Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, that's me too, i know its mostly ust water with a little bit of the scum layer coming up (since the tank was emptied about 6 onths ago and i KNOW i haven't filled it lol.
but still, EWWWW lol.

in good news, little yellow parrotlet baby whent home
have little green to finish feeding, hes stil begging for a bedime feed so im thiking another 1 1/2-2 weeks on him.
got to work on getting little miss green back to the sweet little girl she was before i got caught up in life...shes going to the same home as green boy so ive got 2 weeks to realy work with her and get her tamed back down.

ive got 1/2 a dozen duck eggs that i think im going to put in the incubator. might see if anyones got anything cool in tersmf or hatching eggs to join them (seems silly to run for only 6 eggs) lol

i walked the line where i want the electric to go...
theres 1 big pile of "burnables" buti don't feel comfortable buring it to be honest its right under the tree canopy surrounded by pines, and right next to the property line...and its about as far from the hosue as you can get..theres no water acess back there and no way to realy get water back need like a 500ft hose pipe lol)
so right now im thinking "screwit" ust fence AROUND the pile lol. i can always come back in the winter when theres not a much surrounding growth and burn it then and then just push that line back...
the other 2 brush piles are currently thriving with brambles and brush and such so i think im just gogin to leave them as hills, we'll see what they look like after the goats eat the live stuff off em lol.

im pretty certain im going to just let the pigs roam with the goats, the lady im getting my male off said we shoud have babies on the ground before the end of summer, so i'm going to be looking for someone to AI my girls in the fall since he wont be old enough to breed for awhile...(his name will be Basil to go with Rosemary and Sage)
figure AI is much easier than trying to load up a pair of couple hundered lb sows nto my car or a friends truc to go be bred and im certainly not buying an adult male just to keep round for 1 breeding season (i cant find a young adult GOS boar anywhere)
the spot i was origioanlly going to ove the ducks to ive decided wil becoe one of a couple of pig shelters...its the lean to on the old barn and about the only part of the thing that's in good condition
ill then build a couple of pallet shelters around the pasture for farrowing or when they just want their own space.

Im putting some real thought into getting an Livestock guardian of some kind too.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I don't know if it's a good idea to let goats and pigs run with each other. I knew someone that put her baby goats in with her weaner pigs.... the pigs killed and ate the kids. I don't know how it would be with adults, but I wouldn't want to risk it.

If you want a livestock protector-- consider a llama.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Old spots (like most heritidge breeds) have a very different temperament than commercial pig breeds, this preed tradtionaly was a "farm pig" left to wander the entire farm gleaning fallen acorns and apples and graing the pastures with the other livestock...many people do keep their gos in "mixed compay" (though id never ever leavea full grown pig and a youg goat together no matter how sweet)

I have thought about LGD llama (heck id love a trio of llama or alpaca) but llama and alpaca seem to be impossible to find around here at an actually half way deacent price, even sale barn is expensive and theres no guarantee it would guard.
figure things will fall into place as we go lol.

Im actually very proud of myself...
I set myself a budget today to get certain thigns done and sorted.

I wantd to:
get the creen for the carport/patio
get an oil change
get my hair cut
get some stuff to add to my bathroom remodel stockpile

and I did!

I bought thescreens for the carport, there about 8" too short (cost of screen to make it myself would be almost double so I bought the double car screen doors and they realy are perfect.)
I got the up when I got home and they'll do for now, but Im planning to put in a 1x12 plate along the top as a header which will put them "ground level", but ill need help with that due to the lengths needed...
for now they'llwrok just fine to keep the majority of bugs out.
going to hang soe fly strips tomorrow to be rid of the fly that have now bee trapped, and am planning on putting a planting bed with bug repelant plants along the edge of the patio anyway which should help too.
once I get in there cleaned and tidied and the pile of burnables burnt it should be very nice under there.
got to keep y eyes peeled for soe more patio furniture though lol.

