Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i swear you dont realize how 1 sily little water soluable vitamin is to a body.
b12 is highly nessicary for brain function and nerve reaction.
nerve neruoathy that comes form diabetes is b12 related, its also been directly linked to memory loss, dementia, mood swings/depression, paranoia,
tends to worsen anemia, reactive hypglycemia, seizures ect...
thankfully its geenrally a very easy vitamin to absorb so the maority of the popation is perectly fine...but when your body aparently hates absotrbing it as much as mine does and i lreay suffer from a number of menatl inbalances...b12 issues just exhasperates everything...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well had a lovely day yesterday at the TN ren faire.
nice site, SMALL fair compared to NY, about the same size at the midsumer ren faie in CT. fair site was BEAUTIFUL, joust feidl is in full sun, but the rest of the site is inda cut into a hillside and wooded providing lots of shade, probably gets pretty muggy, this is TN afterall, but least its nice and shaded.
means theres soem up and down on the wandering but nothign o steap that it felt like a chore.

the joust was good, a little short compared to some of the other jousts ive been to...they were using drafty/larger horses too which was unusual, kinda cool, potneitlly a little closer to accurate to tell the truth (the horses used in medevil england for jousting wodl have typically been "war horses" while the modern drafters are much taller than the war horses (shires, belgiums/percherons ect would have been more for carting than hauling armored men as armored men wouldnt have be able to lit themselves onto a horseof height) the "draft body" would have been neee to caryr the weight.
halflingers, fjords and vanner type horses would ctually be more acurate for jousting, shorter in stature but stocky an capable fo chargingin with heavy armore men on their backs.
short and stocky/VERY Strong.
the bird show was cool, not much in terms of flights, theyll typiclaly fly hawks at the bird shows, but its hawk breeing season and hawka are teritorial this tie of year so they only fly their perigrins and the perigrin wasnt intereted in flying lol

Chess match was well scripted, but the fight corepgaphy seemd a little forced/new...i wouldnt say the fight team was "professional" especiallya gain compared to the fight scenes im used to, it was pretty much 1/2 speed which suggests beginner...would be interesting to know if their fight crew were a full time crew or if they had 1 or 2 vets trainign a pretty much newcrew each year...

food was typical fare, prices wernt bad for fair food...
Vendors were typical though not too many...
same for games
and they hd a nice verietyfo shows.

the 2 "newbies" that came with are hooked, so thats always a good sign lol.

all in all had a realy good day, got home later than expected as we spent some time at a rest stop trying to help a uy corall a sweetbut frightend husky whod been there for 3 days...she wasnt having any of it...there probably going to ahev to tranq her.

by the time i got home, gt the ritters to bed i was in crash mode.
slept well but today it feels like i probably overdid it yesterday lol,soooo tired.

but this morning i was supised with a nice healthy looking litter of baby bnnies out of bluebell and silver. so *fingers crossed* on that one.

probably oing to try and get everyone bred up once more before the heat of the summer sets in then theyll get the summer off and start again for fall.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, im excited on this, lost bluebells last litter to a dowpur that flooded the nest boxes, shes a pain to get bred but she is the best momma and produced gorgeous kits so im realy excited. will probably keep a doe out of this litter since i have a home lined up or my "meaty mix" haystack and her daughter, it gives me some room for some extra rex does in the colonies.

today i did NOTHING...i felt like hell, had to un into town, did a mystery shop then spoilt myself with icecream (the mystery shop will cover the cost of getting there back and the icecream so itsa wash but iwanted icecream LOL!.

then came home and crASHED, im still tired, ould easily go right to bed, but i know if i go now il be up at 3am lol.
i had asper at my side, ruby neer my head and dozer between my legs, its a good ob this comfy chair is one o those 1 1/2 sied ones lol, i do love snuggling with my crazies though.

got to get things moving though...
going to turn the 2 hutches i have that are in the best shape into small tractors, going to replace the floor with wire floor, add some wheels and theyll be able to assist with the lawmowing around the place while growing out keepers and meaties.

though for imediate use theyll be the transition house for my 4 cochin chicks who need to get the heck out of the brooder. cant afford to buuild them a secure run yet, thatll be aob for next month, so i figure least in there they wilbe safe untill that happens lol.

