Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks guys, im totally smitten, even if the reality of another debt is setting in lol.
gonna have to be real tight with the spending money now lol.
but happy birthday-Christmas to me :p

more so though it means ive got a reliable car that doesn't eat my budget in gas every month. its not much in savings, but its something.
pretty much any spare pennies at the end of each month will go into paying off one of the debts. land loan to clear the front acre needs to go first...
then the credit cards, ive got my regular and the car credit which tallies bill whent onto. care credit balance is low with low interest that im planning on paying off in full once one of the parrotlets goes home.
the other parrotlet will pay for Christmas.

after that the belt gets frivolous spending and put every penny I have into reducing the debts.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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you know...
I get that people worry about me because they know how tight my budget is...
but I hate it when people who raly barely know you lecture you on how you spend said money.
someone got on my case about how dare I "claim" to be poor and go out and buy a "new" car...

I asked them, if they would have been willing to pay the $3200 repair bill to FIX my old car for me since it was technically Unsafe and probably wouldn't have lasted more than 2 months...(the axel was so shot that 1 good pothole would have cracked her!)
of course the answer was "well you could have got a loan for that...
firstly, thought about that, secondly, talked to the bank, thirdly interest rate would have been 7% on a personal loan over 2 years, my monthly payment would have been almost $200 a month for the next 2 years and the repairs would out value the car...
instead I traded my old car with lots of potentially dangerous issues, for 5% interest over 6 years at a monhly payment of a little over $150 a month...
hmm, lets see, WHICH was the better choice?! I WONDER?!

but these are the same folks who bitch that people on food stamps apparently buy steak and lobster...
or worse, SODA AND CHIPS! (I think it pisses them off more when EBT bennies are used on "junk food" hmm lets see, 1-2 small orangers or 1 huge bag of generic chips that can be split into 12 servings for their kids lunches...healthier option - 2 lunches...less healthy option at same price - 12 lunches...hmm...and they wonder why!
*shakes head*


took moonracer out for her first real day of chores, got up to Jackson and toped the tank up...ran around Jackson, got most of my groceries, got to my drs apt in town too, and then home unloaded then off to a friends in selmer to pick up some rabbit supplies (cargo space = about double what I would have fit in the sebring if not more!) came home and unloaded that.

total milage, 70 miles...the needle on the gas guage...didn't budge even a little! HOLY HECK! that would have easily been 3/4 tank of gas in the sebring.

tomorrow morning running back down to frineds to get some more of the cages...I think im going to need to make 2 trips to get everything that's left but well see....
theres 3 36" cages, 1 more 24" cage, a box of stuff, some drop pans, and a wooden hutch. the wooden hutch is going to be the biggest challenge and may end up simply not coming home.
got to take my screwdriver tomorrow anyway as theres one cage that's been screwed to some wooden legs, don't need the legs so im hoping I can simply unscrew the hutch lord knows ive put more than my fair share together in the past, never dismantled on though lol
hoping I can get at least the wire cages home tomorrow if not all of it. (even if I do have to make 2 trips lol)

once that's done and put away, ive got to gather end of the world supplies, which in my case is a couple gals gas for the genie, lighter/matches, charcoal briquettes and lighter fluid, will probably gather a couple flashlights Just in case, though I typically live by candlelight during outages.
got to charger the Nintendo DS and my cellphone though so ive got something to entertain myself with after dark lol.
also want to try to clear enough space under the carport for moonracer to sleep during the ice, little protective of the new baby lol, normally I wouldn't even think to mess that all that hassle, BUT at only about 8ft long...I shouldn't have to maneuver too much stuff to make room for her LOL

Friday weather supposed to be yucky so thatll likely be major house clean up day

and yeah.
realy hoping this yucky weather passes us right by.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Every time I check the forecast, it looks like they've changed it, so I'm not sure what all we're getting. Today's the last day for a few days that's supposed to be "nice", but it's supposed to be cloudy all day.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Well, here's what I say to folks who try to decide how you should spend your money and live your life --- :smack

Around our place we call it 'nunya'.... or translated to mean - "none ya bidness, poop head!"

I think you made a great decision and you've got a reliable, safe vehicle to drive. Some folks don't understand how much that means to a single lady... What(?) - they want you to break down in the middle of the night somewhere and haveta walk or wait it out in the car if you can't get in touch with someone? Geeze louise people!

