Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well it seems this month doesnt want to go easy on me either.
whent out to start on the fence...
couldnt find my bugspray
made the stupid desicion of "go wihtout it"
was back inside in about 10 inutes slathering anti itch cream on my legs and houlders like it was lotion...soo many bites!

go on my computer to be wraned "battery low" but it was plugged in...
one of the young critters had bitten halfway through the powercord...
$20 later theres a new power cord heading my way...

so now im back on slow-moe the 512mb laptop untill my new cord arrives
this stupid thing keeps freezing...and thats a nice word for it...
can i hibernate untill fall cause so far summer is NOT going according to plan and not in a good way.

so now im waiting on the lady who was supposed to come get cookie today to let me now when she would like to come her father ended up in emergency surgery so i can understand but still grr) theres another woamn whos SUPOSED to be comming around noon to meet brownie tomorrow, so fingers crossed.
then depending on when cookies new mommy wants to come by, im packing the kittens itno their kennel cab with everything ive got left for the vets office and they are going back to the vet/rescue.
judging by the teeth its one of the kittens whos bitten through the cord, there only using the litterbox 50% of the time (primarly because ive got no way to isolate them to a smaller area as im using my x-pen outside right now and no door on the bedroom) and im pretty sure they are trying to trip me in order to kill and eat me!

my hormones are going WACKO! (im goign to be maing a phone call to the gyno to see if thye can see me any earlier to disus options cause i cant do this anymore) im tired, im constantly ready to burst into tears and im in pain all the time...
im not sleeping well, probably becaus eim in pain and having weird dreams from the pain killers and hormones...
and im about 1 meltdown away from packing it all in buying a houseboat and calling myself captain foxy.

im beginnign to think my meds are not strong enough to handle the female hormonal bull ontop of eveyrthing else...

so im giging it another hour and then im going to bed...
tomorrow hopefully assuming i get confirmation, up, quick clean around to hope the house doesnt smell like a litterbox, and bath for brownie...
once shes gone im going to run into selmer and pick up a large bottle of industrial strength deet (and pig feed) and spend the afternoon working on the fence.
this computers too slow to get caught up in interweb land anyways.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh my goodness, I have a visual of kittens trying to climb up your legs! Poor, Pink. Your situation with the kitties reminds me that 'no good deed goes unpunished'! But seriously - you did a good thing taking them in - now it's time for them to go.

Hope your itchies go away!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks ladies, im quickly comming to the conclusion that july is also ot going to be my month.

cookie was supposd to go home sunday, medical emergency "still want her need to reschedual" and NOTHING...i mean a "hey everythings....insert stuff here...weve changed our minds due to eveyrthing going on..." or "hey...everythings *inset here* itll be probably the end of the week before we can come get her" SOMETHING..ANYTHING...

in good news however Brownie did go home today...dropped my price more than i wanted, but i realy didnt want to add the expense of another round of shots ect...
shes going to be spoilt rotten so thats all that matters.

contacted the rescue im fostering the kittens for, ill amdit i told them it was a family emergencye (and in truth with my mental health rght now, lol) but they said no problem, just drop them off.
so ive gotta figure out what ive got going on this week and get them transported up...

im thinking either tomorrow or thursday.

i did manage to pick up a bottle of bug spray so thats good...

Lilly is looking rough, but shes eating and drinking, shes still got an upset the drinking part is important...but shes not doing much moving around...though she did get up when she heard me come out for evening feed come out of the barn, take a good long drink, get her scritches (and b12 shot) and eat some supper...
i hate that i cant do anything more for her :/

going to give her a dose of prohibit which is effective for barberpole worm (which safeguard doesnt treat for) and thats all i can do for ridding the system of nasties. beyond that going to start working some pro-bios into her morning meds along with the iron and hope for the best.

im thinking tomorrow will probably be kitten day, need some groceries too
wedensday ill work some on the fence, and have a freind comming over who wants to see my colonies
thursday and friday FENCE
saturday its down to savannah with some baby bunnies to sell at the farm day thing, realy hoping they all go home. then sunday, more fence

giving usda lady till wednesday to call or im calling her, i got my aproval letter, now we need to discuss what the next step is so i can get sorted...i NEED the septic done...YESTERDAY. and i know theres other clients ect...but seriously., the longer this draggs out the harder itll be for the work crew and to clean up...

also calling the lady doc this week to see if theres anything sooner for the apointment...
this is insanity im constantly in pain, constantly hormonal...
they say people with deperssion isues shoudlnt be on the deppo...well im telling you...people wit bipolar disorder are better off on a mild down than hormones telling you im not sure wether to kill thigns or cry 99.9% of the time.
i dont do well with the PMDD side of my personality!


i got frustrated today and decided to see if i could figure out whats behind the pannel board in the shower without taking it all down...
OLD walpaper...this id good because it means theres asolid surface behind it...
this means i can TILE!
Woot! i was so worried theres be nothing but studs behind it....
walpaper means ill have to strip it, but it also means WALL! lol.
but seriously folks...this walpaper is like dark burgandy paisly pretty sure last time it saw light was in the 70's lol.

the frustration stemmed for the fact that i just got my laptop working....(RAM Issue) then i pick up ablaster worm virus...manage to clear it off...then one of the kittens chews through my powercord...
no more laptop...
back on slow-moe the loaner...GAH!

then pick up another god damned balster worm form a forum, but for whatever reason this one is incredibly more peristent than on my machine....
Malware bytes removed some of its buddies and restarted, nope still there.
updated and rescanning, it cant find any malicious software now so it thinks its clean but i know its not...
hoping miscorsoft security essentials finds little bugger and nukes it

right now im running in safe mode with networking so ive got basic stuff enabled but id still realy like to nuke this stupid thing from orbit!

the good that came from that was that i managed to get dishes done and some straghteing in the kitchen and most of my clothes on the bedroom floor sorted into laundry or put away.
but still
frustration central!

and its hot and sticky and i had to put the AC on again...*grumbles*
im NOT looking foward to that electric bill...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh wow - when it rains...

