Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today im in serious burnt out mode, afte yesterdays running around I whent to bed exhausted sure id get a good night sleep...I tossed and turned and kept waking up...couldn't get comfortable and despite my ac being on my nomraly compfortable 76 I was sweating up a storm...
woke up more exhausted than when I whent to bed :/

got up, planned to finish working on the fence...HA!
got dressed after chores, whent out with the t-posts and the post pounder, managed ot get the 5 posts in across the gully...
then hauled that pounder back out of the woods and managed to get the new pig eatere set up...
its a plastc trashcan with a pig nipple attatched but in order to prevent it falling or the goats or pig pushing it over I put 3 t-posts around it,1 back, 1 on either sie, then theres 2 of the heavy duty rubber bungee cords crossed infront. I need to be able to unhook it dump it out scrub it down ect to adding a 4th post wsnt doable...but I also needed to make sure the pigs couldn't just roll it this should work. seems pretty stable.
filled It up and now its got until the fence is done to prove its not going to spontaneously combust or something lol.

by the time I finished that though I noticed I was sweting a lot more than I realy should have been my head was hurting and my hands were shaking...which meantmy bloodsugar was wonky, so in,drink, cool down and had a ham sammich.
fingers are still a lttle tingly, and im TIRED...but im not haking and feel semi human again.

however it did show me very quickly that I NEED to take a day off today! ad with scattered showrs and t-storms all afternoon I think I going to listen.

got an electrician coming today to give me a price on upgrading to 200amps.
Ive been asking around fo others and canot find anyone willing to come out, same goes for the septic tooso im going to have to call her and ask her what now? im not paying someone$100 to come out to give me a quote only for them to choose the other guy nd me be out the money...heck, I don't even HAVE the money to be putting out...
and ill see what se says, mabe given the urgency of the septic situation they'll take 1 bid...

but whatever...
he used to work for my actual electricity provider so everything would e done up to local code with this guy which I hes coming this afternoon.

Sears is coming tomorrow, they are gonna give e a hvac and a door quote.
gona call lowes and be like...apparently you guys don't want to come give me a price for a hvac unit...since the schedualer has NOT called me yet (and its been a week!)

in good news.
lilly seems to be doing ok with her imiting it to 1/2 hour 3 times a day for now because its ealynot propely set up to distribute her weight for long periods....
and as of today shes another inche closer to standing on her own...(I presented her with some corn stalks to munch o and she tried to get up to come get em and was up on her front knees and even had her back end up a little...if I can buil the stenght in the back end it would make ling time even easier a that ould remove the worst pressure point over he stomach...

glory seems to be slowly fitting in. she wants me mostly but the others seem to have accepted her.

and bonnie and clyde did great overnight...they've got upset tummies today BUT they were still feeding on momma and lord knows what dog food (if any) they've been on...ive got them on a the best I could afford which is diamond naturals chicken and rice.
il probably go give the both baths this afternoon since im calling NO on anything else requiring any enegy...
but there going to need shots and deworming too as well as topical flea/tick and heartworm protection asap.

hoping the tummy upset goes away pretty quickly as they adjust.
both are very sweet, bonnie a little more warey then clyde, they were quiet all ight afte about 5 mins of howling after last check/lights out. imsure having each other is helping with that too.



and yes all that black/grey around their ears/faces is flea dirt.
I mean I know they come from WORKING stock that's never seen the inside of a house before but youd think theyd at least make sure moms and pups are kept flea free so they are healthy enough to keep working.


and Lily the Pinyata Goat

you ca see where that back strap digs into her belly, I try spreading it out so it goes under her belly and rib cage like the front oe does but it just slides and bunches back up so im going to try putting that one at the front to spread out easier an the narrow pieces which ihave in a x shape at the back. and ifthat doesn't work im going to take a large piece of canvas cut 4 holes in the bottom for her lgs to go through and just have it come up like a weight sling...
shes supprisingly complacent about letting me rig her up though. as arkward as it looks she doesn't complain and I think it helps those front joints to be able to let the legs hang traight down in front.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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They are cute! Other than one being a girl, and one being a boy, is there anyway to tell the difference between the 2 of them? They look almost identical in the pics!

