Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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its a cordess electric black and decker, 18v (whih is great bcause its interchangabewiht my bd cordless 18v weed wacker batteries too! lol)
its got an 8" bar and will technically cut up to 6"
I took it out and "played" with it and I think I have a new toy lol, il admit to getting it snagged once, but by that point I was getting tired and so was the 18v battery lol.
I think with some practice im goingto be Lumberjack princess 2013
it realy is the most adorable little WORKING chainsaw in the history of chainsaws...

look how cute it is in the ahnds of this guy

now imagine it in girly

the battery realy isn't powerfull enough for big jobs gets pinched easy, but for what I need to use it for as long as im SMART about it, it should work perfectly for working on this fenceline.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, im in process, ive got ruggosa rose planted along the fenceline nd knockout roses on the front property line as they establish that stuff is wicked need some more so i can start bringing it up al the way along the property line between us...
im also thinking of intermingaing hawthorn if i can find it..we use it a lot in the UK for cow hedgerows in the uk,hugenasty sharp thorns, hihc once established even the bulls wont try to push through...
the only downside is while my property line is defined the road thatruns infront of my ouse is town maintained and public so i cant just put a gate where my property line is to block turnaorunds and people getting in ect...

i am eventually planning t put up some game and ecuity cams though


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well lilly is still with us,tough didn't seem tohave quite her usual apitite this morning as she has the past few days :(
going to copper bolus her this evening and give her some selenium with E too, its the 2 ting I haven't tried suplimenting her yet with...
if she doesn't build some strength and get herself on her fet soon I dot thin shes going to make it.

In ohe sucky news, took some buns to the "farmers market" at the TC in savannah and was seriously disappointed, it was seriously hyped, produce livestock, everything form goats and sheep to chicks and bunnies and even exotics, food vendors and an antique car and tractor show too...

here were tractors, a hotdog vendor, and 1 person with produce and 4 people (including me) with any kind of animals, and the animals there, 2 older billy goats, some buns and a few various chicks (the guy wth the chicks left at 11am though so that left, my 5 buns,1 goat, 5 chickens and 4 other older buns and 2 oler goats...
what a let down.

stopped at the crump flea market on the way home but it was already getting hot so I only sat for an hour r so before heading home.

got home gave cookie a bath, did a quick tidy round the livingroom and that was that.

in GOOD news, the lat of the puppies, Cookie, has gone toher new home. shes going to a single woman and her litte girl who primarily communicates using sign language...a nce QUIET home for a sweet but sensitive little dog.
im sure he and litte girl wil be best buddies REALY quickly. :)

this means next week I can real work on getting the house scrubbed and reclaimed from the puppies and kittens.
2 more baby birds left whol also be going home next weekend and all should be quiet for a little while.

also got my form form the USDA to start stage 50 of this bailion stage process.
now I need to get 2 quotes for each of the things I need doing, they must be from lisenced people.
I need to get the TN dept ofhealth in to draw up a plan for new field lines/leeching field a a "just in case" (since it cant be added later to the bid should they dig itup and ifnd its all junk) so will call them on moday and get that sorted...) then need to cotact the septic guy and get him to put in a written bid and find a second person to do the same...(it was hard enough getting guy #1 out her *grumbles*)
im sure having them come out and draw up anew leech filed plan is going to cot oney too, which im not sure where that's supposed to come from lol.

ive already got a bid for the door and insulation from lowes, going to have them come in and put in a bid for the central heat/air too.
and apaently I need to also find a licensed electrictan to upgrade my fuse gotta get a bid for that too... (I still have scew in glass, which worksperfectly fine, but apparently that's not acceptable lol.

septic is obviously the major need right now so gotta get that top of the list...

still got work todo on the fence...but not today, feeling kinda yuck right now. think I need to eat food...(im pretty sure a can of diet oda and a banana jut don't cut it for luch lol

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's even worse than what I eat at times!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Darn shame about the farmers market. It was waaaay too hot to sit outside for nuttin'!

Sounds like Cookie has found a wonderful home.

Looks like you're gonna be busy getting all the estimates for al the projects. That's so exciting. I loooove projects! But what I love more is COMPLETED projects!

Fingers crossed for Lilly. I copper bolused one of my gals a while back and I'vew never done that before. She looks much better, coat is slick and she seems to be putting on weight. I'm gonna do a couple more of them and see if I get the same results.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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got the boluses fomr a friend along with a selenium with e gel...I figure right now ANYTHING Is worth a try so were going the all or nothing route at this point...
ive thrown everything else at that's tomorrow mornings job.

got an email from cookies people, her new name is Ivvie and her and the daughter are already best firneds, they took over mommas bed and have been snuggled up watching movies together all night!

and now im going to finish my drink and then go climb into bed and make some sweet sweet DREAMS with my pillow and blnkets...
am I the only person in the world who routeinly thans their bed for always being thee for them?! lol

side note.
tnight I watched rise of the guardians...I Love Disney/pixar type movies (Wall-e is one of my all time favorite movies EVER!) and this one is on my "want to own" list...
Santa was AWESOME! and such a sweet movie.

heck anyone looking at my dvd collection is going to think I have kids, etween peter pan, Narnia, wall-e, madegascar ect...I LOVE those types of movies!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Can't say I've ever thank my bed for being there, but at times, I look at it and think to myself how glad I am that I have it and it's comfortable!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
shrek is awesome! LOL!

Lily is still with us this morning...she ate a full 2 cups of grain and had her bottle of sugar water, copper bloused and gave her some selenium with E gel (don't have acess to BoSe)
still pale, still cant stand up...still no real change.
Im realy hoping with her being so down that the copper and selenium if its going to help will help enough for me to SEE improvment, eve if its just slight...

next week im going to work on making her some kind of sling to get her UP, I tried to hold her up while I gave her the bottle this morning and its just not possible for me to secruly hold her up keep her feet under her ect for more than a couple of mins with my back im going to try and make some kind of sling that will support her...then I need to figure out some kind of frame to use since I don't thing the supports in the "barn" are strong enough.
keeping my eyes on craiglist for one of those metal framed porch swings, that frame would be strong enough but still light enough for me to move easily. (and I want a swing for under my carport anyway lol)


hanging out with some frineds this afternoon...then next week, back to working on the electric fence. my goal is to have it usable and working by Friday :D