Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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sage would love it...
moon racer probably not so much LOL

today was a rough day...
I cant find my phone...its in the house somewhere and I KNOW the battery is dead, but who knows where the hell that's gone...
and the mouse on my new computer stopped working, thankfully I had a trackball mouse that I managed to get working, used that to regian control uninstalled and reinstalled the mouse drivers and it SEEMS to be back...*fingers crossed*
and then I had a roach scuttle across my foot *shudder*
theres very little I hate more than roaches...and I do everything I can to kep them away, I don't leave food out, I keep the dishes washed, I don't keep the trash can full, I don't fry foods (I know thye love grease), but still...*sigh*its dead now...I sprayed it with some roach killer, and am hoping it sends a strong message to its buddies...I seriously thought about jamming a toothpick through it with a sign "beware" and placing it outside the front door as a warning to the rest of them...

pizza for supper,
fought the cat off as she tried to steal it out of the toaster oven...*rolls eyes*
this is after she brought me a squirrel (as big as her) and then after I told her thanks she proceded to EAT it...she leaves the head and tail usually but seriously your still hungry enough to steal pizza out of the oven after a late lunch of grey squirrel!? wow little kitty (shes only 5lbs full grown!)

I did manage to spend some time with the parrotlets and they wernt nearly as skittish as id thought theyd be given I realy haven't handled them at all in the past week or so.
yellow goes home Friday, white Saturday so that's good.
got some gift cards for my birthday form the momma and brother...from what momma said ill likely have more coming so im going to save them for now and see how much I end up with...theres not much I need, other than a new stand for my tom I may end up saving it until I move in with the parents and use it then...
birthdays on Saturday.
Probably going to go see the Hobbit on sunday and treat myself to dinner out if none of my frineds offer...Saturday im hanging out with frineds for a none birthday event, so least I wont be home alone :)

and yeah, that's about all I got for the daily update, nothing exciting, its cold, was at least sunny today but still cold.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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You lost me totally at pizza....I am SOOOOO cravin it!! But see I has no cheeses at the moment lol! And pizza aint right without cheeses!!!! I hope you find ur phone!!

I SOOOO would haul that pig to your place fem if we could afford the fuel right now!! We gotta meet in the middle or something one day and act a plum fool for a little while :D


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Woo hoo - pig party! Where IS da middle of Tennessee and Texas? I gotta look that up! Actually, DH's brother lives somewhere in Tennessee. If'n we get up there this spring/summer and ya'll are anywhere close - I'd looooove to have a rendevous!

Pink - did ya find your phone? I HATE, HATE, HATE it when I lose mine... Mind starts racing.. when did I use it last...what if somebody finds it...what kinda pictures are on it (lol) just kidding! I'd have to tell somebody that my phone is the one with all the pics of goats, chickens and critters on it.

OMG - I hate roaches too. I'm not scared of hardly anything - but have a roach running around somewhere and I turn in to a screeching little girl. I can't even step on 'em... they pop... and that's just GROSS! We have some bushes in the front of the house and everytime DH trims 'em he blows the trimmings up underneath 'em so they can mulch down. At least that's his excuse, I think it's jsut cuz he doesn't wanna rake 'em up and haul 'em back to the goats.... But, anyway - for a couple days after he does that I see a couple of those big fat tree roaches crawl under the front door. I'm a'screaming - standing up on the couch - and DH is stomping across the room after 'em and then I go from screamin to laughing hysterically (after he squishes it anyway) It's crazy times at our house.

But, the one time we had a snake in the house - he was the one acting like a little girl while I picked it up and tossed it outside! Good times, I tell ya!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, well you guys figure out your meeting and if ive still got piggywiggy when that time comes LOL!
but be warned, she things shes a goat-dog rather than a pig lol. she demands ear scritches and tummy rubs...and peanut butter sammiches!

honestly if it wernt for how large she is shed be the easiest one to actually take with me, and its not out of the question, shed just need a health certificate, no bloodwork, no vaccines, no nothing...the goats however, I swear that's like trying to import stolen paintings! WTF!?

please keep the fingers crossed, got an email at somepoint lastnight/this morning from someone interested in the 2 young male much as meat in the freezer is nice, cash in the pocket is nicer, thye want both boys the wooden hutch and some cages (im assuming a cage ofr each of the kids bedrooms and athe hutch for outside time?! lol.)
cuts my numbers by 2 and the cash would almost completely pay for the investment for the English lops.

not much going on though.
got a drs appointment in a little while, psych, routein...
then commign home and gonna get some cleaning done. (got people coming over the next few days for birds and hopefully bunnies and the house is a MESS!)
plush its trash day tomorrow...litterboxes definatlyneed doing too.
got to spend some time with the birdies again today, and still need to tend buns (waiting til it warms a little hosepipe is frozen so thatll get done when I get back from the doctor.)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I used to be an outlaw when crossing state lines to show my goats. Now, I did have the mandatory health certificate because I needed those for the shows. I was just always in too much of a hurry to stop for inspection. I figured if they caught me I could just play dumb. Helped that my trailer didn't look exactly like a livestock trailer too... it was mostly closed in with a bunch of vents cuz most of the goat shows were early spring or late fall and I worried more about keeping 'em warm while traveling instead of cool. For summer travel, just open the vents and keep moving - worked well enough.

Fingers crossed :fl that you sell bunnies and cages!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ive thought about "sneaking" them in via uhaul...but then I worry if I got caught id be in serious creekville!
theres so many blood tests required for the goats, its insane!

therapist apt whent well, they added something to help me sleep since im having some issues there.
weight is now about 30lbs from my goal rather than back on the wagon...gonna start writing everything down and zumbaing when its too cold for walks ect...cant belive it! :/
stupid winter food hoarding, I need to remember im not a bear, I do NOT need to hoard starches to see me through the winter.
anywho, talked to her about the move and she thinks its the best bet for me to regain control over my life. so yeah.

got done there, came home had a sammich for lunch and now letting that digest before I go out to tend bunnies, then come back in and clean the house.
I realy dislike cleaning lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Regulations may have changed since I stopped showing about a dozen years ago... the time all we were required to have was a health certificate issued by a Vet and that the animals be identifiable by ear tag (nope), tattoo, or implant.... No blood tests at all. All they were interested in was being able to identify an animal if there was an outbreak of anything... Friends of mine did stop at state lines and presented all their paperwork and were given barely a 'look-see' at the papers, and NO ONE ever did more than count the animals in the trailer to see if they matched the number of animals on the health certificate. I only traveled between Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana - maybe things are different in different states.

I was never stopped and never checked, but I've become a chicken since then and would probably follow all requirements now!

Have fun housecleaning - ugh!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, bunnies are done, still procrastinating LOL!

yeah now, for the goats at least to get into nj they need to be CL, CAE, jhones and brucellosis checked, lymes checked rabies vaccinated and a health cert...
the pig would just need a health cert and a tat...
I swear its insane!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pink, I've hauled horses from PA to NJ and have never once been stopped and asked for any type of certificate-I haven't even been asked for a Coggins, and you're supposed to have one to bring in a horse.

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