got to demonich the other stand of hutches and figure out what ill be using that wood for too.

and once again still need to get the burn piles sorted and start on perimeter fencing. so busy busy busy.

tomrorow im probably going to head up to the city and fill out the "Help me" apication to see if i can secure grant/loan funds to get my septic fixed once and or all...
then the rest of the wek is going to be "get this place tidied week...
the house needs bliting the patio is a mess,the yard looks like hobos live here (infact hobos are probably not a messy)
ive got laundry starting to breed again and same with ishes in the dink, i swear they jut keep multiplying!
imjust hoping i start eeling the enrgy to get someof thisstuff done. between myb12 levels and this virus/bug/thig knowcking me out...

ive also got to clean out the goat shelter and duck/goose houses too...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Once it ends, something else always seems to pop up! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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aint that the truth! lol

whent intojackson filled out the USDA loan form, il qualify for the lowest interest at 1% if i get aproved, she didnt seem to think theres be much of an issue but we'll see.
indahoping i can get enough to fix the septic, mabe remove the 2 big pine trees that caused the issue and then mabe enough to pay off the loan i got for the land clearing since the interest rate will be so low...ya know do the whols consolodation thing. heck depending on the numbers eough to reinsulate the attic and replace the surround around the tub in the bathroom woudl be nice too...LOL!< getting a little ahead of myself, but we'll see what they come back with for me. if everything looks good i have to go in, be intervewied, because o the ind of loan it is ill have to list all the imrovmets that need to be made to make the house safe/better living conditon and more energy efficient...
and boy is there a list
the back door, and kitchen window need replacing, theres spot in the walls with no insulation which need filling, the attick needs complelty new insulatio as whatsup thre is so thin an even bare in patches its useless, and the surround around the tub is stained form the back which indicates a moisture problem so that needs to come out and all that fixed. plus the septic, plus the 2 HUgE pine trees which i swaer are oging to land in my house one stormy night.

so we'll see. need to find someone to come give me a quote on the tree removal too since they cant ust be felled theyll have to be lopped of bit by it due to height and prximity. but they are what damaged the outlet pipe i think...(plus ive got a feeling the neighbor put a shovel through the pipe at some point ausing the big hole...)

please keep the fingers crossed, if i can use this to get everythign sorted and mabe even consolodate the 2 other big debts (the land clearing and y credit card) it would be a HUGE help in the long run.

bluebells litter seems ot eb doing great *fingers crossed*
bred strawberry to Acorn yesterday...

so that means ive got an angora doe due any day (hopefully, shes bred to a younger unproven buck o who knows and im terrible at palpating)
ive got my tri bred to my red due in 2 weeks,my othe tri bred to my holland due in 2 weeks and now my castor bred to my red due in 4.
im going to breed my black to silver in the next few days too since she lost that last litter...
ive got my meat mix sr and jr does and a rexbaby claimedto go home in a couple weeks, and the other ready to go rexbaby claimed (and 1 staying)

ive got a waiting list for 2 oes and 2 bucks for one, and another person whos lookign fora pairor *fingers crossed*

ill probaby breed everyone this time around then give them the summer off...litters in peak heatdont do too well. plus kids summer vacations ect people dont buy pets when they dont ant to be home to take care of them.

still need to get homes lined up for the crestie pups, o much forhaving a waiting list.
im actually kinda glad this is my last crestie litter, as much s i love them...its so stressfull when you have 8 peple all say "oh we alreayd found one" or "oh i changed my mind" or "oh but i wanted...sorry"
o as soon as these guys go home, jasper and uby will be getting the grand ole snip!

