Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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damp and grey but at least the ice is melting
kitchen ceiling dripped most of the overnight and a new little hole appeared at some point, (kinda looks like a giant vampire bit my ceiling lol)
but otherwise eveyrhitng is fine and I didn't have to thaw water bottles this morning so YAY! lol.

going out with frineds a little later, only because they are driving...need to see if they'll make a quick stop at wallyworld so I can grab a pack of chicken for the dogs.

been doing some math and I think im going to have to switch back to dry dog food, its costing me about double per month what it would to feed a good quality dry (not the best quality dry but good) and I figure I can add in a raw day once a week as long as I don't free feed the kibble. the raw day will help witht he cleaning of the teeth issue and i can use an even cheaper source (chicken backs) for that aspect, theres just not enough meat on them to be a 100% raw diet)
hate to do a complete back to dry after seeing the benefits with the little guys teeth on raw. so it definatly wont be a 100% dry...
but a $35 bag of dog food should last 1 1/2 months...that's $a little less than $25 per opposed to $45 per month for the cheap chicken quarters, that adds up, and even if i add in a raw meal per week, im still looking at only $30 a month. and that $15 that could go towards paying off one of the debts.

so yeah...i think that's the plan...
its ot like its a junky dry food corn, no wheet no soy...chicken as the first ingredient...(or pay an extra $2 and go lamb and see if that helps jaspers skin...)

anywho...just turned the fire up to medium, gone chilly in the house...
and gonna go finnish some stuff up before heding out.
got rain forcasted for the afternoonbut form the looks of the radar it'll likely just skirt us/be light so *fingers crossed*
and the next few days are supposed to be sunny!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I need some sun!!! If we get any extra deer, I'll send some your way for the doggies!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sounds like a plan, Pink! If you're getting plenty of eggs (even quail eggs) you could do a rice and egg day. Wouldn't do as a full-time food, but it's cheap and my guys loooove it! It's kind of my 'go-to' meal when I run out of raw.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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picked up dog food today back to my go to (diamond naturals) I hate the rest of the diamond line, nothing but junk...but the naturals line is good, no corn, no soy, no wheet, and since ruby has been having some eye weepage on chicken I whent with beef since they didn't have the lamb in. shes done very well with raw beef in the past, but its sooo expensive, however the beef was cheaper than the lamb so we'll see.
got a 10lb bag of chicken 1/4s to divide up, and they'll continue to get a once a week fish and egg meal too...
and any additional deer coming in and ive still got to go through the freezer :)
I figure gotta get that stuff done either way since ill need it comepltly emptied before moving date.
im going to sell the chest freezer, I don't think shed make another long trip lol. (and mum and dad have a chest freezer and upright freezer and 2 SPARE fridge/freezers lol.

also picked up rabbit, chicken, goat and pig feed today so that should be done for the month too.
and I used my birthday breakfast coupon to get lunch at IHOP while in town.
still got another one from perkins I can use next time I go up to Jackson lol.

got home and had a blood sugar episode that keira once again alerted to so, im pretty sure we can consider it NOT a fluke at this point. lol.
shes alerting when my sugar hits the 53-55 range...I don't start feeling symptoms until the 49-50 range that's a good few mins (about 10 mins) in which I can sit, grab a snack and get my sugar up BEFORE I get funky feeling.
so ill be ordering her service dog in training patch at some point in the next few days and we'll realy start work...
her alert response has been consistent every time too, whining and repetitive nudging.

I did also manage to get my Christmas shopping done today so YAY!.
Dads getting a a fly fishing reel...sisters getting a moie she wanted, brothers getting a game, and mother...whos a pain in the but to shop for, is getting a gourd and a charm bracelet.
we got my sister a Pandora for graduation a few years back and its been great, so easy to buy a bead here or there.
and I bought myself a fake one with my Christmas money last year
so now mum has one...I also got her a Mother charm and a shimmery star charm that matches my shimmer star.

so ive got to get the bracelet and gourd wrapped boxed and shipped off...
and the other stuff id addressed to momma via amazon...
least that's DONE.
im broke again between the gifts and feed, but Christmas and critters are taken care of lol.

Got word from the family today that mum got her Christmas gift early. they picked up their new German Sheperd Puppy today. shes adorable from what little I saw of her, and keira is going to love having a "her sized" playmate to run around the yard with when we get there. (this girl will actually weigh a lot more than keira, expecting around the 100lb mark, but keira wil likely still be a little taller overall)

and yeah.
that's about all I got.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
reading is apparently hard...
placed an add for some of the livestock...

add for pig...
Blah blah blah old spot gilt
aprox 200+lbs
very friendly...
blah blah blah

more info in add goes here

pick up only, Finger TN

first post/question
Where are you?

me, listed at bottom of add, but Finger TN
(add zip code)
response "how much on the Gilt?"

*blink Blink*
i responced "nicely" with "250"

GAH! i don't get how hard that would can be to understand! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Q. Where are you?

A. In my livingroom talking to an illiterate person on the internet.

Q. How much for the _______?

A. How much do you have? or How much do you want to know? or How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Make them entertain you if they're gonna waste your time!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
lol, nice one sis!!!

no response after posting the price (again) mabe he thought the first time was a typo...apparently everyone around here wants pigs ar 10cents per lb...
SOOO not happening!

not sure what todays gonna bring, right now its cold and I still need to go tend bunnies and fill water bottles, which im going to have to bring all the way inside to do because my hose head squirty thing broke yesterday and I couldn't find a new one at wallyworld thanks to end of season. I should have gone to lowes but I didn't so...silly me.

what I do know is today definatly needs to bring:
tending the bunnies
spending time with the baby parrotlets (got 1 leaving Friday the other Saturday morning)
starting to get some cleaning done in this house, the bedroom looks like a clothes-nado came through and ate my closet! lol.

been testing my blood sugar since yesterday to get a good baseline for the hypoglycemia...
seems my "normal" is 92 so its low compared to the average person but about normal for a gastric bypass patient.
knowing this gives me a starting point when im feeling yicky and test...
finger will be much happier now I wont be doing that every few hours.
because im not diabetic (theres no UP, just DOWN lol) ill only have to test "as needed" more as reinforcement to find out how bad I am and how much I need to eat to get be back to my normal zone.

and yeah, that's about all I got.
not quite awake this morning, could definatly go back to bed.
its times like this I WISH my intestines liked coffee....but they don't :/


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Geeze, it's a shame you don't live closer - I'd love a GOS...meetcha halfway? Think she'd like a ride in the back of MoonRacer????