I whent to get an oil change and ran into a problem
last time I had my oil changed by midas...
I whent to walmart and they couldn't get the drip cap out...
midas over tightend and comeptly stripped the damned thing...oil could not be changed...the guy was a football player build strong, wide been doing this for 30 years and he said if I cant get it out..its not coming out.
hes suggested I contact idas and see what there willing to do to rectify the situation since they hae now caued an issue that will cost about $500 to replace.
he did top up my oil and since he couldn't do a full flush he replaced my filters and topped everything else up at no cost and threw in a tire rotation.
that would have Never happened in CT...
and now ive got to yel at midas.

while waiting on my oil change I had my hair cut, bye bye a good 4 inches of dead dry ends, and hello some new layers...feels 10 times happier.

then I hit up home depot, picked up the mosaic tile I wanted for the vanity counter top, and my new faucet!
ive been looking verywhere for an "old fashioned" walmount faucet since im putting in a vessel sink and wont have that much maouver room I needed something that wouldn't sit on the counter top (tll only be 12" deep) and wanted walmount, been looking everywhere....Well...I saw one on the home depot website it was about $5 under what Id planed to go up I picked it up.
now all I need for th ebathroom is to find out whats behind that tile board to determine what the plan on that front will be.
if behind the tileboard is drywall and its in good shape, ill which case il also tile the floor (about $150 worth of tile + grout) if theres no drywall/wetrock back there however, I cant haul that stuff myself due to the weight, so ill probably just replace it with new tileboard but put it in correctly lol

id realy prefer to put up tile though, white tile with the same chocolate glass mosaic as im doing the vanity top as a boarder and the floor in a white too :) would make it look so big and brite.
eventually ill also switch out the shower curtain for a glass door too.

so yeah whent out, got everything I whent to get and came home and got some stuff (putting up the screen) done too!
feeling very acomplished today..


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
DANG! You got a lot accomplished. Sucks about your car though. I would NOT want to be those Midas folks when you lay into 'em, lol!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks, im actually realy proud of myself for this one lol.

I sat out on my newly screened in porch, watched the fireflys dance, there were soooo many.
unfortunately a skeeter found itsway in (or was already in there then I put up the it turned into a cage match, no one was leaving until one of us was dead!
I think I won, but she got in a few low blows, a bite on each ankle. GAH! lol.

the cats have figured out they ca duck under...
the dogs are going to take a little work to figure out they can just push through/go under.
there pretty sure its going to bite them or something lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
Realy Hope the weather behaves.
supposed to be going on a motorcycle ride with a relitivly new friend this afternoon
her partner has health issues and cant ride so when she found out I used to go with dad she asked if id be up for keeping her company once in a while.

did the math today for the tile for the bathroom walls and floor so I know im going to need 25sqft for the floor and 88sqft for the wall behind he shower and a backsplash for the sink
I also need 4 more mosaic tiles if I do tile those walls.
im thinking Thursday ill probably carefully take the screws out of one panel and take a peek as to whats behind it so I can make my plan of attack from there. (knowing my luck ill pull 1 panel with drywall behind and the rest wont have naything behind them lol.
but we'll see.
my bathroom is definatly grimey and id like to get it done asap.

then theres the kitchen backsplash tile which will be about 20 sqft total.

sooo much tile lol...

the good news is as of this morning screen around the carport is intact, so YAY!

ow if only I could shake this upset tummy


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Pink, Where did you buy the screens for your carport? I'd like to build a small screen room and I was wondering if I could buy some cheap pre-made ones or if I'd have to build 'em myself... and I don't really want to. ( I need a lazy smiley!)

Glad to hear your idea is working out!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
harbor freight, theres a coupon out right now (you should be able to find it online) thee thingsa are usually $22-$25 for a double...but right now there $19.99
even amazon couldn't beat that lol
the double garage door screens are aprox 16ft x 7ft...there not the heavy duty screen, but it works :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well, not much and yet lots going on around here lol

battling what im pretty sure is a nasty parasite load with lilly, dewormed the whole heard with safeguard, an going to do a dose of ivomec too...
lilly is worst for it probably due to feeding Buttercup, and im worried. been shooting her up with b12 and dosing her with redcell to try and build her up so she can fight this but shes got a realy upset tummy ontop of everything.
shell probably get a good dose of pro-bios too...yup shes going to HATE me if she pulls through lol.