Glory sure is pretty. And, Lily looks like she's doing good. I think she'll probably start to pick up soon.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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I'm with Deb how do you tell those two cuties apart? and Glory is beautiful!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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nope, least I cant tell em apart from a distance yet...
im sure as they develop and mature clyde will start to look alittle more masculine while bonnie should eb more feminine (and all that reay means is shell probably have a simmer muzzle and less depth in the
but there going to be getting puppy collars next time I go into and

bonnie Right now is boss lady though lol.

thanks guys :D

in good news, electrican came out and quoted me for the 200amp upgrade
not as expensive as I thought but still owwies, but it does have to be done for safety sake...
h was realy nice though :)

he also has a friend who does septic systems so hes gonna have him call me and come by to take a peek and gimme a quote on that
waiting on the firstguy to drop me a line with his name number and the quote itself too...

sears comes tomorrow for backdoor and ac/heat quote...
gona call lowes and find out when they can come out...

once that's all done I can submit paperwork an dhopefully get this ball rolling.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Girl - you are moving in great big strides! I don't know how I missed the new pups and the new goat - but congrats!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Lilly is definatly seeming tobe on the right path, she managed to move herself clear across the barn between last ngiht and this morning, and when I whent to feed she scooted herself pretty quicly 1/2 way across...shes up on her front knees and gaining SOME power in her back end, not enough to stand but enough to give her some propultion on the ground...
this is good cause it means shes both gaining strength and building ome mucscle and the therapy is helping even if its ust a little.

got up this moning to bonnie and lay in the mud out in the pouring rain curled up in little balls...whent over and got barked at for a second before they realized who I was and their little tails started going amile a minute. fed em and put them in their dog house...they came out and stood in the rain looking at me while I did morning chores in a wasn't until after id finished that they decided they would actually use the dog house as a rain shelter instead of ust something to lay against...
glad I idnt give them that bth yesterday lol. (and realy glad its not cold!)

everything else is uisness as usual.

just got confirmation that jasper and ruby go in for their spay/neuter on Wednesday. they'll both be gone overnight as this is a special event clinic and there a distance away so there arranging transport drop em off early wendesday they get transported and fixed then brought back to the transport point Thursday morning.
theres 25 dog being done this way and its something this area needs more of...even ow cost clinics are much too expensive 1/2 the time for folks on seriously fixed or low incomes...
im terrified, my babies have never been away from me for that long outside of being cared for by trusted family members, but the woman running this I know fairly well and trust as much as possible...
itl be one less hassle on my shoulders and im relay hoping it calms jasper down a little too lol

Dusty and Binx are next up on the need to be fixed wagon...but need to save that fundage up first.

its rainy and apparently plans to stay that way through Wednesday...
it sucks because right now the emps would be perfect for going and hauling that piece of fence down into the woods (its 67) BUT its wet, slippy, and theres thunder rumbling and ightning striking even though the rain hastaken a break...and im highy conductive without the assistance of carrying a large roll of metal fencing.
so itll wait.

I do have to run to the bank a ittle later to deposit the spay/neuter funds so I can write them a check (I ont like handing cash to a mobile situation because theres more risk of loosing it. a check can always be canceled ect...(and theres a paper trail.)
but right now im being lazy...
plus the sears guys are supposed to come this afternoon about 2pm to price up y central system and a back door...I realy cant wait to stat sumitting these bids, hoping things move FAST once ive got the numbers for the USDA.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well sears want $10,000 to put in a central heat/air unit...
about where I thought...
and $2000 to put in a new back door :lol:
I think there smoing some serious stuff...

"now keep in mind" he tells me "that's the basic solid door, no windows cause that adds to the cost, complete replacement of the door jam and stuff and taxes too!"
since I need 2 quotes ihad him write it down...but REALY?