Be safe in this upcoming mess o' weather!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pinky lou....people are gonna judge no matter what you do. Why? Because most folks are morons who think they know everything about everything including your situation and YOUR BUSINESS! Brush it off. I look pretty crazy going to buy baking goods when I can't make my house payment too, but guess what...I'll have more money in the long run. So what if someone has to wait a bit longer for theirs?! We have to take risks in this life. You took the better one getting that car than if you'd gotten the other fixed. I'm taking the better option too. Let em eat fish heads!(I'm not even sure what that means myself but daddy used to say it when somebody got in his business...and it's kinda funny)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, see that's why i vent here ou guys get it...
sometimes you HAVE to take a downslide to get yourself in a better spot for the future!!!
i think that's what makes us so strong... the ability to see potential and know which risks we can handle and which we cant!

got up early-ish this morning, made a run to A's house for more bunny cages, got back, unloaded and made another run to A's to get the last of the cages.
i think i got everything! lol.
now gotta get pictures and get everything listed.
right now out of the deal i got 4 24x15 cages, 3 24x24 cages, 2 30x24 cages, and a 36x24 cage. a little house shaped cage about 24x15, 4 or 5 different llarger carriers, 1 small one, a wooden hutch and a various arra of bottle sfeeders ect.
hoping i can make off the cages what i spent on the 3 lops and call it an even break! that would be AWESOME.

once i got that stuff unloaded i hauled the 2 last bales of straw down to the goat house, shoveled her out, fixed one of the doors (so at least theres a little more wind break on one side) and then bedded down with all fresh bedding.
they got their hay bags refilled (something ive een planning to do for the last 2 days.)
bunnies got fed and fresh water and lots of extra hay, they'll get another couple handfuls each before bed too to make sure they've not only got food to keep the engines burning but to huddle down in. rain sheets (heavy tarps) are down too, its dame and chilly today so i figured cant hurt to cover them now so i don't forget before it gts dark.

then had lunch...
and just now cleared what i think should be enough space to pull MR under the carport before the ice comes in.

now gonna sit for a few mins and then take a quick cabinate check, may need to make a quick run up to Henderson to pick up some "emergency" supplies (a box of matches, mine apparently got damp *shakes head* and some no cook options for food as a just in case.

then once that's all done im probably going to spend the reast of the afternoon being lazy i think ive gone enough this morning to make up for it LOL! starting to clean this house! its a MESS!

oh and as a side down 1/4 a tank...
125miles in the past 24 hours...
that's an average of JUST under 39 miles per gallon! :celebrate
(i was getting 17/19)


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
A little number crunching... If your old car was getting 19 miles a gallon and the new one is getting 39, that's 20 miles more for every gallon of gas. If you take the average of 1000 miles per month, and use $3.50 a gallon for gas (that's ours as of yesterday)- I come up with a savings of about $94 a month in gas. Extend that over the 5 year loan and you get a total savings of $5700 (not factoring the increase in gas prices over the next 5 years). I suspect that more than covers the difference between fixing the old car and getting a new one, don't you?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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your absolutely right!!! I didn't even thing to do the gas savings but yes the difference is huge...
not that I do much driving, but still those gallons add up...and quickly.

well found another rbox of matches, and im well stocked so no store run (thank goodness sooo not feeling up to it right now lol)
so I just whent and pulled MR under the car port and locked her up. :)

waiting for my camera battery to charge then I gonna run out real quick and take a couple pictures of the 2 angora baby buns so I can get their listing updated.

ive placed listings for all the buns I need to move on out...added the cages into the fees and a price without cages.
fingers crossed. gonna give it a week then advertise any cages that haven't sold seperatly.
right now though its damp and the temps are dropping (and its actually kinda chilly...)
and keira is ringing the bell to go out so im gonna go let her out and get those pictures done then IM done for the night...thinking hot shower...jammies...mabe a silly movie. quail and mashed sweetpotato is on the menu for tonight but its a while till dinner.
so mabe even a mug of hot cocoa before then :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well this morning is cold and WET
just got the buckets filled and the buns fed and sorted...everyone seems quite comfortable so im not too worried about them
right now the temps are hovering just too high to freeze
radars saying well probably get the temps dropping right around lunchtime with freezing rain for the afternoon...but then after 3 pm the precip chances taper off some...*heres to hoping*
it doesn't effect me all that much, I just don't go out when the weathers bad, but id still prefer to not have ice to contend with lol.

plan for today, not much honestly, probably work on getting the bedrooms cleaned.