and she was half starving, she also doesnt hunt IN the house...if a mouse gets past her defence line its up to willow dusty, binx of one fo the dogs...hshe feels indoors is NOT her job...

either way shes home safe, she NOT going back out again for a few days if i can help it, and im MUCH happier right now...after she had some food i sat with her on the bed and she ust purre and rubbed and nuzled and headbutted me for 15 mins straight...(her usual limit for loving is about 5 mins lol) so shes clearly happy to be home!

and now shes licking all the dishes in the sink "clean" lol

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
So glad you got her back. Rerun was the same, happier out than in. I can't imagine someone being able to catch her, but either someone took the poor little "kitten" (she was also about 5 lbs) home, or something got her.

I agree, it's better to keep them in the way that they're the happiest than to try to force them into a mold that's not right for them. I HATE it when people try to say that all cats and dogs should be indoors. Some are much happier being able to be outside. It would be like taking one of us and forcing us to live in a high rise apartment in the middle of NYC. Or, taking someone that's comfortable in that high rise, and throwing them on a farm w/all kinds of "icky, dirty" animals that they have to care for.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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agreed, each is an individual...and i ust couldnt "break" tempi's spirit that way.
we all slept pretyt well last night, and this morning she was eady to go back out...
as of yet though she hasnt gone beyond the front property line so whatever happend has left her little leery...(and thats not a bad thing)

supposed ot have someone coming by today to take a look at my septic isue and give me a price so i can figure out how to procede...
something needs to be done...thats for sure.

and otherwise its grey and a little damp...i might spend thi afternoon trying to tidy up the carport/patio area which has become a catch-all reacently.
i need a storage space for feed...cause right nwo thats whats taking up the most space.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks :)

well i just spent an hour chatting to the septic guy,
best case senario, we pump the tank, replace the line and everythings good to go... $500
Worst case senario, we have t replace the ENTIRE system, (new tank and everything) $3000

what he Thinks were going to have to do is:
pump the tank, replace the obviously damaged line and probably have to tap into the field lines at a new spot, says in faild systems its often because sludge builds up in the first 10ft of the feild line and cloggs the system...big companies will replace the entire feild when all they realy need to do is bypas the clogged section..
to do this wouldnt cost much more than the pump/line replace but price would depend on how much outlet line he'll need to get to the new tap in spot
he says since we KNOW the fluids not getting to the feild its most likely going to be a case of tear out the damaged line section and we'll probably ind the feild itslef is perfectly fine.
but he wanted to give me the absolute worst case (which would include replacing the tank itself as well as ALL the feild lines)
the only reason hed have to go that route would be if the tank is "home made" AND wehad to replace the field lines, then it goes to state level...
but if the tank is not home made (and form what i described he said doesnt sound like it is, (thank goodness)) then it shouldnt get past $2500 to replace the outlet and feild...

so now its a case of can i secure the extra money IF it turns into worst case senario...

my composting toilet option is $2000 (+ cost of instalation) so assuming my entire system is not a complete meltdown situation having it fixed WILL likely be cheaper.

ill be honest...the numbers wernt as painfull as id braced myself for...
but still...where the hell am i going to find a potential $3000...*sigh*

the good news is, even if he has to replace shoudlnt take more than 3 days.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope you can come up w/it. :hugs It really stinks that you have to go thru all this.

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