Lowes will install me a new vinyl door with 6 pane 1/2 light to match the newer window on the house inc installation taxes ect for $500....
Hmmm...lets see...
sorry sears unless your door is magical im prettycertain usda is not going to approve THAT bid LOL!

so now were waiting on lowes to get back to me to get the HVAC guy out here to give me a quote from them...
and I sent an email to a local hvac guy to get a none big corp quote too...$10,00 for a unit to heat and cool a 700 qft house seems a tad high.
yes I want a slightly more expensive unit because I want a dual fule...(I want it to run the heat of the natural gas) but still...
I also told him if prefer a package or dual fule unit and he quoted me for a gas/electric heat pump...(more expensive to install) but a cheaper unit...

so we'll see what lowes and hopefullyanother guy has to say.

also need the septic quotes, then the papers can be sent out and hopefully things move forward pretty quick.
in order it would be septic, then electrician, then ac (because of the ducts), then attic insulation and backdoor.

so yeah....

its adding up pretty damned quick, and to be honest, I don't realy NEED the heat since my gas heater MORE than heats the house (ive never managed to turn it up past medium cause it gets too hot in here lol) so I might have lowes give me a quote for a dual system AND a quote for just an AC system...

ive got NO energy today, wondering if im gonngin down with something...its been beautfu all afternoon (good temps no rain) and I could have been out and probably would have gotten the fence finished, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it...
and I NEED to because the pigs have decided to remodel their current house and its probably going to fall down if they are not careful.
so tomorrow ill be working on that stretch of fencing in between rain and hopefully getting the fence hooked up before the end of the week.


Jun 27, 2011
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Bonnie and Clyde are just too cute and so is Glory! I'm glad Lily is improving. We did a similar therapy with a cow but never could get her up on her own. Lily sounds like she will be ok!!! You have so much going on with your house, fencing and animals! Slow down once in a while!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks :D

well looks like ive got at least 3 more HVAC quotes coming in, guy coming tomorrow morning and anthercomming Friday, still waiting on lowes to get backto me with an appointment there...

was going to work on the fence today but the humidity is brutal and ive realized that THAT is what kills me, I can wok in 100 degrees butwhen the humidity gets past 60% That's when I start to feel ill...
gonna probably focus on doing some dishes and getting my kitchen straightend out a little I think. should realy do some laundry too and ive got a small set of 2 draws to put together (matches the ones I already have) as I needed more clothing space.

got someone supposed to be coming this afternoon ot pick up one of the meat mix boys, the white one. and to pay for (to hold) 2 of the pure rex female babies.
got someone else who's put the broken black otter male and the lilac female on hold too, gonna come see later in the week and place deposits...shes interested in he castors we'll see.
im keeping the 2nd liac female...
so assuming the one that's possibly interested in a castor too takes 3 buns total, that just gives me the 2 mix boys and 2 castors to sell...I love it when a litter sells before there ready to go lol.

tomorrow is supposed to be wet again and I need to clean house so that's the plan...
then Thursday ill probably try to work on the fence since its supposed to be sunny and mid-upper 80's
would REALY like to get that finished.

oh and I need to figure out new hay storage.
got a great deal on 30 bales of cover and mixed grass, and another 10 blaes that a frined is currently holding for me...that's 40 bales and I don't think pallets and tarps are gonna cut it...
so im thinking harbor freight have one of those pop up car shelters with enclosed sides and front on sale...ill probably stop in and pick one up tomorrow when I drop the dogs off for their snip snip...
its 10x with a 9.5ft peak height, which shouldmean plenty of room to store 40 bales hay, plus about 10 bales straw
it pretty much all my free money gone with the hay and the shelter, but 40 bales should be more than enough to see me through the rest of summer fall and winter. (and Ill probably restock in the fall...)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ugh! why am I awake?!

up at 5:30, everyone done except the bunnies who will wait until I get back...
got to take the dogs to town for the spay/neuter clinic.
im nervous, but any mommy would be...
they'll be happier for it in the long run.

gonna spend today most likely cleaning...the house is desperate and ive been putting it off...
ad since its supposed to rain on and off al day, it seems like a good choice for the "to-do" list.

oh well...gotta get my tuckus in gear.