Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the joys of home ownership though...i still think the benefits outweigh...just wish it didnt tend to be such big things al at once...
the good news though is get thi ixed now we shoudl be safe for 25+ years

not feeling too hot, some kind of virus i think, congestion and a throat that feels like a swallowed sandpaper.
instead of feeling sorry for myself though i bucked up and whent and built 2 more cages, need to make a run to town in a ew to pick up more cable ties, means unloading feed form the trunk of my car, BUT itll save me some time in the morings.
ive got 2 more built, both will eventually be baby/grow out cages, babies will go in once there weaned at 4-5 eeks untill they go home at 6-8 weeks, but for right now, babies will go in 1, and thistle my e-lop will go in the other untill i build his bank of cages.

i dont think i have enough wire to build the 3 more that i ultimatly want, but i do have enough wire probably to build 1, and mabe an extra travel carrier.

but now i have to ru into town to get this set finnished...and figure out lunch.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well despite feeling pretyt ycuky, i got the 2 cages built (just nee a tarp and some clasps for door locks and itll be reay for occupants.)

tattooed the baby bunny thats going home tomorrow and did his nails so hes ready...

and got 4 watermellon, 9 tomatoe and 5 bell pepper plats in the ground.
ive got is day another 6 tomatoe seedlings that are looking good in the greehouse, everything else seems to be a bust...
they are probably al going to go in pots
id like to get 4 more water mellon plants, idealy sugar baby.
id also liek to get acorn, butternut and spagetti squash in.
ive got 2 hay bales that got wet that i think im going to sacrifice to the dogs of gardening i kno its supposd to be straw bales, but these thing got badly i think those 2 will get some peas and some acorn squash and the butter nut and spagetti can go in the bed
I think thats going to be it this year...ill fill up beds 3 and 4 when i have some cash for dirt, and probably try and get the materials to build another 4 before fall...
hopefully next year ill get a better start on the garden.

and yeah now im tired and i realy shoudl go figure out what i want for just not entirely sure what i want. mabe ravioli with tomato sauce and cheese....


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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*sigh* lost a litte of8 babbits last night, dont know why...i think they weredoomed form the start.
experienced momma had 4 outside of the nstbox, didnt START building a nest untill baby number 2 wasborn, didnt start pulling fur untill #4, got the 4 warmed up and waited untill shed pulled a good amount of fur and put them in. she imediatly whent into the box. checke on her 2 hours later everyhting was fine + 2 ore kits...chedked on her this morning and 8 babies but all dead. theywre all in the net (meaning they wernt likely to be cold) and no inuries/amage im woneding if these babies mabe wernt ready for the world and came a few days early (hence her being unprepared) of if there wa some other reason.
shes an experenced momma and this is her 3rd littercines entering the colony so its not stress of new mum syndrome...
sucks to loose 8 though! *sigh*

this head cold is yucky, mostly just congestion *eww* i HATE congestion, it always ends up sitting on my throat which makes it sore.
keeping dose on day/ni-quil and i did sleep well last night lol.

saturday im goign to the renfaire in nashville with some frineds, VERY excited...
tried my garb on thi morning and was VERY sad that pretty much everything i have is too big...
ive tried every creative lacing technique i personally know and its just not happeing (and there not the kind of items you can take in with a sewing machine thanks to a umber of 1/2inch steel bones and various grommets lol)
im going to wear my green one this weekend then both are going to be offered for sale...hope i can make enough off the 2 of them to buy a new one new one for next year.

got everything set asied for satuday morning though so thats good
tomorrow ill mke my packed lunch ready for my pirate sneaky ways...(no outside food or drink i common place but m poor ad on a restricted diet...and have a lage pouch and "ways" lol ive been woking faires long enought that i kow theres ways around "the rules" lol.
there were intiially a few people say they wanted to come with us whod never been to fair beore...thankfully they all seem to have backed out...
i know that sounds kinda odd, but for mefaire and zoo are similar, i go early get there when it opens and leave when they realie i dont live/work there and escort me (nicely) off premises lol
when you go to oe of these events that requires pretyt much wandering round being on your feet outdoors all day if you get someone whos NOT enjoying themselves it drains the atmospher and they want to leave early...
the girl im going with is a reny like me...we wont have ANY issues meandering round "the shire" from gate open to polite escort back to our vehicle LOL but i generally tell "newbies" who arnt sure to take thier own car and meet me there, that way they get bored...THEY can leave early lol
im actulaly realy excited for it...just hoping im feeling a ltitle less stuffed up by then lol

drs in the morning
bunny pick up later in the day
picknick prepping,so tomororw all booked up.

