Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm envisioning one of a lake at night, w/trees along the edge, maybe a canoe heading for a camp on shore and some beavers and/or otters playing in the water.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oooo that would be pretty...hmmm lol

well today was my apointment to get a little too personal with the ultrasound machine...
she ws very gentle (and im very tender when any pressure is applied)

what she could see:
1: it took her 10 mins to get a clear picture, mu uterus is "camoflaged"
meaning theres an abnormal amount of fluid in the uterus (especialy cinsiderign i should e all fluid-ed out after bleeding for 32 days straight lol) she cant tell if its blood or what and couldnt find an obvious source.
most common cause of utero fluid for someone whos not pregnant, endometriosis (and can be a very early warning sign of cancers)
2: my uterus is 1 of about 20% that are backwards...
it figues everything else about my body is wonky, why owuldnt my uterus be too....
she said this typically wouldnt cause the pain/discomfort im feeling now but can increase likleyhood of cramps ect and combined with the excess fluid would explain why im so tender to the touch in the pelvic region
3: my cervix is abnormally small...
not realy a health factor, though it just adds to the not likely having kids issue, but just weird...hey what else is new
4: multiple small cysts on the ovaries...nothing large enoug to be causing problems and realy too small to be classed as cysts right now, BUT cysts grow and chance and go away so rapidly...its dificult to say if they are coming, going, gonna get bigger ect. right now they are "well within normal parameters"

her general take...whatever causing the excessive pain and bleeding is more likely to be something to do with muy uterus than the ovaries/felopian tubes and that we need to focuse on whats causing the uterine fluid rather than worry about the cysts right now...given where my pain is and how its effecitng plus how much im bleeding for how long (and so soon after being taken off deppo_ her unnoffical thoughts were an ablation or going back on the deppo would be the next best steps. she said whils shes seen some good with the new smaller IUD, my cervix is so small that it would likely give the dr and issue geting it properly placed and it can cause heavier and more painfull bleeding over the first 3-6 months (something id prefer to avoid thanks)
she said if we go ablation and that doesnt work her proeessional opinion would be it would warrent a hysterectomy as shes pretty sure its a nasty casue of endo...she also said that if deppo has been working and i go back on it and it continues to work, given the situation and my lack fo desire for children, while she doesnt like deppo as a whole in my case theres definatly a good FOR case to using it...

but shes also just a radilogist and those were "unnoffical opinions" everythign gets sent off to my dr now and we at least have a starting point...

but it took her a good 10 mins to get a good veiw on my "camoflaged uterus" lol

something about excess fluid makes it difficult to see.

in good news looks like one of the 2 remaining puff pups is going home in the next few days *fingers crossed*
thatll leave me with 1 left to find a home for and shes the oen ive had the most interest in over the past due to her adorbable picture so hopefully that one wont be here too much longer either.
they are well over ready and the longer they stya now the harder it gets on them to adapt in the the sooner the better.

little yellow parrotlet is pretty much ready to go home so hell probably go this weekend...
then little green boy needs probably naohter week mabe 2 of formular and he and the older green girl can go to their new home...
then im just dealing witht he foster kittens for a few more weeks...though to be honest they are eating me out of house and home and i may call the people im fostering for and telling them ive had an emergency and they need to find a new place for them...i literally cant afford to feed them, they took my 1 can of food every 3 days up to 3 cans of food per day...and thats NOT in the budget. i figure give em another week or so either way make sure they are drinking and picking at the dry. sounds selfish i know but welcome to reality, there also scaling the secondary barrier i put up and ive got owheere safe to put them...theyll get lost in my house...or eaten...

thats about all i got right now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pink, glad they have a starting point and hope they'll be able to come up w/a good plan of action for you.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks :) me too! backwards uterus was a fickle mistress last night it seems to forget its residing in something and im about ready to serve an eviction notice lol.

in other news.
county wide heat advisory today...
wundergroud is saying a high of 100 with humidity making the head index soar to aprox 110....
im worried aboutt he bins today, weve done good so far, but this is our first real tripple digit kinda day and will be a test for the new rabbitry location.
please keep the fingers crossed that al the buns do well, especialy since this litter in srawberies box is beautiful, 1 broken black otter, 2 broken opals (i think, could be blue otters but i think there opal) 2 broken and 3 solid castors...absolutly gorgeous and im hoping to keep one of the opal/blues.

ive personally done something unheard of...i closed up all my windows opend the bedroom dor and a letting that ac do its duty...
usualy i only run the ac in the bedroom at night for bed with the door closed....
but i figure easier to cool and keep cool a house than to try and bring it down from triple digits later...
the electric bill is going to SUCK...but with the inside critters and me...its not worth the worry at this point.

we also had a review of sumer squash on pink fox farm....
the chickens and geese seem to like summer squash...but only if you cut it open first...
the ducks are so-so...
the rabits...i think theyll eat it when they get bored...
but suprisingly the pigs are SERIOUSLY disinterested....i even soaked it with thier feed and milk this morning (yes i soak their feed in milk for the morning feed they love it lol) and they just pushed the squash out of the way...
cant say i blame them, in not a fan myself (texture issue i think) but it realy suprised me, these beasts will drink sour milk and love bad eggs but a pretty yellow summer squash.....theyd rather just bury it lol

today cookie the mostly white puff goes to her new to give her a bath (nails and trim are already done) that just leaves brownie...hoping it doesnt take too long to get her in her new home...especially since shes now a "lone pup"
once shes bathed and dried/fluffed im going to take a shower...
then itll be off to meet her new owner, psych apointment after that and then hanging out with freinds this evening...
should be a good day but its going to be HOT and im not looking orward to the in and out in the heat...

no plans yet for tomorrow but saturday it looks like were going to first mondays :) im excited, havent been yet this year and im hoping theres a good turn out. got to keep my eye open for a few things im looking for, dont know if ill find em...but well see.
oh and christmas lights, lol want to find christmas lights.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Glad you got all checked out... backwards uterus is strange! Mine was (past tense because its been gone for decades now) 'tilted'. I also had a million problems. Getting rid of it was THE BEST THING I EVER DID! I never, ever missed it after it was gone, lol.

