Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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its CHILLY...actually inda feels like fall! lol. (mostly cause theres a dampess to the air today)
has my first bowl of oatmeal for the season (i don't like hot cerial when he weathers warm lol) so its officall fall is here...(yeah i know technically it arrived a few days back...but it hasn't ben "crips" enough to be fall yet LOL)

but yeah oatmeal and 2 cups of green tea this morning...snuggle time with the critters, a few dishes done...
heading to a friends for lunch later...

dropped the USDA lady an email (and will leave another voice mail) if nothing else i need to get he septic issue sorted BEFOR winter.
next step will be to get intouch with couty and state officials...cause this has been going o since may and im further away form getting things sorte than i was before.
it makes it even harer that i cannot rely on phone calls, everything REALY has to be done via email because i have no signal in my house...
but squeaky wheel right?!

otherwise not much going on right now...
trying to figure out what i need to get done over the next few months before winter kicks in.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
By the old calendar, fall started back at the beginning of August. It usually doesn't feel like fall until it's almost winter, which begins on Halloween, then spring on Groundhog Day, and summer on May Day (and that's why the summer solstice is called MidSummer- as in "A Midsummer's Night Dream")

I hope you can get your septic working before winter. Our septic tank died the True Death in the middle of winter. It was a real mess trying to dig it up and install a new one, and then dig a new leach field. The soil still hasn't really recovered from all the compaction when it was wet from snow.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well I got a CALL form the usda lady...
after specifically telling her to EMAIL me because I have NO CELL SIGNAL and no house phone she calls me...
then she emails me to tell me she called me and that I need to CALL her back...

so I just sent a new email "I cannot call as I do not have acess to a phone. email communication only." if THATS not easy enough to understand, NOTHING will be...
I mean I have to go aproximtly 1 mile down the street to get 2 bars...if I want 3 I practically have to get on the highway... and I don't get full signal until im in selmer or Jackson (aprox 30 miles)
ive told her this many times, but parently its not comprehensible...
either that or at least if she calls and doens tget a respoce she can say "but I TRIED" *sigh* anywho.

today has thus far been a "just go back tobed" kind of day.
stubbed my toe, hit my head, caught my finger in the door, asper ate half my breakfast, tallie got into the trash, slicd another finger on a cat food can when cleaning up the trash that tallie got into, and spilled my cup of tea (thankfully it wasn't overly hot) down my chest...

so im pretty sure its much too dangerous to do ANYTHING today...

its dreary and rainy and im frustrated and my fingers are sore and my head hurts..*pouts*

do have to start getting this place cleand up a little though...jutnot sure its safe to do so...might get killed by a vacume cleaner!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so apparently "communication via email" means "make me a random appointment at YOUR convenience without asking me"

emailed me back "too much to discus in email, ive made you an office appointment for 10am tomorrow..."

ok so first of ll, she knows its the end of the month and my money doens t go into my bank ccount until the 3rd...
she knows I live an hour (at 65mph) south of her office
she knows I have extreme social and general anxiety and agoraphobia making leaing my house on a GOOD day incredibly hard
she knows I am not only poor but WAY under the poverty line, so when I say moneys tight it doesn't mean "hey I have $25 to putin my gas tank laying around"

add to that thati have to be in selmer (about 30 mins from me in the OPPOSITE direction at 10:30 tomorrow for an appoitent that CANNOT be rescheualed...

so I emailed her back.
"well tht would be great ecept I havean appointment that cannot be rechedualed in selmer tomorrow at the same time...I also will not have ANY money available for gas until after the 4th and even that is an incredible inconvenience as, as you know, I do not go to Jackson unless I absolutely HAVE to and typically plan my entire day around getting everything done so I don't have to make multiple trips that far per month...I could probably get up there on the 4th despite the inconvenience but I may have to borrow gas money form a friend if my check hasn't cleared in time."

so we'll see what the response to that is...

I mean seriously WTF? you cant just say "well unless you pay the health dept for a repair letter and drawing we cant fix it so deal with it" (because that's the answer im expecting) via email?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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W.TN appointment for Monday the 7th at 10 am...
least that gives me time to get al my grocery and feed shopping done and know if theres anything I forgot...

I swear if I don't walk out of there with some good answers im going to be So seriously...*insert not so nice words here*
I wil be taking this to state reps if things don't start to get figured out soon.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well, after the day ive had im about ready to loose it and go rampaging with a .22...its a good job im short on bullets.

after my fiasco this morning, I manged to hurt my wrist, bang my head again and break my mug...
I was going to just curl up in bed but after a ltitle time online I didmanage to be somewhat productive, dishes washed, stove top clean, kitchen vacuumed...
then I think..hmmm
ill get an early start on dinner...
making sweet Italian sausage, sauce and spaghetti squash...ive neve had spaghetti sqush before...what could go wrong? lol
so out I go to the "pantry" hmm...the doors open a crack
I usually keep the door locked after having a few tools "walk away" but id been doing laundry and lost track of time..ut I know I closed the SURE of it...
go in and "hey wait whered that box of cerial go...then I realized BOTH boxes of cerial had vanished...and 6 cans of spaghetti sauce,and a bunch of cans of vegatables, and paper towels and a screwdriver and pliers, a bottle of diet soda and that's just the things that immediately caught my eye...


I haven't even checed to ee wht tweedle dumber took from the freezer but yes im about 99.99% positive that the neighbors took a little grocery shopping trip to my pantry...
im SO pissed off, I feel seriously violated right now...I mean...ive had thigns "wander away" before, but its stuff ive left out in the open (yes behind a fence but still in plain view) my own fault....
but this...this is FOOD from someone on a budget smaller than most people spend on groceries for week...from behind a CLOSED door (true not locked but they would have had to try the handle to know that)
even worse is yesterday when it went missing I had gone out with a friend so hadn't taken my own car...which means at least one of them is WATCHING to see when I leave rather than just seeing if the cars there...

get a gun...GOT ONE...and I make sure they know i never miss...
but little good does it do me if there smart enough to wait till I leave...

I just added 2 small padlocks to the front gate across the car-port, im going to have to be triply sure all my doors (inc my panrty) are locked (which as iff my anxiety and ocd wernt bad enough with locks now it sgot reason to go HEY OVERDRIVE!!! I check locks NORMALLY 3-5 times...already tonight ive checked the pantry door is locked 9 times...I know ill check it at least 3 more times when I take the dogs out for their bedtime potty break...
ive been trying to fight the ocd with locks, walking away after closing the door, not checing it more than much for THAT...
but what about windows? now my brain is going "they could pop off a screen" so im going t be going round closing winows whe im going out or going to bed...
already thinking about getting those security bars that pop into the run to keep the window from opening any more than a few inches...

tonight im realythinking of pending the next 12 months getting the house up to par...and selling up...even if I cant have my farm wherever I end up...

I DID call the police and filed a report of theft...when the lady heard the adrss she told me shed have an officer call back to take the report...
when the officer heard the address he asked if I lived neer *tweedle dumb an dumber* kinda sad when they know.
unfortunatly theres not much that can be one without proof but he did say if I need anything to call the station any time...

im now going to go an research security cameras (need something with a recording feature...preferably DVR or memory card because its hard to find VHS to tape onto these days)
im SOOO done with these idiots...and if I ever cat them in the act they'll find out how good I REALY am with that .22


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks guys.

I think id be LESS bothered if they'd stolen the microwave that's sat out in plain view...

they don't seem to relized they've messed with a crazy girl...and my long fuse has worn out!

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