im now officially broke so i wont be leaving my house much the next few weeks, least unermyown power lol.
ive got the wood to build the new run for the chickens and then they can move outside.
need to figue out whereim putting the pair of goslings until there realy ready to "run with the big guys"
and penty of weed wacking and brush cutting/burning to get done so it shoudl ebenough to keep me busy for the next couple weeks lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well got my town run in this morning, have enough gas to do the run one more time on thurs for an apointment and then the car is offlimits untill next month.
getwhat i needed in town, got back and started working on the chicken using the coop i built for the guineas, which is in the goat feild so i knoew form the beginning id have "assitance" (and by that i mean goats shoving their head in stealing my tools and laying on me...yup you read that goats think they are lap dogs...and poppy in particular just wanted snuggles lol.
the coop itself is 2 ft off the gorund nd 4x4so theres a 4x4 run unerneath, so i just added a 4x4 run to one side. this is for the cochins and eventually theyll pretyt much be freging duing the day (fluffy bowling ball bids dont tend to fly or waner too far lol) so im not too worried about pen size, i figure 4 x 8 for 4 chickens should be fine for growing up and emergency lock downs.

the pen is chicken wire...
yup i knew from the get go this was not going to work without some mods...the goat LOVE to rub on the fecing...
so after id finished the pen (no easy feat with 6 little and not so little helpers) i gthered tom insualtors and ran a hot line around it at "rub height" and anothe one over the low part of the top to prevent the "hey i can jump on it..."
so yup, my chciken coop is electrified lol.
needless to say im not also not too worried about the racoon vs chicken wire risk... the coop is inside the 4 strand electric and now has a strand around it too!

got that finished, cleaned up my mess, then took the weed wacker to the rest of the back "lawn" (Mowing your lawn with a weedwacker is a work out lol)
had enough battery power leton it to wack the orchard fence line and a little bit of the main enceline too...
eedwacker is on charge and gets aded to tomorrows "to do's"

i need to do the fenceline and the area to the side of the house and the front flower bed so ive got a good weeks worth of wacking! lol

with everything else on my to-do list, busy busy foxy!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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One thing about those to do lists, they never seem to get any shorter! :lol: You finish one job, and another one pops up in its place.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think when i inish one theres 2-3 ore in its place so mine just get longer...kinda backwards realy! lol

well i got a suprise in the mail today...the main aplication for the usda repair loan...i was told 10 days...its been alot less than that lol.
this is good cause it means they dint get scared off by y income (or lack thereof of a good one) or my credit report...(which the scariest thign on that is the act that im blatantly refusing to pay ATT a $250 early termination fee i should never have had on my account anyway (long story)

this is ow the formal aplication and oce i fill it in i have to call for an apointent with a loan specialist, wel talk theyll decide ad if es theyll tlel me how much and hopefully by this time next month ill have a happily working septic.

because i qulify for their 1% interest im going to see what else i can roll into there.
tomorrow morning ive got a lisenced bodd insured tree guy comming to tell me how much itll cost to have the root cause of the septic situation removed...those 2 GIANT pines in the back yard that have swlloed my outlet pipe in roots...
firslty because once we ix the isue there just going to try and recrate it in the next 3-4 ears...and 2, IF they live that long, thee huge, there old and last storm i had a number of smaller brnches come down rom the...right now they look fairly sturdy but it wouldt take much to end up with a 75ft pine tree or 2 right thoguh my or the neightbors rather avoid that IF i can...though sepitc is number 1 concern right now obviously.

and if there asking, i would realy like to get the mold issue behind my bathrub sorted by rippingout the surround fixing and replacing that, the kitchen window is starting to rot and has never opend and my backdoor has been trimmed shaved and "refitted" so many times its probably about 2/3rds the sie it tarted out lol.
plus im going to actor in cost to put actual inuslatio in the attic since what ive got is aparently rather...threadbare.

so much for getting a home inspection before buying right?!

anywho...if i can get enough (and afford enough) to get all the major issues fixed that would be a HUGE help...

dads stressed, there oving to for this job, they found a house, the inspection today revealed its a no go, serious structural issues...he doesnt want to move to j (but needs to have a job), he doesnt want the stress, his house apraised alot lower than value and hes ready to explode but hes not ready to say screw it and be poor...he needs to keep a job ad health insurance over um and the kids heads so...

tomorrow is supposed ot be 77 the coolest day of this week upcomming so i pobably goingto clean out the goat shed tomorrow after tree guy has finnished telling me the trees re going to cost about as much as the house is worth to remove safely...
then the weekend will be continuation of the whole "get this house clean" theme lol

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