My pigs were very disinterested in fresh produce - but get out of their way for eggs or milk. Maybe they were just too well fed...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
frustratedearthmother said:
Glad you got all checked out... backwards uterus is strange! Mine was (past tense because its been gone for decades now) 'tilted'. I also had a million problems. Getting rid of it was THE BEST THING I EVER DID! I never, ever missed it after it was gone, lol.
Same here! (Mine was also tilted) And, I had problems as well. It took me a bit to come to terms w/the doctor's recommendation, but once it was gone I had to ask myself why I didn't do it B4. :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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to be honest, im kinda hoping he suggests just taking it out...
its not like im actually using it for anything other than retaining fluids and causing me pain and being messy...ill more than happily sign the eviction notice.

in amazingly aesome news...yesterday the new memory for my computer arrived courtesy of my amazingly awesoem father...
I put it in the computer this morning..and...drum no longer working with a 512mb memory speed on the loaner...
im SOOO spoilt lol, that 512mbcould barely open a text page the compute was constantly "ot responding" and quit rankly almost ended up ging on long flights through windows many a time it was so frustrating...
ahhh speed and none freezing computer...NEVER leave me again!!!

today is wet,been raining all morning...
ll probably end up using the day to sort the clothes out in my bedroom, make some "do laundry" piles and mabe some painting
ive got some birdhouses that have base coats that I need to paint up, need to start getting crafty stuff sorted to bring in some extra fundage, we are 1/2 way through the year and im no better off so time to get my lazy butt in gear.
I want to get ome stock together so I can start putting up a little stall at the local flea market a couple times a month...1 here, 2 there makes a huge difference and if I can make some online sales too...
ive got a couple of Round the property projects to tackle outside of the repairs, I need to get the property at minimum electric fenced so the goat and pigs have more room...
and I want to get the carport screened...
I also want to focus on getting the house looking nice over the nex 6 months. bathroom is pretty much my big project..and its realy ot that big.
gotta figure out flooring, the tub surround/tile and faucets, ive got the cabinate and sink for the bathroom, and the paint for the walls... the tub I cant afford to replace so im going to scrub/bleach it out and hope it comes out looking better, its in ok shape its just been abused...

kitchens also on the project list, back door wil be replaced, so I just need to figure out tile for the backsplash and the window. oh and ive got a cabinate to paint and another coat on the walls.

livingroom needs some touchup paint...

and backbedroo needs painting rearranging and a counter top for the craft space.

I don't have enough cash on hand to pay off the most expensive loan in full, so what im thinking of doing is seting aside some of that oney to pay 1/2 of each of the bank and credit card balances, so intead of $150 coming out of my bank account each month, $75 will come out of the bank and $75 out of the cash, I know its not actually saving me anything realy but it should help free up a little breathing room in the bank account, and im just gonna end up speding that money anyway. anything not going ino bills wil start paying for the projects like fencing...ect.

and yeah...I feel funky and in the ood to demo my whole house and redo everything which means im probably on my way to a manic upswing...(I don't realy feel happy, but I do suddenly get bursts of crazy enrgey that's actually real frustrating lol
so im ging to go do some other stuff on my now working amazing wondeufll compute...and then get my bedroom tidied.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Woo hoo on the computer! It is soooo frustrating to have issues. Where we are it is impossible to get good internet service. Ours is the best we can get here and when it works well - it's just barely ok. Sometimes it just gets tired and gives up for awhile...

Get busy on some of those crafty projects and post lots of pics so I can steal your ideas! :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and becaue no day is complete without ups and downs

email form the lady that took 1 of the last 2 puff girls yesterday...

"its not going to workout shes too timid"
after much back and forth and dancing round she finally admitted that her current small dog (about the same age as cookie) was beating up on cookie all last night and cookie whent into hiding...then cookie cried last night which got the other dog howling, and today cookie didn't want to play with other dog and hid...and she just doens thave the time to deal...
so cookie is back, woman got a partial refund, and im trying to line homes up for the last 2 girls, and MIGHT have them...
Part of me is thankfull she didn't leave it long enough for any long term damage or serious injuries...the other part of me says "not even 24 takes a lot longer to settle wonder she was overwhelmed" but either way, shes safe and that home simply wasn't meant to be.

in GOOD news though, I got my letter from the USDA ive officially been deemed eliegable for 504 repair loan funding and now y case is on docket, my case worker will contact e, wll review, and I should find out how much and be able to get started hopefully before the end of July.
excited and not all at the same time..i wish I was spending money on more "visual" improvments and not stuff buried uder ground...but it wouldberealy nice not to see a big soggy gross ud puddle in the back yard all the time...
and im sure new septic, insulation,door and *fingers crossed* central air can only add to the property value...and im all about increasing the value of the property :D

so fun.
hus far, once again ended up getting nothing done with the day lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ahhh, sorry your little girl got returned, but now you have a chane to get her a better home - cuz that one was obviously not the right one. Some people!

Congrats on the loan funding!! I know it'll feel good to get that septic fixed. We had ours re-done last year... no more puddle! You won't miss it. (even though I had volunteer tomatoes growing outta mine ---but I could ever bring myself to eat 'em!)