today I whent and picked up the fencing fupplies to do the electric fence as im sure a lack of tall weed andbrush has also contributed to this issue. PLus the pigs realy do need more space, so I think ive got everything I need for probably going to get started putting the insulators and posts in this afternoon and spend this week wiring it all up. just hope ive got all the stuff I need to do the job. im going to be using the trees and nail in insulators for most of the project, got some step in posts for the spots where theres a long distance between trees without zigzagging which id definatly rather avoid if possible...
hoping to have it all done before the end of next weekend.

aspen and the pigs seem to be buddy long as as aspen doesn't get in between the pigs when theres food about...
see I leave the shelter door open for the goats and use an xpen to block the gap...well aspen is a Houdini and gets in order for me to wrangle and man handle water buckets for the pigs I have to leave the gate open o tier pen...and yeah aspen decided hed keep the pigs busy for me...
he got a muddy head the first day because he was stupid and tried to eat some pig food exacty wher eboth pigs were standing...
but since then hes realied to stayout of their way or get that head ready to give em a headbutt to the snout...seems to be theonly spot they are vunrable lol.
I only have to tap em lightly on the nose if they get too pushy and the back off.

buttercup is getting big, growing nicely and im realy happy with her...

still got 2 puff puppies, 1 was supposed to go home today but her dad was taken in for emergency surgery...
the other is still "floating" ive NEVER had this much issue finding y pups homes....

im alo being mauled by the 6 foter kittens. im so frustratedwith it right now that im calling the vet/rescue and explaining ive had a meical emergency (I will if I dot get them out of my house asap) and they need to either find a new foster or put them in their new special kitten room that im told they've built.
then ill take em up there one day during the week, drop em off an at least regain some sanity.
its not that I don't love know me...
but ive NEVER EVER had a litter (and ive rasied many prphans) THIS needy, demainding or loud in my entire time doing this...I cant walk without them underfoot, theres no way to keep them restricted to 1 room because I don't have a door on the room they were in...I cant go outside without almost severing one in half witth the door...I cant let the dogs out or in without having to juggle kittens, and having to scream at the dogs to get in fast so I don't loose any of them...I mean holy heck!

i need to get them and the puppies gone asap so i can reclaim my house.
im planning to get the bathroom done asap, and i realy want to finish the backsplash in the kitchen...and the back bedroom need sainting and a work surface so i can actually have a craft space which idont currently have, and if im going to mke any money this fall in time for Christmas and such i NEED to get back to crafting.

in good news though i had a gret weekend filled with time with friends, fun and even making some new ones.

and of course last week when i had no supplies the weather for doing outside stuff wa great...this week now i have the stuff to do it with its heading back to the 90's again...DOH.

this fence is going to be...tough. gotta measure out each strand and put the insulators in...
weed wack the entire proposed fenceline plus some on either side to make putting it up easier...and then string aproximatly 2 miles of 17gage fence wire. fun times lol.
im not sure what part of that im looking forward to the least lol.

once the new fence is up ill then have to spend a day modifying the old fence taking out the wire i don't need, moving some other wire and fixing some other spots...but eventuallyim going to have about 3 1/2 aces in electric fence for the critters to ove through. im hoping thatll also be enough to prevent the pasture form getting too heavily eaten down ad thius later reducing all these worm issues...
Ill have 3 pigs, and 5 goats on it by fall.
im still not copletly decided on other livestock or livestock guardians...
i realy like alpaca and llama, and id love a fjord one day (and hell need a buddy)
but i also don't want to overwhelm not only me, but the land i have available.

oh and my puppy should be born any ay now..
super excited and nervous all at once.
all the worries of me being a bad parent keep flooding bck..mabe i could have done something ifferet, mabe could I ect...i know realy the anwer is no...but still.


going to go done my floppy hat boots and bug spray and start getting these insulators and some weed waking done... because of the nature of electric weedwackers, itll helpkeep me form overdoing things lol. thebatteries only last so long LOL!.