Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lily has some actually formed poop this evening at bedtime...not normal yet, but actually formed!
stood her up and supported her for a second but her legs are just too weak right now.
thinking i might pick up a cheap sheet and rig up a sling to help me get her up for a few mins here and a few mins there, being down is not good for her rumen or her legs but i cant lift and suport her myself with my back.

tomorrow shell get more neomycin, more redcell and b12 and more pro-bios.
i hope if we can get the poop issue under control shell start to rebuild her reserves and gain some strength.

i DID manage to get all the insulators in.
i decided to cross the "creek" at a fairly deep spot. im going to run some welded wire across the gorge at that spot (will need a couple cheap t-posts to hook it up to) where i put it gives them an extra almost 1/3rd an acre they wouldnt have had if id corssed where i was origionally thinking.

the deet kept the skeeters away but i did pull 6 small ticks off me.
Im thinking once i get things settled and sorted im goign to use supplies to build a small coop up in the back corner somewhere in the woods and try guineas again...the chickens will stay a little closer to home, but im thinking if the guinneas are closer to the back of the protpety (which backs up to about 20 acres of currently abandoned property) they might be less apt to go look at themsleves in the post office window.

its not on the top of my priorities list, but im thining late winter so they can be out by early spring and free ranging by the time tick season realy kicks in.

im also on the look out for llama lol. i think im decided on no to an livestoc dog...but a llama or a donkey might work, and at least llama give me product as well as guard.
but that is also not on the top of the list.

in sad news, today i found out a friend from fair lost her daughter to suicide...
what makes this even worse is this was a CHILD...once whos smile was infectious and she brought joy to everyone that met her...yet dep inside, not even a teen, a darkness was eating her alive and she felt taking her life was the only option for escape.
id like to say i cannot imagine what kind of darkness that is...
but i can because ive been there, and i travel through that neighborhood on a semi regular basis...
im one of the lucky who found just enough light in the darkness to keep the monsters just out of arms reach, and just enough motivation to make sure that little light keeps damned well shining.
my animals are my motivation for eeping that little light shning...i lucky to have found that...many lost in the darkness cannot find a rope to cling to...

to young taken from this world, too young to know the kind of pain and sorrow nessicary to take such action...
i hope she finds peace in her slumber in the feilds of the summerlands, a child much too early taken for this world, and parent left behind to mourn. i hope they too can find peace in the knowledge that the ai that child felt has now gone...and nothieng can stop her from flying.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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When you are left with the why's nothing makes sense. I pray they can find a way to settle this and move on. It is a terrible thing. I will be praying for them and you.
Nancy :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score

lily is still with us...
for how much longer I just don't know...every time I think shes doing better she counteracts it with a worse. this morning I thought she was dead I opend the barn and shes lay on her side. but the her ear twitched and she looked up but couldn't right herself.

I got her back upright no issue...she drank, sucked down both the pro-bios and redcell like candy and then whent to munching on hay

she was fine about an hour ago but when I checked onher ust she was partially on her side, head down again and just didn't seem to have the strength to lift it. I lifted her head got her rebalanced and she she nuzzled me and then back to munching on hay like nothing had happened.
poops are "normal"
going to be offering her some beet pulp, and think ill ix up some sugar water too and see if shell drink that for me...anything right now to build up her energy reserves and get calories into her...but not too much, don't want to re-upset the tummy.

poor lilly-putt.
I wish I could wave a wand and make her feel better, but I might just have been too late with her, I hate to let her slowly fade, but theres nothing more I can do right now for her short of make sure shes got plenty of food, hay , water, minieral, and giving her whatever good stuff I can to help boost her system.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh in other words my Doberman was born in the wee hours of the morning, one of 3 girls in a litter of 12.
now its a waiting game and hope that oe of those 3 girls has the nic emiddleground tempement I need to potentially make a service dog out of her.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, have you been giving her any electrolytes? If not, get some pediasure and give her some.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hope Lilly is still hanging on. Still having an appetite is a good sign.

