Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Hugs! feel better.
gotta take dusty to the vets and run some errands tomorrow morning, I probably wont be home until about noonish. :/

got some of the tired placed, still need to play with it some around the tree/behind the continue along the fenceline.
im gonna need a metric ton of plants to fill this whole area up lol.
lottery win...I needs you! lol. right now it looks a little like a junk yard...but once everythings finished up and planted it should look nice.
thinking I may do a little stacking in the back to help get some variant levels to plant in..ive got enough tires and with more coming Itll be a little while before I run out lol.
gonna set asde some to use as tater towers next year
and some will go to making another strawberry bed.
going to put 1 over each of my raspberry plants to keep the mow happy neighbor off them too...
gonna be tire city for a while as I get each one filled and planted...but yay flowers right?!

one of the neighbors down the ways a bit had a new central air system installed today and they had to pull out one of the hydrngeas to get to it...gonna see if I can catch them out there tomorrow and if there not going to be replanting it...see if I can take it and give it a good home. its a blue, pretty good size and I want hydrangeas lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
If you want the hydrangeas to STAY blue, better make sure they have acid soil amendments ;) that is what gives them their coloring.

Poo, on tomorrow morning....I'll be pretty busy the rest of the day :/ Maybe another day then? OR if you are coming to visit while Jamie is here to meet and visit him(you ARE invited btw) um...maybe you can get some stuff then? Obviously NOT the armoire, but veggies and such, and I will try to figure a day next week to get the tires and stuff to ya :) I dunno WHY I was assuming you just KNEW to come over for dinner Friday, but uh...we NEED an SS meetup here :p I will make ya a cheesecake too...DD will be has been a while and that is her favorite too ;)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
You know no party would be complete without ya girl ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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today has been crazy so far.

Dusty is at the vets for her spay, got some more tires put in place, got some groceries sorted and put away.
check my messages to find the lay that took one of the kittens is going on a trip an wants me to take her back WTF *grumbles*
its either me take her back or who knows what so I told her I realy cant afford to feed her so try an add on craigslist and family and fineds first...but I got a feeling shell be on my doorstep in the next few days. Dangit!
and little orange kitten is still here. I realy don't want nor need 4 cats...anyone locally looking for a barn kitty, orange kitten would be a great barn boy as hes realy not "into" people/human contact.
the little calico girl was before she left much more people orientated...but wed have to see...*sigh*


got about 2 1/2 hours to tick by before I go pick dusty up...probably going to be lazy until then.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well I ended up in a horrible mood last night...and today ive got a seriously unhappy tummy. think something I ate made henry the tummy go "WTF" ...
so no dinner with the WBF tonight...but hopefully itll clear up and stock sending me into muscle wrentching tummy cramps sometime soon so I can get some exhausted. planning to put the critters to "bed" (eveing feed) at about 4:30 then try some soup and head to bed at about 5-5:30pm...

did maage to bare the pain earlier, and took talie for a wlk...thank goodness right now shes 100% passed out cold which is good because to be honest, I dont have the energy right now to play with her lol.

anywho..time to try something for lunch. *fingers crossed*


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
So sorry you're feelin poorly and especially sorry you missed out on cheesecake at WBF's! Hope you're better soon. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks Guys!
I am feeling generally better, im pretty sure I got into something with aspartame in my muscles in the side ache but the nausea and cramping has gone.

I felt better enough this morning that when I got a reminder of a gathering im going to tonight I realized id forgotten all about it and needed to pick up banannas (im slated to bring my goats milk banana pudding pie...this moring a frined was alos giving a goat milking demo at R&J so I figured hey gotta go into town, and gotta get gas so why not...Talie got packed into the car and off we whent. I ran into walmart first, like literally RAN. I hate leaving a dog in the car ANY day and im not willing to put her 'in training" status to the test in a box store like wamart untll shes gone through basic puppy class at I grabbed the banannas paid, ran to the bathroom and filledup her wterbottle and ran to the car, I ont think iv eve been in and ot of that stroe so fast in my life... then up to R&J, ung out there for a little while, chatted, Tallie got to meet an overly enthusiastic pitty who she was not intereste din saying hello too (very ipolite and it freeked her and an adorable pit puppy who was calm enough that they said hello and even got some playbows out of...
the got to see her first pony and a full sized horse...she wasn't ure what to make of either so pretty much ignored them (perfect!) she was incredibly well behaved when I was talking, she mostly ust stood or sat or even lay quietly at my feet which is EXCTLY whati as looking for and honestly she wasn't all too interested in meeting people. if they stopped and sked idtell her "ok you can say hi" and shed kinda go over sniff get apet or 2 hen come right back to me...not fearfull...just "ok enough"
she met a 2nd VERY VERY other enthusiastic pit...Gorgeous boy, huge blocky "hippo" style and intact...with NO leash manner, no manners at all and walked by a woman with no clue how to control him other than to say his name and whack him with her hand a few times over and over (which of course meant nothing to him...) hec he didn't feel her or her hand, or have any clue what his name was...she pretty much got dragged around the place, so I helped her put a harness on him because the 1/2" nylon collar would have easily slipped off im (neck as big as his head syndrome) had she tried to pull im from the front for any reason or he backed up... once that was on she did seem to get better control. sweet happy enthusiastic boy (humper with ther dogs though) but not the kind of dog a oman with abosulty no idea how to control should have....
anywho, he tried to say hello a little too enthastically to Tallie who lookedat him backed up and ignored him. the woman howver couldn't fcontrol him and he realy wnted to say hi so instead I placed myself in the way...he was rather confused as to why he couldt bully his way past me (trying to maneuver aroun me ect) and when he realized was no pushover he sat calmed down gotsome pets and Tallie finally said hello...there was a nose lick and she decided "enough of that and he then lsot

