Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah this was more kids still running round at 3am, someone working in the kitchen at 4:30, people up at 5am kind of sounds...
and the light definatly no curtains so once the sun started rising sleep time was over LOL!.

I was sooo happy to be in my own bed last night...
still a little tired now but my body just doesn't "catch up" itll take me a good week to feel normal again.

managed to get the garbage out for the garbage men this morning, so YAY there!
kitchen needs to be made less into a disaster zone today those are the plans for today along with a trip to my firneds house to check on their cats, and mabe a quick stop at the dollar general for oatmeal since im now all out of that. *sigh*
got some bills to get checks written and in the mail before Monday too.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so just applied for financing on a used mini cooper...
different dealership from the other car I was looking at, but the other car was a stick (cant drive stick for medical reasons (its actually a contingency on the license) so kept looking and found a nother dealership neer the Toyota that has a mini come in just the other day....
problem is they are a smaller company and don't have the financing options most places have and my income is low...(the smaller financing companies like a higher income obviously) but hes going to take a look into it and see what he can do for me, they've guaranteed me minimum trade on the current car at the same value Toyota offered me and hes going to get intoch with Toyota to find out who their finaicing company is since they did apriove me for financing...
so if we can keep the fingers and toes crossed.
this little mini has the same milage my car currently has, a couple years younger, auto gear box, v4 and minis get GREAT gas mialage, should cut my monthly gas budget in 1/2
its full inspection carfax included and has a 1 year 100K mile warrenty (I haven't put 100k on my car in 3 years so im pretty sure ill reach 1 year before hand lol.
from the pics it looks pristein so *fingers crossed*
the mini has been my dream car since I was LITTLE...and the price on this is lower than i was looking at for the yarris. so
PLEASE good vibes. Found out to replace tires breaks and rotors im looking at $1500 and the rear rotors need replacing yesterday there grinding something wicked and too shot to resurface. she also need s afull service and a new oil tank since they cant get the oil cap off (its completely stripped and cross threaded)...the oil tank would be another $500
so yeah...

this would be my birthday and Christmas gift to myself.

oh and im getting some English lops, frined of mine is selling up do to health and living situation, she offered me a great price on the lops AND i can take any and all cages, carriers and supplies that are left that i want...
so yeah hoping i can make a little money off the extra equiptment to make up the cost.
lost one of the 3 angora kits this morning, it got out of the nest box and got its foot stuck, another had joined it and was a ltitle chilly but seems ok, pulled some fur from her relined the nest, warmed baby number 2 up and put 2 and 3 back in the box once they were both warm. *fingers crossed* baby #2 isn't as strong as #3...:/

otherwise all is ok. kitty check in for the cats im sitting this morning, stopped at DG for oatmeal to avoid a walmart trip (it was dead in DG!) and then came home cleaned out my car and gave her a bit of a wash down...shes not prefect theres a few spots that need scrubbing and she needs vacuuming out, BUT she looks clean enough and tidy enough that it shouldn't be an automatic detraction from trade in value (im HOPING to get a little more than the guaranteed offer :p
trying to keep that monthly payment LOW.

otherwise nothing going on, waiting and hoping to hear something good form this dealership...
then will be going out to take a loot at this mini either this afternoon or tomorrow (probably tomorrow considering there almost 2 hours away)
once i get that sorted ive GOT to work on cleaning my kitchen.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've seen a few around here, and always get a thrill when I do.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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there only a v4 so I don't think id want to haul more than a couple hundered lbs in order to kep the fule efficiency up, probably 6 50lb bags would be my personal comfort level lol, BUT space wise, its a hatchback and the back seats fold flat, its got 24cuft with the seats down! (6cuft with the seats up) which is MORE space than I have in my sebring!)

I did get a call form the guy, the financing dept didn't call him back this afternoon, hes contacted a smaller local credit union that hes had good luck with in the past securing these kinds of loans and they seem to also have the best used car loan interest rates too...but they were so swamed today (probably lots of peple trying to take out loans for holiday purchases) that the guy at the union hasn't gotten back to him yet.

he apologized and of coruse they are closed over the weekend, hes going to drop me an email if the mini sells before Monday (got the fingers crossed it doesnt) and he said he doubt it will as its literally brand new on the lot as of Wednesday... and there wertn as many people out and about today as there usually is so hes expecting it to be a slow weekend, but he will email me if it sells, so I can keep looking...
we should know about the financing aspect on Monday so *fingers crossed*

ive loved minis ever since I was a kid, my mum had one, and there a car commonly used in the uk for demolition derbies because they take a beating and keep coming back, there also supposedly great in snow despite not being all wheel drive (there front wheel)
mabe its the quintisential british car thing that draws me to them, a little piece of home lol, but I do know there reliable and at aprox 32mpg highway miles...(im getting 19-21 right now on the highway) that's a HUGE difference.