Congrats on the birth of your new pup! That's so exciting. I love Dobies and hope that this one turns out to be everything that you are looking for.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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shes still with us today, down abotle of ollases and sugar water, took herredcell and probos like candy, anotherb12 shot and more neomycin.
shes got a good apitite for grain and hay, but she doesn't seem to be gainingany strength even though her poops are relitivly normal...
not feeling allto positive about the situation right now.

in good news however, spent this morning working on the new fenceline. got the top line up (which is the hardest since I am using that as a setting line for the step in posts and the line I need to weedwack and prune up.
im going to need to go along with ore nail in insulators and add a few here and there... but for the most part the top line is done.

I also managed to get a deacent amout of the lineweed wacked....still a littlebit more to go (but my batteries are all charging) and I started tripping over my feet and getting tingly finghertips, (signs myblood sugar was dropping ad heat wa setting in) so istopped, puteverything on charage and am taking a break.

my freid E le tme borrow her small electric chainsaw, cutest dang thing in the universe, it would only be More "me" if it were
wouldn't work for having downtrees, but fo trimming up some fallen braches and strays along the fenceline itll work perfectly so I think im gogin to go do that once luch has settled andive cooled down (and its cooled down out there too)

theres supposed to be someone coming to pick up a bunny (mabe 2, fingers crossed for 2) this once that's out of the way ill probably do a little chainsawing. since its battery op I know it wont let me play for very long (a GOOD thing).

tomorrow theres swaps in both Jackson and savannah, trying to decide which i should take whatever meaty mixbuns I have left to...will also pick up a couple of heavy duty t-posts to secure 2 corner posts that are under a little more strain than I origioanlly planned.

cookies supposed to go home tomorrow afternoon....
and then Ill probably dosoe more work on the fenceline omorrow evening and sunday orning.
out withfrineds sunay afternoon so I doubt the new fence willbefinnihes until sometime next week...
but that's ok. least its in progress...

next week is also super house cleaning week.

thanks fothe congrats on the new pup.
pat of me thinks im nuts but the other part of me knows I need a "big dog"
especially since the neighbor realy freked me out yesterday was in the bathroom heard a knock, and as im coming out hes go his hands and face pressed up against the window peering in...apparently I wasn't moving fast enough fr himand he wanted to seeif I was alive or about me being seriously creeped out for a lil while.
the dogs wre going nutz too...and there he is, creepily staring through my window...*grumbles*

momma had a total of 14 pups, but 2 still born...human momma is having to supliment and rotate but all seem to be doing great so far. wont know much until closer to 2-3 weeks as the eyes strt to open.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and just to enforce the "creepy neighbor" issue...
I was supposed to have someone coming for bunnies so when I see a white car I didn't think twice and opend the see a cop car turning round in my driveway...and another one in the weird neighbors driveway...
they were leaving peacefully...without at least they wenrt circling the house with guns at the ready this time...but till WTF!?
seems that house gets a 2 car visit at least once a month and its definatly not a social call...

the bunny person is thus far a no show. I HATE takes mins for a "hey something came up" email...
will be taking them down to savannah TSC in the morning for their farmers market swap meet deal thing. hopefully ill come back with none...any that are still here in 4 weeks go to freezer camp (they'll be 12 weeks) but id realy rather have cash for bunny food and hay right now as my feezer is FULL!

going to go out in about 15 mins and play with the chainsaw for a little while., then probably leftover pizza for dinner...I think ive earnt it lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah, Pink, you need a big dog. Hopefully, that will keep the creepy neighbor away. If not, maybe a call to the police might be in order! He should NOT be peering in your windows, sounds like a peeping tom!

When will you know for sure which pup is yours?

Is this chainsaw battery powered, or electric? If it's electric, depending on how big it is, you can cut down some trees. Mine is 14", and I've cut down several trees w/it.