Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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tree guy came, hell call me with a 2 quotes, 1 is we send a guy up there, take it down peice by peice and leave the wood to do whatever you want with "cheap" quote, an the othr is a "we do everything form come in and cut the tree to remove it to grind the stump....quite frankly cheap will win...give the locatio and how may roots will be in that area i dont care if you ca seethe stump or not. infact ill probably treat the stump to "kill" it and then ill put something On it liek a birdeeder or something.
once he had let i got brave...or stupid and tackled the goat shed...WHEW let me tell you, its about 2 months over due (i wanted to go every 6 rather than 8 months lol) and there was a SOLID mat about 8" thick under the looser stuff, it took 2 1/2 hours and i only hauled the used stutt about 15 ft away form the shed.
holy heck, i was hot, i wa sticky i now stink and my chest feels good and tight...but its CLEAN omeptly clean and ill do it all again in about 6 months. (only by then i WILL have a pitchfork, trying to clean it out with othign but ashovel...Well...jsut made it harder.
theres 1 bale in there now, ill probably add a 2nd bale in a few days when thats settled (especially wiht all the rain over the nest few days) and then itll be every 2 weeks or so untill fall clean out.
im Exhausted and im going to need a pain pill for my bac at bedtime but im REALY porud of myself for getting it done.
though...thegoats are currently eating the straw...both hay eeders are ull but nooooo straw, much tastier...weird goats!

tomorrow (since i dont have the energy today) ill take down the xpen and set it up in 1 corner for the babies t go in at night so i can realy start milking lilly in the mornings...

and yeah,im tichy and starting tochill from the sweat so im going to go have a quick shower beore its time to put the critters to bed lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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best shower ever...only things that woud have mae it better, multiple shower heads and an o demand hot water heater so i could enoy it longer lol
did my b12 shot, proud of myself, i faultered getting it out of the med cabinate but i did it...theres definatly huge psycological element to stabbing yourslef with anything sharp/giving yourself a shot ect...
I could neve be a salf harmer...the idea of purposly hurting myself/jabbing/cutting myself makes me mildy queesy lol.
this sub-q method for the b12 is going to beMUCH easier for me, the intramuscular pinches/stings a little, this, because its a shorter and smaller guage needle...theres barely a scratch.
this is a good thing because im going to be taking b12 shots once a week or the next 6 months with potential for that to become the norm (though its more likley afte that we'll taper to 2 weekly and then hopefully once monthly) but going to the drs oce a week for the next 6 months and sitting there untill someone can jab me would get old FAST...
so instead i take 5 mins do it at home and look a little more like a junkie lol.
i dont care if it gets my brain back to proper working capacity and my energy levels up.

so now im clean and dry and had my "fix" i relize i didnt have anything for lunch...and i REALY dont want to cook...if i had more than $2 in my purse right now id be going out and hunting own something of the protein based veriety...
but i dnt even realy know what i want to

i think ive gotten to that "im so hungry im not hungry anymore" point.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im not as achey as icould be after that the other day but my chest has been overly tight...

when i was putting the staw bale in the cart to tank down the hill somthig stung me. i didnt see anything, but i felt pretty sure it wa a wasp or bee of some kind since its not a spier bite...
im midlly allergic to bee stings but due to the heart issue epiis iffy, i generally take a bunch of benadryl for a few days and as long as its not on the face throat or joints 24 horus and im fine.
this onegot me on the burned for 15 mins benadryl,elt finde when about my buisness, but yesteday is started to red red..not "ifected" red just red, and then ITCHY...i mean like 50bajillion skeeters bit me all in the same general area itchy...antiitch cream and benadryle are good for all of 30 mins the ts back to itching...
I used a sharpie to dot the outline yesterday and today the red and swlling is a little larger an super itchy...
si think im going to be going to the drs in the morning to say "ummm WTF..." i oly usually well around the face or on a joint so this is new and im worried my reaction is getting worse.
I fel otherwise fine and its not hard to the touch but it is a little warm uder hand.

i may ned up needing to keep epi on hand as a just in case and riskthe unsettling heart issue that comes with it...

otherwise doing good...hung outwith some friends for a few hours this afternoon...
but otherwise nothign special.
weather is...HOT...
but ive got the ceiling fan on and the house is honestly quite comfortable.