feeling rather drained tonight, I think thanksgiving took a lot more out of me than expected.

since im not heading to see the car tomorrow I may try and go pick up some of that bunny stuff from my friend instead.
but we'll see.
didn't get the kitchen done either so that's "on the list" too, and I need to make a bank run either tomorrow or Monday with the deposit for one of the parrotlets.

right now though the plan is to put some turkey carrots and gravy in a single serve casserole dish top with stuffing and pop it in the oven to warm through. leftover casserole YUM!.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i have 3 bunnies heading to freezer camp likely tomorrow...
and today i added 3 buns. my frined is getting out of rabbits (and suddenly got VERY sick) so i bought her 3 English lops...
i also get to take everything that's left of her rabbit supplies, managed to get some stuff home today but going to need to either pull the clips off to flat pack, or borrow a truck to get the rest home, 3 Big cages, 4 smaller cages, a frame built carrier, a tote full of stuff, and a wooden hutch.
brought 4 smaller cages, and a bunch of carriers home today along with the 3 lops, will likely sell the smaller cages some of the carriers and the wooden hutch, the larger cages will get flat packed for future use...
im hoping to make enough off the cage to pay for the lops which were a real good deal.

otherwise not much going on today, realy do need to clean the house, so that's the plan for after lunch.
but right now my stomach is having all kinds of words with me and its primarily saying "FEED ME" so time for lunch.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Congrats! Doesn't it feel good to get a great deal like that? Only bad part is that your friend had to get sick...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thankfully shes in a good hospital that can hopefully get her back to healthy land!

lunch ive got to decide if i want to butcher the 3 male bunnies today, or if im going to wait until tomorrow and clean the house.

part of my says do the buns, get it over with and at least ill have meat for keira tomorrow (got quail for the lil dogs, but shes go through 6 of those buggers a day lol, and itll be weds before i get my butt up to Jackson for grocery shopping)
rabbits would probably give me 4-5 days worth of food for her.
butchering is certainly not my favorite chore :/
still no signs of nesting form any of the female rex either, so realy need to think long and hard about if im going to add some of the girls to the freezer or give them one more chance. they've got till next weekend though...just to be sure.

hoping tomorrow to find out about the financing for the car...
im currently also checking out other more local listings just in case this one falls through/has sold ect...

i know i want a hatchback of some kind for the added little bit of cargo ease...
if i could afford to run a truck that's what id get...something along the lines of a ranger...
but i need better gas milage than my sebring is getting me :/ and i doubt theres a single older model truck on the planet getting 20+ city lol

off i go again.
think im gonna check the weather if theres gonna be rain for the next few days im gonna get the buns done today.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I saw a Chevy Luv for sale on CL. You can't kill those little trucks, and mpg is outstanding....25+ best I recall. They are an older model. they quit making them in the 80's I think. The downside is they are only cute because they're so ugly ;) I'd drive the heck out of one myself :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
only problem is there all manual, I legally cant drive one (seizures) and I don't think id want to try over logner distances (Ive driven stick before, but my hands and feet get all discombobulated when im stressed...
I agree though, kinda cute in that "mother could love" sorta way lol.

haven't had any word back form the dealer with the mini on financing...I get it, first day back after a "holiday" weekend, but its now lunch time at minimum a short "hey im still working on it" email would surfice.

if I don't hear anything form them by this evening the Toyota dealer that had the prius has a Honda element in my price range, not what id call "cute" cars (though the pictures kinda growing on me) but apparently amother one of those "cant kill it" kinda vehicles. hose down interior, rubber mats, LOTS of cargo space. gas milage isn't quite mini standards but better than my current car by enough to make it worth it. mine gets 17/20 the element 20/24, mini 25/33
id much rather the mini obviously LOL!
other vehicles that seem easy to find locally that might be worth looking into is the pt-cruiser but at 19/24 its a little lower than the element, and not much better than my current...

but yeah the gravitational pull towards that mini is strong...
and I need to get this done asap...while my credit still likes me.

in other news, little-nothing going on today, and I realy should clean.

oh and I put some jingle bells on the back door...rying to teach the dogs to tell me when they need to go out intead of me taking them out and have everone stand there looking at me like im nutz lol...
today keira rang the bell on her own, I let her out and she whent potty!
*fingers crossed*
I swear this is the smartest dog ive known lol.