I kinda know how you feel... Had to have our AC serviced a couple weeks ago, had to pay nearly $300 for my well, the coffee pot bit the dust yesterday and today it was my dehydrator - along with the two roos that died...

I think we should go drown our sorrows. Where's the 'takin' a shot' smiley???

Hope Cookie goes home soon and that you get them stinkin kitties outta da house!

Lilly doin' any better? Hope she pulls out of this.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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sure sounds like its "going around"

today shes heading down hill i think.
she couldnt stand today no support in her back legs...
still eating though...she ate all her grain this morning, drank and munched on hay all day...pinch test says shes not even dehydrated...
but shes still got bad diahrrea and now shes down and her membranes are still very pale...thats never a good thing.

i dont knwo what else to do. shes getting b12 every day, iron every day, gave her pro-bios this morning and she practically sucked the syrnge out of my hand...
ive dewormed her with safeguard, ivomec and now prohibit (all 3 can be used as a tripple wammy since there seperate families) so if its worms within 12-24 hours after that prohibit there should be no parisite left alive, she shoudl be covered for round, hook, whip, tape, liverfluke and barberpole...and im sure im missing some...

i dunno if shes going to make the night... :(

i had a goat frined come out and even shes at a loss, everything she thought it might be...shes not bloated, no injuries, shes eating and drinking no problems...shes just so weak she cant stand up (which since shes eating the only reason she is so weak has got to be the damned diahrreah......

and lord knows what ill do if she does pass, i cant dig a hole big enough...ill probably have to burn her :(

i did take the kittens back to the rescue today...with everything going on i cant handle it right now...
managed to get a little bit of grocery shopping done too...
the house is much if i can just get cookie into her home...we'll be all set for a while.

and i dont knwo what it was about todays heat but it DRAINED me...
then again im so drained in general right now...

tomorrow going to try and at least get the insulators for expanding the fence done. but heat will definatly dictate.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks *hugs*

shes still with us this mornign, bright eyes and interested in the world.
gave her a mega dose b12, a mega dose red-cell, a mega dose of neomycin (should help with the scours/poop issue) and a MEGA dose of pro-bios lol, she realy likes the pro-bios, must taste pretty good cause she purses her litle goaty lips and tries to suck it out lol so i give her the neo, then a little pro-bios, then te ioron then the probios, the the shot, then the porbios, kinda like a reward.

poop this morning doesnt looks quite so liquid, more like pudding...this is a good sign...but shes still not up.
shes a figthet and its goig to take a while to get her back to condition if she pulls through this...but shes not given up yet so neither have i!

its alittle overcast today...and theres a slight breeze, so as soon as ive finished checking my online stuff and eating my breakfast im going to get my scruffies on, spray myself with bugspray and go get some fence insulators nailed into place.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
working on the fence...
had to take a drink/lunch stop
but im almost done with the first pass of insulators. i figure being im using trees as "posts" im probably going to have ot add additional insulators as we go along on areas where the tres change depths and such but so far so good on those...

im at the tricky part now...
see the back left corner of the property is where theres a 10-15ft deep ditch, its the run off ditch and has been used for dumping for quite some time. as i get the woods cleared out some im hoping to clear that area out and even mabe add a small dam to that spot and turn it into a swimming hole (its deep eough lol)
however in other spots that ditch is only 3-6" deep so its getting my brain working now on HOW im going to get the wire across the ditch...
not only to keep the wire high enough that its not going to collect debris during heavy rain, but still low enough to keep the goats and pigs from just walking under it.

right now im thining of running the wire across the ditch at a deeper spot giving plenty of room for any leaves and such to wash under when it rains...but then...
how to keep them for just walking down the drainage ditch like its a highway and walking under the fence.
im thinking i need to block off the ditch with something thats going to let the water through...
so im thinking im going to need to wedge some weldes wire into the ditch under wherever the fenceline is going and then need to remind myself to check it regularly to remove any buildup of leaves, sticks ect that would stop water flow.
im trying to give them as much room as possible as well as acess to all the brush so that between the goats eating the leaves and the pigs rooting and killing form below well eventually have it cleared of the underbrush and have a beautiful acessable woodland area at the back of the property. but trying to do it without disrupting the runoff is going to be a challenge lol.

i think i know what spot im planning on using though so *fingers crosed*

going to go back out there in a couple of hours once lunch settles and the mid-day sun has a chance to pas its highest point. realy want to get all the insulators in place today.
then tomorrow i can start running the wire and trimming brush. all in all i shoudl end up using about 1/2 mile of wire per strand and im doing a 4 strand fence
i may end up deciding to add a 5th line depending on how everything looks, how much wire ive got and mr. trouble maker Aspen lol.