bluebell finally had her litter at some point between bed and breakfast, 8 kits...all in haystacks net...AGAIN shes my only bunny that does this and once again haystakcs babies are a week older, theres no chance the newborns coudl compete even with both does feeding the large kits are going to eat untill they pop and the little ones pushed out of the way.
so i move them into the box next oor...HOPEFULLY shell feed them to check on them at bedtime and if shes not tending the new nest im going to have to move her and the babies into a rather not obviously, but i cantloose another litter out of her..heck i cant afford to lose any more litters...
shes the only doe that "nest shares" so form now on im going to have to make sure i bree her to kindle first, OR move her to a cage a few days before shes due.
if all the kits were the same age it wouldnt be such a problem, but seriously a week apart means haystakcs babies are double these guys and already furred....

In theory the communla nest is a good idea, more kits to keep eahcother warm, only 1 nest box to atted to, shre the milk duties ect...but in reality theres no balance when theres a weeks size difference. *sigh* silly rabbit!
shes got 2 brokens and 6 "self" (i think they are going to all be chinchillas) im hoping to keep a doe out of this litter...but i gotta keepem alive first lol.

oh well think im going to go start putting everyone to be, its almost 7 and i wnt to check ont he bunnies first anyway...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Pinky, take care of yourself. And, if you start to feel worse, call 911!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh no worre there i will, other than the itching im feeling no side efects and of course the sting happed friday, but id like to get it checked tomorrow either way so at least it can go on file as an allergic reaction and should something happen in the future ore serius there not going "hmmm what could THIS be?!"


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so i called the dr and ased if they thought itwas orth it to come in about my crazy weird bee-sting thing and she said, if it bigger tha a quarter and/or spreading then yes...
and well i could probably fit 5 quarters over it and its a little bigger today than yesterday so ive got a apt at

i swear i feel i should just move in lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. Hope everything's OK.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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wellgot a persciption for atibiotics, says its a ocalized none systeic allergic reaction and that were going to kepe track of it as a just i case.
the anitbiotics are because the "head" look mildly inected, i got it when moving straw (dirty) and we dont know if it was a bee or a spider and spiders have naty bacterias aparently, so a round of doxy...
doxy makes you even MORE sensitive t the im apaently just not going to leave my house during daylight hours for the next 2 weeks LOL!

got home though and feeling a little yucky, heads huting het and humidity is my guess, sat under the ceiling fan ad may take a little nap...

otherwise chest sounds alittle better, not as weezy and the "not for huma use" b12 Is the EXACT same thing as the "for human use" b12 down to all the inactive ingredients so that saves me alot of money, 8.99 for 100ml vs $6 for 1ml...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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NOT a good morning...

willow has hurt her jaw, i dont think its fratured but shes having a hard time closing it and cant chew, its swolen and im watching it closely...
shes on lockdown or now untill i se her using it correcly, untill then she ate this morning all be it messily but im going to have to watch her closely.

and bluebells litter of 8 whih seemed to be doing well at bedtime last igth were all but 1 dead this mornign and being eaten by maggots (they were fine at 7:45 last night and had been fed!) there was 1 "alive" but his entire croth area between his legs was an openwound and his body cavity was riddled with hundereds of tiny maggots. i couldnt let him suffer anymore so i euthanied him...i dot know what happend, i had them out lat night at 7:45 counted everyne in the box, checked everyone over and everyone looed perfectly fine. and this morning...
all were inflected with hureds of tiny maggots all in the groin/btween the legs area...
there wasno inuries last night that i noticed, and the et boxwas clean/brand new bedding...

they were also up seperated out intoa wire cage off the i just dont get it...

bluebell seems fine and healthy so i put her back in the colonywhere she whent about eating and snuggling with her "sisters" , shes got 1 more chance, going to try to breed her back in the next few days... then ill wait at least 3 days before breeding blackberry back who also lost her last litter. this way bluebell will be due first and hopefully thatll sove the "born in another does nest" issue...or i can pull he at 28 days and cage her...
im so frustrated and so upset,
between worryingabout willow and that AND having to cull that little just...well...its going to be "a day"

the good news is the antibiotics seem to have my sting/bite thing not as angy looking and not as itchy!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Pinky, I'm so sorry you lost them. But, I'm glad you're doing better. And, I hope Willow is OK.

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