I always worry thoug with a dog of that reputation, intact no less with a "battle crop" (short almost no ears crop) in the hands of someone who seems very nice but ultimately clueless...its only amatter of time before he tries to hump the wrong dog...

from there we then stopped at lowes, I wanted to see if they had anything good on clearance...ust mums andwhile I do want some mums, they wernt worth the$2 they were asking (good condition were on sale for $ ill give it a couple of weeks and I think by the end of October we'll start to see some realy good clearance again on the fall plants and fruit bushes... :D)

Tallie made frineds with the lady with the hose pipe, she was watering floers and tallie wanted a drink so she slowed the flow so tallie could have a drink, then tallie got to play in the "rain" from the shower head for a few mins to cool down and just essentially have a break from being so well behaved.

stopped for gas...she was abig hit with the guy nxt to us on his motorcycle...

then on the way home we made a 'lunch stop" in Henderson, there having their BBQ festival toay and last year the pork was REALY good and not all that expensive either. $4 got you a good full sandwhich and a can of soda. ran into some frines there so we hung out chatted and they bought my lunch so YAY winner!!! lol) and it was GOOD!
we wanered up and own the steet afrew times, more craft folks there this year but not a huge event, Tallie was a hit...again she stayed close, fairly attentive, a few things she wasn't sure about but with a little encoragment she kept walking with me...afew folks stopped and said hello and again she waited for me to give her the go ahead for the most part then would go over say hello get a few pets nd wa hen happy and content to walk away.

the ONLY time I hd issues getting her attention was when there was food involved (foodont he ground ect) but 'leave it" and a gentle tug as I kept moving and shed come with lol.
by the time we finnishe lunch she was getting tired...and about 15 mins after that she pretty much decided it was nap ime so I ended up carrying he rbakc to the car. now shes pretty much passed out besides me and im hoping shell be tired enough to not have an issue being in her crate this evening while im out. im going to give her a good meaty bone since she didn't have lunch and by the time I get home it'll be late for supper) and that plus toy should = a content puppy for the evening...I hope.

so yeah. 4pm already. im EXHAUSTED...not realy feling all too enthusiastic about going out tonight but I made this commitment a while back and im bringing desert so id feel bad canceling now...
so ill go and im sure once im there itll be nice.
should start gtting ready ride will be here at 5, need to get changed do something with my hair and get everyone fed before hand. (I find it easier to feed while its still light lol)
so yeah!

I will say this Tae it or Leave it attitude Tallie has with people is INCREDIBLY refreshing....
shes not standoffish like jasper or ruby, I don't have to worry about her (at least right now) being snippy or scared of strangers like jasper ad ruby are...
but im also not wrestling to eep her attention, stop he rform umping at people, running up to everyone or thining she NEEDS to say hi to every pasing human being likei was with dozer...
ill be honest, time in PUBLIC with him was not only emotionally exhausting from HAVING to say hi to EVERY person we met (remember I have SOCIAL nxiety and he has Social exhuberance) but physicaly exhausting frm having to hold an 80lbs solid muscle bully breed back from saying hi to everyone over enthusiastically (he was a jumper/huger/licker...) every time I took him out where there were people, he came home wound up and I came home ehuasted...walks were great jut me an him...but anywhere there were human distraction...

tallie I just have ot worry about fooddistraction and that one a fairly eays one ot work ith.
I need to make a treat bag to make it easier to keep treats on hand for redirection and I need to pick up a clicker that I can keep strapped to my wrist because words ut don't seem to make the actual behavour quick enough for her.

hoping to get her into the training class at petsmart next month so hopefully that'll also help along wih the work im doing at home.

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