im heavily resisitng the urge to run to ackson in the morning and rescue a female doberman from the kill shelter (thankfully theres been ALOT of interest in her so i shoudlnt see her posted by tomorow afternoon....(though IF she still there monday im going for her) they are closed on the weekend.)
im only hesitiant becaus this particular animal control oesnt mperment test so theres no telling if shed getalong ith cats or other dogs...or if shes ever even been in a house, shes there on stray hold right now.

today ut kinda sitting around, going to figure out some lunch and take some more day-quil and mabe get crafty this afternoon :)

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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Have fun at the Faire "my lady". And feel better soon lots of vitamin C and echinacea work for my colds. Sorry about your bunnies. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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now if only i could make this yucky cold/stuffyness go away...GAH!
im a whiney baby when it omes to colds cause i feel well enough to do "stuff" but cant breath long enough to actually get "stuff" done lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well that was fun...

dr apt this moring at 10:15 to discuss the b12 issue, ot there early as ismy usual.
blood taken, sat aroud saw dr, before i even got chance to talk to himi coughed and hes like "umm up on the table!"
listend to my chest...not good...its a rattlin...
no all i know is im stuffed throat doesnt even hurt, i ust figure the cough is trying to get the yuck off my throat..not so much.

so we had to wait for blood lab anyway so he sent me ofr a chest xray...
sat an waited for it done...cloudy but didnt look right, redo, sat and waited gain, redid got reults, bronchial yuckyness indactes a chest infection but its not pneumonia YET...if i hadnt have been checked probaly would have become such by moday a theres some fluid...

Oh...and your heart doesn look right, off to get that checked NOW...(having a heart condition means they dont wait on stuff like that...
sit and wait, get that doe, sit and wait, results come back, theres a little angryness, but most likley its from the congestion, there not worried but go back ina week to see how its doing after medicating for the chest infection...

then back to nromal dr or b12 results...
i knew they were going to be low...but a 6..."normal" is 211, most drs dont like to ee anythignunder 320, and prefer to see the 500+ mark...theres no such thing as high!
keep in mind the average human should consumme about 12mcg of b12 daily to maintain healthy levels...
ive ben taking 10,000 mcg sublingual daily (up rom 5,000) for the past work came back a 6....
yup im special.
so he calls insurance, the drs office cant get a good supply of inectable b12 right now, (its being bottle necked which means price is setting to go up and someones monopolizing) so he trie to get them to cover after lots of calls back and forth to the pharmacy he managed to get me b12 shots,
right now the plan is...hell "buy at cost" from the pharmacy....
ill go in once a month and pay my $20 copay, and hell actually give me my shot and 3 more to take athome...
see my nubers are so low and im depleting my reserves so quickly (the last check ater a moth on the metanex i was at almost 200 and in a month ive dropped to 6...i shouldnt bedropping that quickly even with less than normal absorbtion) that he wants to gvie me my b12 weekly...
so he can either have me ome in and charge me a $20 co=pay each time for a nurse visit, OR, he can have me come in once a moth ad give me enough to take home for the other 3 shots for the one time payment of $ seems for now this will be the best option as were going to be doing weekly b12 for the next 3-6 months then taper back and see what happens...we could forever be b12 onceweekly,or we may be able to go to oce a month after my body builds up some kind fo solid baeline...

it was 4:25 befoe i finally got to come home...

ive got my b12, 3 syrnges and extra needles, meds for the chest infection and orders to call if this "head cold" as i called it isnt better in a week...

now im waiting on the person picking up her bunny, then im going to make my packed lunch for tomorrow and then dinner, and after all that im having a hot shower and im going to Bed EARLY...
ive got an earlymorning and a long but in the good way day tomorrow and i relay think after today...i NEED it lol.
ad then sunday imgoing to be as aboslutly lazy as humanly possible..infact im going to be as absolutly lay as possible for the next week and focus on kicking this things tuckus.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Geez, I hope you can get your B12 straightened out. Sounds like a real pain!

And have fun tomorrow.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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WOW! How in the world do you do all that you do with such low levels? Can you imagine how much energy you'd have if your levels were even close to normal? Glad you got it all checked out. Take care!

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